Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustang

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Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Wow, Brook,I said the same thing when I got to the rocking chair part!! :lol:

I voted for live Sara, live, because that is the MOST important thing right now, but I would have absolutely voted for an 'all of the above' category. I want her to live, I want him to find her, they kiss, they get on the helicopter and fly off into the sunset together, he holds her hand as she lies in the hospital bed, he flashes back in his mind to the rocking chair scene (just seeing if you were paying attention :devil:), she wakes they exchange I love yous, and the others walk in on it with great big smiles on their faces. (Except Ecklie, who is incapable of smiling, and who wants to see him anyway?).

Ahhhh, Geek Love. I want to get a cat just to name him Figaro now. ;)

As for the countdown, unbelievable as it is, we only have...
Two days, 20 hours, and 58 minutes. or 68 hours and 58 min.
Let's see, that's 4138 minutes, and since Brook started it, that's 248,280 seconds!!!!!!! :eek:
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Hey Casa readers, I've heard there are actually 15 chapters. Under & Beneath are prologs & Home For The Holidays is set after the 11 Casa chapters. I haven't found the other yet. I've read about half of the other GSR stories that cincoflex has written & they are all good.
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

You forgot the 'e' on the end of my name! lol, funny story, when I was in grade 1 or 2, I Insisted that it was spelt Brook, instead of how it actually is; Brooke. But I got over that and now I would never go without the 'e'.

My two cats at my mom's house have a brother that lives near us. His name is Figaro.

Yeah, there are the prequels and stuff, but there are 11 of the actual casa ones. You know, I used to think Casa Caliente was a person. I laughed so hard when I found out what it really was.

GSR has turned me into a total crybaby! I was reading the halloween casa, and the part where Grissom showed Sara the note that was in his wallet made me cry.

I don't know what I'm going to do once the premiere is over, I won't have anything left to look forward to!
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Well, Brooke no one knows for sure, but they've been in bed together twice, that the writers have showed us! so it kinda of adds up.. but we don't know who's place it is her's or his

Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Only 2 more days! :) For you that is...*sulks*

:lol: at saraXsullivan: Great idea for a party! I've been thinking about something similar for Halloween.

Good luck desert in your hunt for the cast members of CSI. Hope you'll find Jorja! Or maybe they are keeping her hidden just to blow us off.

I voted for 'Sara alive'. It is the main priority here. While I think it would be awfully nice to have an ending scene in the hospital with Grissom sitting next to Sara's bed, but I can have an ending with them finding her in the desert too.

Also, a kiss would make my shippy little insides go kaboom, but I think that it would easily get lost in an action-packed episode like this. I do not think Grissom would upon finding her, throw himself around her neck and seal their pure, oure love with a kiss. I can see handholding, but not so much kissing unfortnantely.

And I want a timeline! So that one is probably in second place. can see us getting it somewhere in the first episodes of the season.

And I'm off to school...oh noez.

What? She's not under the car? Well, the thought had hit me, but I didn't actually think that much about it. So what does that mean? That she is buried under another car they haven't found yet, or that she's managed to crawl out and is currently lost somewhere in the vast, depressing desert?
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

BrookeSidle about them living together.
They show them in bed twice although we don't knwo who's house.
They have a dog in one scene.
Plus in "Happenstance" Sara say she won't wait up and in the shot it looks like they are in one of their homes.
If they are not living together per se, they are spending a lot of time at each other places.

So as long as Sara lives. The writers had better give us the
i loveyou, kiss, timeline, and tell us more aobut Sara's past so it can create more wonderful GSR moments.
IF they do that they can still have tension but be happy together, plus i don,t think Sara ever fully dealt with it and it would createa great journey for both of them.

Remember CSI is suspense in the tradition of Hitchcock and a mystery in the tradition of Sherlock Holmes and Arthurian romance. So of course they are making us wait and pulling our heartstrings.
Plus the show was designed to be like a novel. We are getting to the meat of the book and hopefully it just keeps getting better from here!
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

kk, did i miss the rocking chair part? where was it?
i read under and beneath, and i'll have to remember home for the holidays

i'm not sure if they officially live together, but if it's not "official" then i think they are pretty damn close to it!! you know, as close as you can get to living together w/out actually having joint ownerships on a home!

i'm thinking maybe, just maybe, we'll get a kiss at teh very end, or something mushy, when everything's kind of calmed down. probably in a hopsital after everyone's said "hang in there girl" and "so glad you're okay" and 'if you need anything, just call" and "he really loves you, girl"
u know, all that jazz...then the geeks'll be left alone, and they'll stare at each other and sparks'll fly in whatever way....

*sigh*...can't freaking wait!
p.s. reiterating the afore mentioned confusion, where was the rocking chair part?
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

the rocking chair bit in in a GSR fanfic. I think by cinoflex.
I am not sure i can say the name of the fanic in this forum
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down..But Not With a Mustang

Ok ya'll. I've officially lost it. Don't believe me? Ask Adz about my spew about the Geico Gecko and a picnic in the desert. Seriously. I've lost it.

I just want Sara alive. That seems to be majority vote... personally, I can wait for kisses and snogging and murmured I love yous.

I'd love to see a timeline and all the loverliness that goes with it - but I CAN WAIT. I also wish that my apartment wouldn't randomly steal my packs of gum. I live alone... I set a pack of gum down and come back the next day and it's gone. I think my apartment is haunted by a gum stealing ghost. wtf.

As for what I'd like to see when Sara is rescued (heeeellllooo optimism) is Grissom holding her hand. Perhaps planting his lips on her forehead. Maybe a inappropriate 'I'm trying to be funny' from Sara and a gasped not really a laugh but more like a gulp from Grissom as he clutches at her hand. But somehow I don't see that happening. Because it's ridiculous. lol.

We're getting down to the wire here people. My sister will be here at 5pm on Thursday. We shall consume large quantities of alcohol and pizza. It's her birthday. Go her. And I'm tired and totally not making any sense. I'll go now.

That is all.


They show them in bed twice although we don't knwo who's house.
I'm fairly certain that they were different beds. The one in LL looked considerably larger then the one in WtG. And the decor looked different. And where'd the bathroom go? Who knows. I think LL was *probably* more likely 'their' place then WtG. I could be wrong. Am probably wrong. Eh.

kk, did i miss the rocking chair part? where was it?
The Rocking Chair comes from the Casa Series. Smack in the middle... "Casa Caliente 6: Gifted" The fourth Chapter. I think. Goodness this makes me seem uber obsessive. If you'd like the link PM me and I'll send it to you. Otherwise, I can't post it because, as we all know, it is NOT rated PG-13. xD

ok NOW -

That is all.
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan answer your question..i was reading an interveiw with Carol Mendelson and Naren Shankar (i forget where but ill try and find it and post it here) this was just after Leapin Lizards aired, and the interviewer was talking about GSR in this episode and in reply to the bedroom seen her exact words were... "Well it isn't really Grissom's room" (cause thats the room they were in in Way to Go.) "and it isn't really Sara's room.." to me thats implying that its both of their room. also she said it isnt grissom's room..but he has an office and his dog there. :)
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

I recon Jorja won't show up in Vegas to film until after the premier (or whenever they let us know she's OK, which IMO will be the second ep. I think they're gonna screw us for one more week). If she was filming there today it would kinda blow the big secret.

And I believe in Casa after the chair makes its appearence in the Thanksgiving chapter they buy thier own for the Casa.

Also IMO the first bedroom scene was at Sara's apartment & the second bedroom scene is at Griss's townhouse after Sara's moved in. Look at the bricks on the exterior walls, they look like what we saw of his place in The Strip Strangler & Burden of Proof. Only now we have some color & decorating (from Sara?).
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

I agree I think the LL scene of them it is their place whether they bought a new one or Sara moved into Grissom's townhouse. It really looks like a blend and that bed is huge and the dog really added to the atmosphere that it was a HOME for a family not someone's apartment.
Sara has got to live or I will hunt down CBS for ruining my birthday which is Sept. 28.

GSR Rules and CSI rocks in that order!
Go Team SO!!!!!
The show would just never be the same without her.
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

okay, i haven't made it that far in the story yet.
and jorjafoxfan... did they really say that?? that makes me excited. i dind't know that. i guess they are living together...sweet!!
GSR Rules and CSI rocks in that order!
Go Team SO!!!!!
The show would just never be the same without her.

casa is addictive, that's all i could think about today just about. (of course the premiere and sara and gsr are forever in the forefront of my mind these days!) i wish i could just sit here and read and read and read
then watch the premiere, then talk it to death, then when things slow down, read again until i finish!!!
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

GSRfanatic25 I say AMEN to your getting to read read and watch the premiere and talk about it until everything is as it should be.
Sara alive and Grissom finalllllllyyyyy proclaiming his love.
i agree casa is addicting i have read it twice
have you read halfway to the moon?
It is great :) :D
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Thanks Elin and sidlewannabee for your support, I did go by the Planet Hollywood after work, and one change girl told me that they had the whole casino section taped off, while they were filming,[yesterday] and she, who works [Linda] there, couldn't get near. I posted an article in the Las Vegas thread about it, no one knows who's there, and no one's seen anybody, of the employees I've spoken with their like phantoms :( :( bummer huh?......... and I don't think TPTB, would put this great #1 show in that kind of jeopardy, with losing her, maybe Natalie's stashed her somewhere , and this whole scene we saw in "LIVING DOLL" was all in her warped brain :confused:

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