Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustang

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Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Adzix said:
I get what you're saying Adz. But I find it hard to believe that Grissom could NOT love his mom ya know? Maybe it was hard for him to express it because she was deaf? I dunno. ::shrugs::
oh no no, this is not what i meant at all. what i was trying to say is that he absolutely DID love his mom, but in LD mentioned only sara b/c Mrs Grissom probably died, and Sara was the only one left in his life.

anyway, i think we're trying to find too much meaning in the details that won't be mentioned anymore anyway.

lately i'm being extremely impatient with the premiere. it's really hard for me to stay spoiler free right now. i think i'm having the hardest time since WTG *sigh*

Haha. Wow, I'm a little slow. :lol:

I GET it now! :lol:

And yeah, I definately wasn't spoiled for WtG. Mainly because life got in the way and I had to leave here for about a year or so...

When I saw that scene, I freaking FREAKED. I squeed SO loud and hard the next day I couldn't speak. I had to scream into the pillow because it was 10 at night and I live in an apartment complex and my mom was afraid they were going to call the cops for Domestic Disturbance. :lol:

But anyway...::sigh:: Yes, I too am getting antsy for the premiere myself. As it gets closer, I'm SLOWLY losing my sanity. I think the best part of it all is that after Thursday, it'll be the home stretch. Then it'll REALLY hit hard.

I have NEVER been asked "Who's Sara?" So many times in my life during a short period of time. I've been pimping the premiere my own way in wearing my "Save Sara!" shirts. I was asked at two Starbuck's I went to, a grocery store, and even the MALL. Craziness. I tell you. CRAZINESS.

I asked my boss for next Thursday off because I don't think I'll be able to FUNCTION that day with all the excitement. We BETTER get some good dose of GSR...that is...IF she doesn't die...which SHE won't...because I'm SO. And IF she lives, they BETTER give us the best damn dose of GSR this world has EVER seen after all the friggin' crapfest she's had to go through.

Alright, wow. This post got longer than I intended...
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

I know this discussion is kind of over, but I just wanted to put my two cents in, or whatever. In WTG, I think she meant that she wasn't ready to say goodbye to the people SHE loves, a.k.a. Grissom. I think maybe she didn't even really realise that it sounded like she was assuming he loved her. Sometimes someone says something and you think of something to say back before they finish their sentence and you either miss the rest of what they said, or you came up with a witty line and you just HAVE to say it.

I was also watching Eleven Angry Jurors, Butterflied and Leapin Lizards and I noticed something interesting in EAJ. There's a scene in the hallway when Sara's talking to Grissom about the case and he says "the risk isn't worth the reward". Doesn't that make you think of a certain Butterflied speech? I mean, I know EAJ aired before it, but it's still interesting.

Hey, GSRfanatic, I know a site where you can watch the episodes, do you want to know it? I can PM you with the address if you want.
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

I asked my boss for next Thursday off because I don't think I'll be able to FUNCTION that day with all the excitement. We BETTER get some good dose of GSR...that is...IF she doesn't die...which SHE won't...because I'm SO. And IF she lives, they BETTER give us the best damn dose of GSR this world has EVER seen after all the friggin' crapfest she's had to go through.
i second that and third it and so on ... i hope tptb are listening!

and brookesidle if it's something other than innertube, sure, i'd love it. i've seen almost all of them, just a few missing. but i can get the general idea from all my web surfing!!

you know, i'm really in a bad way school wise... i spend so much time on here and watching csi and reading fanfics, that my schoolwork is slipping through the cracks... it's on lyt the third week and i feel like ... it's hopeless...

i dunno what i'm trying to say, i'm sleep deprived. school just isn't important anymore. it's sad, but i think right now csi and gsr keep me sane. they're my escape from the crap shoot called my life...

my drug

9 days or something, right?
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Wow, I feel, like, exactly the same way. Except, my schoolwork doesn't really suffer. I just rush through it and then go watch CSI or come on here to talk about it. Somehow, I still manage to get pretty good grades. Today in PE I was just so tired that I felt like I was going to drop dead. So I thought about Jorja, Sara, GSR and the premiere. It cheered me up right good and I got a sudden burst of energy. So whenever you're feeling down, just picture Sara and Grissom kissing, that should do the trick.

I'm not exactly sure what innertube is, so I'll PM you with the address anyway.
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Sorry to be such a lurker of late. It's a tremendously busy time of year for young academics: I'm pushing out articles, applying for professorships and postdocs, and generally not sleeping and feeling grumpy. One of my few respites is coming on to this board (and to the one other board I like to visit) and feasting myself on the upcoming excitement for the premiere. I am so glad I have gone spoiler-free for this. It has, if anything, ratcheted up my pre-premiere giddiness.

I will, however, be extraordinarily glum if we lose GSR (to death or resignation or getting stuck in the subplot basement). How am I going to make it through the next five months of interviewing, writing, and, lest I forget, working, without a little GSR to lighten my week? TPTB, if you want me to prosper as an academic and teach America's future and all that ballyhoo, then preserve GSR! Really, it's the only ship I have. *whimpers*

I am, right now, feeling sanguine about Sara's survival. I think we're going to get the mitigatedly mushy resolution we've all been fantasizing and daydreaming about this summer. (Come on! You know you think about it before you fall asleep at night!) Maybe that's just the sleep deprivation talking.

I would, in addition to the GSR-moment-to-beat-all-GSR-moments, like to see a bit more of Natalie's motivation explored. But, perhaps, some of the best correspondences between the two are left at the level of analogy and metaphor. Yes, they are both detail-oriented, love-hungry products of the fostering system who seem to seek love in "inappropriate places." But perhaps it is better to just have that percolating in the background then anviliciously shoving it into the foreground.

And then, there is my favorite, inexplicable, somewhat creepy metaphor that takes us back to the butterfly motif. Does anyone else find it strangely resonant that Sara has been "pinned down," rather as bugs and butterflies are wont to be in collections (like Grissom's)? Perhaps there is some commentary here on the fragility and elusive nature of "beauty" (another recurrent term!) and love, of the double-edged sword of preservation that tends to kill in order to save or possess?

Okay, back to lurking.
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Well, girls so your school work.. get it out of the way... and than.... come on here..[mom speaking] I'm not in school, but get up and deal with crap from my job, wait till you have to do that :mad: and it is fun to come on here, and all have the same common interest.. our beautiful couple.. and they better do something for us that's positive, or I'll have to have a serious talk with the writers ~~ are you listening~~ Ms. Mendohsohn? I watched the bedroom scene again in "LL" damn he look's hot in jeans :p so this one's for you girls!

Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Yes, he does. Especially from the back :lol:

I can't believe it. We are down to single digit days!!! 9 more to go!! C'mon Sara, hold on a little longer for us and your beloved bug man!!
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

LadyDisdain, your post was so eloquent. I just had to comment on it. You sound like a writer, but you said you're going to teach? Even sleep deprived, I felt like I was reading a really good novel. Helped me brush up on my vocab, too, damn them's a lot of big words. lol
And desert, I might have to start calling you momma. I know I need to do my work before I get on here, but this (as well as other CSI related pasttimes) is so much more interesting... and comprehendable than converting moles or reading about who shot who and why in US history!
I"m a procrastinator by nature, so my lovely addiction to CSI and GSR are just fuel to the fire.
Lady, too, I wanted to say, good luck with all your stuff. You sound like you've got a lot on your plate! I feel bad for complaining about my measeley high school work.

Leapin Lizards *sigh* I love that episode. I don't care what anyone else says, I love that scene between the two of them.Jorja's great in her reactions and, who knew reading could be sexy, eh? And I could listen to Grissom read love sonnets for the rest of my life!

Go 9 days
you guys brighten my day, I luff you!!!
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

bengali13 said:
Yes, he does. Especially from the back :lol:

I can't believe it. We are down to single digit days!!! 9 more to go!! C'mon Sara, hold on a little longer for us and your beloved bug man!!

And the front too :p on the jeans.. and here's a great article from our 'files' if you haven't read it about partially our couple featuring Sara..and go read the S/8 spoiler thread from the TV Guide.. so I won't have to put it in the spoiler box ;) and GSRfanatic25 I'll be your mom, if you do everything I say :D

Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Okay, if everyone on here dosen't hate me, can someone tell me how to make a spoiler box? I hate to be a nag but I'd really love someone to talk to around here and I have a spoiler.
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Yes, we all hate you :D no problemo.. here ya' go!


or if that doesn't work put in the parenthesis[ than the word spoiler than the = than the parenthesis again] news than the parenthesis again[/spoiler]hope this works for you ;)
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Always, I don't think anyone hates you!

<spoiler=TITLE OF EPISODE> Text in box that you don't want people to see goes here </spoiler>

But replace the < > with [ ] :) Hope that helps!!

SO, there's a new one on AOL, and I'm going batty over it, mostly because it starts out with the end of a scene between Gil and Brass, and I SO hope they're discussing his freakout with Natalie over the loss of his beloved Sara!
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

I think between Alyssa & LadyDisdain the rest of us will surely improve our grammar & vocabulary. I need help with spelling, too, I'm afraid.
I was thinking about something that was said yesterday about Grissom's revealing his relationship with Sara (in LD) & his reaction. I think that he looked like he was realizing something earth shattering because he had thought that Sara's abduction was random, like Nick's, & at that moment he realized that Sara had been abducted because he loved her.
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

See, LadyDisdain's post proves why I don't write: There are so many who do it so much better and so much more eloquently!

As the days are ticking down, I'm actually getting more and more excited, even though I thought that I'd have calmed down by now. My husband keeps making fun of me, and asking if I have a countdown, which I don't. :) However, I have been known to do that. Back in high school I had countdowns for ever premiere I watched. Yeah...

It doesn't seem so long ago that we were all joking/hypothesizing about the likelihood of Gil buying Sara a gift, or we were trying to distinguish a wink from a blink, or we were wondering if there was more to the "mouth to mouth" comment than it appeared.

I mean, we agonized over all the above, and spent so many hours caught up in discussion, attempting to wrap our minds around the signals. Now, it's so much more direct!

Gil loves Sara. Sara's trapped under a car in the middle of the desert. Gil wants to save Sara.

The simplicity boggles my mind! I mean, I've been on many CSI and GSR boards lately, and I think we're all a little thrown by how simplistic it is, because I've seen peopel analyzing every picture from the finale and every clip until they don't make any sense, because we're all so used to digging deep.

Do you remember the picture for the end of Season 6? There were, maybe 5 or 6 real spoilers in it, but we were convinced we'd found at least 20. I think we're far more analytical than TPTB give us credit for. Or, perhaps, far more insane.

For example, people are throwing a hissy fit over Sara's doll's arm stopping momentum as the water falls on it. "Of course it's going to stop because it's electric and it's water." Well, yes, but if you look, you'll notice the Sara doll is underwater. THAT's the point! LOL! I'm more interested in Gil's face, in the trepidation he must be feeling in that moment as he realizes what's going on. C'mon, it's going to be great.

Is it wrong that I want Gil to cry? More than I want Sara to live, I want Gil to cry.

Changing subjects: I wanted to chime in on the whole "love" thing yesterday, but just didn't have the wherewithal to formulate intelligent thought and transfer it to my fingers.

GRISSOM: I don't know. Most people want to die in their sleep, I suppose. Never know that it's happening. Like a crime scene. Surprise, you're dead. I'd prefer to know in
advance that I was going to die. I'd like to be diagnosed with cancer, actually. Have some time to prepare. Go back to the rain forest one more time. Re-read 'Moby Dick.'
Possibly enter an international chess tournament. At least have enough time to say good-bye to the people I love.

I hope you don't mind, but I wanted to go back to see what he was talking about, and, to me, it all feels like a hypothetical. It feels like one of those answers to a hypothetical question. "If, then." Like, "If you were trapped on a desert island, and could only have one person with you, who would that be?"

I mean, it feels like he's saying in the future, if it happened, if I knew I was going to die, I'd like to say goodbye to the people I love.

Honestly, it feels like a throwaway, and not something that he said with the purpose of confessing love. Because, as we saw in "Living Doll," he hadn't yet come to that conclusion in "Way to Go." I don't even believe the actors ever referred to it as "Love" until after season 7.

So, I don't think he was saying he loved people, but rather, that if he knew he was going to die, he'd like a chance to tell the people he loved goodbye, whoever those people may be in the future.

When we get to "Living Doll," it's almost as if that future has been thrust upon him, but in reverse, and he's realizing he loves her. He loves her. That hypothetical future is no longer just an inkling in his brain, no longer just a frivolous idea. There is this feeling within him, and though feelings aren't tangible, if they could be, this one is.

No longer are they sitting in bed, pondering the ins and outs of live and throwing around possibilities. This is reality, and suddenly he realizes that in this world, the real world, he's desperately in love with Sara, in a way no one else could ever hold his love.

In my mind, I never thought "Only person I've ever loved" meant he didn't love his family, or his friends to some extent. I just think it's a deep, soul-searching love that captures all of yourself. I deeply believe that sex involved the joining of two into one, and to give onself that freely, it takes a lot of trust and love. It's a selfless love, a love that's worth dying for, a love that overshadows all other human affection.

That's what I think he meant when he said "Only person I've ever loved." If I were to add another word to that sentence, it might be "completely." It's a whole-hearted, whole-being, nothing left to hold back kind of love. That's what I think he was talking about when he said Sara was the only person he's ever loved.

And... enough novel writing. :)
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