Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustang

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Fanfic25 come on over :) I even have a flat screen mounted in my room!! All that Geek Love in high def 62 inch plasma!!

They have really seemed to ignore CSI on the Emmy's. I don't know why, but who needs them anyway? I say go People's Choice Awards :D

10 days, 18 hours 14 minutes left.
The Emmy's suck Ecklie's ass. But actually CSI did win something, it just wasn't on the show. They won some creative arts award thingy for sound mixing on Living Doll. It's really stupid though, they should have won best drama series, WP for best lead actor, MH for best lead actress, JF for best supporting actress and either Gary, George or Eric for best suporting actor in drama. Not some stupid sound mixing thing.

I seriously think JF should win an Emmy for Dead Doll. She's amazing in the promos. WP can win one too, they both deserve it.

Hey, look at it this way, we've already waited 4 unbelievably long months, we can last another 10 days.
it still seems like a long time
and i still can't believe there was no csi at all at the emmys... are they deaf dumb bind annnd stupid?

It's really stupid though, they should have won best drama series, WP for best lead actor, MH for best lead actress, JF for best supporting actress and either Gary, George or Eric for best suporting actor in drama. Not some stupid sound mixing thing.

I seriously think JF should win an Emmy for Dead Doll. She's amazing in the promos. WP can win one too, they both deserve it.
amen to that.

Fanfic25 come on over I even have a flat screen mounted in my room!! All that Geek Love in high def 62 inch plasma!!
sweet, can't wait. you know, i've yet to see the whole seventh season, forget about in order... grrr..i'm such a bad fan :(
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

So I was at Barnes and Noble the other day and I was walking to the bathroom and spotted a magazine on the floor with an add for the new season on it. I gasped, stopped in my tracks (throwing my friend off-balance in the process), and grabbed it up off the floor. It's just one of those generic "new season" pictures (NOT a promo picture or anything), but I still subtly tore it off the back cover and stuffed it in my purse. My friend has now deemed the obsession it wasn't before? Anyway, Sara was in the picture (in the back like she always is), but I'm taking it as a good sign for now

10 days, 12 hours, and roughly 10 minutes
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

in my opinion they wouldn't have sara in every promo pic if she didnt sign onto the season. OMG!!! im going to freak you all out!! (for those of you who havent already seen this...) its a promo pic from season 8. look at Sara's right arm its really messed up, its bent at a weird almost looks prostetic..people mention it on almost every GSR forum its probably just cause were FREAKING out about 'Dead Doll' and were chosing to see somthing wrong lol :eek:
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

The first ep of the season is all about is sara gonna be found in time right so it will be a 'dark' episode. I just found on this website pics of grissom/cath and warrick on go carts in 'normal' clothes in ep 2. I cant see griss having fun if the love of his life just died right? so this is good news for all us GSR shippers right?!!!
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Butterflied, that does sound a bit unhealthy :)

I just watched the promo from the spoiler box and Holy ____!!!
God, I can't wait until next Thursday night!!!!!

And about the pic, I don't think her arm is funny because it's not her arm, I think they photo shopped each of them in there and that's why it looks kinda fuzzy around the edges.

Countdown is at 10 days 6 hours and 44 min
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Awesome GSR duo on Spike tonight - Butterflied followed by the letter scene in Leapin' Lizards.
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

That is fun, Sarah! I mean, we see a tortured Gil Grissom confess his affection and ability to love the beautiful brunette through the glass, and then, we get to watch her find a letter he composed for her, intended for, that he never mailed.

In both cases, it's an indirecto form of alerting her to his affection, and (I personally believe) both were not intentional. She glimpses into his heart and soul as he pours his heart out in each instance, and comes away a little saddened, a little touched, and a little confused.

I can't wait for season 8. I hope we start to get some concrete, hard-core Gil/Sara interaction. I want him to tell her, outright, that he loves her, would die for her, would listen to disco for her... That's love. ;)
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Alyssa said:
That is fun, Sarah! I mean, we see a tortured Gil Grissom confess his affection and ability to love the beautiful brunette through the glass, and then, we get to watch her find a letter he composed for her, intended for, that he never mailed.

In both cases, it's an indirecto form of alerting her to his affection, and (I personally believe) both were not intentional. She glimpses into his heart and soul as he pours his heart out in each instance, and comes away a little saddened, a little touched, and a little confused.

I can't wait for season 8. I hope we start to get some concrete, hard-core Gil/Sara interaction. I want him to tell her, outright, that he loves her, would die for her, would listen to disco for her... That's love. ;)
i think your spot on with all you've said! hell, even the disco thing, haha, which made me laugh , as you can see. it's all been implied up till now, we need some straightforward heart to heart stuff! she knows how he feels, but she also knows he can't bring himself to say it out loud or communicate it directly to her. something's got to change

and, jorjafoxfan (great name, btw) i saw her arm too, and thought it was just from it being cut out of another picture.

the only thing i can think of as far as the go carts go, that really goes along w/ what we know so far, is perhaps the second episode takes place a good while after dead doll. didn't the first ep of season six start several months after nicky's abduction? by that time, maybe things have settled down... on that note, however, i don't know how they're going to work everything out in episode one...

and the speculation and suspense is officially killing me!
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

You mom just told me the WORST news this morning...It like, it's going to hurt my soul FOREVER....


My Uncle is this big wig in my town right? And he gets tickets to all the BIG events (I.E. Grammy's, Oscars, People's Choice...) And he got tickets to the EMMY'S. He asked my aunt if she wanted to go and she decided that she didn't. Then guess what my mom told me? She told me that my aunt SERIOSULY considered inviting ME to go in her place. :eek: The only thing was, the guy that gave her the tickets would be going and she(my aunt) didn't want me going with some 50 year old bachelor that I didn't know! I said to my mom "Mom, I would go with a SEVENTY year old bachelor if it meant seeing JORJA AND BILLY on the red carpet in the FLESH." My luck, I'd go and they wouldn't be there. :( Then I told her "If she gets tickets to the People's Choice, and she doesn't go, I'd be more than happy to take her place."

Now that I got that off my chest...

The FRIGGIN' anticipation is killing me! I wanna see some GSR! I'm going through GSR withdrawl! I've seen EVERY GSR clips I own(which is all of them) 758475 times in a row! I can only handle SO much.

Yeah, if Sara was dead, I don't think Grissom would be having the time of his life on a go kart...NOT HAPPENING.

I think that's all I got...

GSR rocks My Mountain Dew!
GSR rocks my world!
GSR rocks my SUCKY job! Woot!

(10 days..10 days in counting. I can count the number of days left on my FINGERS! Isn't that exciting?! I'M EXCITED! :D)
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

i wanted to tear the pic out of vanity fair, even though it doesn't have certain people in it... but my mom wouldn't let me. and then my best friend wouldn't let me... and i was afraid i'd get caught... i'm a chicken

but i made my mom buy tvguide for the pic/article in there, even though i'd seen both online!
it's so much better when you can hold it in your hand and tack it to your wall!

that sucks about the emmys sara!
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

lol, your welcome Al :)

like i said, basically i tried to put together some facts and inconsistencies into something sensful.

and i perfectly see that yeah, the teacher in him strived for new students, and it might've been a sufficient reason for his burnout.

but what about Grissom's two contradicting *love statements*? once he admits to loving more than one person, and a year later, says he loves only one. personally, if i was to abandon my previous theory, i'd think grissom in WTG hasn't told sara anything beyond that before. darn, he still had a problem with expressing his feelings in the letter! and it was like, a year later, yo.

so grissom being grissom (i.e. i-can't-tell-her-i-love-her-but-i'll-shyly-imply-it) didn't want to say the person i love, cuz it would be too straight forward. ungrissom - like almost (as of 6th season, early relationship stage grissom). in reality he might've had only her in mind though.

we're not even sure if he told her that by now either, ya know.

ETA: and i'm still wondering why grissom has kept his feelings to himself so bad for so long. maybe Catherine was right about him being burned bad before. i mean sure, it's a part of who he is, but he also IS a romantic. but what kind of romantic can't admit to loving anyone?
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

I think Grissom in his fourties isn't aware of staring down the barrel at retirement the same way he might be a year later when he can feel that deadline growing closer.

Combined with the shock of seeing her captured, along with Nick's kidnapping, I think he was reminded of the fact that he wasn't going to do this job forever, and when he retired, he wouldn't really have much. Then there was the fact that Sara could die without knowing how he felt (or so he assumed, if he doesn't know about her listening in on the Butterflied confession) and I think he was just moved to act.

Because he loves his work, sure, but in 15 years it would all be taken away, and if he lives till 85, that's what - 20 years of nothing?
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