Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustang

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That would have been the best scene in the history of tv!!!!
Hodges digging through Grissom's desk for info and finding... a thong!!! :lol:

Anyway, yes, 11 days 7 hours and 39 minutes. That's 271 and 39 min.
I would never stop laughing if that happened. But the only way I can really see the writers doing that is if he was digging through the desk and just throwing everything over his shoulder. Then there would be this pink lacey thong flying across the room. Only us obsessive people would notice it.

I'm going insane! I don't think I can last 11 more days!
yup, can't you see it hanging off the jar w/ miss piggy in it... or his big mouth billy bass? or one of his ginormous entomology books?

we'd see it, and then it'd be all over youtube and csifiles, and ytdaw... and we'd replay it over and over again and try to find one just like it to buy online... okay, maybe not that far

or would you?
Alyssa if your not a writer. you've missed your calling in life.. you go girl.. how deep :eek:and very profound.. and right on! so going along with bengali 11 more days
and from him writing the letter to her reading it!



Can I just say that I HATE the Emmy's? I mean really. Not a MENTION of CSI. AT. ALL. :rolleyes:

I'm just so SICK of it. I want to be there, be drunk and yell "Hey! How about nominating a REAL show?! BRING ON THE CSI! Billy Petersen for President and Jorja Fox for Vice President. WOOOO!!"

Okay. Sorry. I really needed to get that out. I'm done.

GSR rocks the SUCKY Emmy's!
Go Team SO!
GSR rocks the Buccaneers win today! Woo!
GSR rocks anything and EVERYTHING!

Oh, and Christina Aguilera looked GORGEOUS! I lurves her. :)
I agree with Desert, Aly, if you aren't a writer, you should be. Have you posted any fanfic anywhere? If so, I would like very much to read it. You are very insightful and it amazes me.

OMG another bucs fan. You rock my GSR t-shirt :lol:

11 more days and 4 minutes *SQUEE*
bengali13 said:
OMG another bucs fan. You rock my GSR t-shirt :lol:

11 more days and 4 minutes *SQUEE*

:lol: Awesome. The Bucs rock, no matter what anyone else says. Tampa is the ONLY place to be! WOOT!

And yes, the anticipation is killing me! The weekend is over already! It's going by SO fast! ::SQUEE::

GSR is friggin' awesome!
GSR is greatness!
GSR rocks my pink and white socks!

Woohoo! Happy birthday Sara!

Yes, the Emmys suck. They should really have a category for best shipper. GSR would so win!!! It would be awesome to see Billy and Jorja up on stage sharing an Emmy award. Great sight :D.
i wonder what grissom got her for her birthday...mmmm dirtiness

and the emmys suck, i can't belive csi didn't get a mention at all. are they blind?
GSR rocks my unfinished chemistry homework
GSR rocks my new CSI board game
GSR rocks my delilcious cheese pizza

Go team SO
screw the emmys
Yeah!!! Happy Birthday Sara :)

I gave up watching the emmys a long time ago because they NEVER pick the ones who deserve it. They (like the Oscars) pick those who campaign hardest. In other words, those who can suck up win, those who don't-- don't.
I think WP should have won years ago and prob. every year since then, but, why give him an award, he just has talent, not a brown nose.

Go GSR!!! Go Bucs!!
lmao :lol:

He wasn't in enough to be in the running, but that is hysterical!!!!!
I get to start my season seven marathon in a few days, I can't wait. So much GSR, it makes me happy. :)

The countdown is now 10 days, 20 hours and 2 min. That is 260 hours and 2 min. Or 15,602 minutes. ;)
bengali, may i come to your house and partake in your marathon w/ you? i'll bring cookies!!
chip in for pizza too.

10 days, doesn't seem too bad... still a while though! Go GSR
What a big burn and snub the EMMYS :mad:.. two of the greatest actors in TV, William Petersen, and Jorja Fox, and the top show on TV, CSI, and nothing :( whoever is in charge of this fiasco, SHAME ON YOU :confused:
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