Grissom & Sara #29: The Only Person He Ever Loved

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45 days and counting!!! I couldn't wait until midnight to get here so I could say that. That would be six weeks from this coming Thursday. Six weeks and four days.

No I'm not OBSESSED, I just ... uhh...

Has anyone else got kids? Mine are preschoolers, and whenever I put on Winnie the Pooh now I watch the butterfly in the beginning and think of our beloved couple and the beautiful cocoo...*sigh*

Ok maybe I'm a little over zealous, but that's not the same thing as obsessed. ;)
Welcome back ziggy where the hell have you been? :D and bengali that's still 6 week's off :( I just we we had some news about something, besides all the will she..can she, will they, are they..blah-blah-blah :mad: and speaking of butterflies, here's some for you all!

Hey desertwind that's great, love it. :) :cool: :)

And yeah seriously, I wish we had some news or something. you know something concrete about the upcoming season. I've never seen a season of CSI with so little spoilers or news or anything. :confused: the only thing we've seen is GD beat up a photog. :p
Babylon5girl, sorry i forgot to welcome you too, and I love your banner! That is too cute. I think if her mom got out of jail and showed up at the lab or something would be interesting.
AlwaysGSR12 said:
Babylon5girl, sorry i forgot to welcome you too, and I love your banner! That is too cute. I think if her mom got out of jail and showed up at the lab or something would be interesting.

Thanks for the warm welcome.

I love the banner 2. Cathwillows made it, it's hillarious. The looks on their face in the banner are CLASSIC :lol:

Any more background stuff on Sara would be great on the show. One Question, are we sure that her mom is still in jail, or did she do time and then get out? It's a question I have wondered about.
^I'm not sure myself. It isn't something that's been mentioned much on the show. Continuity was never TPTB's strong point.

I'd like to see something of Sara's background in S8, but it might be difficult to fit a decent storyline involving her family or whatever into the premiere. Later on in the season would be good though :D
I don't think anyone knows what happened to her mom, she could be dead, or she could have got out or whatever, but I'd lik to know. Maybe she'll talk to Grissom about it.

And your welcome Babylon5girl. :)
Lets just hope they use Sara a lot more than they did the last two years.
I want more of her background.
She is truly complex and is Grissom's equal. We have gone into him a lot it would be great if the show finally truly had Sara deal with her past and had it tie into cases she is working on. Then we could also get some much needed GSR moments.
GSR_Sara_Gil said:
Lets just hope they use Sara a lot more than they did the last two years.
I want more of her background.
She is truly complex and is Grissom's equal. We have gone into him a lot it would be great if the show finally truly had Sara deal with her past and had it tie into cases she is working on. Then we could also get some much needed GSR moments.

Absolutely, I agree completely
I see we're talking about Sara's past and how it is so intriguing, yet we hear little about it. I'll put in my two cents. ;)

The last time we really heard anything about Sara's past was in Committed, it was about her Mother and her links to mental hospitals. When Grissom asks her if she wants him to find someone else to be put on the case. Sara says no, she wants to be on the case. You can see that she has grown a lot, because, especially with what happened in Committed, most people would want to take a vacation after something like being attacked and being flooded with bad memories. Sara is bothered by being in the mental hospital, you can see that, which shows she is still broken.

Through the next two years, [seasons 6 and 7], we hear nothing about her past. Now, when did Grissom and Sara get together? They were living together, or close to it, in Way To Go, so they've probably been together for a long time before that. They could have been living together for a long time before Way To Go too. It would be easier if we knew more details, but anyway. Man, it bugs me; how much we don't know. :mad:

Basically, Sara could possibly be completely healed. If so, then it isn't likely we'll hear about her background. Actually, small thought, if she dies and they were to show a funeral scene, I can see some of the CSI's talking to some of her family. Brother, Mother, maybe bury her beside her Father? Now I just imagined a grave with Sara Sidle on it. Now I'm about to cry. :( Of course, she wanted to be cremated, but I'm not sure how that works.

Also, Grissom and Sara have probably talked about her past, and he's probably helped her heal as well. Actually, I'm sure he's helped her. He showed he cared in Living Doll. Yes, she does have a past, but maybe she's just worked through it. Her personality has changed since season 5, it's possible that she has too.

Now I'm going to go cry as I try not to visualize Sara's grave, but that only means it's going to bug me more. :(
sarax NO graves :( positive thinking
I'd love to see her mom, and her brother, and Grissom's mom, and they all meet up and visit ;), probably not going to happen, but a great story for all the FAN-FICTION fans out there!and on their living arrangements, he's got his sterile apt. and she's go her's, they've probably been at both places depending their schedules, and their 'NEEDS' ;)and this pic. is probably her place..but maybe his, cause he went out to the garage and did his minature recreation of the house!

Caught the end of Committed on Spike the other night. Just wanted to stop in and squee yet again about how very much I loved that episode.

brb. Phone's ringing.

Ok. Did I mention I run a hotel? I haven't had a day off in a month. Bleh. And I WANTED this job. What is wrong wth me?

Anyways, so I love Committed. And not just the GSR - the whole episode rocks my socks. Crazy people make me happy. xD

Ok no. No they don't. But crazy people safely locked inside my TV whilst being investigated by Grissom and Sara? Totally rocks my socks.

And now I'm tired and am going to go eat a hotpocket then go directly to bed.


That is all.
Hey guys, how's it going? Just reading the last few posts & thought I'd throw in my two cent's worth.It seems I read somewhere that Billy & Jorja played all of season six as if they already had a relationship going. It seems so whenever I watch any clips from that season now. So that means that somewhere between the later part of season five & the begining of season six the hooked up. Also I personally think that the home scenes in Leapin' Lizards are Grissoms townhouse with some feminine redecorating. If you look at the clips from The Strip strangler that took place in Grissoms place the brick walls look like where they're at in Leapin' Lizards.
I always got the impression she dealt with her anger but not her past. She does not want to talk about it with Grissom in Commited. I feel once she started dating Griss she got happy and tried to forget and run from the past like she always did. In Season 7 they kept hinting at foster care foster care and shots of Sara. So I think this trauma she will survive will bring up all those bad memories.
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