sept 27th will be here before we know it

i'm still undecided as to what i am going to do, the new season doesn't air here until Jan... i don't know whether to just turn into a hermit and try and avoid everything (i managed it with the new season of Miami), or to stick about and find out the main goss. in an ideal world, i would be completely spoiler free until jan, but i'm now severely addicted to youtube and it's going to be pretty impossible to avoid spoilers there.
it is interesting reading back the 3 pages i missed while i was away, that even though i avoided the spoiler boxes (yay me!) i can still always get the jist of the feel of the spoiler, unless of course, it's JUST the spoiler and nothing else. but i still get the impression that there is still very little info floating about and what info there is, isn't very creditable,
oh... when i was at my folks house, me and mum were watching some CSI, I can't remember what epi it was but there was a GSR reference and my mum, very predictably, said "urgh i just hate this, in real life someone like him would NEVER go with someone like... HER" ... by the way she spat out "her" with such contempt, i get the impression mum is more for grillows! I did keep my mouth shut though, just not worth arguing with my mum over stuff like that (she's a scientist, never argue with a scientist!), i used to try once upon a time... mum takes everything WAY too seriously and always nit picks things to death... she can't just sit back and enjoy something for what it is, and GSR is GREAT!
on a wierd note, I think my son is turning into a mini Grissom! he's suddenly developed a rather unhealthy obsession with bugs (mind you that could be normal for a 3 year old boy!) but also, we went to an amusement park last week and he went on these freaky scary rollercoasters which had me screaming, and he just sat there, completely straight faced, just like grissom does! i've never seen anyone able to sit on a rollercoaster without making a single noise, but he did it.