Hi ya'll. Firstly, let me say that I've now taken to reading the CSI books. Way to go. Like I needed people to honestly think I was that obsessed.
Yes, I've been taking the books to work with me. I've officially crossed that line.
Second - has ANYONE heard from Eggy? I sent her a PM on the 27th...ish and haven't heard back from her. Nor has she posted anywhere - not even her opendiary. You can say that I'm a little worr...
concerned. Maybe she just got a life? Possibly? *hopes so*
Thirdly - and I'm not a mod... so I'm so so sorry for stepping on any toes... but you guys seem to be ignoring the three line rule quite a bit lately. I know a lot of you are new and all, but there are still rules we have to follow.
Da Rulz 
Take a peek, it's good fun reading... I swear. :lol:
Fourth - Congrats
Alyssa! You are so very lucky to find the one man on the planet who gets GSR. lol. You know, besides fictional characters... oh wait, I'm not sure Grissom gets it either. But I love him for it.
And Finally, So the other day while we were camping - Happy belated 4th! - I was yammering on and on and on and.. you get the idea - about CSI. Mostly about GSR and the impact that this (you know, the abduction thing.) may have on it. I thought my mom was going to kill me.
Anyways - I've been reading a lot (way to many) fics that have Grissom pushing Sara away. Because it's 'his fault' that she was taken. And yes, when I said it out loud I did indeed put it in air quotations. Because it's not HIS fault. It's that sicko Natalie's. And I've been thinking.
Suppose that Grissom does feel guilty. Which I can't imagine he wouldn't. You don't think he'd try and push her away do you? Would she let him?
I've got nobody around here that wants to talk to me about GSR anymore. *giggles* I hit my quota for the year with the peeps around here. So I need ya'lls opinions.
He wouldn't do that... would he do that? Would TPTB
make him do that? Nah. I have more faith in WP then that. Sorta. lol.
Grissom and Sara forever!
btw, I totally have not read the little blue boxes. Go me.
That is all.