Grissom & Sara #29: The Only Person He Ever Loved

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My favorite GSR scenes are definitley,
1. "Pin me Down"- I get shivers everytime I see that scene
2. "You make me Happy"- 'Cause it's adorable!
3. Leapin' Lizards Home Scene.- Domestic GeekLove.
There are so many to choose from, but those are my top 3.
I haven't seen every GSR there is to see, but my top 3 are:

1. Eye!porn scene in TOYD
2. "Pin me Down"
3. "You're back!" in Law of Gravity
This was a great ep. with them too, 'TOYD' when they went to the guru/spiritualist, and he assumed they 'were together', and he was right

gawd he's handsome :p

My top three are:

1) The "You're Back!" scene. The way he gave her that once over with that compelling look in his eyes. There was no room for interpretation. He wanted to ravish her. Right there. Garbage and all.

2) The scene in "Snakes." It was so well done and I think it was what kind of got the ball rolling on Grissom's behalf, having Sara say out loud to him those things. Once again, no room for interpretation. She said, flat out, "I came here for you and I have feelings for you." I appreciate that the writers did that.

3) Shaving scene. Um. Because it was basically the hottest thing they have ever done on CSI. Basically.
I think everytime I do this they change!

3) eye!sex
2) arm!sex
1) "Pin me down"

Yeah, no matter how many times we do this, "pin me down" is the ultimate in sexual tension. MMMM!!

Choc I've been trained to say the "W" word whenever I see the word "angst". I got your back ;)

You know you're addicted to GSR when... everytime this song comes on, here's the chorus: "You're too beautiful girl, that's why it will never work, you'll make me suicidal, suicidal, when you say it's over" Whenever the dude sings suicidal I sing Sara Sidle. Outloud. I lead a wonderful existance.

Go Team SO!!
You know you're addicted to GSR start re-watching every episode every summer because you NEED to have them in your life on a regular basis.

Oh yeah, and when you wear your GSR quotes t-shirt while watching.
Yeah, no matter how many times we do this, "pin me down" is the ultimate in sexual tension. MMMM!!
I know!even if we EVER get hot GSR sex, pin me down will still be my fave :p its old-school pre-cannon awesome-ness
Choc I've been trained to say the "W" word whenever I see the word "angst". I got your back
:lol: exactly! Ive gotten mod/slapped so many times :rolleyes:
You know you're addicted to GSR when... the past 5 days you've had a dream with either Sara, Grissom, or the two of them together in it. They wont leave me alone.

Pin me down is true GSR love.
The pin me down scene was pretty intense, and riveting, I remember it well and some other memorable scenes with them!

begali you know you're addicted when you watch them at work on lunch! Which reminds me. 5am-2pm is the WORST shift ever to watch DVD's in the breakroom. Those flippen produce guys were loud again today! I'll need to invest in earphones, the TV doesn't go any louder. :(

And that! Reminds me. I watched "Spellboud" today, anyone else surprised Gris went to a fortune teller? I wonder what he asked about? Lol! I'll have to watch it again since I missed most of the ep. And really, I'm going to tape a huge sign to the back of my hat that says, "I'm watching CSI, thanks for asking. Yes, I know it's your favorite show. Now sit down, shut up, and let me stare at Grissom and Sara!"

Go Team SO!!
You know you're addicted to GSR when...You're leveling the store at work and notice one of the brands of tea have a butterfly on them and you say to yourself "Hmmm...I should try that...". :lol:

begali you know you're addicted when you watch them at work on lunch! Which reminds me. 5am-2pm is the WORST shift ever to watch DVD's in the breakroom. Those flippen produce guys were loud again today! I'll need to invest in earphones, the TV doesn't go any louder.:(

Ya know...we used to have a TV at work in the breakroom a few years ago and every Sunday on UPN CSI used to come on and I used to watch it. Well...then our manager decided to be a ::insert bad word here:: and take out the TV. Now, now I have to watch CSI on my MP3 player. :rolleyes: We have a new manager now...maybe I can bring that idea up to him...::rubs chin and grins:: Anyway...

GSR. Right.

And I agree with Herz, everytime we do this mine changes.

1.) Arm!porn
2.) "You Make Me Happy"
3.) "Do You Trust Me?" "Intimately."

Of course, I love every GSR moment and it's hard to choose.
Wow... Now I KNOW I've been away a while. I missed a whole new thread! Sorry... Got married... had a honeymoon. :p


Not REALLY spoilerific, but I had a brainstorm, a way to get around the "Last time on CSI" thing... We start with Grissom in a review board setting, and they're asking him what happened. He breaks down everything for us up to the point where they realized psycho-doll had Sara... And the person asks what happened next. Grissom asks how much time they have, and they have at least an hour before lunch. Grissom thinks that should be enough. Cue music... a little nod at the fact that it's a show, ya know?

I know... Not really incredible and profound, but I thought it was funny. I thought of that on the drive home from the honeymoon.

I can't wait for the season to start and the spoilers to start rolling in!
Wait. I totally forgot TOYD and "You're Back!"... -slaps forehead-. I'm a terrible GSR fan...OK so my list goes...
1. Pin Me Down
2. TOYD Eye!Sex and...
3. "You make me happy."
Ok. Thats it. For sure....hopefully. Someone will probably bring up another one that I forgot. Oh well.
You know what I love? I love when love waits. Like when a younger girl knows the guy she loves will come back when she is grown and realize he has loved her all along, it was just too new to recognize. Well, I think that that is what has happened here. Sara was "always trying to be the star pupil", and when Grissom needed someone, he brought in Sara Sidle, saying "I trust her". So I keep trying to see the early "pre-CSI" relationship, too.
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