Grissom & Sara #29: The Only Person He Ever Loved

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New thread!
That was late, but i was boycotting the thread cuz you didnt use my tittle...
Just kidding, i was on vacation.
Usually i would post lists now...but...i am tired, sore, and playing with my new photoshop.

Hey all! have an Addicted To GSR Moment..

You know you're addicted to GSR when... You're walking in the mall with your brother and there is a kiosk that has mounted Butterflies in a glass frame and you yell "Butterflies!" in the middle of the mall and everyone stares at you.

:lol: Yeah. Not cool. TOTALLY was going to buy one and put it in my bathroom a la 'Fallen Idols' style. boyfriend got me into Panic! At The Disco...they're pretty hip. :)

:lol:mad: At your avvie butterflied. I am totally going to say that to my boyfriend now. :lol:

I think that's really all I had to say. I hate the summer. No GSR. And friggin' spoilers. ::pouts:: Why did I go s-f again? Oh yeah, right. To get that 'rush' back. :rolleyes:. Meh...whateva.

Hurray for GSR!
I must get this out in the open:

You know you're addicted to GSR when... you have butterfly t-shirts, jewelry, accessories, etc without being aware that there is a pattern. This all occurs after Butterflied and the obsession still continues.

SO, I live in a town close to Milwaukee and I swear on my love for GSR that I've seen three different cars, all with "GSR" on their license plate and three numbers before it. I go nutso everytime I see one of them. I'm tempted to get out of my car at a red light and ask them if they are a GSR fan. I think they may call the cops on me if I do that. :lol:
Steph said:
You know you're addicted to GSR when... you have butterfly t-shirts, jewelry, accessories, etc without being aware that there is a pattern. This all occurs after Butterflied and the obsession still continues.

You know you're addicted to GSR when... you already know you have too many butterfly things. *looks around room* and your friends know that you have a little butterfly obsession... and they never had to ask.

I think last year I was more eager to see the premiere, at this point anyway, than this year. Which makes no sense, cause this time, my favourite character is underneath a car. Well, that's slightly messed up.

It's so fun to imagine the premiere in my head. Just thinking about it and seeing it the way I want it to play along. It's fun : ) . And it somewhat keeps me from worrying about what else could happen to Sara. I think it would be cool if they made it VERY different from what we're thinking. I'm not sure how they would do that, but I think that they should make it really creative and different from any other TV show. I really don't want the premiere to be predictable.

My stomach hurts, so I think I'm going to lay down ...
SaraSidleRules8 said:
:lol:mad: At your avvie butterflied. I am totally going to say that to my boyfriend now. :lol:

please do- I'd be interested to hear his reaction!

you know you're obsessed with GSR when...
...your sister's new favorite necklace/earring combo is a silver butterfly on a silver chain and you go completely ape-poo (AKA squealing and giggling while pointing to the jewelry every time she wears it) on her to the point where she stops wearing them around you :rolleyes:

True story
You know you're addicted to CSI when... Your good friend calls from her cell phone to tell you she's behind someone with "CSI FAN" as their license plate um..number? And she continues to tell you, "If you run outside really fast you'll get to see the car drive by and wave frantically to confuse and slow them down as you jump in real-quick-like so we can catch up to them at a light and make CSI small talk, all-the-while screaming 'Grissom's HOT!'" -- true story. And yes, I hightailed my butt out there but they had passed by too fast.

Also, I was in one of my competetor grocery stores today lookin around and out of nowhere I hear Grissom talking. I turn around to see where it was coming from and notice this huge TV playing a PSA from CBS with WP. I actually laughed at myself and stared at the TV until he disappeared. MMM Good times!

Ok, so GSR. I love them. They're awesome. We need better spoilers than what Ausejnbcjhsbdc said in the latest TV Guide. Couple more weeks and I'll be in speculation heaven!! :p

Go Team SO!!
You know you're addicted to CSI when... you start buying things for your new apartment and you suddenly realize you have a butterflied theme going.

And You know you're addicted to CSI when... you get kicked out of a fancy jewlery store for disturbing the other customers when you see a butterfly ring and get a little over-excited and start freaking out just a little too loudly...

Yes I'm sad I know. But hey what can I say? Ima fanatic, who will probably be dubbed the psycho butterfly lady by my new roomates. geez. So let's see... #29! Yay! A little late I know, but I've been without the internet for a week! And ya'll already have three whole pages of posts!

I just got home yesterday after being out of town for two months and I go out to my room and I have my Ultimate CSI book on my coffee table... right under a leak in my roof!!! *tear* Grissom's face is all blotchy from all that water, but the inside of the book is okay at least.

I see the little blue spoiler boxes are popping up already... isn't it still kinda early guys? Based on the box titles I guess that Aussello-fool has been opening his trap again. Bah he changes his mind all the time so I don't listen to him.

Go Team SO!!!
You know your addicted to GSR, when you can't go one day, without looking at them


Hi Team SO!

I am a new poster and I wondered two things...

First, Derertwind (or anyone who knows the answer) the pic of Grissom and Sara in the bed with the dog, is that from an episode, and if so, which one?

Second, what is your fav. GSR episode, or scene from an episode? This is for all to answer if you want to. If one is too hard, you can give me your top four.

Welcome bengali13 glad your here, have fun, and the ep. with them on the bed, was 'LEAPIN' LIZARDS' ep. 22, two from the finale, and on many, to numerous to mention, it would take up pages :p what's your fav?

this would be one of them!
First, Derertwind (or anyone who knows the answer) the pic of Grissom and Sara in the bed with the dog, is that from an episode, and if so, which one?
Her icon? That would be from ep. 7.22 - Leapin' Lizards.

Second, what is your fav. GSR episode, or scene from an episode? This is for all to answer if you want to. If one is too hard, you can give me your top four.
We had a BIG offitial list a whille ago but that was ore-cannozation,sooo...hay we should have a new big official awesome gsr scene thing.

Wait why dont I have a list of this some where? I am a bad list keeper!

Anyways to answer your question
Ep. Invisible evidence other wise known as pin me down.

Anyways bengali13 i am Choco-B and I keep lists...and i am an angst...erm...lover.

~If this post made no sense...not my fault.
Pin me down...but not with a mustang
Goodnight*falls over*
Thanks both of you for the welcome, and the episode number. My favorite scenes are

1) Grissom's speech in Butterflied.
2) The "You make me happy" scene.
3) The "I'm not ready to say goodbye" scene.
and finally,
4) When he told her he was going to miss her and then sent her the gift. I cried at those two scenes, while the top three I smiled (ok, I squealed in delight) at.

and Choco-B your post made more sense than mine did, but this is the first (ok, now second) post that I've done anywhere. Ever. So I hope you will all have patience with me as I learn the ropes of forums, posts and threads.
bengali13 said:
Thanks both of you for the welcome, and the episode number. My favorite scenes are

1) Grissom's speech in Butterflied.
2) The "You make me happy" scene.
3) The "I'm not ready to say goodbye" scene.
and finally,
4) When he told her he was going to miss her and then sent her the gift. I cried at those two scenes, while the top three I smiled (ok, I squealed in delight) at.

and Choco-B your post made more sense than mine did, but this is the first (ok, now second) post that I've done anywhere. Ever. So I hope you will all have patience with me as I learn the ropes of forums, posts and threads.

Good choices, I guess those would be in my top favs.
and the Love letter, blew me away, his hidden romantic side so touching, "I said I'd miss you, and I do"


And where he got his inspiration for the letter 'SHAKESPEARE' can't get any deeper than that!

Because I still can't figure out how to quote several posters at once.

butterflied08 , your icon rocks! :lol: I would have been laughing out loud if it wasn't for my sleeping family. But I laughed, a little and quitely. :D

Steph : Yay! GSR convention! We defiently need one of those. And it gives me a reason to go back to the States. And since we were talking about some kind of support group it would be great. Convention...yay!

Do not worry, choco , we'll probably have time to use your title for the next thread, before the premiere airs. was it: Pin me down...but not with a mustang ? :D Liked that one too.

wings23 said:
You know you're addicted to CSI when... you start buying things for your new apartment and you suddenly realize you have a butterflied theme going.

Heh. I just have a room, but I'm desperately trying to find some butterfly things to keep in my room.

You know you're addicted to GSR when: Your littlesister finds it very intresting and funny that you love butterflies, causing her to comment on it all the time.

My littlesister loves that I love butterflies. "Elin! Elin!Elin! Look, a butterfly!" Especially in the summer. :rolleyes:

I'm going back to our summer house, today or tomorrow. I hate it. But I'll guess it'll do me good, since otherwise I'll just be in front of the computer the rest of my summer break. Ah well, expect me back in two weeks.
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