Grissom & Sara #29: The Only Person He Ever Loved

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Grissom.."Sex without love is pointless, it makes you sad"
Sara..Well, I'm pretty sure I don't make you sad"
Grissom..No, you make me happy"

bengali13 said:
desertwind if you just posted that quote to make us all worked!!
Oh yeah more than that..Sara and Grissom they complete each other..too much love
I love that scene in Ending Happy. They seem really comfortable with each other.

The "pin me down" scene is definitely their hottest scene yet though.

ETA: To add picture
see the tension?
Hey i am new and not sure how everything works yet, but i HAD to get one of these because GSR is mostly the main reason i watch CSI!!! lol i love it! well anyways i had a question. Where can i find the Ultimate CSI book? i got the csi companion but i cant find the other one. help a girl out?
lizanator112890 said:
Hey i am new and not sure how everything works yet, but i HAD to get one of these because GSR is mostly the main reason i watch CSI!!! lol i love it! well anyways i had a question. Where can i find the Ultimate CSI book? i got the csi companion but i cant find the other one. help a girl out?

Welcome to the addiction my dear lizanator. We all play nice here and we don't bite...much. :D

Anyway...try your local bookstore. If that doesn't work, they may have it on Amazon or you might even try eBAY. That's really all I can tell ya.

Welcome back newlywed! We missed ya 'round these parts! Hope you had a good honeymoon and we're glad to see ya back Aly.

Ya know...I SO had a GSR moment today but I can't remember. Isn't that sad? 21 years old and I sweat I already have Alztimer's. :lol:.

Yeah. Right, GSR.
It's wonderful.
It's great.
It rocks my world.

HAPPY 500 to me! :D

::hands cookies to newbies:: Play nice and enjoy. :)

I think that's all I got....

Peace Out, yo.
WELCOME lizanator ;) your in good company! and what SaraSidleRules8 [and WHOO-HOO ON 500!!] said is correct try eBay, and AMAZON and you local book store ..good luck..... and congratulations on your wedding and honeymoon Alyssa did you have fun? where did you go? and thanks girls for the thank you's on the 'EH' pictures and comments ;)

lizanator112890 said:
thanks i will try those! another newly question, how do i get a picture for my profile??

You have to have atleast 100 posts.

And just a note: I'd be best to ask someone in the thread in a PM before you get mod-slapped. :) But your new so they'll go easy on ya. But just a little heads up for ya. :)
Thanks desert and SSR8! We just did the B&B thing in my hometown... Nice and quiet. :) Big European vacation in a few years...

We talked about GSR on the ride back. :) That was awesomeness... to have a man who understands the bond between Gil and Sara. So meant for each other.

I do wonder what'll happen if Sara lives, though, and how they'll handle it. I mean, if they broke up, it just wouldn't work for me. I mean, we had a whole year of them being together in secrecy.

That said, I do want Grissom to be reprimanded in some way.. either he steps back down and Cath takes over (instant drama) or he teaches and comes in occassionally to help on cases, etc. He is the best bugman in the area...

I mean, I love our duo just as much as the rest, but for it to be believable, I want Grissom to get in trouble, and PROVE that he'll give it up for her. I think that'd be the push, even in the midst of all the other drama, that'd show Sara just how much he loves her.
OMG Alyssa, I just don't think that I could handle it if he quit or got fired for long. I think it would be OK if, like they put him on "administrative leave", but then needed him for a really tough case maybe two weeks later. I mean, he isn't just the best bug man there, he's the best man or woman there. That's why it's so great when he comes up against Eckley (jerk), because, they both know that Eckley can't do the job like Grissom can. That NO ONE can do the job like Grissom can. He's just the best CSI out there anywhere (even New York and Miami).
And just a note: I'd be best to ask someone in the thread in a PM before you get mod-slapped. But your new so they'll go easy on ya. But just a little heads up for ya.

haha thanks for the advice. i will have to ask everyone tonight. i am always on during the day because i have NOTHING to do at work. hope everyones day is more exciting than mine is :D
So, Im sitting in class right now, and let me tell's going to be a LONG semester. :rolleyes: This guy reminds me of a mix between Bon Jovi and Ozzy Osbourne. :lol: And he's a Criminal Law attorney. :eek:

Anyway, GSR.

I was looking at my Intro to Criminal Justice book and there's a page dedicated to CSI. And guess what? It mentions Grissom and Sara. :eek: It talks about Grissom as the entomologist and goes about how he uses entomology to solve cases and determines how long a persons been dead. Then it proceeds ti talk about how not all CSI's were trained scientists and how most have skills to be a forensic specialist."For example, Sara Sidle, played by Jorja Fox, holds a B.S. in degree in physics from Harvard University. Brought in specifically by Grissom, she is dedicated to her work and seems to spend her time studying forensics." And you know what case it mentions? Sex, Lies, and Larvae...:devil:

So yeah, this post is longer than I thought. Enough rambling.

Lata peeps.
If I had a textbook that had CSI in it I'd freak. But a book that mentions GSR? That's amazing. I mean I know it didn't mention the "ship" but it mentioned the two of them so that's gsr. Right? :lol: I'm impressed, and rather jealous!
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