Grissom & Sara #29: The Only Person He Ever Loved

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Awesome post Alyssa!! *bows down* I am not worthy of all your GSR wiseness. Also, Welcome Back Eggy! Back to GSR, I think that when Grissom was saying "I don't know what to do about this." thats exactly what he meant. He really just didn't know what to do about their relationship. He was trying to work out how he felt about her, plus he had this thing with his hearing, PLUS Sara had just broken up with Hank the Skank. Simply put, her timing just Sucked. On a different note, I don't know if this has been mentioned here yet or not (it's been mentioned at YTDAW), but the promo for the summer CSI episodes is up on innertube. If its already been mentioned, sorry for repeating it.
No, as much as I'd enjoy that, I would be VERY disappointed if they got married and we didn't get to see it!!

I would love to see a GSR wedding. They could invite Warrick, Nick, Cath, Greg, Brass, and even Lady Heather,:devil: then the secret could be revealed ring wise to Ecklie. He'd just about s!#@# his pants!!!! That would rule! :lol:
Well they've known each other forever, they've loved each other forever, they seem to like to spend time with each other more than anyone else, they are probably each others best friend & they live together. Sara said in Rashomama that she didn't not believe in marriage. If you met them at a cooking class or something, wouldn't you think they were married?
Interesting concept, they could be married, why not, they've led a extremly secretive life.. and kept it private till S/7, meaning he told everyone, "The only one I've ever loved" pretty revealing
anything's possible ;)


Firstly: EGGG!!!!! Yay, you're back!!! And safe! YAY!

Secondly: Thanks for all the compliments. :) I'm just another GSR dweeb! :)

Thirdly: "I don't know what to do about this."

It was an interesting conversation, and an interesting insight into their reltionship, especially considering the context of the episode.

I mean, at the beginning Sara had been chasing Grissom through the lab, trying to grab a moment to talk to him, but work kept getting in the way.

It was the perfect illustration of how he was selectively blocking his emotional attachment to Sara at that stage in the game. It was almost a physical representation of their current situation, inwhich she was chasing him, trying to get his attention, but he had his back turned, too focused on work to even notice she'd been tailing him around the lab.

When she's injured, he lets go of all that drama, and through the sea of people all he can see is her. His eyes focus on her, and he kneels down to her, so they're eye-level, so they're on the same plane. The rest of the world melts away, and in that moment we get a glimpse of his true emotions as he lets slip a term of endearment. "Honey." It sent chills down my spine the first time I heard that, because the fact that he said it made their "meant to be status" even more inevitable.

By the time they get to the end, it’s been a trying day for all. Sara’s taken her chasing one step farther, and instead of chasing after Grissom, she chased after a bad guy. She got in trouble, and she wasn’t all there.

Coming back to where she started seems like the best way to ground her, to bring her back to reality, for her to go after what she really wants. When she shows up at his door, she’s determined, and he’s probably confused. Their relationship has been comfortable, for the most part, and easy. He likes that it’s easy because it means he doesn’t have to let her in too much, he doesn’t have to push past his fears.

Now, remember that when she comes to his door, he’s in the midst of fear. He’s already overcome by the fear that he might lose his hearing, that his way of life will have to change. We didn’t know it at the time, but growing up with just his mom was tough because she had a difficult time letting go of his father when he died… And, he grew up watching her having to deal with being deaf.

When Sara shows up in his doorway, he’s already dealing with so many fears, and her invitation throws him. He initially says a simple, “No,” hoping that she’ll accept it and move on, but she pries deeper, and that throws him for a loop.

I know, you’re sitting there going “I was wondering when she’d get to the point, darnit.”

Well, he says, “I don’t know what to do about this.”

He takes a breath, and you can tell he really doesn’t want to deal with this right now. He’s already dealing with so many fears, and here’s another one staring him in the face. She’s standing there and telling him that she’s interested and that she wants more, and his deepest fear is of opening up and then being let go. He’s standing there with the business card to one of his fears in one hand, and in she comes, this beautiful woman who takes his breath away, but who he believes could be his undoing.

He can’t label their relationship at this point. He just can’t. He’s already told her, “No” hoping she’d let it go and move on. She doesn’t.

“I don’t know what to do…” He doesn’t. He likes things as they are, but he acknowledges that she doesn’t. And, they’ve been through so much as it is. He wants to stay comfortable. She wants more. He wants to maintain their distance so he can avoid being hurt. “I don’t know what to do,” he tells her. And it’s honest. He doesn’t know what to do. He’s acknowledging it exists, but he’s clueless because deep down he’s reluctant to change the ease with which they coexist.

Grissom wants to stay on his side of the playground while Sara stays on hers, but she’s more adventurous and aching to see what’s over the fence, but Grissom’s stuffing all his fears in front of the jungle gym so he can’t climb over to be with her. It’s a kneejerk reaction. He has to say something to her, but the right words are failing him. He can’t admit that he likes keeping her at arm’s length, that he likes being in control.

And he calls their relationship “this.” He doesn’t know what to do about “this.” He can’t give it a name because that makes the demon have a stronger hold on him. Like the kids in Harry Potter who refuse to say the name of “You Know Who,” Grissom fails to label it, afraid that it might have a stronger hold over him.

I really think that’s the heart of his statement. He has to say something, but he can’t label it because then his anxiety only increases, and it’s so beautiful to watch him react to her reply… because, he was hoping, once more, she’d just drop it and let it be as it always has been, but she gives him the opposite. She gives him a heavy dose of reality letting him know, she’s not going to be around forever waiting on him.

And that sucks for him, because he’s tried so desperately to mask his true feelings and to maintain control of the situation by not identifying it, by not giving it a name, by keeping it, and her at arm’s length. And, he failed.

We know he failed by the way he reacts when she walks away… She affects him, even when he doesn’t want her to… She affects him. She touches him. She hurts him… even when he tries so desperately to keep it vague and lock her out, even if it’s only to protect himself, he fails… Because, she’s the one person he can’t block out, no matter how hard he tries. Her face, her voice, her hair and eyes and tears are all tied into him, and I don’t think he was prepared for that. I think that was a small wake-up call for him, just the way he reacts, the way he watches her go, it’s all about the way she touches him.
Fave GSR Scenes!

1 'Do You Want To Sleep With We?' -Old but the face on Grissom still makes me laugh!!

2 - ' Since I Meet You'

3 - 'Pin Me Down'

4 - Committed Scene - Grissom on the outside looking in!

5 - 'I'm not ready to say goodbye'
Alyssa, I don't know if you've seen it but we were talking about the fun idea of Grissom and Sara getting married and how happy that would make all of us. Well, I think that YOU should write that episode. Good heavens, but you can write. Both of those were so amazing, and deep and soul touching. I am so very glad you are on this ship with us. :)
Alyssa said:
I'm just another GSR dweeb! :)

We seriously need to get jackets. :]

Grissom wants to stay on his side of the playground while Sara stays on hers, but she’s more adventurous and aching to see what’s over the fence, but Grissom’s stuffing all his fears in front of the jungle gym so he can’t climb over to be with her.

I really love this metaphor. It suits each of Grissom's and Sara's individual characters perfectly. Sara is more adventurous, it's even more obvious since during the same episode, she went into a suspect's house even when Brass told her to stay back. She pulls out her gun and gets in there; she doesn't want to be left behind.

And he calls their relationship “this.” He doesn’t know what to do about “this.” He can’t give it a name because that makes the demon have a stronger hold on him. Like the kids in Harry Potter who refuse to say the name of “You Know Who,” Grissom fails to label it, afraid that it might have a stronger hold over him.

He's almost scared of calling their relationship a certain name because he doesn't know exactly what it is yet. He's confused, maybe he hasn't thought of their relationship fully yet, and he likes to analyze things fully, and not say anything until he's good and ready. He calls it "this", establishing that there is something there... but he doesn't know, or want Sara to interpret, what it is... just yet.

And did you really just reference to Harry Potter? Alyssa, I love you. :]
Alyssa you need to write a summary of all the episodes, and I'll be your photographer ;) and Harry Potter, cute ;) I just can't wait till the new season, their going to be shooting here soon, premier is Sept. 20, lordie, two more months :( any news that's written, I'll put it here first ;)


AND THEM THIS SUMMER IN CHICAGO look how happy she is, does this look like someone who's leaving?
Alyssa, i'm pretty sure that I speak for every GSR dweeb here when I say, that you are a GSR Goddess!! OK, I have a question... this may be a stupid question, but how does one go about downloading clips from I can watch them, but I can't figure out how to download them.
I have not been on in forever. I am ashamed. It was not be choice however. I was not allowed to go on the computer for a long time because I have 2 books to read for my summer reading list. Then I have to write an essay after each of them. They are both SUPER BORING. I have almost finished one of them. I have missed so much stuff. It took me about 3 hours to read all the posts I missed.

I want to start off by saying Congrats to Alyssa. Then I want to say cool sign to SaraSidleRules8. I also want to say welcome to all of the newbies. There are too many to name right now otherwise I would welcome all of you individually.

I think I am going crazy, I have started talking to myself. Part of me will start saying reasons why Sara will not die and the other part of me will start naming reasons why Sara will die. I don't know where that part of me came from.

I went to the movies today and on the way home, I saw not 1 but 2 RED Mustangs. Then I have been having some weird nightmares lately. They all end with Sara dying, except for oneof them. Sara survived the accident but she was having mental problems. She thought I was Natalie and that I was trying to take Grissom away from her. She was acting like a little kid. Everynight I wake up from my Nightmares crying because of them. Natalie follows me everywhere in my dreams, even if it's not a CSI dream.

We haven't heard anything about Jorja and July is almost half over.

I need some help you guys. I have major doubts right now :(.
This is some news about the first ep. of S/8 from the moderator on YTDAW, GIBBY, I dont know how accurate this is, nor where she got her info. but here's what she says::I guess I can say it::She's back. This episode begins where we left off. Natalie is seeing the police psychiatrist. Hodges & Sofia are there. Natalie is referred to as having 'empty eyes' HMMM The whole thing is going to be "The Quest for Sara Sidle" Everyone is scurring around doing their best to find her, which happens mid-way-to late in the ep. [early draft] so if this is correct our girl is not dead.. and YIPEE, lets hope this is true. I'm thrilled to pieces, I knew Jorja was coming back, too many clues and I've always kept the faith
Geeklove lover. when you put the cursor over the clip link right click it & save to: whereever you want to store it. Last time I tried on the last 8 episodes they had them where you can't download. Try for the later episodes.
I just got a bit of a rush over whether or not to look at the spoiler. I wasn't stronge, oh well.
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