Grissom & Sara # 28: To heart's and eyes' delight

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Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Personally if I wasn't coming back to work, theres no way in hell you would've gotten me to show up at an event.

LOL, Yeah Sara how far will you go? :devil:
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

On my trip to Utah this weekend, I saw 7 Red Mustangs. I was so sad, but then we got to Las Vegas and I remembered all the good times on CSI.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

I don't want any angst.. just smooth sailing.. no trouble in paradise, & who the hell, did vote for "LESS GSR? some snake from another thread probably the LH one .. GRRRRR :eek: we've already went through that crap :mad: SARA LIVES

Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

I like that picture desertwind. I have it posted all over my wall and my folder from the TV Guide.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

A couple of random questions- whatever happened to that cocoon? And did we ever find out for sure why Sara was mad at Grissom earlier this season (around LLV)? Or was that just because he was in burnout mode and not talking to her about it?
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Hi all,

I voted for #4 in the first poll, and #2 in the second. My motivation for choosing #4 in the first poll was that I don't want CSI to become Soap Opera-esque. I think that keeping the relationship within the team but not obvious to them at work is key for this ship to keep sailing. I would like to see a little prying on the part of the team to figure out what is going on - mostly due to their investigative nature - not to provide comedy for the show, which little comments following a relationship reveal might provide.

Grissom confessed his love for Sara in the finale, but there is no concrete evidence that there is a relationship happening. In my opinion, Grissom has always loved Sara. It is only now that he is realizing it himself. It seems likely that the team will be curious about his feelings, but not necessarily conclude that they are together based on Grissom's feelings. Even in Butterflied Catherine suspected Grissom's feelings, but didn't think that there was a relationship between G and S.

I would like to see a season of development of the two outside of work, without the interference of Ecklie or other administrators within CSI. I think that if they show GSR promimently while they are at work there would be too many professional reprecussions. Their coworkers need to be kept on their toes and not given too much, otherwise it will become fodder for jokes around the lab and become a comedic element on the show.

I think the team will be supportive of their relationship overall, but I don't think there is going to be an explicit explaination of their relationship by Grissom or Sara. (By the way, Sara is definitely alive. You can't start a season with CD. You can't end a ship that hasn't fully developed with death. And, as others have said, you don't show up at a CSI exhibit when you've been fired.)

My dream season opener: Grissom and company find Sara, and all witness Grissom carrying Sara away from the wreckage. They all recongnize that Grissom's love for Sara is apparent, but there is no direct sign that the feelings are reciprocated or that the relationship exists. The crew are left with a new impression of Grissom, but not 100% sure of what is going on between the two.

Side note: CathStokes, your signature makes me want to ship CatNip! Since Yobling has been on the back burner forever, I may ned to switch!

Side note 2: Is Warrick still on the show?

Side note 3: I think the cocoon will show up in the first few eps of season 8. I think its a ring. And I think its going to be complicated while Sara deals with the trauma regarding her accident.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

:lol: There are now 3 votes on the "Sara becomes a psychatrist and Grissom parties too much. lol" one. :lol:

We still don't no JF's contract status right?
:( It certainly looks that way, although things are looking good. :p (i.e. museum-ness)

That bloody cocoon, I hope to God that they haven't just forgotten about it, that would be so awful. When was the last time we saw it? I'm gonna have a look through the recent eps, see if I can see it in G's office, probably won't have much luck though. :rolleyes: Oh, they could have moved it to their house though. I have no idea. :lol:
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

I voted for 4 and 2...4 because I think it's the most plausible and likely thing to happen and 2 would be awesome but still in character

Anyway, I had to bring my computer to the tech people and I have a GSR picture on my desktop and the woman was like

Woman: "Oh, Sara Sidle".
Me: Gets all excited that she watches CSI and am about to go off on a GSR tangent then...
Woman: "they're killing her off, aren't they?"
Me: *stares blankly for a second and then I say emphatically* "NO!"
Woman: *stare"

And yesterday I was playing catchphrase (this game where you are given a word and you have to get a team mate to guess it) and my friend was like, ok this is for you (to me).

Her clue was: Grissom has this
Me: A beard? (so early season, I know)
Friend: no
Friend: WTF, I can't believe you got that on your second try! *throws game down, exasperated*

And I have to ask, in that picture that desert posted, WTF is Jorja wearing?
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

butterflied08 said:
Woman: "Oh, Sara Sidle".
Me: Gets all excited that she watches CSI and am about to go off on a GSR tangent then...
Woman: "they're killing her off, aren't they?"

The same thing happens to me all the time! Not with a computer (though I do have a GSR slideshow thingy set as my background). The most recent time was yesterday- I was at the bookstore with my friend and we ran into this guy my friend knows and we started talking about TV and CSI some how and of course this guy had to start going on about how they're going to kill Sara. And other people too! I talk to people who think she's already dead (she was definately MOVING when the epi ended). URG :mad: Are the SO GSR shippers the only people who think Sara isn't doomed?
I've been rewatching CSI from S1, and I just started S2- even that early there are GSR moments! GSR has been there almost since the show started! It would be so dumb to get rid of something that is rooted into the show like that!
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

And I have to ask, in that picture that desert posted, WTF is Jorja wearing?
Friggin' :eek: clothes that's what. :lol: :devil:

It would be so dumb to get rid of something that is rooted into the show like that!
I know, that's why I don't understand why people say they don't see it. :confused:

I have nothing to add on the whole GSR in real life experiences, because I don't speak to people. :lol: ...yeah. :rolleyes:

Go Team SO!
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Good, Bad, Ug.. er... Dominatrix - He's staying the night at another woman's house and doesn't give a crap what anyone else thinks, but we're under wraps. What the CRAP?

Living Doll - Did he just say, "my dear" at a crime scene? Is he kidding? Is he serious? What the crap!?
You get 1000 cool points because you managed to use the word crap a lot. :lol: Sorry, I was laughing once I hit the first crap. :lol:

Are the SO GSR shippers the only people who think Sara isn't doomed?
I've been rewatching CSI from S1, and I just started S2- even that early there are GSR moments! GSR has been there almost since the show started! It would be so dumb to get rid of something that is rooted into the show like that!

That's why I just can't see her leaving. She's not just her own character, she's related to everyone else, especially Grissom.

I think one of Grissom's main goals throughout the show was working past the fact that he isn't good with people and he can't seperate work and his social life. Sara is the person who really helped him get there. If Sara's gone, then everything the show has been working up to is gone. She was the living proof that he actually changed.

You can't kill off a character like that. You just can't.

And about the episode names...I didn't think the writers had gotten back together this soon...But maybe they had. Anyway, they're really general, and I can totally see them changing.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

I've been watching re-runs on Spike TV for a few weeks now and even in the early eps there have been GSR moments that stand out so much compared to any other two people on the show. It would make no sense at all to kill her off when this ship has obviously been in the writers mind since day 1. If they were to do that, they'd be mentally not all together, no lie.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Excatly that haven't worked this up for 7 frickin' years to let in go in the toilet :mad: I'm positive she's signed up for S/8, their playing so coy those nasty writers [gotta love em'] and I know he' always loved her, didn't he call her down from San Francisco? and why? to be with him.. she's his heart and soul, and likewise..



Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

I think I jinxed Sara last year because for the 6th season finale, I heard that someone (one of the CSIs) was going to get hurt and be placed in a life or death situiation for a hostage and something major was going to happen between Grissom and Sara. I was thinking, Sara is going to be the one that gets sho, but she is going to survive and she and Grissom are going to get together. After a while I thought, this is going to be so great, I hope it is Sara that gets hurt, she is my favorite character and I love it when things happen together. It turned out that Brass got hurt, but Grissom and Sara became officially together. I never took back my feelings about Sara getting hurt. Now that Sara is hurt, I don't want hurt to get hurt. I feel it is my fault that Sara is hurt.
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