Grissom & Sara # 28: To heart's and eyes' delight

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Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

I just hope this premier will be nothing like last season's. Catherine got raped and where did that storyline go? Nowhere.
well, Catherine didn't get raped. she improvised her own SAE kit, done some tests on her own and didn't discover any semen or any other signs of sexual assault on her body. so no, she didn't get raped.
Pin me down..not with a mustang...
shoosh, the second title is good too :p
Seriously? Eggy? We are all doomed!
Go egg!
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Choc don't worry, I think we'll have time before September for it to be #30 :)

David Rambo is awesome..still no word on WTF Gris wrote in the letter huh? I should write him my idea for the coocoo. I'm tellin' you it would be AWESOME! For those of you who don't know, I bet $5 the opening scene would be the coocoo just sittin' in it's terranium hatching away while the entire lab is rushing around rescuing Sara. MMMM Good times! I think we can reach 9 more posts before tonight.

YAY Rambo!!
Go Team SO!!
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Only 8 posts left to go after my post. Ha Sara's not in a particularly great place right now and we're still ahead of most other shipper threads. See our optimism? Aren't we great? Isn't David Rambo great?

ETA: Go team SO!
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Only 8 posts left to go after my post
Good to know I'm not the only one counting down the posts. :lol:

For those of you who don't know, I bet $5 the opening scene would be the coocoo just sittin' in it's terranium hatching away while the entire lab is rushing around rescuing Sara.
I like that. :p Or we could have a hugely busy premiere, and you just know that it will be lol, and then after all the mad rush (and Sara survives ;)), as the screen fades to black we see our precious coocoo hatching. *sigh* :D

*nods* What she said. :rolleyes:

7 posts to go. :lol:
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

IloveBilly said:
another e-mail from Rambo!!!
OUR GOD!!! ;)
Sorry I can't relieve your panic yet -- can't discuss future plot developments. But you must not miss the Season 8 premiere. All will be explained.
Thanks for writing,
David Rambo

WOW, another one rock-on
good job! congrat.

Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

If I had something mildly interesting to say it would only be 5 posts to go.

Hmm...I'll talk about the cocoon hatching. I think it hatching at the very beginning or the end would be good. Or maybe when the team reach Sara there can be flashes of it hatching. Actually that last one might just get annoying because Ill be waiting to see what happens to Sara :rolleyes:
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Ok how 'bout this...They might just leave it as TBC..God knows they've done it to us before.. So there's this mad dash to find Sara which takes up the whole ep, then when Gris finds her under the car they might leave it as something along the lines of-- Her arms not she alive? OMG, Flash to coocoo hatching...TBC..AHHH!!!!!!!! DUN DUN DUUUUNNNN

Dear lord, is it #29 yet??!!?? lol

Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

OMG Herzeleid I love your avvie! :lol: Too. Funny. :lol: That scene was like the best thing in the whole of season 7. :lol: Grissom's face. :lol:

*thinks of something GSR relevant to say*

Yeah, I would quite like another TBC I like them. I was actually really happy that it was a TBC finale, they're fun. I like that bit of, OMG What's gonna happen?! It makes me happy. Like Lost have done it, ER, house (sort of not that dramatic) and so has GA (again with the slightly-ness). CSI's is the best though, I mean friggin' hell she's like squished like how many like times can I fit like into a like sentence, dude? :rolleyes:

Do you like my rambling? It's fun. I should do it more often, you should read my blog, funny stuff. Well not funny, just...odd. Much like this post.

I'll shut up now. 3 more posts. I might as well wait, eh? I have been all day already. :rolleyes:
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

I'm tired now but I want to wait to see the new thread open. There's so little posts to go...

Something GSR related? I wouldn't mind another TBC at the end of the long as they find Sara alive :)
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

^ I think they could have the first two eps be a two parter. Have the first one be all about finding Sara, following the evidence and such and finding her at the very end, then the second one be having Sara in hospital, bit like Way to Go I suppose, but we could have G all worried about his Sara. :p

You know what?
I can't wait any longer. 999 is a nice post number. Although upside down isn't so good, but we could do with some devilish things involving GSR, no? :devil:

Yep, so Bye Bye thread. It's was nice having you. :rolleyes: :lol:
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Yeah, we've already got the mother of all TBC's...why not another one? they did it last season with poor Cath.. Only she wasn't... Pinned. Beneath. A. CAR! Ugh, ok yay GSR and the whole many left? lol!

Thanks Eggy!! Judy is so funny sometimes.
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