Grissom & Sara # 28: To heart's and eyes' delight

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Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

I think that unless you're a writer for the show, there's no need to blame yourself. You've no idea how many times I've wished for my favorite chracter on a show to get hurt and when it happens I want to shoot myself. Just remember it was TPTB who's putting us through this, not you. :)
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Thank you. I feel much better now, but I wish I was a writer because Grissom and Sara would never break up and none of the characters would die.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Vote 5 and 3... they play the subtly so well...The only problems I see with Gris and Sara are Catherine and Eckle, who would both would stab Gris and Sara in the back if the chance arose.

Sara is not going to die without destroying the show and taking Grissom down too.Which will kill it for ratings too. The people that don't like Sara, haven't got to understand her and are most likely predjudiced against her because of rumors of Jorja's lifestyle, regardless of the truth. Jorja represents the Generation X lifestyle which I think Conservative Americans find threatening, born in a time people seem to want people to forget existed and she is was the voice of a video that called George Bush brainless..., she is vocally anti-war,I am sure she has got her share of hate mail, for her views. And she has played a lesbian and is therefore difficult for people that believe all they read and get there view of the world from Fox News!!!!
Jorja is athletic, beautiful and as an actress she makes you work harder to get Sara. She is an actress that can show you heartbreak in the reflection of a window.
Sara being a complicated, layered character. We have seen her go from happy, funny and flirty, to a woman whose self-esteem has fallen through the floor, to someone was attention seeking and someone a peace with Grissom, once he gets past his anxiety.
Compared to Catherine who is designed to be the obviously beautiful one, an ex dancer, wears designer clothes, is overtly sexual played by Marg who is a good actress but less
subtle. Those that fancy Catherine like more obvious beauty that is blonde and in your face. Just as the people that are hoping for Grillows don't seem to understand Grissom and why
Sara is the only one he has ever loved.

Happenstance - Sara is basically saying if you want sex tonight, put the book away, which I think he does. But even if he doesn't she will still be there in bed when he has finished.

Leaving Las Vegas - Yes but not Sara, saying to Sara that he will miss her is a big, big thing for him and you can see she knows it too, it seems to reassure her. Sara has too trust him, even is she is insecure.

Redrum - A Chrysalis is something that only Sara would get, she is his butterfly. This is what makes him right for Sara because Sara enjoys the gift, it is not flowers and a love letter but it says everything. Catherine would see it as an insult which is why GCR would not work but too Sara it is beautiful.

Meet Market - Gil has communcated more from his heart then he ever has to Sara, many of us write what we feel but can't have the nerve to send it. I have done that countless times.

Law of Gravity - That isn't backing away, that is Sara wanting to kiss him and tear his clothes off and can't,it is safer to back off at work, she is flustered as she is when he turns her on.These are two people that will barely make it through the door, when they meet later.

Empty Eyes - They had a dated, which was cancelled and Grissom wasn't unnerved by her pain, he was there for her.
In the past he found her tears, her pain over the victims to be something that scared him.

Ending Happy - He loves Sara with out a doubt and Sara is comfortable enough to ask about past encounters too. She must be secure with him.

Leapin' Lizards - I have a draft box full of letters I never sent too ex-lovers, maybe if I had they wouldn't be ex's or maybe they would have run quicker. He left it in a place were Sara would easily find it and maybe he was more confident knowing that she wasn't angry at him for leaving.
Sara was sure to have given him a full response... The next night he is in his office at home, wearing a post-coital robe and pyjama pants...

Good, Bad, Ug.. er... Dominatrix - Sara wasn't accusing him of sleeping with Lady Heather, Catherine was and she was wrong, but Grissom wasn't playing Catherine's game by even giving her an answer, so it was only his and Sara's business.I suspect that Sara knew about Lady Heather by her reaction to Catherine's gossip and unflattering comments about Grissom. Sara can see he is acting guilty but she is lovely to Lady Heather.And would be proud of Grissom's care of her too. It is Sara that has opened him up so he can feel for Lady Heather and help her.
The problem was Grissom's bad communication and seeing that he could trust Sara with the truth. He was behaving like everyman I have ever known, he is doesn't come home and expects his woman to know he is ok, without so much as a phone call. Then they are shocked when they are met with hostility and anger. And Sara has to listen to gossip about him too before talking to him, which made it hurt more as she has to bury her feelings.

Living Doll - Yes and he also tells team that Sara is the only one he have ever loved, when Sara disappears. And we see him stroking her arm at a crime scene too, which is most sensual,subtle and personal touch you can give your lover in a public place.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Hey fans, I just got my new TV Guide in the mail, and there's a two page spread of them in "CHICAGO" at that Museum event, and a small pic of Jorja, and she says on Sara's return "If I did know, I'd smile and say I didn't, but I hope Sara's alive and well and back for a SEXY S/8 romance" WHOOPEE, doesn't that sound positive ;) she's so coming back!


Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

i don't really have time for a longer post now so i'm just gonna tell y'all that i've FINALLY updated my LJ with some new GSR, naked CSI boys and Save Sara icons. if anybody would like to check them out, click on the link below, in my signature.

and now, teasers:

comments on my LJ are LOVE. i always get so excited when i get some, lol.

i need to go cuz i haven't slept in 2 days really.

oh choc, put me on team anti glasses and stupidly optimistic. and anti marriage if i'm not there yet. thanks, yo.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

So...a couple of things.

Adz You are the friggin' icon queen. And I LOVE the Sharpie one. Those commercials make me giggle. :lol:

I checked this girls credit card today. Guess what her name was? Sara. I was about to say somthing but I stopped myself because I figured she'd of thought that I was psycho. :lol:

Saw Mr. Brooks tonight. You know the movie with Marg? :eek: Holy CRAP. Best movie I've seen in forever. DEFINATELY recommend it.

OH MY GOSH! This shows you how big a geek I am! So I'm reading the new Nicholas Sparks book Dear John and one of the main characters is Savannah. Her description? Tall, thin, brown hair and eyes, and she has a gap between her teeth. So...guess what? I picture Sara. :lol: I read that in the breakroom at work and I started BUSTING out laughing and everyone jumped. Wow...I'm outta control. :lol:

ALright all...going to karaoke and working tomorrow morning and getting up early! Hurray for jobs! [sarcasm] :rolleyes:

Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

A Las Vegas picture for you with them.. and I'll bet the car crash is all in screwed up Natalie's fried brain..

Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

It'd be weird if Sara was just down the street, wouldn't it? :lol:

Yes, I'm trying to be nice, is it working?

eye secks??? thats a

*blinks at picture* did you make that?? kickass!
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

I've been at my pharmacy job for the past two days this week and aparently Walgreen's doesn't sell a flippin' TV Guide. After much complainage I ventured to the grocery store across the street, still in my vest, nametag blaring for everyone to read my name and where I work. I stood in the pharmacy there waiting for my mom's prescriptions as I read the article. On page 2 or 3, where they have the poll "Where would you rather work?" of course CSI won..HA! Anyway...above that there was a comment about Sara, a viewer said they should just let her die or somethin' like that. I erhm..forgot where I was? Yeah, I forgot I was in public and I started going off about how Sara makes that show what it is and they can't kill off one of "my peoples" and that that particular viewer was ignorant and doesn't know anything. My mom just looked at me and said "Yes hon, I know..." Yeah the store's pharmacist just kinda looked at me as I smiled. This could have all been avoided had Walgreen's sold TV Guide. I've already converted my pharmacist to a GSR shipper.. She'd have understood my rampage!
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Hey Herz it doesn't hit the stands till Fri. maybe you should consider a subscription, I always get mine on Tues. and we're geeting a new Walgreens nearby here, I'm so sick of Rite-Aid :mad: great photo spread, you'll love it! Greg look's especially darling! and I had a real treat tonight saw Billy sing at the CUBS game. he was full of vim and vigor and yelling and so passionate about the CUBS, [they lost] sad 9-0 the Marlins.. but he was incredible. and so funny and said "we start filming S/8 in July" so he's coming back for sure, they asked him [the announcers] many things and he was quick, bright and so cute! and not a bad singer, he sang 'TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME'
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

For some reason at my "other" job, grocery store, I searched high and low all weekend, but I guess the delivery guy had it off..go figure. ;) (I usually show up at like 4am a couple times a week so I get bored waiting for the time clock and read at the checkstands..) So I had to wait patiently to search through Walgreen's stash of mag's only to find we don't sell it there. Buggar!

Yeah, I ended up just flipping through it and not buying. That comment drove me crazy! Was it the May 28-June 3 edition with the spread? 'Cause I only saw the little article with CM talking about Sara being under the car etc etc. You're telling me I have to scour this city looking for the new one next week?! Hmm. That. Sucks.

Oh yeah, GSR rocks my rocks... My gneiss rocks too! :) God that was the lamest thing I've ever typed.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

I got the TV Guide on Tuesday and I feel a lot more confident that Sara is coming back next season because I know that Jorja is going to do everything in her power to keep Sara alive and she is not giving up. I think that is almost affirmative that Jorja Fox is coming back.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Wow you guys posted lots since I left. Anyway I'm back to celebrate the GSR goodness. I did have a picture to mark said celebration but I can't seem to find it :(

Oh and I must say: Sara will live. I refuse to believe that she won't.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Herzeleid said:
For some reason at my "other" job, grocery store, I searched high and low all weekend, but I guess the delivery guy had it off..go figure. ;) (I usually show up at like 4am a couple times a week so I get bored waiting for the time clock and read at the checkstands..) So I had to wait patiently to search through Walgreen's stash of mag's only to find we don't sell it there. Buggar!

Yeah, I ended up just flipping through it and not buying. That comment drove me crazy! Was it the May 28-June 3 edition with the spread? 'Cause I only saw the little article with CM talking about Sara being under the car etc etc. You're telling me I have to scour this city looking for the new one next week?! Hmm. That. Sucks.

Oh yeah, GSR rocks my rocks... My gneiss rocks too! :) God that was the lamest thing I've ever typed.

It's the June 4-10 issue, Kyra Sedgwick is on the cover! it's out here tomorrow, on the stands I mean, then you can buy it ;)

Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

I turned 5 of my friends into CSI fans. Yea, I hve people to talk to about CSI at school. They are all energetic about CSI, but they all hate GSR and even worse they hate Sara. Every chance they get, they tell me, I hope Sara dies. It gets me very discouraged, but I have you guys to cheer me up.
Yesterday I was watching untold stories of the ER and there was this case about a 12 year old boy and he was playing with dry wall and 1,000 pounds (yeah you read it right, a thousand pounds) fell on him. He was stuck under it for a couple of hours. When he got to the ER, they assessed him. The doctors found out that he had Crush Syndrome. That is when your organs start dying because they have been under pressure and they were crushed. If there had been anymore weight on him, he would have died. The doctors saved him. Anyway, I was thinking if the boy almost died with a thousand pounds on him, think about what two thousand pounds would do, because that is how much pounds are on top of Sara. That worries me a little bit because there is a possibility that Sara could have Crush Syndrome. They need to find Sara fast. However, the car was placed on Sara, it was not dropped on her. I only hope that the writers have no idea what Crush Syndrome is.
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