Grissom & Sara # 28: To heart's and eyes' delight

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Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight


Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Thank you for that assurance DESERTWIND. By the way, I like the your banners. I will die if Sara dies. Did anyone read the tv guide for next week. In the you tell us page, one of the fans says that she hopes, that the scene with Sara's arm will be the last scene we ever see of Sara. She and her husband have been waiting forever for Sara to die. I was so mad. I thought to myself that lady is so rude, she better hire someone for protection because there are a lot of angry fans at her for saying that. That is the second time in a row that some one has said on the you tell us page that they want Sara to die.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Your welcome, and maybe it's really Lady Heather in that car :devil:
I am adamant about this, to many positive clues that she'll be back, and is fine! and it's all in the crazed mind of freak-show Natalie.. she said "everybody is coming back for S/8" and she was just with the whole cast in Chicago, that's odd, if she's bailed.. which makes me think she's so going to return ;)
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

*pokes head in*

Glad to see that spirits are being kept high. And for good reason. Yay for TV guide (even though I hate them... lol)

It's really sad that I have nothing to say. This is horrible. I hate Summer break.

And I'm obviously not a student.

Go team SO!

As for Crush Syndromw - omjeepers - I think we were watching the same show! Now I realize this isn't as rare as one might think. The one, being me. Anyways - I love TLC.

Ok so anyways - he was only trapped for a couple minutes wasn't he? And massive organ failure. And I was to busy thinking about Sara and her possibly crushed bowels. It was horrible. lol. Glad I'm not the only one who's mind goes straight to CSI/GSR from the most random things.

Which means, I also hope that TPTB have never heard of Crush Syndrome. I could see them finding her and then having her die. Oh, that would make me one very angry fangirl.

But if the car was placed and not dropped... and we saw her bash the top in. Maybe... just maybe she's not supporting the weight of the car. *crosses fingers*


Sara shall not die.

Okies. I have nothing else to add. Just wanted to (again) drop in and let ya'll know I haven't forgotten you exist.

Adz, your icons rock. Snagged 'em. Love 'em. Nice job.

GSR is wonderful.
I love GSR.
GSR rocks my... oh hell. I'm not wearing socks. Shoot.


That is all.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

I just accidently ordered S6 as my birfday present to...myself. Oops! I'm evil, and I can't wait for the eyesex. MMMMM!! Yeah that's about all I have to add to our conversation at the moment.

And about the crush syndrome, yeah bad stuff. It looked like the roof of our ::sarcastic:: 'beloved' mustang was pretty well bashed in creating a pocket if you will. She's probably pinned but not crushed, and I'm in the camp saying the rain more than likely made an okay situation worse. Wet sand is not the most stable surface, and if the thunder storm is close enough to rattle the car, yeah it'll shift a tad. Wow, I'm in a bad mood aren't I? :( Ok, happy thoughts...eyesex. Yeah..armsex...season opener, whole episode dedicated to the dramatic rescue. Yeeeaaaaahhh. :devil:

Hi! What were we talkin' about? GSR my anti-drug.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

I thought I was the only one watching the show. I think you are right TURTLEBABY, the boy was only under there for a couple of minutes. But if he was only under there for a couple of minutes, then that might make things worse for Sara. If Sara dies, I will be another very angry fan girl. I seriously hope Sara lives and DOES NOT DIE. She is the only reason that I watch the show. When the episode Spellbound from the sixth season came out, I was excited for some Sara scenes in that episode, but she wasn't in it at all. I own season six on dvd and I have not watched Spellbound since it aired. Maybe the rainstorm will be good for Sara. If she can hold her breath, then it is possible that the car will be lifted off of her if there is a flood, but I don't know if she would be able to move. But people have been known to do miracyulous things when they think about the people they love.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

My Uncle was telling me this story today. He goes from house to house for his job and he went to this one house and the lady had a 20 year old daughter that was autistic. She has a photographic memory, she remembers everything she reads, she plays with dolls. She doesn't communicate though. So she tells her dolls what she wants to tell her mom. When she meets new people, she rubs her elbow. When my Uncle was telling me this story all I could think about was Natalie because they have a lot of things in common, her and this autistic girl. They both play and talk to girls, are around the same age, both have photographic memories, and they don't communicate well. It made me wonder if Natalie is a little autistic because when she was talking to Ernie Dell, she said Your special girl in a childlike voice, that shows a litlle bit of auticism doesn't it if you think you are a child.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Holy cow, who would want Sara to die? Honestly, who'd want anyone to die on that show? The nerve some people have. I think that lady is hoping to die just as much as she wants Sara to, because we'll get her and beat her down. Maybe we'll throw her under a car and see if she likes it. Give her a taste of her own medicine.

Hmmm, I think I'm a little too protective over Sara. I think I'll leave that job to Griss... GSR is LOVE
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

I dared to put this in the S8 Spoilers thread.... got pissed of with the Jorja doesn't matter.. people aren't getting it.

If WP left CSI, they lose an Executive Producer too, so I think that the impact would be huge. And WP would leave if Jorja left because it would devestated the shows credibility and it would be CBS that killed it.
Grissom would have nowhere to go but a downward spiral. WP has invested much time into GSR and has said he would want them to leave together. They would have been revealed much sooner but for Billy being called away for a
family emergency, so the episode had to be re-written.

It would also kill the show because Jorja is a much loved member of the cast and to see her fired over a salary dispute,again would kill the relationship with CBS. (Jorja is supposed to get a raise every two years and the cast now that. They were upset enough in 2004 to not show up in support of Jorja and George.)
A bitter, angry cast do not make for a good season of work,especially as they could be next and CBS would be hurt by it too. Remember Emily Procter in CSI Miami is one of Jorja's best friends too.

If anyone of this present cast left it would hurt the show because it is such a tight, happy cast, which is unusual in there business. ER survived without George Clooney, but its declined since Anthony Edwards and Noah Wyle have left and Grey's Anatomy and CSI have left them for dust in the ratings. Tight casting and good story telling has given it international fame.
I would stuggle to watch it without Jorja because her firing would be unjust and it would to be like "Rocket" Ramono in ER being killed off by a helicopter falling on him which was a very bad idea.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

sidlewannabee said:
I turned 5 of my friends into CSI fans. Yea, I hve people to talk to about CSI at school. They are all energetic about CSI, but they all hate GSR and even worse they hate Sara. Every chance they get, they tell me, I hope Sara dies. It gets me very discouraged, but I have you guys to cheer me up.
Yesterday I was watching untold stories of the ER and there was this case about a 12 year old boy and he was playing with dry wall and 1,000 pounds (yeah you read it right, a thousand pounds) fell on him. He was stuck under it for a couple of hours. When he got to the ER, they assessed him. The doctors found out that he had Crush Syndrome. That is when your organs start dying because they have been under pressure and they were crushed. If there had been anymore weight on him, he would have died. The doctors saved him. Anyway, I was thinking if the boy almost died with a thousand pounds on him, think about what two thousand pounds would do, because that is how much pounds are on top of Sara. That worries me a little bit because there is a possibility that Sara could have Crush Syndrome. They need to find Sara fast. However, the car was placed on Sara, it was not dropped on her. I only hope that the writers have no idea what Crush Syndrome is.

Sara wasn't crush. she wouldn't be able to move her hand and the car wasn't dropped on her, it would have bounced and rolled, not neatly with her underneath it.The scene was set to presisely look like another scene. It wasn't a car crash, Sara may not have been in the car itself. See my other comments about Sara haters... are they the Fox News type because I think it is Jorja they hate.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

About those TV guide articles, I'm pretty much sure that when they pick out which quotes to put in that section, they pick the most extreme. And that was probably the most one-sided quote about Sara's death they received. Trust me, people do not want her killed off.

My friend Meredith's parents have been keeping with the show since season one, and when they saw the finale, there was much screaming (dreadful screaming) in the house. She took it upon herself to ask me about the finale at school the next day because she didn't get the chance to watch it. All she knew is that her parents were royally pissed.

And I'm pretty sure her parents are GSR fans too. They were screaming about the season six finale, but it was a good scream.

Well, I was squeeing about it.

Sara is going to be back because she's the S in our GSR. That's all there is to it.

Edited because this is a GSR board, and that was a Sara post.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

aw thank you SSR and Turtle! *hugs*

so i've been watching Leapin Lizards today and the letter caught my eye again. did anybody already figure out what Grissom wrote in the very end of the said letter? cuz it's bugging me a lot. so today i capped the moment when the camera went down the most and i played with it in photoshop to see it better. this is what i got:


i checked if there is anything in Meet Market that could help, but we have no luck, there was not a single shot on the ending of the letter. now, the last four letters look like "owse" to me, but i can't figure out if the first letter is a "B" or a "P" with something else following. i checked some possible words in a dictionary, and for example "bowse" means to "haul with a tackle" so i doubt it's that one (reminder: english is my second language, lol). other words that i found:

Blowse (or Blowze) - A ruddy, fat-faced woman; a wench. he sure didn't call the a fat faced woman in a love letter.
Rowse M. (cuz i think an "M" followed that word) - naturalised Chinese civil servant in Hong Kong. lol
Sowse (or Souse) - Food steeped in pickle, especially pork trimmings. OR A drunkard, A period of heavy drinking; a binge. not a particurarly romantic phrase.
Growse - To shiver; to have chills . umm, "I shiver already at the thought of seeing you Sara" ? ummm, not really.
Dowse - looking for water with a Y shaped stick. wait a second ... stick! Y shaped stick!! it's NOT about a damn cocoon! they're gonna go and look for some underground water together! yes!!

or maybe not. lol

one more ending on "awse" then is Hawse - The part of a ship where the hawseholes are located. well, somehow i don't think Grissom used a ship metaphor.

so it leaves me with nothing. anybody has any ideas?


now i'm gonna look like a complete moron if somebody already figured it out. lol
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

According to people who have gotten letters or autographs from WP in the past, he signs his name with "Peace". lol.

Yeah, you know you're a former hippie when...
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

yeah, i was thinking the same thing, but i doubt it was on the letter. i just can't see Grissom writing it to Sara, you know.

"Betwixt mine eye and heart ...
Peace, yo"

a tiny bit OOC. lol

besides it doesn't really look like "Peace" to me.

i know. i'm bored.

ETA cuz i can't spell.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

You know what I have come to the conclusion that the Grillows shippers don't really know Grissom. It is the GSR shippers that do understand him the best.
I read comments that Gris and Sara lack chemistry but their very first scene crackled with a sexual knowledge of each other, which Crate and Burial confirmed in the "Tie me up" scene. During the series they backed off from each other but
it was still in the little things.
Maybe chemistry is two people ripping each others clothes off but Gris and Sara are both quiet, low key personalities so the chemistry is right, the reveal is two people already settled into a relationship.
One question have any of you GSR fans had a relationship with an older man? Because some don't get that and it colors their perception of GSR. I have loved an older man and I love to see it portrayed in a positive way.
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