Grissom & Sara # 28: To heart's and eyes' delight

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Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

I'm definately for the optimistic. I may have not seen every episode of CSI yet, but usually, they don't waste time in killing characters. If they were going to kill Sara, they would have already done it. And plus, I couldn't stand to see a heartbroken Grissom all throughout season 8.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

O/T- I read a Parade today. Guess who on it? Someone asked a question to Parade, "How did readers react to your opinion that CSI: Miami's David Caruso is a better actor than CSI's William Petersen?"

Walter Scott said, "By a margin of 20 to 1, they disagreed. Typical comments: "You must be kidding." And, "If William Petersen left CSI, I'd quit watching it."

What do you guys think of this one?

Back on Topic. I like Sara with glasses, not too big. Sara is going to live, not going to died. I'm torn between Snickers and GSR, so don't write me down on that one. I'm not anti-Sara, I like her since Nesting Dolls.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

NicknGrissom said:
O/T- I read a Parade today. Guess who on it? Someone asked a question to Parade, "How did readers react to your opinion that CSI: Miami's David Caruso is a better actor than CSI's William Petersen?"

Walter Scott said, "By a margin of 20 to 1, they disagreed. Typical comments: "You must be kidding." And, "If William Petersen left CSI, I'd quit watching it."

What do you guys think of this one?

Back on Topic. I like Sara with glasses, not too big. Sara is going to live, not going to died. I'm torn between Snickers and GSR, so don't write me down on that one. I'm not anti-Sara, I like her since Nesting Dolls.

Funny :DI just posted this on the WP thread.. DC, puke, I actually wrote this a..hole a letter at the time, and I'm sure he got them mixed up.. so just wanted to touch base with you, can you imagine? :eek: is anybody watching SPIKE? I have intermittinly, and Sara on the clown ep. "Now I know why Doodles drank" after scouring his scrungy apt :lol: and when Grissom said "I haven't seen you for a while and she goes "You see me everyday" jerk :mad:

Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Oh, but he was talking about in "between the sheets" :p At least that's what I think :lol:

One key cast member leaving would be okay. Grissom leaving would be an abombination to the world (Okay, not really.. BUT to GSR it would be :lol:)
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

I've been watching Spike all day basically, and there was one episode where a nurse was musrdered and it reminded the team of Sara and Grissom pictured Sara in the bedroom I think. I was squeeing like crazy. Anyone know that eppy? Other eppy's have had little things in them too. These two have fantastic chemistry together. Love them so much, took the TV guide cover and hung it on my bedroom wall!
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Radical618 said:
I've been watching Spike all day basically, and there was one episode where a nurse was musrdered and it reminded the team of Sara and Grissom pictured Sara in the bedroom I think. I was squeeing like crazy. Anyone know that eppy? Other eppy's have had little things in them too. These two have fantastic chemistry together. Love them so much, took the TV guide cover and hung it on my bedroom wall!

Well mah dear fellow Tampanian :)lol:) That would be the infamous Butterflied I'm almost 100% sure it's just about everyone on this thread's favorite eppy....I know it's mine. ;)
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

My family and I passed through Las Vegas on our way home from Utah and we rode Desperado at Buffalo Bills and all I could think about was Grissom because Grissom rides roller coasters.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

sidlewannabee said:
My family and I passed through Las Vegas on our way home from Utah and we rode Desperado at Buffalo Bills and all I could think about was Grissom because Grissom rides roller coasters.

I now think about Grissom when I ride rollercoasters, my friends keep telling me I watch too much CSI. :lol:
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

hi does anyone know where ic an get pics of them together please
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight


Haven't been on here for quite a while. I have been a good girl and went spoiler free for the last four eps, and now I have seen them... I can look at blue boxes and read on here again!

I loved TGTBATD. Loved the contrast of how he stayed so calm when LH's diabetic coma started compared to how he went bonkers with Natalie when he discovered she had Sara. Clearly proves LH is no threat to GSR. We know where his heart lies!

Did anyone else think Brass was arsey with LH because he knew about Griss and Sara and he didn't want her confusing Griss again and upsetting Sara? But Cath did that quite brilliantly! I laughed like a loon at her convo with Sara. Not sure Sara knew where to put herself... I bet we all know her fantasy though, right? :devil:

I'm pretty sure Sara is ok, so can I officially join a list please, choccie? I am on Team SO.

LOVED, no L.O.V.E.D. the arm sex! Swooooon! But Sara didn't even acknowledge it! Surely, a little smile in Grissom's direction?

I screamed the house down when Natalie slashed his throat!! So didn't see that coming! My neighbours have taken out an Anti Social Behaviour Order out against me for the squeeeeeing I did! :lol:

Cannot wait for more! GSR is the mutts nuts. Thank you for listening!

Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

oh man, we have so many newbies here. i almost do not recognize this thread anymore, lol. where did all the old people go?

anyway, we have less to talk about this summer than we had last year, when we basically didn't know ANYTHING about how will GSR turn out to be. we are kind of in a similar situation now, cuz well, he have no idea how is it going to look like with the team knowing, but the range of possibilities is limited and i feel that most of the stuff has been already discussed. and we're still in may.

all of this doesn't change the fact that we had one of the best seasons ever, both for GSR and in general. i adore all the episodes we had and i rewatched every single one of them multiple times. this season competes with my favorite S3 tightly.

so i decided to make a poll. sarah is in France (right?), so she can't be here full time, and i thought i could make the discussion a little more alive. so here it is.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

sorry for the double post but i can't edit the previous one. i just wanted to add that the answer no 5 was too long so this is what is missing:

"So basically, except a couple of inside jokes from time to time, nothing changes that much."

Sorry for that.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

I JUST got back from Australia so I was able to FINALLY watch the finale. I am never leaving the country during May again.
I am definately Team SO. Sara has to live! She just does! It took forever for GSR to go cannon so they can't just kill her now! That would seriously make me SOOO mad. Plus, They made it through seven seasons with the original cast! I don't know how much longer the show is going to be around for but if S8 is the last season, they really need to have the whole cast for it. And if they got rid of Sara they'd have to replace her with another female and the thought just makes me shudder. It looks like there have been plenty of positive indications that she'll be staying. But I'm not sure that I like the first S8 epi titles. I think they can be interpreted either way, but "Hard Evidence" made me think immediately of Sara's body being evidence, and "Aftermath" made me think of the aftermath of her death- not survival. But I remain SO because I won't be able to make it through the summer if I'm not.

Anyway as for the finale. I can't believe it was a cliff-hanger! I didn't know so during the last two minutes of the epi I was sitting there thinking, they're gonna kill her, they don't have time to find her, omygosh she's gonna die. But then she didn't =)
I was a little disapointed in the way they revealed the MCSK- how they showed her straight off, but oh well. Overall I thought it was good (unless they kill Sara, then it would SUCK). I do wish they had shown more of the team's reaction to finding out about Grissom and Sara, but I guess they'll do that next season. I downloaded the epi from Itunes in the airport when I left Australia so I watched it there and when I thought Grissom was going to die I started FREAKING OUT and everyone was looking at me like- ok should we call security on this chick?
But I seriously thought that Grissom was a dead man!
Sorry for the ramble I just haven't been on here in forever and NONE of my friends are GSR supporters so I need somewhere to go right?
Oh and I picked number 5 and 2 for the poll. If - sorry- WHEN Sara is rescued there had better be some form of real physical contact between our 2 geeks! Seriously!
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

something tells me that the first epi is going to be one of the biggest ratings as everyone wants to know what happened to sara lol
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

For the first poll I voted numero 5. Second poll I voted number 2. I really hope they're approving of the relationship, I can see them bugging Sara and Grissom about it from time to time. I'd like the team to be able to "keep it between themselves" though :D
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