Grissom & Sara # 28: To heart's and eyes' delight

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Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Ok, who voted:
Sara becomes a psychatrist and Grissom parties too much
Fess up. Who voted? Adz?

Me I voted Sara dies and after the autopsy we learn that she's been a couple of weeks pregnant. Poor Grissom. He deals with it somehow and continues to work but looses the spark in his eye.
Cuz i am and angst wh*re. Thats why!

but then I picked
Definitely a lot more. I want ACTION.
which made no sense considering i just voted for sara to die. But, I know they are not going to kill off sara so I want action! Like, I dont know somthin like *cough*Kiss*Cough *clears throat* *Cough*Sex*Cough*

Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

chocolate_bunnys said:
Ok, who voted:

Sara becomes a psychatrist and Grissom parties too much

Fess up. Who voted? Adz?

*looks around* Psshhh whoever voted that must be a COMPLETE, and TOTAL idiot.

Why are you looking at me like I voted it now?

Oh.. I made it obvious?

It was too funny, I just HAD to vote it. Purely for laughs. Cause I really don't think that Sara will become a psychiatrist and Grissom will start partying. I didn't know what to vote, because I'm farely open-minded. As long as Sara lives, I'm cool. Anything else is up to the writers. :)
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Choco you forgot me! Your randomness buddy! :lol: *pokes* Shove me on Team SO. ;)

hi does anyone know where ic an get pics of them together please
...well there are lots of places. Um has a gallery, the WPAP has a gallery, and umm, there is the massiveness of beyond-imagination, did I mention it was massive? :lol:

LOVED, no L.O.V.E.D. the arm sex!
I think now is as good a time as any to grace this thread with the arm sex, don't you?

*sigh* :)

Oooh! Poll!
3. A very emotional Grave Danger type of rescue, where Sara eventually dies and somehow Grissom dies too.
How could you even think of such a thing! :eek:
Totally number 9, you know it's gonna happen. :lol:
Seriously...number 5. :rolleyes: and I want to say number 1, but I guess I could live, well just, with number two. :rolleyes: But it better be one hell of a kiss, and a bit of groping!

:( Who voted for Less GSR, fess up. :lol: :(

"Hard Evidence" made me think immediately of Sara's body being evidence
So...noone is thinking what I'm thinking? :rolleyes:

something tells me that the first epi is going to be one of the biggest ratings as everyone wants to know what happened to sara lol
How true. :lol: Is GA gonna be on at the same time again? I feel sorry for them. :rolleyes: They definitely won't be able to compete with the first ep. :p

Um. That's all I have to say for myself, Sara is going to live, they will have a huge make out sesh in the desert, the morning I'm making waffles, k?
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Fess up. Who voted? Adz?
nope, choc. *raps Shaggy* wasn' me.

i actually voted first no 5 and then 2, like most people here. i would REALLY like the team to witness some tender moments between the two, seriously. i'm dying for it, yo. i just hope that Ecklie won't be there.
How could you even think of such a thing!
lol. at least i haven't voted for the pregnant Sara to die *glares at choc*
So...noone is thinking what I'm thinking?
lmao egg. i'm totally with you. we're gonna witness some hard evidence of Grissom's love.


i need to read some fic in that theme now. lol
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Choco you forgot me! Your randomness buddy! *pokes* Shove me on Team SO.
My randomness buddy? Ok, you and everyone else is on the teams they asked for, and so far we have no one on the 'OMG! Sara is going to die team' come on, I worked hard on that name!

"Hard Evidence" made me think immediately of Sara's body being evidence
So...noone is thinking what I'm thinking?
You beter not be thinking what i think you are thinking :rolleyes: Perv. :lol:

Seriously who did vote for less GSR?
*shifty eyes*

The cat voices my thoughts.

Seriously am I the only one who wants angst, even if it is in the form of sara dieing?
Guess so. I am the biggest angst wh*re you will ever meet. But the whole thing would make for a very good story.


lol. at least i haven't voted for the pregnant Sara to die *glares at choc*

*glares back at Adz* I told you a am the biggest angst wh*re you will ever meet!

lmao egg. i'm totally with you. we're gonna witness some hard evidence of Grissom's love.
You had to say it didnt you?
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

On the first I voted #1.. and the 2nd #5.. of course.. disgression is the key ;).. and welcome mugs ;) here's a few from "SWAP MEET"

"you think their happy"?

"tea for my lady"

"we'll never be like them"
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

I was in class today and I was reading the old tv guide about the finale. One of the kids in my class saw that it was CSI and they said did that girl Sara die yet because I hope she does. I was like, no she did not die and she isn't going to die for another 40 years. That ruined my day. A lot of my CSI friends at school are seniors and Friday was their last day. I am so sad. :( I am going to go crazy at school because I won't have anyone to talk to about CSI.
Long live GSR.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Wow. Choc You get the angst wh*re of the year award! :lol:

Adz A POLL?! :eek:

Let's see...I voted for #5 and #2.

Mainly because I want Warrick and Nick with some sexual innuendos. :lol: HILLARIOUS.

And number two because well...I'm greedy. :lol: WE NEED MORE DARN IT! ::Stomps foot:: :mad: And I'm talkin' more than a kiss! ::coughWITHCHOCcough:: :D

I am all for GSR angst...but what is angst without Sara? No! ::puts hands over ears:: I won't hear it!

Team SO...Team SO...Team SO. Just practicing my mantra. :)
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

I voted for number 1 but I wanted to vote for number 5 as well. Then on the second one I voted for number 2. I at least want a kiss or a hug or holding hands. By the way, what does OTT stand for.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight


Long time no see.

I want some good romance next year. IT hink this year was pretty darn awesome, but it was also heavy wit hthe angst, and i would love for our fav duo to get some SWEET moments. We had so many moments this past season that were BITTERsweet, and I'd just love to see more moments where they're truly happy together.

"Happenstance" signified the ending of the pure and sweet stuff, and that was back in, what, episode 8? I look back on the season, and so much was unclear about how even the two of them were relating to one another.

Happenstance - Gil is talking about them. Sara thinks he's talking about himself.

Loco Motives - Gris is on burnout mode, and Sara doesn't seem to get it. He probably hasn't told her.

Leaving Las Vegas - He, uh, freakin leaves.

Redrum - She gets a bug on a stick. Message missed.

Meet Market - Gil writes her a beautiful love letter... doesn't send it.

Law of Gravity - He's home and raring to go, but she seems a little unsure, physically backing away from him.

Empty Eyes - A little cohesion. She's crying, he comforts her, they walk out together. Yum.

Ending Happy - I make him happy, and sex without love is sad... so, he loves me... Right?

Leapin' Lizards - Gorgeous romantic note.... Why didn't he send it?

Good, Bad, Ug.. er... Dominatrix - He's staying the night at another woman's house and doesn't give a crap what anyone else thinks, but we're under wraps. What the CRAP?

Living Doll - Did he just say, "my dear" at a crime scene? Is he kidding? Is he serious? What the crap!?

Since Double-Cross, really, we haven't had much "sweet" with these two. It's been bittersweet, where it's ALMOST been absolutely delish, but then fell short.

And, as for the camps on whether or not Sara is coming back, I am almost 100% she is. She just is. It's not stupid optimism. It's the fact that I've seen this dynamic before, and it just makes sense. She'll be back, and it'll be delish.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

ok quick post.

We still don't no JF's contract status right?

And desertwind : those pics on the last one when they are going through those rules, i always thought they were reciting there relationship "rules" i was like omg. i swear that is when it got serious!

GSR!!!! :D
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

I chose 5 and 2, but I had to stop myself from picking 9 cos it's just so funny. I want a bit more GSR, but anything too much would ruin it, I think just having the odd remark about it is what keeps it so special and "sitting on the edge of your seat" -ish. If it became too obvious and in your face, it would take away the specialness imo. but i'm still all for more GSR! :D so cute!
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Hey Las Vegas buddy.. what part of Vegas to you live in? and I'm going to talk to my client's receptionist this week, and see if she's found out anything about Jorja :eek: and I've liked all the eps.[with them] this season, they threw us alot, I think, and everyones entitled to their perception of certain scenes/ but bottom line they're together , and I'd say 99% she's coming back to fulfill her destiny with him.. and not have a million fans pissed off at her :D again does she look like someone who's just bailed on CSI :eek:last week in Chicago! [and a quick question, why does Marg have on a cocktail dress at a Museum event?] tacky :rolleyes:
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Alright then. I voted #5 and #2. Choc, I was THIS close to chosing #6.. I almost wrote a fanfic about that plot, and you're right, it would make for an interesting season. But I'd rather have Sara alive and Grissom happy :).

Ok, I'm off to go find a new avatar. THANKS EGGY!!! The two locales I get my screencaps from haven't posted for the last two eps. grr. Ah well..I'm off!
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Alyssa! ::squeezes tightly almost not able to breathe:: I MISSED YOU! ::lets go:: You can breathe now. :D

Haha. Okay, so I'm watching The Accused Is Entitled and Marjorie had Sara on the stand and she was like "How far will Ms. Sidle go to please her boss?" :devil:

Oh...she doesn't even know the half of it. :lol:

I would like to know more myself. :lol:
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