Grissom & Sara #27: Intimately

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alyssa..happy birthday!!! and yes, you once again put everything i was pondering into words, thank you for helping me understand my brains ramblings :) .

they really do throw in red herrings, and these last couple promos i think will prove themselves to be just that. the promo for LL make nick out to be an ass for saying you shouldnt date people you work with, when he completed his sentence we find out its because he feels you cant get away from eachother, ever. seeing LH will force griss to tell sara his extent of "relationship" with her and hopefully will set her mind at ease. in the promo when cath confronts him, it definately doesnt look like his townhouse, in fact its probably Lh's dominion, in the daytime hehe. maybe his reason for being there is purely innocent, it probably definately is. my mom has been through a diabetic coma, and countless 'low blood sugars' for me to know first hand its scary as sh*t, and hes probably only there to make sure shes taking care of herself and is ok.

Gsr is most wonderful. I was just saying to Zig, if a year ago today, people said to us that the whole "Sex without love is sad!"/"I don't think I make you sad"/"No, you make me happy" scene as well as the geeklove/geekdog bed scene was going to happen, our heads would have IMPLODED.

Ahh what a change a year can make.

:eek:. I always love your posts Aly

You have a way with words.

And excuse my rudeness! Happy B-Day girly! Hope it was a great one. ;)

Heehee, I was so happy when I saw Sara! (I was spoiler free because it was right before college graduation, so it was SUCH a shock!) My grandma thought I was crying! LOL! I was soo squeeing! I almost started crying! Things were going so great! I was graduating the next day, GSR was set in stone, and my mom gave me a beautiful graduation necklace, ring, and earrings! X3 LOL!

I don't think Lady Heather will have any impact on GSR. I believe when Gil said "I'm saying stop", he was over her. *nod nod*
I went to work and had the night from hell. You don't even know. A 16 hour day to begin with. Fire alarms going off at 11pm. Wind blowing trash cans over - and spilling the contents all over the sidewalk. Crabby guests. And I have to go back again this afternoon. Yay.

Now that I've got THAT off my chest...

Between you and Adzix, we'll have this thread shut down for smut. WPHS will be the death of us all!
But I dare anyone to find a more fun way to go. :p

I have a lot to say about this scene, but I'm too tired to put words together. I'll write something up on it tmra.
And it builds....

And that's all I have time to say, sorry. My mind is racing with GSR, but no time to post... later.
We can all feel the massiveness of the upcoming post...

See, I think the letter scene wasn't as ooey gooey as some people are making it out to be. I know. I know. Just my opinion. So, let's break it down since I have yet to weigh in on this particular moment in the Grissom/Sara timeline:
And there she blows!!! Yeehaw!

Seriously Alyssa - I love your novel posts. 98% of the time they make me take another look at the scene and go "huh. why didn't I notice that before?" Happy Birthday Al, hope it's a great one! Have fun!

And I believe there is another Lurking Gutterfly out there that is having, has had or will be having a birthday thisw week - and I shall not forget to wish happiness upon them either. Because I am the happiness Fairy. So Happy Birthday Sporter! We miss you! Post more! lol


We did have posters with awesome Welcome Mats around here, but I believe they're all exiling themselves due to escaping spoilers here and there.
Have no fear. I am back! Having already been spoiled for the finale *grumbles and crosses fingers for rewrites* I am still around! However, as soon as Sesaon 8 spoilers start slipping from boxes... *poof*. Got it? :lol:

Anyways! Welcome to all of you whom are new! Come, sit, play. We're friendly people - we don't bite... hard. And, as an added bonus, we have cookies. So thanks for coming and I hope ya'll stick around awhile! Sorry I'm not naming you all - there's to many of you recently and I have a memory like a goldfish. I forget things before they even finish. :rolleyes: But trust me, I'm happy you're here.

And here's your welcome present! I didn't make it, so all credit for it's wonderfullness must go to someone other talented Gutterfly. I just, at the moment, have no idea who that is. lol


Peace out, yo.

That is all.
First order of business: Happy Birthday, Alyssa! *hugs* Great summation of GSR miscommunication above. How would Gangsta Griss express his feelings of love towards Sara, I wonder? (Hint, hint.)

Okay, I'm listing the current thread titles. I have a feeling that, seeing as everybody's so talkative about next week's episode, we're going to have to choose a title pretty soon. I suggested post #920 as the cutoff point before the poll, and my post is now #906 (I believe). So if you want another thread title besides the ones below, you'd better get it in quick.

GSRlove, do you still volunteer to do the poll? If so, great; if not, and if no one else jumps in, then I'll do it after tonight.

Please remember: If you volunteer to do the poll, we usually allow 5 options for the first round, 2 options for the top... 15, I think... for the second round, and 1 option out of the top 5 for the third round. (Somebody correct me if I'm wrong. Dag nab it, Sarah should have left us instructions before she left!! :p)

OH - and please keep in mind that Turtle's and Adzix's delightfully smutty contributions might very well be vetoed by the moderator. If so, and they're already in the running, then we'll just go with the highest non-smutty option instead.

That all clear? :D (I'm an oldest child; I'm bossy.)

CURRENT THREAD TITLES - get yours in while there's time!

1. "You make me very happy!"
2. She makes him 'Happy'
3. To heart's and eyes' delight
4. Geek Love: Now with Geek-Dog
5. No, No C'mon you know what we mean
6. Hot scene! GSR on the bed!
7. GSR! In Bed!
8. Not just residue, anymore.
9. Geeklove lasts forever
10. Geek Love makes US Happy
11. Geek Love+Geek Dog=Geek Family
12. Keeping the Faith
13. We're pretty sure she doesn't make him sad....
14. "Watch as the entomologist stalks his prey...."
15. Laboratory Tango
16. Doggy Domestication
17. Puppy Love
18. Because the Geeklove
19. A Family
20. Watching Godzilla with Their Boxer
21. Grissom - A Godzilla In Bed
22. King Sized Bed + Love Letter = Godzilla Sex
23. Grissom Has A Godzilla in His Pants
24. Yogurt, and Godzilla
25. The Love Letter Exposed
26. He Is Romantic, After All
27. Lizards, Godzillas, and Letters...Oh My!
Dag-nab-it! My birthday's on a Thursday this year and there's not gonna be any CSI! This is crap! XP (Haahaa! X3 That's 'cause the season'll be over. ^^') And I was hoping to get GSR as a 21st birthday gift... D:
MissDee said:
GSRlove, do you still volunteer to do the poll? If so, great; if not, and if no one else jumps in, then I'll do it after tonight.

Please remember: If you volunteer to do the poll, we usually allow 5 options for the first round, 2 options for the top... 15, I think... for the second round, and 1 option out of the top 5 for the third round. (Somebody correct me if I'm wrong. Dag nab it, Sarah should have left us instructions before she left!! :p)
Why of course I'd love to do the poll (Properly this time :lol:)

I will go back into the GSR Discussion #26 to figure it all out, since sarahvma did the polls last time. (Can't you tell we're so lost without you, sarah?)
Poor sarah, she has left us all in the dark....

gsrLOVE said:
Happy Birthday, Alyssa. May your dreams of Butterflies, and bugs fill your mind.

I don't think Sara was sad when she read the letter. I think she was happy, but was kind of thinking "Yeah, Grissom. You sent me a cocoon, and I find your letter in the middle of Shakespere?" she smiled, and she pushed her lips together (Okay- Sorry, but I love the lip pushing, haha) she was definitely surprised/happy.

And, I personally think Grissom left the letter sort of out in the open intentionally for Sara to find it. :p

I have to agree with gsrlove, I absolutely LOVE the pout.

*points at avatar madly* Ahem. So, yeah. I think she is still confused by Grissom. She feels uncertain, and all that yabber nabber that Alyssa was going on about. Great post, btw. It really made me see this squee-worthy scene in a new light....


Ahem, I realy have nothing more to say....
hi, GSR rocks my rocks... heh, geology humor ;)

ok so i had this slightly vivid dream/nightmare where evil LH and Griss are about to kiss when LH flips out and starts asking about Sara. So I wake up thinking wtf? and it gets me thinking! LH has to talk to Griss about Sara. He's alone with her in at least 2-3 pics I've seen so far, not to mention he ?stays? with her for a night. Maybe he really does need a swift kick in the rear and someone like a straightforward LH to tell him he needs to voice his love for Sara ASAP. Am I alone in the assumption we'll get an "I love you" at the end of this ep?? The last two weeks we've seen Sara get a round-about I love you, and a letter to that affect that he never sent. Both instances we see Sara almost frown, probably disappointed that she can't just hear the words. She is probably expecting something so simple as three little words, but gets a novel's worth instead. Very much Grissom indeed, but maybe she wants something simple out of their relationship.
Happy Birthday, Alyssa.
We love you, yes we do.
Gosh, I hope I stop talking like that before my class.

I...ohmygod, I can't think of any thread titles!
I pooped my self out with 'We found GSR in the bedroom' which doesn't even count anymore, because that was a year ago, but now that would work out even more, wouldn't it?

But, think of all the horribly melancholy thread titles that'll be at our disposal this summer!

I like Nelly.
Not that has anything to do with...anything.
But still. I thought I'd let that be known.

This post lacks GSR, doesn't it? Shizzle.
Ohemgee, GSR is teh love of meh life.
If it weren't just on the tele, I might have had to kidnap it and make it mine.
But the TV is too big, so damnit.

- Andy // Toasty
Happy Birthday AL and TS (even though it's already tomorrow in NZ :p )

It's been an incredible year for GSR. A gift, really ;)


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