Grissom & Sara #27: Intimately

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:lol: Yeah, when I heard it I replayed it.. My mom was like "What the hell are you doing? First of all, we're watching people talk about the episode, not even watching it.. And you keep replaying the same thing over, and over again" :lol:

I told her, "It means something to me, mom!" :p

Grissom & Sara #28: Yogurt, and Godzilla"

Hehe, just thought of that one :p
I saw Spider-Man 3 too and i was like ahh it's Ecklie and my friend's like who and i was like he's from CSI and shes like oh my. lol

I was thinking and i came to the conclusion that i bet Jorja is just standing her ground for a raise until she knows she wont get one (unless she gets one like she deserves) and just sign for one more season. IMO.

And also, why does everybody have to do 3 lines or whatever?

GSR is Love.
PLEASE NOTHING WITH 'GODZILLA' in it.. that's silly.. it was just a movie in the background.. and it's not long range.. I like the romantic side of them.. so anything to do with that, and welcome Honey just saw your a newbie ;)have fun! and how about The love letter exposed or He is romantic, after all
:lol:mad: gsrLOVE

I went into my living room and I said

"[sarcasm]Hooray for dominatrixes in black leather! Hooray![/sarcasm]" :rolleyes:

And my dad said it's just a TV show.

Then I replied "I know dad...but it upsets me..."

::sigh:: Parents will never understand. I've come to that conclusion.

Oooo! I just came up with one...

Grissom and Sara #28: Lizards, Godzillas and letters...oh my!

Wow...I'm a FREAK. :lol:
A big thank you to Tini for the petition links- I'm gonna get everyone I know to sign them! I've already signed all three with both of my email addresses ;)
so many good thread little time :lol:.....i agree that we should wait until this weeks episode until another thread title.....not that i know anything about it...but still.....i loved thursday's episode!!!!!! so AH-MAZING.......btw, my dog's name is bruno too, :) not on purpose though.... i thought that they looked really cute watching godzilla together....soo sweet.. :D

oh also-anyone who has comcast for a tv guide system thing, if you want to remain sppiler free for the finale... don't look at the info for "living doll"!!!!!!.. i did and it spoiled a little for me. :mad:..sad I know...

That's funny that ecklie is in spiderman three, now i want to see it even more!!!! :eek:

I can't believe we only have two episodes left.. very sad...but i am very excited!!!!!!!! :D

anywho, that's it for my venting :rolleyes:
Tini said:
Hey Ladies, I thought you would like to say what`s on your mind and sign several online petitions to save Jorja/Sara :Peition 1 Petition 2 Petition at No Sara-No GSR, please sign, it`s very important!!
thank you so much!!! i will tell for all my GSR's friends!!
Thanks for the heads about about the Comcast thing, I don't have it here at school but I'm going back home Thursday where I have it and the first thing I'd prolly do is check the episode info for next week. OHHH do I ever miss my HD plasma.
mrb105: You may want to modify your last post with some spoiler markers.

And that's all I have time to say, sorry. My mind is racing with GSR, but no time to post... later.
Happy Birthday, Alyssa.

On that last episode of Leapin' Lizards. Do anybody notice Sara look sad about something? Does she look sad that Grissom didn't give her the letter? She find it in Grissom's book or something or did he put it there for Sara to find it?
NOT sad.. reflecting and thinking.. he's that type, and she knows him well ;) whatever he wants, and the way he wants it, is OK with her.. I liked it that way, it was mysterious surprise for her.. and she was puzzled, but pleased ;)

to Alyssa have fun! a May Taurus ;)

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