Grissom & Sara #27: Intimately

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I saw the new promo and may I say...WHAT THE FUCKIN' HELL? IS GRISSOM GONNA LEAVE SARA? OH NO, :eek: !!!!
Jay09 said:
I saw the new promo and may I say...WHAT THE FUCKIN' HELL? IS GRISSOM GONNA LEAVE SARA? OH NO, :eek: !!!!
*nod nod* o.o Me either! <3

Jay09 said:
I saw the new promo and may I say...WHAT THE FUCKIN' HELL? IS GRISSOM GONNA LEAVE SARA? OH NO, :eek: !!!!
I have to say first...yay yay yay letter given, finally!! And somehow that's how I'd pictured him giving it - leaving it somewhere for her to find. I think we can fill in the blanks after she read it :D though like someone else said it would have been the perfect time for a hug, but that would have drawn the scene out and some wouldn't have liked that.

I have a feeling that this is Grissom's townhouse. It didn't seem like the same place from WTG.

I saw the one on youtube from CTV and it seems kind of clear he's talking about LH. But I still doubt it will cause any major angst from GSR point of view. Come on, Sara should be feeling pretty secure about her place in his life by now. I think that's why they showed us all this GSR stuff, so we can also see she has cause to be secure (my take anyway). And considering how long it takes him to decide on going forward with a relationship, I doubt just seeing LH is going to put him in a dilemma. I don't think we need to despair just yet.
angelfire said:
I have to say first...yay yay yay letter given, finally!! And somehow that's how I'd pictured him giving it - leaving it somewhere for her to find. I think we can fill in the blanks after she read it :D though like someone else said it would have been the perfect time for a hug, but that would have drawn the scene out and some wouldn't have liked that.

I have a feeling that this is Grissom's townhouse. It didn't seem like the same place from WTG.

I felt that way too! I was like, aww, come on Sara! Go hug him! When he was working on his model, I expected her to come in at any moment and wrap her arms around him!! *squees just thinking about it*
Ive been trying to stay away from the boards until the finale airs, but I'm just so excited about last night!!! That scene was PERFECT! It has to be my favorite GSR scene so far! It's so relaxed and sweet, the way they're just chilling out watching a movie with their dog. Sara's even eating. Two very nice touches, whoever thought to add the dog was brilliant. The scene sort of screamed "home" to me. And the way she found the letter was perfect too! I was worried that it would be something like this:
Grissom: "Oh, um, I wrote this to you months ago and I just never mailed it to you."
Sara: "Okay."
[takes letter and reads it]
Sara: "Um that's very sweet, but WHY didn't you mail it with the freaking cocoon? And why are you giving it to me now?"
No the way they did it last night was perfect, though a hug
would have been nice.

Alright I'm going back to float on my GSR cloud now...
To me last night's scene just proved why Grissom and Sara belong together. It just fit. Lounging on the bed watching a movie (by the way I love his place and his huge tv). Jorja did such an amazing job when she read that letter. And Billy's voice over... *melt* So fricken hot.

And the dog was just the icing on the cake. Bruno is so adorable. I bet the idea to bring him in was all Billy. I loved Grissom's expression when they were watching it too. Sucha geek.

And when he was making that model, holy moly he was looking good. *drool* I can just imagine Sara sleeping in his bed while he was working on that.

The episode was ok to me, I couldnt really get into it for some reason. I think Greg had some great scenes and Snarky!Brass was great as always. Glad we got to see a lot of Warrick. Gorgeous gorgeous!

I just cant believe that there are only 2 episodes left this season. What am I going to do with my life?
ginascar said:
I just cant believe that there are only 2 episodes left this season. What am I going to do with my life?
I know! I don't know what I'm going to do! I know for sure I'm going to get the boxed set and watch every episode over and over and over again because this season was full of GSR goodness! *dream sigh* Gil and Sara... *swoon*
omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg thanks SO SO much for that link!!! I love getting links to reliable sites like that...personally I think she should take the "moderate" raise because 100K per episode? Not damn bad. thanks so much for that link and God-willing she'll stay with the show. I kinda hope something bad happens to her- not DEAD of course but I want to see Grissom's reaction! Something bad has happened to a character in the past 2 season finales, maybe something bad will happen in this one? Am I a horrible person for saying that?
Every thing is right with world.
First and foremost, the the hat two eps running, how awesome is that? :D

Secondly, Grissom was wearing Jeans, and totally agree with Adz about staring at the nether regions. :rolleyes: We had arm porn as well. Man I am happy. :D I repeat :D.
WP has lost some serious weight, no?

Thirdly, yes thirdly, she read the friggin' letter, how crazy is that? :eek: He like read it! That accent makes me melt. Funny how we all already knew what was written in the letter, don't you think? :lol: I suppose it was for the less obsessed fans, who didn't know the whole details. :rolleyes:

I seriously love Bruno, he is awesome, the drool, brilliant. :lol: It was really neat drool too. (as in tidy) My dog (St Bernard) drools a lot, and has twigs and other bits of debris in it, plus slightly foamy. Not so nice. :lol: How did they get him to drool so clean? I might write to CBS. :rolleyes:

The slurping thing that Adz said I totally didn't see that first time round, but now I have played it over and over LMAO. :lol:

I can't believe they were watching Godzilla that is like the strangest movie to watch. :lol:

Guys I just realised (well it has just sunk in) that they have zex in that bed! :eek: As well as discuss death and eat yoghurt. ;) Doesn't that blow your mind? :eek:

I too would have liked to have seen something after she read the letter, like a hug, or a small acknowledgement that G knows that she's read it or something, but that wasn't to be. Nevermind eh? That's what fanfics are for right?

The case was rather strange I thought. I don't understand how a whole group of adults could believe something like that, have halucinations, etc. Doesn't make sense to me, maybe I missed something. I will rewatch it.

Also I'm confused about the ending, was I meant to be? Were they insinuating that G is the MCSK? :confused:

Also, go me, I haven't watched the new promo. Don't think it will last a week, but I will try. ;)
Should be easier since I have a Duke of Edinburgh Expedition this weekend, so won't be around until Monday night. If I survive. *gulp*

@ butterflied08:

You are so right! I want something really bad to happen too! >:3 Heh... GIL TO THE RESCUE!
SaraxGrissom said:
@ butterflied08:

You are so right! I want something really bad to happen too! >:3 Heh... GIL TO THE RESCUE!

I'm so glad someone else feels the same way! :devil:
Not to worry.. on them 'breaking up..LH aka Melinda Clarke even said 'with the history they have' it's only fitting that they belong together' so she wiil be an integral part of this next ep, ~~grits teeth~~ but when Cath said "she's the only one who ever rattled your cage" that statement alone is bogus, rattling one's cage, a relationship does not make :( they have a smooth going thing, and NO one can come between them!!

Does this look like the same bedroom, as last night?
I, too, am totally down for some Sara in peril, because that means I'll get sexy, desperate Grissom. However, I am WAY not down for Sara dying. The recent information that has surfaced about Jorja's contract negotiation initially did not make me feel sanguine about Sara's survival, but, after awhile, my inner cynic has been allaying those fears. I mean, isn't this just an awfully convenient time for this information to be surfacing? And doesn't it seem odd that they wouldn't give Jorja a raise, and that they would insist she be happy with the same salary she has been making for 7 years--a salary that has her paid less than Erc Szmanda? It just seems to make sense to me that they would, of course, give Jorja a raise, given the prominence of her character this past season. In fact, the only part of any of this that makes sense is that TPTB want us to be in some real doubt as to Sara's fate, and so whatever contract negotiation took or is taking place is being allowed to blow up into this big "Jorja might be leaving" story. I mean, even if Jorja had signed a contract, it would be in their best interest not to tell us until after the finale. So, I trust none of this to be an accurate index to Sara's fate on the show. I think that TPTB will offer her some sort of raise and that Jorja will resign (or that she already has and they're keeping mum). The other possibility just seems like sheer madness to me. But if it's not and it's actually true that they're playing hardball and refuse to give her a raise? Then, despite my love for GSR, I support her not signing. Finally, I think the bit of this story that implies that they were ready to kill off Sara because of Jorja's contract demands is complete BS. I called the MCSK targeting Sara the second time a miniature showed up, so it's not like they invented this storyline just to dispatch her.

Only six more days until I get more CSI, and hopefully more GSR! Woot!
LadyDisdain said:
I, too, am totally down for some Sara in peril, because that means I'll get sexy, desperate Grissom. However, I am WAY not down for Sara dying. The recent information that has surfaced about Jorja's contract negotiation initially did not make me feel sanguine about Sara's survival, but, after awhile, my inner cynic has been allaying those fears. I mean, isn't this just an awfully convenient time for this information to be surfacing? And doesn't it seem odd that they wouldn't give Jorja a raise, and that they would insist she be happy with the same salary she has been making for 7 years--a salary that has her paid less than Erc Szmanda? It just seems to make sense to me that they would, of course, give Jorja a raise, given the prominence of her character this past season. In fact, the only part of any of this that makes sense is that TPTB want us to be in some real doubt as to Sara's fate, and so whatever contract negotiation took or is taking place is being allowed to blow up into this big "Jorja might be leaving" story. I mean, even if Jorja had signed a contract, it would be in their best interest not to tell us until after the finale. So, I trust none of this to be an accurate index to Sara's fate on the show. I think that TPTB will offer her some sort of raise and that Jorja will resign (or that she already has and they're keeping mum). The other possibility just seems like sheer madness to me. But if it's not and it's actually true that they're playing hardball and refuse to give her a raise? Then, despite my love for GSR, I support her not signing. Finally, I think the bit of this story that implies that they were ready to kill off Sara because of Jorja's contract demands is complete BS. I called the MCSK targeting Sara the second time a miniature showed up, so it's not like they invented this storyline just to dispatch her.

Only six more days until I get more CSI, and hopefully more GSR! Woot!

YES!! that is totally wut i think is happening too.... im glad i am not the only one thinking it.

i mean if she didnt sign her contract, CBS would loose a ton of sara and GSR fans and the show would probably stop at S7. They did the same thing with george eads in grave danger.
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