Grissom & Sara #27: Intimately

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Welcome back Adz, I wondered were you went.. I thought you left us :(

I love this line from Grissom:
"At least I tried to catch it, where were you?" :lol:


As far as GSR goes, *drools*.
Welcome back Adz, I wondered were you went.. I thought you left us
naah, i'd never do that. weeell, only if i accidentally got spoiled about the MCSK or something *glare*

ok, seriously - shower, bed.

i love GSR.
Wow, that scene in "Gum Drops"--holy hotness! :eek: I am a little sad it never came off (GSR in the dark! in bed!), but I think the way they revealed it was better. It showed us that the relationship they have is committed (and not just a casual or periodic thing--which I'm not sure the "Gum Drops" scene would have suggested, but it might have). Not to mention, it was the best nod to shippers and shipping of all time. It was like the writers said, "All you crazy GSR shippers who have been reading into their flirting all season? Well, you're right!"

I, too, am going to try to keep spoiler free for next season (promos excepted). I got inadvertently spoiled for the MCSK identity (on another site). All I wanted was a little info/discussion about the finale, just to whet my appetite, when bang! Someone dropped the MCSK identity. Now, I still feel like I will really enjoy the finale, because there are many details about its unfolding that I don't know, and I am avoiding spoilers so those details will be as fresh as possible.

As for the great "when did it start" debate, I think I would put it at the end of season 5, too. By the time season 6 rolled around, their relationship had noticeably altered. It was very flirty, very chummy. The strain evident the season before had evaporated. Put that together with the fact that they seemed very comfortable with each other by "Way To Go," and I think our lovely twosome has been together approximately 1.5 to 2 years. And it's still a secret at the lab! I hope they get outed soon, simply so they can go out to dinner or a movie without fear of being discovered! ;)
I tend to read around here and not post but I thought I'd join the debate :)

I think they've been together since the end of season 5 because mid-season (in Unbearable I think) Grissom asks Sofia to dinner, so it has to be after that.

I definitely think they were involved with each other at the beginning of season 6 anyway because they just seem more comfortable and maybe more flirtatious with each other.
Nice Avie Adz *stares*

And Choc, could be our mentalities coach and teach us all to chant when faced with evil blue boxes. It would be fun. We could all do Tai Chi, because it's good for stress (and we all know how stressing not reading spoiler boxes can be) and giggle a lot (because hey, you look really silly doing it). I mean really. Look at this.
turt you crack me up!
Yah, that could be us, a bunch of GSR shippers doing
Tai Chi while chanting 'bad spoilers' 'bad spoilers'
...I mean Tai Chi? Seriously!Im sorry, that is plain weird, why not Yoga...or aerobic boxing. lol

I love this line from Grissom:
"At least I tried to catch it, where were you?"

I Loved that whole scene with the rat especially when David and Doc. R walk in with hazmat suits when grissom asks them about it David points to Doc. R and says;
"He made me do it."
Seriously, my mom was covering her eyes that whole scene, she didnt want to watch the rat. no joke. my mom scares me sometimes.
Back to the topic of Gum Drops, I totally cannot picture Gris in that role. I think they cut some stuff out, and plugged in scenes for George. Picking up the kid in the interrogation room, that Sage girl, diving into the water to save Cassie. The whole episode seemed to be about Nick and his trauma from Grave Danger, I really wonder what Gris would have been like in the role.

Ohh and spoiler free for season 8, I'm def. in.

And I'm not gonna go as far to say Gris & Sara were together in season 5, maybe in commited I can see it, but other then that I can't. I'm thinking more of the beginning of Season 6.
Am I the only one that thinks Grissom and Sara got together at Butterflied? lol i guess i'm way off. But my theory is that it happened there and gradually grew (you know, sex once a month to twice a week and on) and it got super strong like mid-season 6. idk tho now lol.

And I am also going spoiler free for season 8 cuz it's too hard to start mid season like i tryed. i lasted 3 days.

I think GS are gonna kiss in this episode cuz it is just set up too perfectly for them not too. Like Sara asking about LH and then Grissom just saying your my True Love and then just he kisses her. awwww i hope!! :)
Ohh and turtlebaby how was Gary in the movie, you didn't really say.

Hot as usual. lol. It was just a teeny minor role - half of it took place in the dark, I wasn't sure it WAS him for most of it. He was wearing a suit (*dies*) when I finally recognized him. He had all of like... 10 lines. But he's wooonderful. So yeah.

I love Google. Seriously, love it. I googled Jorja Fox. And what do I get?

"Looking for Jorja Fox? Get it today on Ebay!"


I didn't know she was for sale.

Ok, so yes, this post was pointless. Bite me.

Oh but Adz, your Avie? Is delicious.

"Preeeetttyyyy... Turtle waaaaaaant..."

I love GSR. Long live GSR. GSR rocks my pink kitty socks.

That is all.
People, what's with the depressing theory's? I have it from reliable sources that no one! is dying but both Jorja and William are leaving during or at the end of S8. Wanna hear my theory? It's mushy:


edited to add spoiler box
Response to the poll:

I would much much much rather have a kiss. I know everything else is symbolic to them and everything, but a kiss? That will blow everyone away! We have had symbolism for how many years now? Take action on screen!!

Thats just the perv in me I guess *imagines what kind of kiss* :devil:

As for being spoiler free for Season 8? I would love to be but I know that wont happen. Im too addicted. I try to tell myself that at 7pm on Thursdays I wont go on to read the boards on what happened (from those on the East Coast) but I really cant resist.

I dont know how you un-spoiled people do it.
ILUVBILLY PLEASE put your post in a spoiler thread! We have some unspoiled members, and I know you mean well, but it would really be unfair to leave that out in the open.

Anyway - I would rather have a kiss as well, but plot holes still bother me.
So I had a very interesting day yesterday...

-I went to the beach and I freaking got BURNT. NO LIE. It hurts to even lay down.

-It was my best friends birthday and she got drunk at the beach by CHUGGING a bottle of Margaritaville Tequila. ::shudders::

-My boyfriend gave me episode 16-20 on DVD yesterday. :D. So now I have the WHOLE season up til Lab Rats on DVD. ::sigh:: I LURVE him. :)

So. Right GSR.

When did I think they got together? I'm thinking after Committed. But not "serious" persay yet. Grissom was still working on it though. That's why she got mad when Sofia was in there talking to two cents.

Andd I voted for the cocoon. Mainly because...
If they kiss, that means Sara dies in the finale. And I don't want that....

Dude...I was so dissapointed about the hug not being in EE. :( I wanted it SO bad. I pictured it in my head. ::sigh:: Oh well...I still can look forward to the final four.

Welcome back Adz I missed ya! :D

I can't WAIT. Seriously. I want that FRIGGIN' thing to hatch at the end of the episode so I can have something to look forward to and have good thoughts before the finale. LH? Pffft. Not. Even. Worried.

Sorry...that was a REALLY long post...but there was a lot I had to catch up on in two days...

well, as much as i want a kiss, i want the letter more. you see, i'm sure they kiss all the time and it's not a big of a problem for them. but Grissom putting all his feelings down on a paper, writing her a freakin love letter is something i'd never expect. i'd love her to read it, cuz it would mean so much to her. i want Sara to be even more secure in their relationship and all. besides, if they don't kiss in this season, they will in the next if you believe what Jorja said in the latest interview (that they're all coming back). but, i think that the cocoon continuity is more probable to happen since it was shown again in Meet Market and later mentioned in LoG.

the letter may not be mentioned again though, cuz a scene involving it would be very dramatic. Sara would cry and kiss him i think. and ya know, it's not in a CSI style to show something like that. BUT Sara reffering to Sonnet 47 in an episode with a double meanning would be nice. something like "beauty Grissom, remember?" but in the canon-flirty way.
Nice Avie Adz *stares*
thank you choc :D
Oh but Adz, your Avie? Is delicious.

"Preeeetttyyyy... Turtle waaaaaaant..."
i sooooo knew you'll like it, lol. thanks Turtle!

i gotta run to work, yo.

Welcome back Adz I missed ya!
aw, thanks SSR, i missed y'all too.

oh and one more thing, thank you sarah for mentioning that someone put a spoiler in the open in here. i actualy read your post first and i omitted the spoiler. so i'm all good.
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