^^^^^^Maybe I'm just dense, but
Who did you ship?
Adz ? Like I said I shall plead the 5th as to who i shipped.
LadyDisdain said:
Anywho, to keep those of you who are abstaining from spoilers posting, I wanted to propose a line of discussion. Which would you rather see by the season's end: a kiss or the "l" bomb? I mean, if Grissom can get all that mileage out of "intimately," what could the man do with "I love you"? It might be sexier than kissing. Seriously.
I honestly want a kiss, Seriously. If the TPTB going to take the step and give us the kiss it is most likely going to be at someplace other that their bedroom etc( It is more likely going to be someplace public such as outside the lab) In that case, showing Gil's and Sara's ability to show their affection publicly(justifying how much they feel for each other)that they could do something like kissing in front of their colliges(practicly outing themselves to them) solidifies their relationship and how committed they are to it and each other. And that is about as good as an 'I love you' in my book.
And also the problem with the 'I love you's' is that it could go well or you could end up with something like this:
Grissom: Sara I have to tell you something.
Sara: What is it?
Grissom: Sara, I love you.
(Sara, not knowing what to do since this is so sudden and unexpected)
Sara: I...uh..Have to go.
OR visa verse
It is so unpredictable. The word 'Love' means different things to different people, for instance I have friend who will randomly through the word around at any boyfriend she has, but I on the other hand would maybe use it on prom night with a boyfriend of 2 years.
'Love' is almost like sex. Some people will use it Their first night, some will wait until well into their relationship , and some wait till marriage.
My Point:The kiss, if played out correctly, can have the same effect as an 'I love you', but it is two sided, It takes the both of them to do it. Wheras with the 'I love you' one of them could say it and the other wouldn't be sure what to do, thus leaving us with a big season cliffhanger.
Thank you and goodnight!