Grissom & Sara #27: Intimately

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SaraSidleRules8 said:
OMG! You guys will NOT believe what my boyfriend just did! He called the OWNER of YTDaW! My face got SOOOOO red! I don't know HOW he got the number but he did!

Here's the lowdown on YTDaW:
The owner just found out about it an hour ago, and she has to call into her webmaster. There are going to figure out what happened and they don't know if it expired and someone else got it. She will re-open the site under a different URL...but it WILL come back. It's just a matter of time and she appriciates our concern.

Hey - thanks for that - I was wondering what the heck was going on. :)
so eggy...have you noticed that more and more people are coming over to the dark side?? ::pro-hat:: ahhhh good times good times! and to think we both thought we were the crazy ones! not posting a spoiler box? ::slaps cheeks:: whoda thunk?

ok im running away to go watch gsr clips :)
Thanks so much for the info on YTDAW. I have been checking every half hour to see what the heck is going on.

Did you get your spoilers from YTDAW because if you did, what I got from the info released from there was that they werent at Sara's condo, maybe in his office. If they are in her condo that would be great. I havent heard anything about where she recieves the phone call at or anything. But if you have thats pretty cool. Also I believe that Grissom finds out that something is wrong with Sara when he recieves the minature of her on his desk. Thats when all hell breaks loose and Grissom loses it.

ETA: There is an alternative link for YTDAW so if anyone needs it just PM me.
wow you guys are already 2 pages into the new thread in just a few hours. At this rate I think we'll be looking for a new thread title before the finale airs!

As for teams, I'm on "anti-stupid", no babies, bifacial, bihat and Catherine will find out.

Oh and trying to be spoiler-free.
Guys. My. Mom. Just. Said. Billy. Is. Not. The. Hottest. Man. In. The. World.

Sorry for all those periods. I, myself, am shocked. I told her she's in denial. Mwahaha.

I have no clue how you non-spoiler folks do it. I want to be spoiler free for Season 8.. But, it's just so hard, especially when you don't know what's going on with GSR! Bah.
Hey ya'll- I'm kinda-sorta new (I've been reading this for quite some time, but I've never posted anything until now). Anyway, with all the talk about the season finale I'm about to go insane! I leave the US 2 days before it airs and I'll be gone for a while. Urg! I'm spoiler free, but I've been catching drifts of what's coming up and it sounds sooo good! I almost want to break my own rules and read some of the spoilers, but I know I won't enjoy things as much if I do that. I don't know how you guys who live overseas deal with the delays!
Whew. Look at all the fans. Welcome to the GSR love.. ermm, GSR thread. :D

Buuttt, by being spoiler-free, you are 10x more excited when you see something absolutely drooling-worthly awesome happen with GSR!
I also hope it gets revised; I'm just not big on cliffhangers. I did get something cleared up though reading it.

Hmm let's see

Spoiler Whores

The only one I'm not sure about is the last one, darn.
I'm am absolutely ecstatic about the finale. Sara in trouble, Grissom coming to the rescue-- is there anything else a girl needs? :p I mean honestly, this is what I've been waiting for. I don't want there to be a cliffhanger because then I'll go totally insane but this is what I've been waiting for! I wonder how Gris is going to react to seeing the miniature of Sara.

And congrats to everyone for the new thread-- love the title :D :p
Hey, I haven't posted in a loooong time but I've been a lurker for about 4 months now.

Anyway, I would like to share where I stand in regards to:

They just won't get married

I am spoiler-free

Team Babies

Team Clean-shaven


My money's on Brass
Wow, this thread is totally on fire! I chalk it up to "intimately" being in the title. How can you pass that up?

I have failed to make ChocoB's lists! Egads! Therefore, I would like to say, for the record that I am:

. . . indifferent as to whether they marry. I guess that puts me on Team Doesn't Give a Shit.

. . . in spoiler recovery. I like mild spoilage, but not details or endings, so from here on out this season, I am spoiler free.

. . . definitely on Team No Babies. NO BABIES.

. . . bifacial all the way.

. . . bihat. It's dorkily delicious. But I don't need to see it all the time.

. . . almost convinced that Catherine will be the first one in on the secret.

Wow. Except for the baby issue, I am really wishy washy. I take the Baby Bear position on everything. But, to be fair, two of those issues have to do with Billy preferences, and for me, the man is le hot no matter what. Hat, beard, no hat, no beard, all delish.
New thread, and two pages O__O congrats!!!

amazings spoilers i can belives it :eek:

-Marriage : yes
-Spiler whores: i need it
-Team Babies: yes
-Team 'Bifacial': hot billy with or without
-Anti-Hat: hat no please
-Who will find out: other i don´t know :S
I guess I should put where I stand on the list too-

No marriage (at least not now)
NO babies
I'll go out on a limb here and say Warrick
There is a new episode tommorrow! why isn't anybody EXCITED about that!!! it will fun!

Oh yea i got that info from YTDAW. I'm pretty sure they are at Sara's cuz how would she pack and stuff in Grissom's office? I don't know tho
GSRlover said:
There is a new episode tommorrow! why isn't anybody EXCITED about that!!! it will fun!

Quite excited about that, got up in the morning thinking ok one more day! Quite crazy as before january I had no idea about CSI and since I've watched every episode!!

And I read someone's post yesterday about only 4 more episodes and I'm already having withdrawal symptoms with the season not yet over. I have to admit, never thought I'd be so crazy about a show.
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