Grissom & Sara #26: It's So Obvious, Isn't It?

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y'all i have no time to post anything right now, i gotta wake up in 4 hours, and i haven't slept more than 4 the past two nights, so i'm just gonna drop the news that i updated my LJ with new icons. 22 new ones to be exact. but, ummm ... how to say it to y'all ... uhh ... nevermind, go there and see yourself. just. don't. kill me.


link below.
Holy cow, you guys!

Do not read the following if you don't want to hear about the identity of the MCSK.

I just read on another board that the MCSK is a janitor! A female janitor! I am now utterly convinced that it is the selfsame janitor we saw mopping the floor as Grissom walked out with his arm around Sara. I also found out that Sara is attacked by said janitor while packing to go to San Francisco. Of course, that begs all sorts of other questions, like, what is she doing going to San Francisco in the first place? I'm thinking it might have to do with her relationship with Grissom. That dang Lady Heather episode is going to cause something critical to happen between them. Let's hope it's an intensification and not a break--or break up!

I've heard there are spoilers for full scenes floating around, but I'm trying to keep myself unspoiled for specifics. I need to have some sense of surprise for the finale, which I literally can not wait for. :eek:
Okay, guys, I'm here on behalf of myself and (I'm sure) the other spoiler-free people. You guys have been doing an awesome job so far, and so this is not meant to be an admonishment so much as a reminder:

Please, please, please be careful with what you say outside spoiler boxes. PLEASE.

I'm bringing this up now because it sounds as though the identity of the MCSK is now spoiled... and this terrifies me. Because that is THE ONE THING I do NOT want to be spoiled for before the end of the season.

And you'd be surprised at how easily it is to guess at spoilers. All I need is for someone to say "Omigod! Ecklie! [or insert other name here!]!!!11!" either as a random comment on the boards, or as the title of a spoiler box - and right away, I know he's either the MCSK or the MCSK's last victim. That is exactly the sort of thing I'm afraid people are going to do, not because they want to spoil the unspoiled but because they're just too darn excited and they'll forget to watch what they're saying outside the boxes.

I know this can be hard to do, and I don't want to have to leave the board until the finale airs if I don't have to. But if you guys think it'll be too hard to rein in, then let me know now so I can start my self-imposed exile....
Where'd the San Francisco, news come from..? ~~whistles in the dark~~and remember in "Nesting Dolls" about "her mom" maybe she's going to visit her :eek: this is complete agony.. waiting and waiting and hearing so many off the wall ideas.. theories . and nonsense.. (not from you guys)

Heres' a cool article about them again.. only we know this is true.. ao many still in denial :(

And another pic. from 'EE'

At, Mystery and Gibby have released lots of info. Who the MCSK is, and how Sara gets kidnapped. It really sounds like alot of it is going to the chop-shop, because half the stuff they say couldn't occur within a 60 minute episode. Of course, a two-hour is a possibility (that would be cool). Anyway, Sara is kidnapped when packing for San Francisco. We just don't know why she's going there. 10 bucks says she's bailing her brother out or something. ;)

Oh, my dear Adz, is that who I think it is on an ICON? How dare you!?

And that GSR one is really hot. *Takes it.* I forgive you now.

Anyone know what we have tonight?

Why the hell did i put that in a spoiler box?

And when I grow up, I wanna play a corpse on CSI:!!!
Every spoiled person needs to read that box. It will make you feel...good. It's like a nice drug.

Sooo.... that makes Me ,Adz and the spoiler-free clean and sober?

Yay! I have successfully stared at the boxes and not clicked! Yay! I am a sweet little spoiler-free woman! I bet your jealous. :p Spoiler whores !

Off topic: Da*n . My mouth hurts. I have braces...and they hell...damn them!

Alright with all the spoiler boxes surrounding me I shall take this time to update my lists:

Dont make fun of, poke, or inappropriately touch them.


Chocolate bunnys


All right please post, PM, hit me with a stick and scream at me, If these are wrong.
This is my sad attempt to distract the spoiler-whores from the spoilers
Lady Heather (I LOVE HER!!!) needs to be introduced to her perfect match, Greggo! Sara could do the introducing, followed by a warning to keep her dominating paws off of Griss. MEOWZA!!! Will we get a cat a fight??? If so, make it jello wrestling for Greggo! Not sure why this is in spoilers. :devil:
Thank's Shipwrecked YTDAW, boggles the mind.. geez.. hard to follow.. but

If they say so, and interesting, a two-parter.. HMMM, maybe.. why not? so it could be her bro. or mom, and she's getting kidnapped, do they say by who? & where te the hell is Grissom, when this is happening.. I thought they lived together? :eek: so many un-answered questions

If Sara s kidnapped by the MCSK, and that person was a foster child, it's a common ground for them and could possibly save Sara's life. Do you think the MCSK could be Sara's mom??? Would she even recognize her? And I think it's always been a personal thing with the MCSK and Griss.
Hey I'm back I haven’t been on the computer for two weeks, But in reply
If Sara s kidnapped by the MCSK, and that person was a foster child, it's a common ground for them and could possibly save Sara's life. Do you think the MCSK could be Sara's mom??? Would she even recognize her? And I think it's always been a personal thing with the MCSK and Griss.
I think that is a personal thing between the MCSK and Gris, but if something happens to Sara I don’t know I’ll do. (p.s See I almost thru my remote at the TV when Greg was getting attacked, it had the nerve to blank out!!! :mad:) If something happened to Sara I might lose it, if I already haven’t!! HE HE :devil:
Whoa, I haven't posted here for a very long time, I think I'm losing my (is that how you call it?) 'mojo'. Since I decided to go spoiler-free only on the identity of the MCSK, I read the spoilers on the other stuff and I think that's a lot of information, but still raises twice as much questions. Although I don't think it would be so different for me if I was totally spoiler-free - the news is only making me more excited.
The only reason why I didn't start screaming when I read the spoiler, is the hope that all will go without CD. I mean, Sara being the MCSK's target, Grissom freaking out about her, their relationship being revealed through his reaction, Grissom saving Sara (I'm hoping for some physical involvment, but if it's not there, I'll be OK with that) and a big romantic kiss for the last seconds of the show, which, I hope, will be 2 hours. I really don't wanna jinx this, but I think TPTB have a pretty good reason for not killing off Sara - do you imagine how low the ratings will fall if she's not on the show anymore? They can't risk with that. If they do, I won't be able to watch it anymore. Maybe just the first ep of the 8th season, to see how Grissom is coping. But aside from that, no. Just no - I just don't see that happening. So chill :)
And in the name of all that we charish in this show, Please put the spoilers for the potential identity of the MCSK, even if it's just speculation, in special named spoiler boxes. Thank you all in advance.

That would be all from me for now. :)
wow. just wow. so much has gone on in less than 24 hours, its incredible!!
DUUUUUDE!!!!! how long ago did someone call the janitor? who exactly called it?? im too lazy to read through the posts.. but OMG thats insane! im so giddy right now im freaking out! ::breathe sarah, breathe:: ok whew. it has to be a two hour epi. no way they can do this type of story justice without at least a couple hours. i cant wait to see the gsr in the last two epis, i might have a heart attack from pure exhileration. wow, ok im done.
speaking of the evil color pink, i jinxed myself yesterday... today my airbrush at work exploded all over my face splattering BRIGHT pink food coloring in my eyes and all over my chef's coat. ticked me off cause pink stains like crazy. thankfully my face isnt polka dotted even got in my EARS..ugh! i ran to the sink like i had a chemical burn. anyway that reminded me of my sara wearing pink comment yesterday. no longer will i badmouth that color. sara sidle looks very pretty in pink. and im sure gil grissom thinks the same.
I assume you mean Grissom's straw hat, aka "The Fugly Hat," chocolate bunnies ? In that case, count me in with those who find Grissom sexy both avec and sans chapeau.

I had it confirmed to me on another board that the female janitor mopping behind Sara and Grissom during the final scene of Empty Eyes is the MCSK! This, of course, inspired me to watch that scene about a billion times. It's creepy. She watches Sara and Grissom first through the glass, then as they walk away, he with his arm around Sara. I also have confirmation that the MCSK is one of Ernie Dell's foster children, so she is definitely not Sara's mom. Apparently, the female janitor tasers Sara as she is packing to go to San Francisco. I still have no clue as to why Sara is going to San Francisco in the first place.

I am currently looking for some strong drink so I can make it to the finale! Really, when I think about having to sit through the damn James family again tonight, I feel quite desperate. Not much hope for GSR in this eppie, I fear.
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