Grissom & Sara #26: It's So Obvious, Isn't It?

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Newly Un-Spoiler Must Stay Strong! *kills stress ball*
somebody said a couple pages ago what was the first time GSR was really real for them, I'm gonna say Scuba-Dooba-Doobie believe it or not. That and then well obviously WTG.

I never realized how much posting I did about spoilers. Now i have nothing to say. *sigh*
You know? I have YET to see "Scuba Doobie Doo". I am getting the second season tomorrow on DVD, I think that's going to be the first episode I watch.. I hear so much about it!
Guys, I was just reading back through the posts and I know you guys insist on spoiler boxes (which I totally agree with) but I don't think it is necessary for half a dozen or so of you to attack another poster for making a mistake. For one, it is up to one of the moderators to address the problem, not the posters. One poster asking if it could be edited is one thing but for several of you to attack another poster is shocking to even me.

Just like people make mistakes about posting spoilers in the title, other people make mistakes too. Like being asked twice already to put either the episode name or the episode # in the title. Nobody is being attacked for still not doing that.

In the future if this problem comes up, please use the "notify moderator" button and let one of us handle it. Since there are four moderators in here, there is almost always someone here to respond quickly.

The next time a person is attacked in here, official warnings may be given or (something I know none of you want), this thread could be locked for a day or two. So, let's all have some respect for our fellow posters and keep in mind that mistakes will be made.

Thanks guys. ;)
Welcome to the board Proctor Fox fan. You will alway be welcome on this board.

I haven't been on this board for a while now. I'm just lurk and read what's going on, and I've been waiting for the picture of Empty Eyes (I'm keep calling this episode, Empty Nest from the old tv show.) I can't wait to see this episode Thursday night. It is Thursday yet?
totally wish it were Thursday

welcome Procter_Fox_Fan *hands you a cookie with butterfly shaped sprinkles*

I just wanted to say (cuz I forgot earlier) I'm stage 5 WPHS for sure
I'm not really invested in any other ship right now... well, except for Clark and Chloe on Smallville, but that's only because Lana is Absolutely The Worst Frakking Character That Has Ever Soiled A Television Series Due To Satan's Handiwork (I believe there's now an official mathematical formula, actually; it's Charmed's Phoebe to the power of The O.C.'s Marissa multiplied by infinity) and Lois is... actually not too bad, aside from the fact that she's nothing like Lois Lane ever was or ever should be.

But I'll tell you a secret: I am a passionate Jughead/Betty shipper from waaaayy back - how's that for hopeless ships? ;)

Oh right - GSR thread. Choco-B, your mother is a classic case of WPHS. Definitely Stage 2. Let us know whenever she enters Stage 3 by grudgingly admitting that she supposes he's not that bad. It'd be great to chart the actual progression of a test case. Call it field work.

gsrLOVE You know? I have YET to see "Scuba Doobie Doo".
LOL Okay, I'll tell you another secret: I have never, ever seen Playing With Fire - that's the lab explosion one, right?

Oooh, now there's a discussion topic that the unspoiled can participate in! Be honest, now: which classic GSR episode have YOU missed?
EGG!!! what epi is that from? and miss dee, that would be the one I haven't seen yet :p I watch spike's reruns constantly and chart out the epis I haven't seen yet, and ones I REALLY want to see again. I think I'm good now. before seeing WTG a couple days ago i would've said that, but yeah, im rambling again. ::runs away to read more fan fic:: .........runs back to submit post.......... 4 days y'all! woot! woot!
Oooh, now there's a discussion topic that the unspoiled can participate in! Be honest, now: which classic GSR episode have YOU missed?

You know, the thing about GSR is that sometimes their scenes pop up in really boring episodes. Daddy's Little Girl, anyone? Bite Me? And so you get a cute little thrill from them (pre-canon days) but in reality, I wouldn't necessarily go back and watch the whole episode. So I can see just logging on and checking out the clip, rather than watching the whole thing.

I believe I've managed to catch all of them by now. There are some episodes I've never seen all the way through, like Precious Metal or Night at the Movies or Recipe for Murder, etc. but the lucky thing is that when we get an all-GSR spectacular (Butterflied, Committed) they tend to be great episodes as well.
first of all thank you SO much Turtle, sarah, Toasty and others for caring for me and other spoiler-free people. i appreciate y'all's concern, i'm very happy i'm here with y'all. this is the reason i can't leave *blows kisses*
Edited because I am a horrible filthy liar. So this whole post had to go.
i went on a party yesterday and came back at 3 am. you think i didn't check this board before going to sleep? sure i've seen all your horrible, horrible lies. but you know i still love you.
No, it really wasn't, dear. Don't worry, there are more important things going on then what you might have read. 'cause it didn't mean anything, and Turtle is a horrible, horrible liar. becoz, Sara? yeah, totally going...platinum, yo. and that could, in fact, be the scariest thing any of us may witness.
so she's going platinum, huh? i understand that a certain lady will help her in the process then?
Don't leave, Adz. If only because you should know that by reading that title, you basically know as much as we do. lol.
that means that i'm spoiled like hell. i need to change my sig, lol.
Ok, Adz I am a horrible filthy liar. I admit. *sighs* I just wanted you to be surprised sooo bad. 'Cause I luuuuuurves you. *nods*

Please don't leave ok? I think we'd all miss you.
i knew it, i knew it. but you know what?
i'm loving the fact that she is coming, b/c she's freakin awesome, and everybody knows i totally love the woman. i wouldn't mind a threesome, HAHAHAHA *is an evil GSR shipper*
But no mind wasn't about anything. Sara's hair is...out of control.

Love ya
awww, people love me <3
Btw, Is Adzy aware of this spoiler or no?
i know only two letters - LH. but i would probably get to know about this spoiler anyway. the simpliest example? the only title of the episode - The Good, The Bad And The Dominatrix.
So she found out about the dying of the hair, and the taco scene. Damn you guys.
lmao eggy. don't you even TRY lying here.

Oh and the other day I was looking at my T.V. guide. It was this thing about the sexiest people on T.V. Unfortunately the only person from CSI in it was Marg, but WP was a runner up for Sexiest Boss
*Adz died*

oh and Welcome all the newbies! Enjoy yourselves in here.

about missing an ep - i've seen them all multiple times, cuz i own them all. yay me.
spoiler boxes from adz. what a sight :p did you spoil yourself any further? or stop at the two letters? im considering going back to being unspoiled, but i lived that way for 6 seasons before i found my sources :) i can't go back now, i have too much fun freaking out over what might happen, and you guys are right, those boxes are too

oo i didnt see the comment about other ships earlier... before tina came along and ruined everything, i was a yobling shipper, but never as feverishly as gsr. the geeks take the cake and i couldnt be happier!!
MissDee said:
LOL Okay, I'll tell you another secret: I have never, ever seen Playing With Fire - that's the lab explosion one, right?

The first time I saw Play With Fire it was so weird to me. The ending scene felt...weird. I don't know, the episode just kind of left me going "o...k...what?" at the end. It was so weird, but then I watched it again and I didn't feel that anymore. lol. Weird eh? And yes I know that I said weird a bajillion times. What are you going to do about it?

Oooh, now there's a discussion topic that the unspoiled can participate in! Be honest, now: which classic GSR episode have YOU missed?

I don't know if it's a GSR classic, but I haven't seen Boom. I've heard there's some GSR in it. *shrugs*

Adzix said:
awww, people love me <3

Honestly, what's not to love.

Oh yah, and WELCOME NEWBIES! *cracks whip*

ETA: Oh yeah, and I haven't seen Laws of Gravity. Just the clips, and the last 5 minutes. Damn rehearsals.
MissDee said:
gsrLOVE You know? I have YET to see "Scuba Doobie Doo".
LOL Okay, I'll tell you another secret: I have never, ever seen Playing With Fire - that's the lab explosion one, right?

Oooh, now there's a discussion topic that the unspoiled can participate in! Be honest, now: which classic GSR episode have YOU missed?

You haven't seen Playing With Fire?! :eek: *throws MissDee season three DVDs*

I like the idea.

I missed Leaving Las Vegas :rolleyes: Apparently, my family thought dinner was more important than CSI. And my aunt had no VCR recorder, or anything else to record to show with.
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