Grissom & Sara #26: It's So Obvious, Isn't It?

Not open for further replies.'s me..not that anyone'd remember! no, seriously, due to some serious schoolness, i haven't posted since...last year's finale? Yesh. I feel guilty.

So, yes, ello!

OMG! Reeble! i know youuuuu!!

Anywho, let's think..what..i didn't see Bang-Bang..
well, i did, the ending, because i sprinted into my living room after getting home from class in time to yell at my sister for watching something dumb and change it to CSI and catch the ending and cry.

Good times, good times.
I have never ever seen "Strip Strangler." I have a hard time with violence towards women (what woman doesn't) and I just.. I get a little TOO empathetic about it, sometimes. So, we skipped "Strip Strangler" when we watched the first two seasons. I've seen the clips, yeah, and I basically know what happened, but I've never seen the episode.

Though, Grissom DARTING out of that van to save his lady-love is awesome. And, yes, that's what I've decided he'd call her. Not his girlfriend/partner/chick/hot bodied babe... She's his lady-love. :) Teehee.

And he PUT HIS ARM AROUND HER. C'mon. Who doesn't eat that up? I mean, he knows she's out of danger at that point. The guy she met wasn't the strangler, and then here's Grissom and Sara walking through the supermarket. Sure, he has his "Forensics" jacket on, but she looks absolutely adorable and he has his arm around her. Love. It.

It was one of the first times where he couldn't control Sara. He tried to control her earlier in the episode (yes, I've only seen clips) and made her sit down when he wasn't happy with the idea of her being a part of the decoy operation... But, she went ahead and did it. He thought it was over, but this little wildfire aint ready to be contained! She's a woman, Gil! She can't be held back by any man. She wants to be an equal in your life, not your little pet whose chain you can move around. It doesn't matter how gentle you are with the lead, a chain is a chain is a chain. So, Gil, how's that feel to not be in control? Sure, you got the last line to her about how it's hardest to do NOTHING. But, then what the HECK do you do? You go and try to TALK to the PSYCHO.

"I just wanted to talk."

Idiot. You were so lucky that Catherine was there to put a few bullet holes in the guy's chest, because you broke your own freakin' rule. You said the hardest thing is to do nothing... You didn't do nothing, dude. You almost died because you tried to hold Sara up to some standards you couldn't live up to yourself. You got schooled, child.

And, I still haven't seen the episode. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.
Though, Grissom DARTING out of that van to save his lady-love is awesome. And, yes, that's what I've decided he'd call her. Not his girlfriend/partner/chick/hot bodied babe... She's his lady-love. Teehee.

that's geniousness at work.
first of all thank you SO much Turtle, sarah, Toasty and others for caring for me and other spoiler-free people. i appreciate y'all's concern, i'm very happy i'm here with y'all. this is the reason i can't leave *blows kisses*

That, and because we've chained you to the radiator.

so she's going platinum, huh? i understand that a certain lady will help her in the process then?

Yes, Lady Esmerelda of the salon. She's a wonder with the dye brush.

The first time I saw Play With Fire it was so weird to me. The ending scene felt...weird. I don't know, the episode just kind of left me going "o...k...what?" at the end. It was so weird, but then I watched it again and I didn't feel that anymore. lol. Weird eh? And yes I know that I said weird a bajillion times. What are you going to do about it?

I think it's because WP didn't want to play the final scene the way they wrote it. It was supposed to be way more "final". I think had it been clear that this was it between them, it would've been, "Here we are, closing the book on GSR". It ended, instead, cliff-hangery.

I don't know if it's a GSR classic, but I haven't seen Boom. I've heard there's some GSR in it. *shrugs*

Not... really. I think they smile at each other while setting off bombs. Glitter bombs.

ETA: Oh yeah, and I haven't seen Laws of Gravity. Just the clips, and the last 5 minutes. Damn rehearsals.

It was one of the best episodes of the year.

Well, I'm not going to see the two last episodes, lol. Until, like, June.
The_mysterious_m said:'s me..not that anyone'd remember! no, seriously, due to some serious schoolness, i haven't posted since...last year's finale? Yesh. I feel guilty.

So, yes, ello!

OMG! Reeble! i know youuuuu!!

Anywho, let's think..what..i didn't see Bang-Bang..
well, i did, the ending, because i sprinted into my living room after getting home from class in time to yell at my sister for watching something dumb and change it to CSI and catch the ending and cry.

Good times, good times.

Ha! See! I wasn't the only one! :lol: School consumed my life as well for the past two years. THe real world got the best of me. But this season was just SO darn juicy I HAD to come back! :D

Welcome back The_mysterious_m! ::begins singing Hotel California:: :lol:

And Aly? You've gone mad.
ok but you have to admit the explosions in boom were friggen awesome! and it was adorable the way they looked at eachother.
all i remember when i first saw play with fire was #1 i only caught the last 15 minutes so i missed the "honey" and #2 when she asked about dinner, i totally almost collapsed. and when he said "no" so flatly and matter of fact, i died a little inside. ::sniff:: but now look at them! ::sigh:: good times!
Herzeleid said:
ok but you have to admit the explosions in boom were friggen awesome! and it was adorable the way they looked at eachother.
all i remember when i first saw play with fire was #1 i only caught the last 15 minutes so i missed the "honey" and #2 when she asked about dinner, i totally almost collapsed. and when he said "no" so flatly and matter of fact, i died a little inside. ::sniff:: but now look at them! ::sigh:: good times!

I know right? I wanted to cry FOR her. I was like "Damn you Grissom! DAMN YOU!" ::throws debris at TV::. Who would of thought we would be canon? Seriously...

I really think GSR became real for me(I know. I KNOW. I'm late.) is harder than I thought. I guess about "Butterflied". Because a)It was the FIRST episode I EVER saw b.) He finally expressed how he felt but not directly( far as he knew ;)). Then I COMPLETELY lost my shit last season. I screamed so loud the neighbors upstairs pounded on the floor so I would shut up. :lol:

Anyway...yeah. It's late. Going to bed. Nighty night everyone! I'm going to have some GOOD GSR dreams. :D
See, Matthew (fiance) and I are house-hunting.. Not to buy, but to rent because apartments are BAD for us. One of the biggest reasons is because I SCREAM when it comes to my shows. I run around the house LITERALLY screaming. Way to Go? I was screaming. I was running. I was screaming. Then, I rewatched the scene about forty times. :)

Of course, my fav GSR moment to watch inwhich neither Grissom or Sara were involved is the conversation this season between Nick and Catherine wondering if Grissom shaved the beard for a girl. Yeah, he did. He has a gal named Sara, folks. :)

I have no doubt I'll be screaming and running about if the hug happens. And, of course, the tear touch is big, as well. I'm just such a sucker for a Sara-centric episode since she's my fav character that I might actually forget GSR exists. I know that sounds far-fetched, but it's been known to happen. I get so caught up in what's happening with my girl Sara that I forget to be a fangirl. "Committed?" Totally forgot to be a fan-girl until after the episode aired. Then, I realized that we had watched an entire episode that focused almost completely on Gil and Sara... That Grissom had reached out to Sara when she was attacked... That he had totally spaced out on reality when he was watching her through the glass.. that she stopped struggling when she met eyes with her man... that he was standing with his BACK to the crime scene as she talked... That he had a protective stance with her... that he called her "baby." Seriously missed ALL that the first time around. So, it might happen, again. We'll know Thursday, I guess.
little wildfire aint
Aly, I swear, I read this as "little wildfire ant" and all I could think was "So that's what he calls her in private!" And then all I could picture was Grissom singing classic Dolly Parton to the car radio: "Little wildfire ants don't care where they grow-ow-ow...."

Shut up - it's early, and I'm still tired, and I have eight papers and two presentations to do in 15 days. (Pray for me!)
EGG!!! what epi is that from?
They are both from SDD. ;) Great episode.
which classic GSR episode have YOU missed?
Well since I live in England, I have only seen up to Living legend, so more to come from S7. There are no others that I have missed. Buuut, I don't have the second half of season 2, so I can only watch them on the TV. Sucks. Serves me right though for being a cheap skate and buying them in one big load off ebay.
...Then, I realised that we had watched an entire episode that focused almost completely on Gil and Sara...
So, umm, my response doesn't need to go in a spoiler box, as it has nothing to do with a spoiler. I was doing a CSI quiz recently and one of the questions was which episode has only G and S in it. I was totally stuck, I saw committed written there, and a few others, and I really didn't think that G and S were the only ones in that ep! Silly me. :lol:
i wouldn't mind a threesome

:lol: Really Adz ? *backs away slowly*
*Adz died*

*pokes Adz with easter-bunny peep*DONT DIE.*runs crying*......Not really.

The first time I saw Play With Fire it was so weird to me.

The first time i watched PWF, I totaly missed the fact that Sar asked out grissom.Seriously.I cant lie about this.In my defence, back then I was a Gil/Lady H shipper *ducks form flying ducks being thrown at her(Quack!) *

Aly, I swear, I read this as "little wildfire ant" and all I could think was "So that's what he calls her in private!" And then all I could picture was Grissom singing classic Dolly Parton to the car radio: "Little wildfire ants don't care where they grow-ow-ow...."

*backs away slowly*
You know something is wrong when Dee, our rock of sanity, starts to be a bit of an odd bird.

And Adz goes crazy in waves, mostly waves of Billy, so it's all good.

A poll for the spoiled. What would you prefer? a) Lady Heather is the Miniature Killer b) Lady Heather is the mini-killer's last victim c) Lady Heather has nothing to do with the mini killer case and unveils GSR d) Lady Heather has nothing to do with the mini killer case OR GSR
Yes, Lady Esmerelda of the salon. She's a wonder with the dye brush.
ROFLMAO. oh, gotta breathe ...
Really Adz ? *backs away slowly*
not like THAT. i meant G/S/LH one, lol.

but no, not really.

y'all! i made icons! a whole lot of them, like 20.


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