Grissom & Sara #26: It's So Obvious, Isn't It?

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Desert is officially the dead woman of the Talk/GSR boards.

Adzix said:
was that The Thing i wasn't supposed to know?

No, it really wasn't, dear. Don't worry, there are more important things going on then what you might have read. 'cause it didn't mean anything, and Turtle is a horrible, horrible liar. becoz, Sara? yeah, totally going...platinum, yo. and that could, in fact, be the scariest thing any of us may witness.

No, I'm serious about the spoiler.
Pay no mind to the things behind the blue boxes.
You are going to miss the finale?! I have the date written on my calendar for the return of CSI. I'm so excited.

It's either the finale, or a once-in-a-lifetime trip to France, London and Spain. Sorry, CSI...


Don't leave, Adz. If only because you should know that by reading that title, you basically know as much as we do. lol.

Sometimes I get so fed up with CSI, I just leave the country. Kidding.


You put "LH" in the title box for the spoiler.
I changed it & how petty, big whoops .. big deal...ridiculous .. come on.. and does anyone give a ratts ass about what I think..geez.. be nice.. I'm nice to everyone.. not cool.. everyone has their own agenda's and theories and views, including ME.. and I'm not dead.. very much alive.. there's lots of stuff I don't like, but keep it to myself..and don't insult anyone!! so moving on
desert, I'm sorry that people overreacted, but this is not about your opinion, it's about the fact that you put a spoiler into the title box. Something we have been repeatedly asked by Adzix and the mod not to do. It really hurts the unspoiled members of this board when they want to participate, and after the number of times we've been asked to stop, it begins to get quite rude.

Again, I'm sorry that your feelings were hurt, but we've all been asked not to do this several times.
Oh lucky you Sarah!

Desert, nobody was at all flaming you for your opinion. Like Sarah said above, it was because you put the spoiler in the title box. I know it was probably unintentional on your part, however, the mods have asked that you Put the date or episode title in the spoiler title. And what you had there, was a pretty huge spoiler. Sorry you felt that you were being badgered about your opinion.
sarahvma said:
It's either the finale, or a once-in-a-lifetime trip to France, London and Spain. Sorry, CSI...

Actually, I go every month for bragging rights. because I'm just that funkishly rich and awesome.
I'm kidding.

Now, watch me continue to beat the oyster...

Those two are right about the spoiler boxes. Besides, I don't think anyone over reacted anyway, it was more of us just ribbing you, like we always do here. It's not a matter of your opinion or anyone being mean, you just happened to accidentally show off a pretty big spoiler [for Adz - about the hair, of course].
I too, am sorry that your feelings got hurt. -nods-
Yeah Desertwind, we didn't mean you no offense or anything - You're still a part of this whole messed up gutterfly family. We're just giving you shit. It was bound to happen eventually, you were just the unlucky one to do it is all. Forgive me if I came off sounding harsh.

About the spoiler... about Sara's newly platinum hair of course. :p

Ok, Adz I am a horrible filthy liar. I admit. *sighs* I just wanted you to be surprised sooo bad. 'Cause I luuuuuurves you. *nods*

Please don't leave ok? I think we'd all miss you.

As for the rest of the group - any more spoilers get leaked by any of you and I will personally go Kung Fu on all of your asses. Seriously. *pulls out pointy stick* Who's with me? :p

Seriously Adz, and this time I'm not lying - cross my heart hope to die, you really don't know anything. Really. Because we don't know anything. Hell, nobody knows anything.

*looks innocent* Sorry mods that this post is really really really unGSR related. Here's my lame attempt at fixing that...

Yay GSR! I love GSR! wOOt! *does silly GSR dance*

Sara and Grissom forever and ever and ever!

GSR is the smex!

Ok.. yeah. That's enough.

That is all.
i think i developed a crush on your boyfriend SaraSidleRules.

I swear I am going to have to keep him from these crazy obsessed fangirls. :lol:.

But no mind wasn't about anything. Sara's hair is...out of control. :D

Love ya. :D
Wow, I only left for a few days.

And crazy-ness.

Great I have spaceres in my teeth and they hurt like h*ll! I cant eat anything but: Applesauce, pudding , peeps , and m and m's.

And on GSR-wise:

I have a verry evil friend who prides herself in spoiling me. So:

Lady. H? Jeez. I am probubly the only one, But I am not mad, maby becuz i love angst, or since i used to be a Lady H/Grissom shipper *hides dont hurt me* But I personaly hope that we get some of non-dead Lady H. , if she was just dead from the begening it would be kinda boring.I mean I love the character and the actor so this could end up good if handeled right.

Ok only know this cuz my evil friend was sitting looking at tv guide and was all "what kind of show
has someone named is Lady Heather?
" and I was all like what????!!!! She said "It is talking about that CSI show you watch."

And she wondered why I wouldnt talk to her for the rest of the day. Grrrrr. She dosnt even watch CSI.

Btw, Is Adzy aware of this spoiler or no?

Bad spelling due to being hungry and teeth hurting
I will be out of the country for episodes 23 and 24.
Ha Ha! Now you will have a feel of what it's like for us non-Americans. (or 'aliens' as they call us on the plane. Pissed myself when I first heard that over the tannoy. "Would Americans fill out the blue form, and Aliens fill out the pink form, thank you." I looked at my friend sitting next to me, and we just collapsed with laughter. :lol:) It's terrible. *hugs*
there's gonna be a taco scene instead of the sushi one we never got?
So she found out about the dying of the hair, and the taco scene. Damn you guys. :lol:

This post isn't very GSR related.
Is anyone else obsessed with any other ships from other shows? For me nothing compares to the chemistry in CSI.
So she found out about the dying of the hair, and the taco scene. Damn you guys.

dyed hair and tacos. Did I miss something???

Oh and the other day I was looking at my T.V. guide. It was this thing about the sexiest people on T.V. Unfortunately the only person from CSI in it was Marg, but WP was a runner up for Sexiest Boss(the winner was some guy from The Unit and he wasn't all that sexy :rolleyes:) My point is: I showed my mom this and that WP was a runner up and her exact words were:"William Peterson? That Grissom Guy? Ewwwwwww! what is sexy about him?"

As soon as she walked out of the room I practically fell on the floor laughing. Now you guys have a reason to hate my mom!

Is anyone else obsessed with any other ships from other shows?

The only other ship that i am obsessed with is Addisex (Allison & Alex) from Grays Anatomy. Which is cool 'cuase have one cannon, one not. One totally serious and one not so much.
:"William Peterson? That Grissom Guy? Ewwwwwww! what is sexy about him?"
Stage 2. ;) (am I right? :lol:)My mum is exactly the same. I just keep my mouth shut. :rolleyes:
Addisex (Allison & Alex) from Grays Anatomy.
I like that pairing too, although never post, etc, as I don't want to spoil myself. Sucks. :(

Again, nothing to do with GSR. I will post a picture or two.


*sigh* In the first one, back to back, isn't this the most touching between the geeks? They aren't face to face, but there is a lot :lol:
Haha...I know you guys are going to think I'm a freak...but...I like Tommy Oliver and Kimberly Hart from the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers. They were cute! :lol: Let the rants begin! :lol:
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