Grissom & Sara #26: It's So Obvious, Isn't It?

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I will agree with you.. The "Honey" in playing with fire is one of the most "caring" GSR. The most "flirtatious" episode was definitely TYOD. The most real episode, obviously to me is "WTG". I did love how he brought Sara a veggie burger in BTK though :D
BurnedToast said:
And then I'll back her up with my awesome face-bashing powers!
Together we'll be like...the GSR Power-rangers.
Or something.
No...because we'll actually pwn things. and the dumb-dumb rangers never really kicked anythings arse.
well, not counting their own, anyway.

As long as I can be the pink one...:lol:. I luuurved the power rangers... :D girl gone crazy. :lol:

This storyline doesn't bother me. More bumps and bruises for GSR to pull through STRONGER and BETTER than before. BRING IT ON TPTB!

(And if they screw it up, I will go down to CBS Studios, with a sign and a lighter and the sign will say "GSR IS CANON! LEAVE THE GOOD THING BE!" and I will threaten them with fire. :lol;)
So I've had some time to sleep on it:

No way are they going to ditch GSR in favor of a recurring character. We already know that the GSR continues after this episode, so that's not even a question. Secondly, let's not forget that it was WP who was the ONLY one who thought LH and Grissom never slept together, and refuted wearing a robe in the breakfast scene of Lady Heather's Box because he didn't want to hint at that. Comparatively, he picked his own shirt for the Way to Go scene, has ad-libbed countless pro-GSR lines in episodes where there otherwise would've been almost no GSR, and he's the one who has to say the lines and act the part here. There were supposed to be THREE hugs in Pirates of the Third Reich. I'm just saying... no matter what the writers write, WP is ultimately the one with final say. I think that given that this is airing so close to an episode like Empty Eyes, it says that it's deliberate - he trusts Sara, she trusts him, and they comfort one-another. Period.
sarahvma said:
So I've had some time to sleep on it:

No way are they going to ditch GSR in favor of a recurring character. We already know that the GSR continues after this episode, so that's not even a question. Secondly, let's not forget that it was WP who was the ONLY one who thought LH and Grissom never slept together, and refuted wearing a robe in the breakfast scene of Lady Heather's Box because he didn't want to hint at that. Comparatively, he picked his own shirt for the Way to Go scene, has ad-libbed countless pro-GSR lines in episodes where there otherwise would've been almost no GSR, and he's the one who has to say the lines and act the part here. There were supposed to be THREE hugs in Pirates of the Third Reich. I'm just saying... no matter what the writers write, WP is ultimately the one with final say. I think that given that this is airing so close to an episode like Empty Eyes, it says that it's deliberate - he trusts Sara, she trusts him, and they comfort one-another. Period.

Completely and 100% agree with you Sarah I say to TPTB "BRING IT ON! NOTHING CAN KILL OUR GSR CANON! NOTHING!" :D. That is all.
Must. remain. spoiler-free. I'm trying so hard to remain spoiler free for the finale. You all are actually helping my will power. but oh the torure!!!!! I can read ones through episode 20 cause I've already been spoiled. But 21 on....*twitch* must. remain. spoiler-free. *faints from lack of air*
SaraSidleRules8 said:
sarahvma said:
So I've had some time to sleep on it:

No way are they going to ditch GSR in favor of a recurring character. We already know that the GSR continues after this episode, so that's not even a question. Secondly, let's not forget that it was WP who was the ONLY one who thought LH and Grissom never slept together, and refuted wearing a robe in the breakfast scene of Lady Heather's Box because he didn't want to hint at that. Comparatively, he picked his own shirt for the Way to Go scene, has ad-libbed countless pro-GSR lines in episodes where there otherwise would've been almost no GSR, and he's the one who has to say the lines and act the part here. There were supposed to be THREE hugs in Pirates of the Third Reich. I'm just saying... no matter what the writers write, WP is ultimately the one with final say. I think that given that this is airing so close to an episode like Empty Eyes, it says that it's deliberate - he trusts Sara, she trusts him, and they comfort one-another. Period.

Completely and 100% agree with you Sarah I say to TPTB "BRING IT ON! NOTHING CAN KILL OUR GSR CANON! NOTHING!" :D. That is all.

one word one reason i trust in the gsr but i don´t trust in the writer or the same Carol.M if we will have gsr is only by´s a pity but the ramgold is a little part :( and the last word always have the mendelshon :eek:
coming out of lurkdom for this :eek:

LH is back no no no. ok i know how to make it better this is what should happen LH is in hospital coming round. She sees Grissom and Sara talking then sara leaves and grissom comes in. LH how long Grissom: you've been unconsious LH: no how long have you loved her? Grissom: pauses always
I don't know if it's coming-out-worthy yet, but it's always good to come out of lurkdum

I trust Billy. If the writing sucks, he'll fix it. Grissom isn't going to fall for her. I think it hit him when she slept with the guy that killed or had something to do with the death of her daughter. Sex can't be fueled by rage...well, at least good sex can't. He realized he couldn't be with someone like that. What really really gets me pissed is that tptb are probably doing this to up ratings to beat Grey's. In PoTR, they grab Lady Heather's daughter, say she dropped out of Harvard (Bill Gaites, anyone?), and then kill her off, just so they can have LH on the show. Honestly, I liked the episode and cried at the end, but it just seemed like they were desperate to get LH in there and mix things up a bit.

Omg, I can't believe this season is well...getting closer to the end.

^^ definitely early stage Shipwrecked. looks like 3rd to me. age is not a case, dear. we had 13 year olds on WP thread. not to mention i'm 20 but began working on my syndrome at 18

Oh, I think he's cute...
Staring at some of those icons, hell yeah he's pretty hot. I just don't think I've reached the right level of obsession yet. But hey, this summer, when I have no friends and nothing to do, I'll go to the WP picture thread or something. Hang out there. Yeah. I might be a new person when I go back to school though.
So far I have not read any may tenth episode spoilers. it is sooooo hard and I don't know if I can take it *fans face along with VaveAma93* but i can already tell SOMETHING angsty is coming up......grrr!

Switching to another topic, from this thursday until the finale, are all the episodes new?? Maybe I should count......nope I'm too lazy....and i think i have math homework......ugh.

On the WPHS, i am an 8. when i first started watching the show, i thought some of the other guys were hotter, but after like a week of csi.... i was lost to WPHS. :). Also, i thnk I am the yougest person here.....i feeel sooo immature....oh well!

oh yeah also who is writing episode 23/24? is there a 24? i don't know....

I haven't read any spoilers since yesterday.... Gosh it's hard to resist those blue boxes. And, haha, I got my mother totally addicted to CSI last night, now she wont quit watching the DVDs. She's like "Grissom and Sara should get together" I was said "They ARE! You just have to watch the new episodes, you're only watching the DVDs right now. You can watch the next one on Thursday with me".


Oh, and I believe there is one repeat in April, other than that they are all new episodes.
THANK'S bunches Alyssa great read.. I really enjoyed your perspective..
and on our "couple" didn't Grissom only send Sara gifts.. a book..a plant.. I'll miss you" a love letter.. and a cocoon.. "I'll see ya later" and so much more.. did he ever do that for "whats-her-face"? I think not :(

And I noticed something today. For as popular as CSI is - I don't actually know one person (besides my sister and dad) that watch it on anything more then a semi regualar basis.
I tape it for my mum, then ask her repeatedly if she has seen it yet, and she says she hasn't yet. (a whole 3 days after the ep btw :eek:) So I ask her what she has to do, and so I say I will do it, and I place her in front of the tv, and hit play. Then I go and make the dinner, etc. Most times, she comes back in after 20 mins, and I'm like "huh? That was fast." never guess what she does? She fasts forward! It's incredible, she follows the story line and everything, but just fasts forward the bits that are "predictable." So now, I have to sit with her and watch it, remote in my hand, or confiscate the remote completely.
It's like CSI assault, I should be in prison.
Whoa! De ja vu. :eek:
Where was I? Oh yeah, so my mum is not allowed to fast forward anymore, and she watches CSI on Wednesday nights, after riding, whilst I make the dinner.
Not at all obsessed or anything. :rolleyes: (She still doesn't know about my WP obsession though. ;))
*faints from lack of air*
Should we recussitate?.....nah. :lol: .... :rolleyes:
"whats-her-face"?-That's a great name for her. Maybe shorten it too, WHF? mmm, dw maybe you should put your above box in a spoiler box? The pure may think that it is rather odd that all of a sudden there is talk of LH. Just a suggestion, don't hate? :D
So, I'm working on this GSR music video. I'm 4:57 into a 7:21 song. It's got stuff from every season. It's the biggest project I've ever taken on GSR-wise... and I don't think I can finish it until the end of the season. I just think I have to wait and see what else we get from the season to finish it...

I mean, I need the Grissom tear wipe. I need the hug if it happens (there's a specific line in the song that needs that)... there' s alot that I need for this, and I'm hoping a lot will come in during the later episodes of this season. Granted, I have a LOT in this video to begin with, and a lot of it is TRULY classic. I mean, I think I have almost every major GSR moment to date in there... And, don't worry, I won't link it here. I know the rules. :) So, I just need some more stuff to put in there. Maybe, in the midst of the Lady Heather stuff, something good will come out... Just maybe. And, the finale better be kicking. I guess the benefit to doing most of the work now is that I just have to plug in those last few scenes... only problem is, I have to edit LINEAR. yeah, it sucks. There are a few timing problems I want to fix, but my program shuts down everytime I try, and being 5 minutes into the song already, I'm in no mood to start over in a different program. LOL. So, bring on some GSR lovin' in the last half of season 7!

There was an article in my Entertainment Weekly about CSI. Not much GSR, but a few spoilers for Thursday's episode. So, if you wnat me to link it here, I will, though it's not purely GSR-a-rific.
Alright, some of you know how crazy some people became when PotTR was being spoiled, so I am making it my duty to try and make sure people don't go ape shit, because it would be a shame to worry that much for nothing. When has LH ever posed a threat to GSR? She's a recurring character, so really, never. I think we all need to take a breather for a minute and remind ourselves that this is CSI, not Passions. We all know TPTB are timid to do anything really huge, so I really have no worries for this episode. I like LH, and while I understand how some people don't, I don't think people should be openly bashing her. She's just a character. Come on guys, we're better than that. Let's just look forward to the fact that there's a chance that Grissom and Sara's relationship might be called out.

So who's excited for a new episode this week?
Reeble said:
Alright, some of you know how crazy some people became when PotTR was being spoiled, so I am making it my duty to try and make sure people don't go ape shit, because it would be a shame to worry that much for nothing. When has LH ever posed a threat to GSR? She's a recurring character, so really, never. I think we all need to take a breather for a minute and remind ourselves that this is CSI, not Passions. We all know TPTB are timid to do anything really huge, so I really have no worries for this episode. I like LH, and while I understand how some people don't, I don't think people should be openly bashing her. She's just a character. Come on guys, we're better than that. Let's just look forward to the fact that there's a chance that Grissom and Sara's relationship might be called out.

So who's excited for a new episode this week?

YOU'RE 100 PERCENT right.. she never posed a threat to anyone. he said one lame line to her in S/3 "you've got lovely lips" and her and his ship fans are hanging on to this little tiny nothing comment.. thank's for stepping in and putting this in perspective..
you rock ;)

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