Grissom & Sara #26: It's So Obvious, Isn't It?

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Yeah, sorry - it's just that we have a couple of really spoiler-conscious posters. No offence to you whatsoever meant.
Oh alright. But I didn't spoil anything, all I said was the date. And there was no offence taken.

But, we were all told that in the spoiler boxes for the subject we are suppose to mention the date and/or title of the episode. Not "guys". (That was not meant to be rude)

I am trying myself not to be spoiled past Empty Eyes, and since I peaked at this May 10th episode, I am trying not be spoiled before that episode and after. SAA I'm going to be loyal. I love being surprised, and I remember the angst in last seasons finale my jaw DROPPED, and I want it too again this time :D

Anyway. I do love my GSR. And I just finished watching TOYD for the.. Ack, the millionth time, still love it. I love the eye-sex. Yeeee.
rotflmao..ok that was great miss dee!! i think i went from symptom 1 to 8 in the span of about 5 minutes during the pilot epi.
ok so now im totally giving credit to the LH being a victim of MCSK. green eyes anyone? anyway, this will definately be interresting! ive never liked LH, but hey if she somehow brings attention to our geeks' lovin' that'd be cool with me. ok, exit spoiler.. :)

i just watched wtg..finally, thank god for spike! anyway i totally noticed gris either checkin' sara out or just giving her one of those cute quirky looks of his when they're in the room with sophia and sara is looking at the corsett. yeah anyway, that was awesome, im rambling cause i was just jumping up and down from excitement. ive seen that clip of the end scene like 5000 times but yet when its plastered on my tv it feels like the first time! ::sigh:: i need a life...ok bye
Holy CRAP MissDee :eek:. How long did it take you to come up with all that? That's really good. And after reading that...I think I'm Stage 8. :lol:.
Haha, I think I went from symptom one to eight in a matter of seconds as well. Did you type that all up yourself, MissDee?
so i'm sitting here, staring at the pen on my desk and i realize something. at jobs, i work at a pharmacy as a tech and as a cake decorator at a grocery store. needless to say i carry a pen at all times, it's been burned into my brain since 2002. so here lately ive been watching a lot of csi..err..and ive noticed, whenever they use a pen in the show its always the "Z" (Zebra) series G-301. that same pen i've bought over and over again. do you guys think somehow subliminally they're making me buy this pen??!!?? I just bought a two pack the other day and i didn't even need them. stupid product placement! that pen company is making a fortune off me!!

so i watched the promo on, i agree, we could still get a hug. it's very possible that at the sense of his touch sara just kinda loses it..ok maybe not "loses it", but she could just kinda fall into his arms, he is standing very close to her and could be there to 'catch her when she falls' so to speak. im still all giddy over wtg, so maybe im babbling. HUG ALREADY!!!

ok really now i'm leaving. i think my pen story has caused you all to realize how detail oriented i am...BAAHHH!! im not a just special!
Put Lady Heather back in her box! I hate CSI dumbass publicity stunts! Can't we just stick with the MCSK!?! Okay, so our ship is gonna come out of this episode just fine, but supposedly it's gonna be open for interpretation for all fans. Lets hope and pray for rewrites...which i guess are inevitable anyway.

I figured out 16 was too young for WPHS. Sorry ya'll.
^^ definitely early stage Shipwrecked. looks like 3rd to me. age is not a case, dear. we had 13 year olds on WP thread. not to mention i'm 20 but began working on my syndrome at 18 :D

MissDee thanks so much for reposting this. everytime i read it i laugh hard, yo. it's awesome and so true.
Adz - this is one of those times when I am telling you: DO NOT read the spoilers. And you know how much I love ribbing you. You SERIOUSLY don't want to be spoiled for this.
thank you sarah. i feel like you are my spoiler mommy *hugs*
DON'T CAVE!!! It will be totally ruin it for you. *round of applause for self control*
i'm not. thank gawd, i'm still clueless. thanks ;)

great, i have nuthin' to talk about. *goes off to watch I Love New York*
Shipwrecked said:
Put Lady Heather back in her box! I hate CSI dumbass publicity stunts! Can't we just stick with the MCSK!?! Okay, so our ship is gonna come out of this episode just fine, but supposedly it's gonna be open for interpretation for all fans. Lets hope and pray for rewrites...which i guess are inevitable anyway.

I figured out 16 was too young for WPHS. Sorry ya'll.

I cracked up at your post.. excatly back in her 'box" go friggin' away.. this is nonsense, ridiculous.. and why didn't she go to jail for whippping that guy to pieces.. and she crawls out of the woodwork..yet again.. WHY
She's serious Adz - this is one time where you are really NOT going to want to be spoiled. Infact, if someone spoils you against your will - I may have to hunt them down and beat them with my pointy stick. I'm serious.

So that's what we're going to call it? To use the name would be to give away the spoiler... Of which I'd just like to say. Why? I love the LH character. I mean I really really love her. But still... why? It's not that I feel she's a danger to GSR... the moment she slept with a guy for the purpose to get his DNA... well, I'm assuming Grissom saw her in a new light. I did. I'm not upset at the prospect of seeing her again, like I said, I really do like her character. Way back when - when I was a diehard Grissom shipper, and GSR seemed like nothing but a pipe dream, I loved what she brought out in Grissom. Made us realize that he was a bit of a curious softly under that enigma shell. I fell in love with him all over again. *sighs* I can't hate a character that does that. But why now? If they suddenly throw her into the MCSK mix... I'm gonna be upset. Because as much as I love her, she has had nothing to do with it up until this point. If she's been fingered as a suspect before... or a victim... then maybe. But just wham bam out of the blue? I understand that we've got many weeks for them to mention her, but I just... I dunno. If she is a victim or a suspect - it'll feel cheapened somehow. I don't know. Psh.

Oh never mind. Screw it all. I'm going to go eat some ice cream and ponder the crap the CM throws at us. The End.

I watched the preview. It was sweet. I just wish I could be more excited. I don't know what my problem is - but this long of a hiatus between episodes and I get tired of waiting. I know it's only like *6* more days... but, well, *sighs* Maybe I'll be more excited by Wednesday. Or Thursday. :facepalm:

WPHS - This is one fangirl who's loving her uncurable stage 8. OMGZBILLYISTEHHOTTNESS!!

Thanks Miss Dee for posting that again. Ah, I remember the phases. When CSI premired I has seen WP in Manhunter and can shamefully say I didn't notice his hotness. I mean, I WAS only 14. But when CSI aired, I had another 2 years on me - I matured a lot in those two years. And instantly shot from stage one to stage 3.

By the third episode I was hovering at the top of four, bottom of five.

Then I saw Manhunter again. Hello full fledge stage 5.

It wasn't much longer before I had hopped aboard the Billy luurve train. ;)

And now I'm an over eager Billy obsessed freak. Just ask Adzix. I stalk her.

And I noticed something today. For as popular as CSI is - I don't actually know one person (besides my sister and dad) that watch it on anything more then a semi regualar basis.


Do you guys tell people that you watch it? I don't. Even if they ask me... I'll still say "Yeah, I've seen it a few times." So I don't come off sounding like some super obessive fangirl. Which I totally am btw.

And as much as I love GSR... I don't admit to anyone besides my little sister how painfully dedicated I am. My friends would think I'm completely nuts to be so attached to a relationship that exsists between two fictional characters.


M'kay. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

That is all.

Edited to add something and take some away. Hehehe!
Ohemgee, MissDee (hey, that rhymed!), I'm gonna kill you for that.
Because laughing hysterically and coughing at the same time sucks.
You owe me a lung, woman.

I think I'm like...
Stage 1.
Yes, I'm kidding. >.<

And Adz, you are the ho that stole my taco, aren't you?
Admit it.
You, Sarah and Turtle just stole it, didn't you?
Gawd, I can't believe it.

Hey look! Firefox has spell check! -drools-

I actually think this is gonna be one of the most fun episodes this season. I personally luuurrrvvee Heather. I thought she was a freakishly interesting character, and to see her and Sara finally meeting face to face [and the sky to fall] will be the be all end all of comedy. It'll be on SNL later, I'm sure. -- Heather: Ohemgee, your sleeping with him now? Sara: You slept with him before?! Gil: Oh fudge. -- I've wanted them to meet for so long, it just burned me. Besides, she's supposed to shed light on the whole GSR thing anyway, and I think it's about time someone did that. And who better than Mrs. "I'm so blunt it burns my dominating, lethargic ass"? As for whether she'd be a danger to GSR...I really don't think so. Grissom seemed to have lost interest in her after LHB. In PotTR, he really didn't express that much romantic interest in her at all, more platonic. I think Grissom is too into Sara now, and vice versa, to really pay much attention to Heather and her impact. LH is too 'dominatrix-y' to try to insert herself into their relationship anyway, and I'm pretty sure Sara would kick her ass all the way back to...wherever she came from...if she did try. So no, I really don't think there is much to worry about there. What I'm kind of worried about is if she spills the beans on Grissom and Sara. It doesn't seem likely that she will, because Heather is a bit too much like Grissom in the aspect of 'figure it out then shut the hell up' to really say anything anyway...Should be fun! -grabs LH fan cap- HOOPLAH HEATHER!

Dddaaammmnnn, that was the longest spoiler in Toasty history!
I think...
Who knows?

Has anyone else noticed the lack of GSR-y episodes on Spike lately? Maybe it's just withdraw. I was watching a bunch of taped ones from earlier tonight, and there was NOTHING good. The best we had was Kiss Kiss, Bye Bye, which we didn't even watch anyway...
Oh darn.

I wanna watch Manhunter again.
I only watched it once, 'cause afterwards I had to re-wash my sheets 'cause I drooled all over them during the movie. It was funkish.
Funkish is an Alexx word.

Those bastards better not make me get up from my comfy couch and leave my palace on the sea to kick their asses if we don't get a fricking hug.

Haha, spoiler-free people can't touch this.

Turtlebaby said:
She's serious Adz - this is one time where you are really NOT going to want to be spoiled. Infact, if someone spoils you against your will - I may have to hunt them down and beat them with my pointy stick. I'm serious.

And then I'll back her up with my awesome face-bashing powers!
Together we'll be like...the GSR Power-rangers.
Or something.
No...because we'll actually pwn things. and the dumb-dumb rangers never really kicked anythings arse.
well, not counting their own, anyway.

Turtlebaby said:
My friends would think I'm completely nuts to be so attached to a relationship that exsists between two fictional characters.

psh, my friends already know that I'm completely bonkers.
So really, it makes it even more fun to run in when they are all sitting around and throw your arms in the air and yell, "guess what?! Gil and Sara are having a make-out session in Ecklie's office right now."
and they are all, "does someone hear a dying moose?"


Oh, and Adz, because I love you, here is the spoiler...
Okay, so what happens is ---... *blows up*
Never mind, 'cause, darling, I love you, but give me Park Avenue.


You know what I noticed yesterday?
This season is actually so close to being over :)(). I totally didn't realize that until the other day. I had been so preoccupied with all the spoilers and just waiting for Empty Eyes to air, and all the other crap I've been doing lately, that I totally forgot that every spoiler means another episode closer to summer break. shmizzlemefish(
Yes, I'm slowly going insane.

Did I miss where somebody said whether WP and JF had signed up for season eight or not?
Or is that whole thing still up in the air?

That's what they'll do, you know. They'll keep Jorja's contract a secret, so if anything happens to her in the finale, you go through-out the whole fricking summer wondering if Sara died or not. Evil, evil, taco stealing dorkwads.

Yeah. alright. I'm done, homie.

- Andy // Toasty
that was, officially, my longest post in my wwwhhhooollleee...two...years of being on the board.
i think it's been two years?
yeah? no? whatever. yayme!
*sees too many spoiler boxes... doesnt know if she can resist...* I never come in this forum anymore cuz I always end up reading the spoilers, lol. I just wanted to jump back in and say how excited I was about that shaving scene *even though I knew it was coming... dang spoilers! lol* and even though I knew about it, I still almost died, it was SO adorable! I cant get enough GSR.
So, I haven't been able to do much writing, lately. I think I made up for that tonight. I wrote a BOATLOAD about May 10th. You spoilered folks know what I'm talking about. Here's a link to what I wrote:


In other news, GSR has officially become my crack, keeping me from going crazy. I mean, I come home from working two jobs, and it's just nice to sit here and think about an awesome fictional relationship like Gris and Sara. Sure, they have issues, and I love that. I'm three months (less) away from marrying my boyfriend of 3 1/2 years... It'll be almost 4 years by the time we actually say, "I do." I love that Grissom and Sara aren't a "perfect" couple.

I have a question for you... What moment made GSR feel the most "real" to you? I mean, when did you look at this couple and go, "Yeah, that could be real."

For me... I really don't know. I mean, in terms of flirtation, nothing tops "Unfriendly Skies." But, in terms of truly caring... "Honey" in "Play with Fire" was a huge moment... but the moment that just felt the most organic, to me, could really be that hallway scene from a few weeks ago. It was just two people, one blatantly in love in the midst of the hallway, and the other wishing she smelled a bit better when seeing her boyfriend after a month apart mixed with the emotion of wanting to punch him for sending her a stick...

LOL. :)
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