Grissom & Sara #26: It's So Obvious, Isn't It?

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BurnedToast said:
Adzix said:
extreme O/T: oh gawd, Daniel Craig is so hot. i just saw a commercial of the Bond on DVD, and dang it, he's got such a great booodyyyy *dies* the thing is, that he's not very handsome or anything. 'tis weird.

OHEMGEE, I know, right? He's my new favorite, just don't tell anybody who hasn't already seen my icons. shhh.
Aww, I think he's pretty...after you look at him a little bit. -nods-

Because I'm dumb, I wanna know what WPAP is.
Damn you all to hell!

Desert - I luff you and your random posty-cappyness. It just makes my day so much better.

Can you imagine the explosion there is going to be after EE and the 'hug' if it doesn't get cut. my. dear. lord. I don't know what I'm actually going to do with myself, and I'm pretty sure the computer will co kaput if I download them all. oh. crap.

- Andy // Toasty

And back at ya Toasty I can be crappy or sweet, depending ;) and who the H is Daniel Craig..sorry fans, doesn't ring a bell? post a pic of him.. is he on CSI?


desertwind said:
And back at ya Toasty I can be crappy or sweet, depending ;) and who the H is Daniel Craig..sorry fans, doesn't ring a bell? post a pic of him.. is he on CSI?

No, desert, He's the new James Bond. :)
SaraSidleRules8 said:
desertwind said:
And back at ya Toasty I can be crappy or sweet, depending ;) and who the H is Daniel Craig..sorry fans, doesn't ring a bell? post a pic of him.. is he on CSI?

No, desert, He's the new James Bond. :)

~~~BRAIN FOG SETS IN~~~ I knew that, I actually saw him on Leno, he's sexy and cute.. so OOOPS for the dummie question ~~forty lashes with the old noodle~~~ :D

What is up with that guy in the pic desert posted a few comments up? Is he watching the Geeks say goodbye through the glass window, or is it just me? o_O

Random thought. Sorry.
Whew. I was away all weekend - I missed my x21312 daily GSR-thread-reading-stuff.

This board is going to be totally off after EE airs.. I can't wait.. I'm totally stoked for any GSR we get.. How sweet and "Intimate" is the hug going to be (Hopefully it stays!)
Can I ask you guys a question? Before GSR became canon(CONGRATS BY THE WAY!!), did you guys know through spoilers that it would happen?

Or did TPTB keep it all a secret and shock you with their hookup?
Let's forget about the spoilers for a moment... :)I think the GSR has been canon since Cool Change :) As for Grissom & Sara actually becoming a couple...I guess that we just sort of "knew" it. I mean, after six years, it was time for TPTB to bring this dynamic to another Carol Mendelsohn has recently said, "It's been wise to hold back" ;)
And after all, as Pearl Jam would say, "It's evolution baby!" :cool:
What is up with that guy in the pic desert posted a few comments up? Is he watching the Geeks say goodbye through the glass window, or is it just me? o_O
:eek: I never noticed that before!!! Well that's sorted he will be the one to reveal it all. Oh, is that the janitor guy you were talking about? I'm in my own little world most of the time, sorry. :lol:
did you guys know through spoilers that it would happen?
Didn't you guys know that something was going to happen, but not sure what? Also there was the gum drops spoiler.
I wasn't clued in at that point. I was still randomly watching episodes, not knowing what season they were in, etc. I didn't even know what GSR was! (apart from gun shot residue ;) )
Just checked out on for EE is there (even though it says ABRTI II...this is for the spoiler addicts, of course!

^Thanks for the heads up!!!!!!!!!
Obviously I'm going into spoiler boxes now. Sorry Adz and crew...
AHHHHHHHHHH!! Touching! Sara like proper crying, and Griss wiping tears, and did you see her looking under the bed? And the look Griss gives her at the end and there was a bit of 'the love' in there too, and this means there might not be a hug, but stuff that you can hug your dog, you don't comfort your dog when they cry, you just shove them in a room and hope for the best, and don't call the rspca I was only joking, and ahhhhh and I'm all out of ands. :D
Did anyone else get a Gum Drops vibe from the trailer? The episode looks really good, and it also looks as though they're showing that the whole cast is going to be used. Which is always awesome. The end scene is clear that they chose a different camera angle (closer shot) from the pictures, and I think it works better. Makes the scene more intimate. That said, the evil part of my soul really wants to have someone see it.
O...M....GOSH! The promo was... AWESOME. I am totally squeeing.. I didn't think they'd put the GSR in the promo! I'm so excited. I think I should have not watched the promo...... NOW I CAN'T WAIT until March 29th.. Ahhh. Yay. Anyone else's heart pumping as fast as mine!?

As far as the "Way to Go" finale.. I didn't read any spoilers at all. I wasn't a member of any forums. When it came on, I was TOTALLY shocked (I also thought Jim was going to die, 'cause I hadn't gone on the internet to check his status or anything) and wasn't expecting it!
...That said, the evil part of my soul really wants to have someone see it.
God yes, that would be brilliant, like Greg walking in on them, then walking out because he has just interrupted, but they don't know that he has seen them. That would be so brilliant. Although it may end up like the Friends situation, they don't know that we know they know, sort of thing! Would be funny though. Don't think they will do this though, as the scene seems really serious, not the time for a funny moment.ETA: I know we have had spoilers about why she is crying, but watching it again, it doesn't seem like she is crying about that, could be wrong, but maybe they go into her background again or something?
I have now decided that I want a funny reveal. Most of the GSR scenes we have are slightly angsty, I want a funny reveal, by Brass or Greg, they would both be hilarious.
extreme O/T: oh gawd, Daniel Craig is so hot. i just saw a commercial of the Bond on DVD, and dang it, he's got such a great booodyyyy *dies* the thing is, that he's not very handsome or anything. 'tis weird.

Oh My gosh, I watched that last week and just about died.*melts into pile of mush* It would be great if all men where like that,No?*sigh*

*glares at choc*

*hides in corner*

Obviously I'm going into spoiler boxes now. Sorry Adz and crew...

Great why are we always asociated with Adzy?

Because i am stupid, oblivious, and spoiler free: when is our next epie?
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