Grissom & Sara #25: Running up the Phone Bill

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Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Ahoy, my fellow shippers! How you doin'...

I'm in a strange mood, because I had a dream about Grissom and Sara yesterday. I don't really remember it, except for the fact that it involved a labirinth and a round fridge, but it made me happy. So tonight I'll watch a bunch of scenes, so I dream them again!

BTW, this made me think about the GSR scenes that have made the biggest influence on me. I can even pin point the scene I couldn't take my mind off for two or three days straight - it was that sad, but beautyful speech that Grissom gave in Butterflied.

So I wanted to ask you, too - which GSR scene has made the biggest influence on YOU?
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

which GSR scene has made the biggest influence on YOU?
i would have to say when sara is in the corridor and she sees Catherine, Warrick and Nick in one room and Grissom and Sofia in the other, and she feels totally out of place. I know exactly how this feels :(, so i totally empathise with her. The scene is so real, you know, this sort of thing happens regularly, and they rarely show this sort of thing on television, so it really hit a nerve. I know it isn't a GSR scene as such, but Grissom is with Sofia, so that adds to the angst of it all. :(

Oh, and about dreaming about the geeks, i do this too, thank god i'm not alone!

I saw 'Bully for you' today, and Sara is all smelly in that one, and Hank couldn't stand the smell, then Greg walks past and says: "you know a real man wouldn't care." Now in reference to the recent scene, Sara was all smelly, but Grissom didn't care! He's a real man! But we all new this already right :p

ETA: wow i'm DOA! when did that happen! cool! :cool:
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

which GSR scene has made the biggest influence on YOU?

PNN and "Since I met you." I was a Cath/Griss shipper until then.

And Butterflied. That just sealed the deal. I'm hooked.

This is too short, but i can't think of anything else to say.

Edited: I was playing 20 Questions (this annoying little handheld game that asks you questions like "can you buy it in a store?" or "Does it walk on two legs?" and other things like that) and i was thinking "i'm going to trick this stupid thing and I answered all the questions thinking of GSR. And, for once, the thing was amazingly smart. It asked if the answer was a Soulmate! I laughed out loud. Just thought i'd mention it here.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

The most influential GSR scene, for me, was probably a two-tier one. The scene in Scuba Doobie Doo, and then how it affected The Accused is Entitled, because it showed both of them reacting to their feelings for the other, and the potential consequences of that.

Not necessarily "great" scenes, but very important to the ship on many levels.

Is it time to start nominating thread titles, or do we want to wait until Thursday?
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

We can always start nominations and add others on Thursday. It's only two days away.

Hmm... GSR scene with the biggest influence on me... I really think that "Honey, this doesn't look good" was huge for me. I mean, I *thought* the boy had feelings for her, but when he let out that little freudian slip, I screamed. My poor fiance was sitting next to me, really confused.

See, he had been into the show from the beginning and had all the DVDs up to that point. He had seen every episode, and had never caught the, "Honey."

Me: "He just said, 'Honey!'"
Matt: "No, he didn't."
Me: "Matthew. He did!"

I rewound the tape. Matthew listened, in stunned silence.

Matt: "Play it again."

I did.

Matt: "Oh my gosh. I never noticed that!"

I think that was a big moment, because it's the moment I got Matt onboard GSR. He'd always noticed it, and while he's not as nutty... erm... obsessed... erm... dedicated as I am, he thinks it's the one ship that's meant to be on this show. :) I love my man.

That scene, for me, showed his concern for her in a big way. Sure, Grissom could flirt and be goofy with her, but he could do that with lots of girls. In this moment, he was worried about her, concerned about her, so much so that he came over to her, that he asked how she was, that he accidentally called her, "Honey." It spoke a lot to me, for the first time, about how he really felt about her.

And, of course, "Butterflied" just confirmed it. :)


OH! And an idea for the threadtitle?

GSR: Now with Theme Music.

Because of the "Metamorphosis" song, as well as our theme songs from "Happenstance" "WTG" "LLV" and "Redrum." Squee. We have theme music!
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

The most infulential? As in the one that got me started or the one that got me hooked?

I'll admit that I'm such a sucker for love that "Norman" got my interest piqued. I was all "ohhhh! Backstory! *claps excitedly*"

But I got... nothing. I mean sure, they flirted and they danced around one another in some strange entomologist mating ritual...And I actually started giving up. See, at that point - while I was sailing this ship, I wasn't yet against grabbing the little dingy and bailing. But then they threw "Chalk...from plaster" at me, making me positive I wasn't alone on my ship. I couldn't be. And then there was "Since I met you." And I went - "Huh."

Just like that, not a question... not a comment. Just a noise.

And then it was Grissom.. no Sara.. no Grissom.. no Sara... Never before had I seen two people trying to hard to get on the same wavelength and failing so miserably. But by this point I was totally hooked. I had to see them play this out. Just had to.

So - I was intrigued at "Norman, but it wasn't one episode in particular that sunk it's GSR teeth into me.

As in which was more influential to the actual ship? Butterflied. He was saying it like it was. She was listening. Both realizing what the words meant, but still unable to speak them face to face. It was beautiful.

That is all.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Alyssa said:
GSR: Now with Theme Music.

Because of the "Metamorphosis" song, as well as our theme songs from "Happenstance" "WTG" "LLV" and "Redrum." Squee. We have theme music!

Hey AL, don't forget we've had a theme song since the end of season two - "Unbound" by Robbie Robertson ;)

"Like a moth to a flame, I am drawn to her"

Now, as for most influential scene... that's a tough one. I mean, the first episode that I really noticed GSR was "Unfriendly Skies" - it was the first episode of CSI I remember watching, and when I saw the "mile high" scene, I was just all, "Hey, what's going on here? Are they... are they flirting? Wow, they are so flirting. Hmm. Me thinks something is going on there."

So I guess that's the one episode that made me sit up and really take notice of the couple potential between Grissom and Sara, long before I discovered the ship, or shipping, or CSI message boards. Since then, I guess there have been a bunch of scenes and moments that have defined the ship for me, but since that was the first, it holds a special place in my heart :)

Just a reminder - GoScaR polls close in less than 4 hours - actually, less than 3 and a half hours. So if you haven't already voted, you've only got a short time left.

The winning GSR moments will be announced tomorrow ;)
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

I just read on the news page thing about why Sara needs a hug from Griss, and it says that she sees someone die whose throat has been cut. It occured to me that it is like what Grissom saw, well not really, but Grissom saw someone die, and so has she now, so too right he should be able to comfort her, right? As she more than likely comforted him when he saw that guy commit suicide. What do you think?
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

So I wanted to ask you, too - which GSR scene has made the biggest influence on YOU?
i think it was PNN and Since I Met You. i remember watching that scene when i wasn't shipping anything yet(i haven't seen much more shippy scenes then) and i still rewatched it 20 times. it was a HUGE WTF-Sara moment, and i just loved how Grissom let it slip. i think this scene made me become originally a GSR-shipper. i wasn't watching the show for a long time yet and i was discovering the many aspects of it, trying to decide who i want Grissom with. this moment had a huge influence on me.

so yeah, definitely PNN. i would also add Snakes to it, b/c Sara plainly said she wants to be with him. it wasn't flirting or PSV's that almost all the ships have one time or another, and it can be interpreted by everyone in a different way. it was obvious for even the biggest anti-shippers.

my third choice goes to Butterflied, for the same reason Snakes did.

Thread Titles! yay! my nominees:

By thy Picture or My Love, Thyself Away Art Resent Still With Me
Cocoon + Love Sonnet = Office Affair
Real Man Doesn't Mind the Smell
Hallway Hunger
She Makes Her Boyfriend Horny


Edited to correct titles.

this is more than O/T but doesn't he look like Dean here? he does, totally. i mean he has the same facial expresion Dean has all the time. oh, i wish zigster was here.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

I think Grissom probably took the suicide and pushed it deep into his already cracking shell and tried to pretend it didn't hurt. Because, as far as Grissom knew, the guy was a serial killer. Why should it hurt? But alas, it did. He was shocked and he was horrified - and perhaps he didn't deal with it like he should have. I'm not sure he would have let Sara comfort him. You know? Because somewhere in his mind he was thinking that he shouldn't be upset. And maybe that was part of the prompting for the almost hug for Catherine when Keppy died *sniff* And maybe it's the big thing for the hug for Sara. Because he knows what it's like to hurt and not be able to tell someone it hurts but just want to be showed that you really don't have to feel it all alone. Throw ontop of that that he loves her and you have him in almost as much pain as she's in. Not the same kind, mind you, but hurting because she's hurting. I mean come on, it's Sara. How many people do you think looked at her and figured she was fine. Or DIDN'T walk up and hug her because she was sending out "Leave me alone. I'm FRICKING FINE" vibes? But Grissom, in part due to his recent "I watched him blow his head off!" trauma, knows that she's so far from fine that it's not funny in any parallel world. You know?

:rolleyes: See? This is why I don't go to YTDAW. I end up picking episodes to death when they haven't even aired yet.

That is all.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Turtle did you just change your sig? i swear it was you i was about to tell that you didn't need to miss the beard anymore, as it's back (unfortunately), but i refreshed the page and it was gone! And i know what it's like with the pornado, then your parents walk in and your just like, ahhhhhhh! :eek:

You just know now the spoiler isn't gonna even happen, and all the picking won't be as relevant, not that it isn't, but ummm yeah....*digging hole* I am truly amazed at how all of you guys analyse the eps, i'm just like, "yeah, that was cute." but you totally bring a whole new understanding to the scenes, and it makes the whole programme so much more worthwhile for my illiterate brain! For that i thank you :D
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

That hug is so important to me, and it better stay in. I mean, it's not about them, and yet it is. I mean, Sara's been through heck. She's torn apart, and freaking out, and trying to hold it all in. In the past, she's tried to rely only on herself. Grissom, too. They're both used to being alone. Now, Gris comes back from sabatical, and he's made some decisions. He's going to do things right by Sara. And she, in turn, is opening up to Grissom. I mean, when he goes and takes her in his arms, she doesn't resist. She melts into his arms because she's ready to trust him like that. She's ready to let him hold her up and be her strength when she's too weak to stand on her own. Remember "Committed?" After she was attacked, Grissom had his arm outstretched to her, but she ran right past. At the end, he saw she was about to cry, but remembering her earlier reaction, running past him, he leaves her alone, figuring that's what she wants. Now, in "Empty Eyes," they've both grown and learned. Sara has learned to trust Grissom and let him in, and he has learned that just because she puts up a good front, it doesn't mean she's ok. That's what this hug is all about. It's showing just how far these two have come as characters, and as a couple. That's why it HAS to stay in.

Thread title idea:

Shakespeare: GSR friendly since 2007

I know it's lame, but I'm in this strange mood. :)

GSR: Better than a Bug on a Stick

Also: Does anyone remember the ep where Grissom and Sara are talking in the hall, and he says he hasn't seen her in a while, to which she answers that he sees her everyday?
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Alyssa said:

Also: Does anyone remember the ep where Grissom and Sara are talking in the hall, and he says he hasn't seen her in a while, to which she answers that he sees her everyday?

That's 4x16, aka "Getting Off." You know, now that I think about it, I never even noticed that moment until the 2nd or 3rd time I watched that episode. Of course, that was back before I was a GSR shipper, so add that to my already naive, clueless nature...yeah. :rolleyes:

So, as far as the question about what GSR scene had the biggest influence on me...I guess I have two answers. The first one would be the "Pin Me Down" scene from "Invisible Evidence," simply because that's the first time I even realized there was anything going on between them. Before I impugn myself as the most clueless person on the planet, I should mention that at that point I'd only seen the first 9 episodes of Season 1 and the first 6 of Season 4, so I'd missed a lot. And I probably wouldn't have noticed a lot of the more subtle scenes, even if I had seen them. But not even I could ignore the tension in that scene. That was what made me really curious about the relationship, and "Butterflied," of course, whetted that appetite. I figured they'd gone out and broken up already, which made me determined to watch the rest of the episodes to see when it had happened...and thus began my love for "CSI" and my fascination with, if not approval of, GSR (I was still a Grillows/Snickers shipper back then).

The second answer to that question for me would be "Way to Go." Up until that point, I really didn't mind if Sara ended up with Grissom or Nick -- although, again, I'd skipped a bunch of episodes; I hadn't seen any since "Getting Off," with the exceptions of "Grave Danger" and "Poppin' Tags." So maybe I was a bit more surprised than others when I saw that final scene. And initially, I didn't think it would work between them because I didn't realize how far both of them had come as people since Season 4. But it made me curious enough to start watching old episodes on Spike, and what I saw there made me like the show enough to buy Season 5 on DVD. About that same time, I found this forum...and the rest, as they say, is history. ;) ;) ;)

-- geekprincess
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

I think my influential moment was the printer scene in Gentle, Gentle. They had no dialog but said it all in that look.

Or does the "do you trust me" bit during the shaving scene remind you of the throat slashing couple killers from Assume Nothing and AFOC?

It's just me, isn't it? :nods:
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

nameless said:
So I wanted to ask you, too - which GSR scene has made the biggest influence on YOU?

When I first started watching CSI back in the 5th season I was like OK when are the brunnette and the bug guy gonna get together but when I went full fledged I AM A GSR SHIPPER HEAR ME ROAR was after Nestinng Dolls. His eyes were all "honey I want to take the pain away" sooooo sweet. Then I ended up seeing a rerun of To Tough To Die and then found and rented all the old season and well, here I am
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