Grissom & Sara #25: Running up the Phone Bill

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Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Thank's so much NERILKA for posting this beautiful sonnet.. and WELCOME ;) glad your here, have fun ;)


And the "Pin me down" scene..I voted, so much tension, you could have cut it with the proverbial knife" that was so long ago.. but but still holds it's own , I love that scene,but, if it was me, however, I would have grabbed him and dragged him into the nearset closet and had my way with him :eek:such self control on Sara's part, but she was rambling on an on afterwards.. and he had that "puzzeled..baffeled" look he gets!! big dummy :confused:

Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

I voted for IE just because they were not in such a fun, happy place. And because there was actual physical contact. The eye sex was hot, don't get me wrong, but up until that point, we'd had a lot of PSVs, and it was such a shock to see that kind of physicality from the two of them. Also, Sara just looked sweet during the TOYD scene. Grissom was the one doing the eye sexing.

Man, I'm still not over the GSR scenelet. GLEE x infinity.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

I watched both with the sound off... It's IE for me. I mean, they're just standing there, and the tension is unexpected. They're just standing there, and it hasn't occurred to either of them, yet, that they're standing inches away from one another. All he has to do it get his airs out of the freakin air, hook them on her hips, and we get some lip-locking, clinging-to-one-another action!

I mean, yes, TOYD is the eye sex scene forever and ever... but IE is so filled with tension. I think they were together before TOYD... So, IE is packed with that UST that makes it DELISH. :)
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

my pin me down , pic "2x12 You've Got Male"

in the poll i voted for "pin me down" is my best scene gsr, is pure sexual tension pure chemistry really hot :p i don´t know why sara go out :rolleyes: ,though i hope some one scen more hot kiss & hug..maybe scene ...though the grissom´ s hug too much use... ¬¬

the toyd is great but i need the table scene :D , i know that later they ... :D
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

I think the thing that sways it for me is the fact that the sexual tension in IE isn't intentional.

It's not like the characters made a conscious decision to flirt with each other - or telegraph what they planned to do to each other later using only their eyes - as with ToYD (which, granted, is f-ing hot). But in IE, they're in work mode, they're not thinking of the consequences of getting that close, they're simply working out a scenario for the case. And then Grissom's subconscious takes over as he gets lost in the moment (his hands moving down). And its only when Sara looks him in the eye (and sees what's there, perhaps?) that she realise just what they're doing. And it's then that she becomes uncomfortable and moves away.

The PMD scene in IE is still one that makes my breath catch a little when I watch it. So yeah, that's what I voted for.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

I admit, I love TOYD. It's great. But IE kicks its rear every time. I think Missdee summed up my feelings perfectly in this quote.

What gets to me is that Grissom just doesn't see it . It never occurs to him that he's being inappropriate with a subordinate, because being with her this way just feels so natural to him.

(It's littlest airplane here. 7:07 pm. ^^ that was off topic.)

But yeah, I absolutely love that scene. They're in work mode, and Sara tries to stay there, and then she just can't do it because Grissom is standing there looking at her like he's really going to pin her down and have his way with her. :devil: Great scene. probably my favorite Pre-cannonized moment ever. Except Butterflied was also awesome.

2 hours 50 minutes until we find out if Eric's okay. That's too long. :(

Gillian Grissom
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

i totally agree, the pin me down scene had a lot more tension than TOYD. It was the closest they had been, they had been flirting, etc for ages, and they happened to find themselves, kind of by accident, right in front of each other, uber close, discussing sex. Neither could admit they could feel the tension because they were/are so uncomfortable talking about themselves, and so it was like a big elephant in the room, and Sara caught on quickly and moved out of the way. Imagine what could have happened if she hadn't moved out of the way! (we all know what part of his body Grissom was thinking with :devil:)
As for TOYD as much as i loooove that scene there is more space between them, and it was a lot more light hearted,etc.
2 hours 50 mins until we find out if eric's okay?
mmmm, sorry if this is a stupid question, but who is Eric?
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

I voted...uh...erm...dude why is it every time I vote, I forget.

Woah, I was looking through my posts on this thread and i think i was on somthin' 4 nights ago when i typed this:
eDITED AGAIN TO move alysa to bi-bbaby i am beyinnd tired an sdican t even vbother to spelll ankhying righirt

anyway, my insanity aside.

Crysthala said:
He looks all happy and Santa-Clause-y and HOT.

Did you just say the word Santa Clause and hot in the same sentance? I sugjest you get some help :lol:
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Eric Delko is one of the characters in CSI: Miami, and he got shot last week. So the Hip Huggers board has a countdown to tonights ep. which is on in 1 hour 16 minutes.

Three lines of on topic. Hmm, where to start?

I agree with eggbe4thchicken. IE was much darker and more angsty than TOYD. Everything about their interaction was darker. They were totally in work mode, totally serious, focused on the case. And then they-well, actually, Sara-realized just what they were doing and what it would look like to anyone else in the lab, and had to break the moment. It was too uncomfortable for her. She can't be that close to him. Especially not when he's got that look in his eyes. (For which i would melt. Were I Sara, i would've been a little puddle of person on the floor. That was a HOT look.)

TOYD was much lighter. They had just been case-focused, sure, but the case focus was much lighter too. They were much more playful. (The conversation with Greg before hand probably helped with the light-heartedness of the situation.) (I'm rewatching the scene now.) And now i notice that Grissom and Sara can't keep their eyes off each other. They keep glancing at each other, and they've both got these little 'we know something you don't know' smirks on their faces. And then everyone leaves, and Sara smiles and Grissom gets that look and we all melt.

It's playing in my ears as i type.

I'm going to go watch more scenes now.

(1 hour 4 minutes until Eric comes out of it because he has to or i will find and strangle Those who should be ashamed (which are the Miami PTB))

Gillian Sara Grissom
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

My fiance saw a picture of Mr. Petersen when he was doing Dublin Carol and said he looked like Santa Claus. I died laughing. Do ya think Sara likes the Santa Claus beard?!

That's the thing... the shaving of the beard doesn't mean she hates it. I seriously think it's a beard burn thing. I had this fantasy of a hilarious scene of Catherine thinking Sara had a rash on her chest, and Sara explains that it's a fabric softener she tried that she was apparently allergic to. Sara then goes to Grissom's office to tell him, "Beard. Off." :p Of course, it'd never happen and it's pure fluff, but I died laughing just thinking about it. Seriously, I know some of us are a bit weirded out by the shaving scene (I'm included)... but if they handle it just right, that would be an awesome way to end February Sweeps as we go into March Madness... The real March Madness will be in the CSI fandom as we all try to figure out if MCSK is going to go after Sara...
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"


I think if they do have this "shaving" scene, it'll just show the beginning of her, putting on the shaving cream, and then it'll cut away like they always do when it starts to get too seductive, and leave the rest to our imagination , and then the next week he'll come back with NO beard
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Invisible Evidence. It's a tough call, but I think that because it was more "I want to sleep with you" in IE and less "I've slept with you and am currently picturing you naked", I think there was more sexual tension in the first one.

The second was just... sex. lol.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

About Adzix. You're MY hero. Seriously, where do I get icon-making skillz like that? Because your avatar is seriously hot.
thank you Crys. meeeh, it's nothing special, you just need a good graphic program ;)

well i actually voted TOYD. strangely i chose it for the same reasons y'all voted for PMD. in IE they were unaware of the situation most of the time. in TOYD the Eye!Sex was:

1. on purpose
2. in presence of the whole team
3. and they just had sex there, yo. what's hotter than that?

it wasn't "omg did i just touch her elbow", but "i'm undressing her with my eyes". it was a different kind of tension. in IE it was unresolved tension. in TOYD it was more of the sexual impatience cuz he knows he's gonna be with her in a moment and do whatever he wants to her. so i think their blood was flowing faster in TOYD.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Invisible Evidence all the way. Tension tension tension gallore. That was like... like... wow. Seriously? Wow. I'm an angst whore. I am the definition of an angst whore. And that whole scene made one happy little shipper outta me.

I just broke a nail.

While the eyesex was good and all... Well, see, honestly the first three hundred times I watched it (yes. I had it looping on my computer. Like you didn't.) I didn't see so much hot ready to pounce I'm going to take you on this table right now because I want to and I don't really care who sees it.

I saw Grissom and his crumbling walls and his admission to himself that yeah, it's ok to like her and let her like him back.

See, way back then - I was on the crazy train and whining that TPTB just couldn't expect us to believe that they'd been in a relationship this WHOLE time and didn't show us how they got together (I'm still burned over that one).

But alas, my fellow chatroom gutterflies changed my mind that fateful night and I haven't looked back since. It was hot. It was eyesex.


That has seriously got to be my favorite word...ever.

At least in the beginning they were wearing sunglasses...get it? Eye protection?

I'm the only one that finds that funny? No more coffee for me at 12:30am.

Yeah, so I voted IE. 'Cause it was full of UST. And I loved it. Every akward moment of it. *sighs*

You know what other episode I love? Snakes. Yep, it was on Spike last night. And I watched it. And now I'm addicted to that akward Grissom again. And the beard. Speaking of which...

Veeery delicately. I love them for the fact that they want to go there. I love them for the fact that they ARE probably going to go there. But well... I hope they approach this with caution. As innocent as it could be on any other TV show - even if both characters were dressed only in a towel and there was bad 80's porno music playing in the backround... on CSI... it's dangerous territory. But *gasp* I have this strange newfound faith in TPTB. I trust them to guide us through it without making US, the GSR fans, say "ohhhh shit. What'd they do?" You know?

Empty Eyes[/i] in particular]So... uh... I snuck into YTDAW yesterday to get the goods on EE. I swear that's all I peeked at but damnit, I'm an addict and needed a fix. Anyways - so they are saying there that it won't air until April. But on the csifile page it says like... the 1st of March. So... explain? I don't function well around timelines.

Am I the only one that cocks their head at all the new GSR abbreviations flying around? I mean before it was the standard Butterflied, IE, PNN, ND... and now all of a sudden I'm having to remember way more chopped up titles. I look at some and I'm like... Dude. How am I supposed to remember the titles to like... 150 episodes? But I do. The first 6 seasons anyways. I'm having a hell of a time trying to remember the titles for season 7. There's just so many that I WANT to remember so that when I get season 7 on DVD I won't have to go flipping through them all. Not that I won't watch them all ANYWAYS...


I'll quit complaining now.

That is all.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

At least in the beginning they were wearing sunglasses...get it? Eye protection?
You made me snort!

Am I the only one that cocks their head at all the new GSR abbreviations flying around?
i know isn't it crazy, but it's also quite scary, I see things like ABRTI2 and TOYD and i immediately know what they mean, i wish it was like that with my a levels. *sigh*
Anywho, whoot to the geeklove!
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