Grissom & Sara #25: Running up the Phone Bill

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Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

You just broke my heart. On Valentines Day. Meanie. *sobs* But hey - that means that they'll probably leave it in. Awesome. But really? I just change my sig, and now I'm haffta change it back. *sulks*

I'd like to think our Geeks spent Valentines Day lounging around in their pajamas. All day. Or most of it. And if either or both of them happen to sleep naked? All the better.

He makes pancakes for breakfast. Lots of cuddling on the couch and sweet memorable words. She makes [insert something tasty and vegetarian here] for lunch. More sweetness, perhaps some sex... and not the eyekind. Then shower - together - lots of time playing soap-me-up. Then they go out somewhere for a deliciously expensive dinner. And we all know where strappy sandaled Sara and Grissom dressed in black would lead. rawr.


Oh, Thread titles... let me get back to you on that. My brain is not functioning properly enough to be witty.

That is all.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Turtle, I LOVE your version of Geek!Valentine!

I think they will both call in sick to work and lounge in bed for a long time. And then they will share a breakfast of fresh fruit, french toast, and fresh squeezed O.J. They will take a LOOOONG shower together and spend the day out. maybe they would go to a museum or something like that since they both like to learn. I can see them strolling through a natural history museum or fine art museum holding hands. I can also see Grissom trying to convince Sara to go to the Opera or to a Symphony concert with him! After the museum, dinner..amazingly delicious, vegetarian and expensive (only the best) and I think she got him something lacy, red and for his eyes only.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

SnowAngel58 said:
Turtle, I LOVE your version of Geek!Valentine!

I think they will both call in sick to work and lounge in bed for a long time. And then they will share a breakfast of fresh fruit, french toast, and fresh squeezed O.J. They will take a LOOOONG shower together and spend the day out. maybe they would go to a museum or something like that since they both like to learn. I can see them strolling through a natural history museum or fine art museum holding hands. I can also see Grissom trying to convince Sara to go to the Opera or to a Symphony concert with him! After the museum, dinner..amazingly delicious, vegetarian and expensive (only the best) and I think she got him something lacy, red and for his eyes only.

damn it ,i want this for my sant valentine day, i am jealous of our geeks lol, later the dinner come back to house under the pillow a ring ,no ring´s wedding still lol

they have free day or work :confused: i don´t want to know what they will think all the csi lol

the first san valentine together or maybe in san francisco :confused:
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

1) GSR: Laboratory Tango
2) GSR: "Watch as the entomologist stalks his prey...."
3) GSR: "You smell like garbage - that's so hot!"
4) GSR: Waiting seven years for this to hatch.
5) Grissom demonstrating the entomologist mating ritual
6) The Horny Entomologist Is on the Prowl.
7) What Are You Wearing Under Those Coveralls?
8. I'll Meet You in the Shower.
*cough* what about Alyssa's and mine earlier?

By thy Picture or My Love, Thyself Away Art Resent Still With Me
Cocoon + Love Sonnet = Office Affair
Real Man Doesn't Mind the Smell
Hallway Hunger
She Makes Her Boyfriend Horny
Shakespeare: GSR friendly since 2007
GSR: Better than a Bug on a Stick
GSR: Now with Theme Music.


As promised, the winners of the 2007 GoScaR Awards are now up. Thanks to everyone who took part.
Yay, congrats! i still can't believe we have our own awards, lol.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Hey guys, no horny titles and please remember to add on topic conversation even when you're discussing thread titles.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Here's a question for us to discuss:

In your opinion, if Grissom or Sara had the chance to go back in time would they change anything that has or has not happened between them before they became a cannon ship?
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

heck yes! After they both had their little epiphany like "oh so you're madly in love with me too" they had to be kicking themselves cuz they could have been together all that time!

Oh and on thread titles I like "We've been waiting 7 years for the cocoon to hatch" or "Better than a Bug on a Stick
" or "Watch as the entomologist stalks his prey...."
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

I like "watiting seven years to hatch" or something simple simple "we're together now" ;) or "true love always shines through" :p

and Happy Valentines Day to you all
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

SnowAngel58 said:
In your opinion, if Grissom or Sara had the chance to go back in time would they change anything that has or has not happened between them before they became a cannon ship?

This is kind of a spooky question, since I've just finished watching "The Lakehouse" (it was part of my valentine's gift, and it could be the cava talking but I really enjoyed it, despite the sappy love stuff :p ) But anyway, though they don't travel back in time, Sandra Bullock is in 2006 and Keanu is in 2004, so when she tells him stuff in her letters, she's basically telling him about the future.

I don't know if the geeks would change anything that happened between them per se, but I think that, if Grissom had the chance, he'd forwarn himself about what was going to happen in the nurses station during "Committed". He'd write himself a letter and get it back to the day they went to the asylum, and he'd make damn sure he had the key so he could get into the room quicker. Or he wouldn't leave Sara alone there in the first place.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

I think that Grissom may have decided to just go for it earlier, rather than pushing it away, now that he knows it's not so scary.

But maybe not. I mean, a lot of the reasons for why they never dated earlier on seemed to be stemming from the fact that neither was truly emotionally ready, or that both were never emotionally ready at the same time.

Grissom was much stronger and much more clear about his attraction in Season 4, but after Homebodies, Sara began to spiral. In Season 5, Sara is very confident in her attraction again now that she's worked out her demons, but I think that Grissom began to go into a bit of a cone of denial when presented with Sofia, someone with whom he wouldn't have to emotionally invest himself but could just flirt with or date loosely.

And since Grissom was basically ignoring her until Snakes, the very next week, Sara's back inside her shell. So Grissom goes for the plunge with Sofia, they don't talk for a while (Sara and Grissom) again, and then Committed hits and he's her big protector.

Rebuilding the friendship, then Grave Danger (personal theory) he goes for it.

So... I think that it's not really an action they could've changed that they would want to change. Because most of the actions were born out of emotional states rather than conscious choices.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

sarahvma said:
I mean, a lot of the reasons for why they never dated earlier on seemed to be stemming from the fact that neither was truly emotionally ready, or that both were never emotionally ready at the same time.

This is so true. It'd be all very well Future!Grissom going back and telling himself that everything works out just great and he and Sara end up together and everything is wonderful. Doesn't mean that if Grissom and made his move sooner that everything would have worked out the same way.

The Geeks have grown and changed a lot over the six years before the became Canon (and five or so years before many of us suspect they got together) If they had started dating in season three or four, things may have turned out very differently. It may not have lasted. It may have been a disaster. It's very possible that they needed everything that did happen to happen before they could truly be together - all the stars in allignment and all that.

It's like with "The Lakehouse" - Alex could have gone to Kate in 2004 and told her everything that was going to happen and that they were meant to be together. But she needed to live through 2006 and receive his letters, and go through everything that she did in order to learn to emotionally open herself up to him. Otherwise, they never would have worked out.

I think it's the same for the Geeks. Sara went through a lot of soul searching and emotional change and growth, especially during seasons 4 and 5. Grissom went through everything with his hearing in season 3, and how closed off that made him, and his gradually coming back to the world after that. It was only after they'd both dealt with all their own baggage that they were ready for each other.

*sigh* Ain't love grand... :)
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

For thread titles I like the following:
It's so obvious, isn't it?
Real Man Doesn't Mind the Smell
You Smell like garabage - that's so hot!
Waiting Seven Years for this to Hatch

About the changing the past question...I hope Grissom would not ask Sofia out. I really hated that, it was such a betrayal. I also think he could have handled the promotion better.

I think in the end I agree with the idea that if you changed anything they wouldn't be where they are now so you have to let it go. It just wouldn't have worked before and now that we have waited so long for them to get together that makes it even better.

For me, PwF was the most significant GSR moment. When he called her honey I really thought they were going to take their relationship somewhere. Granted what followed was disappointing, but it made me hope that they would pursue it in the future. Of course WtG had me sitting there in shock going 'Was that Sara...that was really Sara in his bedroom. OMG they are together!!!'
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

So unfortunately I won't be able to watch CSI tommorow. yeah, i know, sucks. what's even WORSE i won't be able to watch it until Sunday night. in the meantime i'll be forced to avoid all machines that are equipped with screens of any kind.

i think i'm getting psycho about this. hmmm ... well, i'll avoid only computers then, just to remain sane.

oh, y'all! i have an LJ, lol. that's the new place my icons are gonna be from now on. made these today:

Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

"Oh. And may all your dreams come true."

I lurve the thread title Real Man Doesn't Mind the Smell just because i love continuity!

Forensicsgirl I read your smut entries, and they are so brill, i urge everyone to go read them, (if your old enough) *shoo shoo*. I do love chocolate cake!

...beardless! :D I am one happy shipper right now! That means that the shaving scene must have stayed in, unlesss they filmed it, but then cut it, or something like that :( I would have loved to have been there for the filming, i can imagine Jorja cracking up like she does in the blooper reel, with the pipe thing. That blooper always makes me lol :lol:
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Happy Birthday Adzix! We looooove you! And we'll miss you until sunday! *sobs*

Go back in time and change anything?

I don't know. I don't think so. I mean it was a long, sometimes painful road... but it was their road. You know? And whoever said it before me, said it best. They just weren't ready.

It sounds strange being that he's a stable middle aged man and she's not exactly getting any younger either but honestly, had they gotten together in... lets say, Season 3 - I don't think they'd still be together. They went through a lot of shit from point A to point B that they HAD to go through.

So, no. I don't think they'd change anything that might upset the delicate balance they have as of right now. Because long time coming or not - what they have is good. You know, as far as we know. :rolleyes: It's not like we get to follow them home and stalk them through the bedroom window to make sure that they are REALLY happy. But... you get my point.

It's THURSDAY! Yay! Another reason to remember to get up in the morning. Dontcha just loooooove Thursdays? I do. :lol:

I'll attempt to think of thread titles later. Again, I haven't had enough sleep and my brain = not working.

I do have one. Feel free to laugh and then walk away slowly.

GSR #26: Love.

See, I'm a less is more kinda girl. Anyways, I better go. I have to go to that dreaded place where they are holding my paycheck hostage. And it's coooold. -17 degrees. Brr. But that's ok, 'cause I'm wrapped in a happy Thursday Blanket.

That is all.
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