Grissom & Sara #25: Running up the Phone Bill

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Re: Grissom &Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

:lol: :lol: :lol: BIN LADEN BEARD.. lord have mercy.. I hope not YUCK AND EWWWWWWWWWWW :mad: :( I picked of course 'WTG' after all of those "flrty moments" and the banter, and the maybe, maybe not..& the angst, it was so thrilling to see them on a bed!!!now kiss her damn it :eek:

Re: Grissom &Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

ok i have been reading this thread for like, an hour, so now i need to rant about thursdays episode!

OMIGOSH!!!! THE HALLWAY SCENE WAS PERFECT! it wasn't, like too cheesy, but it showed how going on his sabbatical had totally changed grissom into season 1 happy cute funny grissom. also i being a super grey's anatomy was split between the 2 shows on thursday and ended up watching csi. definately way!!!!!!!! better. when catherine was like what?? in a really sad voice iwas crying soooo bad.

and the fact that grissom but his arm around her....VERY sweet!!!!!......yeah i love the beard!!! GO BIFACIAL!!!!! ( but he should dye or trim it please!)

just looked at tvguide and saw that he did trim it and dye it.. so good..... and what cm sadi, sara wasn't as pleased to see him? i guess at the beginning but i don't think as much as at the end

edited because i read tv guide
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

vivian: I don't think anyone knows for sure. One of the showrunners said at the TCA this year that they had Mr. Petersen signed on in some capacity for season 8. So, we'll see, I guess.

The one that's making me kinda raise and eyebrow is the lack of information on Ms. Fox. I think it's the perfect ploy for a killer finale. I mean, I remember at the end of the third season of Star Trek: Voyager, all these rumors were flying around that Kate Mulgrew was leaving... So, when she was injured at the end of the season, we all GASPED.

Now, it's all speculation about whether or not the MCSK will go after Sara. No one knows, for sure. But, I think it'd be interesting, and us not knowing about her contract obligations would add to the angst. I mean, it's one of those, call-your-friends-and-tell-them-not-to-miss-because-there-could-be-a-great-death-scene episode... Or, it could be an episode she survives. I don't know. But, in the past, the finales have had people injured without fear, because we knew who was signed on.

Though, I've heard rumors that Mr. Petersen wants Sara and Grissom to leave together, in some capacity. If that's true, I doubt he'd let them kill Sara unless Ms. Fox were really ready to leave television for a while, or, at least, this character.

It could make for some interesting angst for Grissom if Sara died... I know, I know. He just got home and we're all still gushing about that AWESOME hallway scene, but I like a little drama. ;)
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

I don't think Jorja is leaving. The writer may surprise you guys at the season finale, I'm not in no hurry to see season finale. Remember everyone sign up except Jorja Fox and Louise Lombard. If I remember Jorja said, she will stay with the show 'till the end.

I knew WP will sign up because he can't leave his family behind. I remember reading the tvguide for this weeks and he said, "I miss those guys."
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

What do we think Grissom and Sara will do for Valentine's day? anything?

I saw something that's soooo Grissomy but I gotta use spoiler tags 'cause it's a spoiler for NY.

There's an upcoming ep with a case involving jeweled cockroaches...think Gris would get one for Sara? lol or would he say it's inhumane? lol
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

I like you're idea's Alyssa.
Because angst owns da hoozzle.
Or whatever.

If she did sign on for season eight, I can see why they wouldn't tell anybody anything. After all, we've always known whether or not a character would die, because of their contract. But if they kept her status secret, then that possibility is always there, and we'll be stuck going, "OMGWTF!"...
Or I will, whatever.

Excuse me.
That was a horrible post.
I should go.

ETA - Mel.
They're gonna get eachother...another stick...
No they aren't, because that would be horrible.
I'll get them another stick.
Oh damnit.

Also, is it too late for me to sign onto team...clean shaven? Because I have recently seen the light.
Or maybe bi-facial. Because sometimes, I like it.
Yeah, that would work.

- Alexx
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

MacsGirlMel said:
What do we think Grissom and Sara will do for Valentine's day? anything?

I saw something that's soooo Grissomy but I gotta use spoiler tags 'cause it's a spoiler for NY.

There's an upcoming ep with a case involving jeweled cockroaches...think Gris would get one for Sara? lol or would he say it's inhumane? lol

I like that idea.. it would be so Grissom.. cool, ya' never know, I can't wait to see the cocoon "hatch" and she'll be pleasantly surprised!!! I think on who's leaving and who's not it'a still all speculation, I'm waiting for CBS or reliable sources to make the announcement ;)some fans are saying "their all signed on" except Jorja, so where are they getting this info :eek:

Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

I thought this was pretty interesting:

Betwixt mine eye and heart a league is took, Between my eyes and heart a pact is made,
And each doth good turns now unto the other: And they each now do good things for the other:
When that mine eye is famish'd for a look, When my eyes are starved for a look (at you),
Or heart in love with sighs himself doth smother, Or my heart smothers itself with sighs*,
With my love's picture then my eye doth feast On my love's picture my eyes do feast
And to the painted banquet bids my heart; And my eyes call my heart to this beautiful picture*;
Another time mine eye is my heart's guest Another time my eyes are my heart's guests
And in his thoughts of love doth share a part: And in its thoughts of love do share a part:
So, either by thy picture or my love, So, either by your picture of my love,
Thyself away art resent still with me; You are still with me when you are away;
For thou not farther than my thoughts canst move, For you are not farther than my thoughts can move,
And I am still with them and they with thee; And I am always with them [my thoughts] as they are with you.
Or, if they sleep, thy picture in my sight Or, if they are asleep, your picture before my eyes
Awakes my heart to heart's and eye's delight. Awakens my heart to the pleasures of both the heart and eye*.

[Line 4]* "in love with sighs" = addicted to sad thoughts that result in deep and sorrowful sighs. "Sighs were considered deleterious to health, each sigh taking a drop of blood from the heart; compare 2H6 3.2.61: "blood-consuming sighs". (G. Blakemore Evans, The Sonnets. Cambridge University Press, 1996, [156]).

[Line 6]* "painted banquet" is a lovely metaphor for the picture of the young friend that the poet clings to in the youth's absence.

[Line 14]* This brings us back to the first line of the poem and to the "league" between the heart and eye. Now both the poet's heart and his senses are mutually delighted.

Sonnet 47 is a continuation of Sonnet 46, and together they are classified as the eye-heart Sonnets (along with Sonnet 24), addressed to the poet's dear friend. There are several theories regarding the identity of the friend, but he was likely Shakespeare's patron, the Earl of Southampton, although some suggest that he was the Earl of Pembroke, to whom the first folio was dedicated.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

i really really hope we get that shaving scene, because seriously, the beard has to go, it totally covers up his gorg face. :( But some trimming wouldn't bother me either, like season 6 face, that was hot too, just not as good as cleanshaven. I had a thought, if we get that hug, in empty eyes i think it is, then we could, possibly, get a kiss too, not like a full on kiss, but a kiss on the head or cheek, just the comforting sort, you know?

I saw 'fear' today! Can i just say...phwarrrrr! :devil: Like wow, i had grissom running, grissom shirtless, grissom in a dressing gown, grissom kissing, and grissom fighting! Well i know it wasn't Grissom but yeah! The character he plays is so unlike Grissom, it was very strange!(in a good way of course :)) He is such a good actor, i only had momentary lapses of "OMG, Grissom has his clothes off :eek:!" Also, the women who played his wife was a brunette, and if you squinted (really hard) it could have been Sara, well not really, but yeah! :p

As for the polls, i voted for:
Way to Go, just because i loved the camera duel scene, and of course because of the cannonness of it all, very special moment for shippers all around! :D
And Time of your Death, because of the caprice scene, and little glances all through, and especially the end scene with the 'look'. Seriously hot geek moment, flawless, totally!
i was torn about voting for butterflied, but i decided, a good GSR episode should be happy, even though i loved the angstyness of it all, but it still makes me cry :(
Whereas WTG and TOYD were very happy episodes :D
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

MacsGirlMel said
What do we think Grissom and Sara will do for Valentine's day? anything?

Well, I'd like to think that they'll spend Valentine's reading all the wonderful smut fics over at the Geekfiction Smutathon, and then they'd retire to the bedroom (or wherever) to act them out ;) :devil:

Speaking of Valentine's, there is just under 29 hours left to vote in the GoScaRs. So if you haven't voted yet in all categories, here are the links:

Best GSR Episode of All Time

Best WFT! Moment

GSR Jealousy / Angst

Most Romantic CANON Moment / Best Pre-CANON Sexual Tension

Best PSV / Turning Point of Season 6

Potentially Ship Damaging Moment /Best Eye Sex

Most Unexpected / Debated GSR Moment

Best Look of Longing/Love

Funniest GSR Moment

Best Use of Subtlety in a GSR Moment

Best GSR Scene with only One Geek Present
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

This will be posted in all the active shipper threads.

There have been lots and lots of newbies to TalkCSI and the Shipper Threads so I thought I would direct everyone to the Shipper Central Rules so those new to Shipper Central, please make sure to read them in their entirety. Thanks

Shipper Central Rules - Please make sure to read these
Shipper Central Welcome & Questions Thread - where you can introduce yourself and ask questions.
Ship Name/Song Thread List - Where you can see if your ship has a thread.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Thanks for the info, 1CSIMfan :)

Okay Gutterflies. We have a little problem. It seems that we can't seem to pick the Best Pre-Canon Sexual Tension, since both Invisible Evidence and Time of Your Death are currently tied in first place.

Since polls close tomorrow night, I'm now posting a poll for just these two moment - which one has the hottest sexual tension? You decide ;)
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