Grissom & Sara #25: Running up the Phone Bill

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Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

I loved them in SUCKERS" S/4.. they worked together almost entirly in this ep. the banter, and working in the safe, her smiles to him, & back at her :p and when he sang the "Milkado" her look, the whole episode was so "them"

plus Brass



Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

i'm late, but just for say i loved the scene we had!!! o my god sooooo cute!! i watched + - 40 times!!! i love him eyes and her smile!!!

Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

ROFLMAO *chokes and dies of pierced lungs* IloveBilly, those pics are hilarous and sooo cute. i've seen Billy's earlier but i haven't seen Jorja as a kid yet. she has the gap all her life.

i watched PNN and Fannysmackin today and i noticed some similarities. both mentioned hokey and contact lenses. as much as i would like to link this to GSR, there is no way this time, lol.

oh and desertwind, i love the pic you posted.

i'm going to watch ... hmmmm ... i think i'm in a mood for Grissom versus the Volcano and Suckers. see y'all
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

i watched PNN and Fannysmackin today and i noticed some similarities. both mentioned hokey and contact lenses. as much as i would like to link this to GSR, there is no way this time, lol.

Well, there is always the tie that contact lenses and hockey make Grissom realize how beautiful Sara is. Of course, in one instance he was being romantic, in the other, he was just checking out her ass like the roving pervert we know he is.

Cutest. Grammar School Photos. Ever.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

IloveBilly said:
i'm late, but just for say i loved the scene we had!!! o my god sooooo cute!! i watched + - 40 times!!! i love him eyes and her smile!!!


Adorable ;) they both have such round faces.. will have darling children ;) and as they grew older

before San Francisco

a jock plying basketball in college..before his passion for "bugs"
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

I'm working on a GSR music video, and I never noticed how many times Grissom asked Sara if she was ok. He did it when he found her sleeping in "Sex, Lies and Larvae." He did it when they were whipped up in the helicopter noise in "Crate and Burial." He did it in "Unbearable" when he was checking up on her after their chat in "Nesting Dolls." He did it in "Play with Fire" when he found her with her hand injured after the explosion. I want to make a music vid, now, with all the clips of him asking her if she was ok. It's just amusing, to me.

In other news, I'm obsessed with GSR.

Tonight, "House" mentioned Valentine's Day. Though, I'm not sure "Bones" will do it tomorrow, they've been pimping their episode out as the Valentine's Day episode. I really hope we get some sort of mention for Grissom and Sara. I mean, Valentine's Day is the day before the episode. It's so close. There's gotta be something, right?

I mean, the beard shaving aint for another week! I'm already going nuts waiting to see if that makes the cut... Biting my nails over whether ot not there'll be GSR this week isn't helping. ;) I love being insane.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

the whole ep is about a foster home, and Sara and Grissom have a scene together and sara says "Every boy needs a father" and "We call it 'graduation'". So i'm not sure whether these quotes are spoken to grissom, but if they are then we could get an understanding Grissom, knowing her history, etc. Just a thought:)
Just two more days till the ep, well excited!
i found this on YTDAW:Sara says:Orgami? Catherine says:Cheap Las Vegas version, I guess. It's a form of paper folding. Then Sara says:Guy was hitting on your vic. Bet you there's a number inside. Then Catherine carefully opens the stem of the paper rose to reveal..."Carey. 555.0179." Catherine says:You get one of these before? And Sara replies, wait for it:Yeah. Guys are always giving me weird things. Isn't that brill, this must be in ref to the bug on stick, no?
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

I vote that we forget about all the other thread titles and just go with GSR: Now with Theme Music!. That's seriously brilliant, Al. (And in other news: your fiance sounds completely adorable; I always mean to tell you that and always forget.)

GSR moment with biggest impact on me: I also pick two. The first is PNN and "Since I met you", because that's the first time I noticed anything in earnest - of course, this was fall of 2004, well into the fifth season, and I'd only seen a handful of episodes from Season 1, so I missed a lot of others. But up until then, CSI was just a cool mystery show. "Since I met you" pinged my ship-radar big time... I've watched a lot of television, and I know a damn set-up when I see it. I also understood enough about Grissom's character by that time to know that he wasn't the type to throw such flirty statements out to random women all the time; moreover, he looked as though he wasn't even aware he said it. Definitely a set-up.... Knowing that several seasons had passed since that time, I went online to see where they were now, found TWoP, and the rest is history.

The second moment was the bedroom scene in WTG. Up until that point, I was convinced that even if TPTB allowed GSR to happen, they might very well screw it up beyond recognition with way soapy plots and the usual dramatic shenanigans (dramanigans?) that happen on shows when two opening credits characters get together. But that scene was so perfect, it relieved all my fears. Not only was it quiet and reflective instead of soapy, it indicated that this had been going on for a while... which tied in with the little hints we'd been getting throughout Season 6 (and dismissed, except for faithful and perceptive grisslybear) and proved to me that TPTB had put a lot of thought into this. I figured that if they were that careful then, they'd continue to be throughout Season 7. And so they have. :) GSR is being handled beyond all my wildest expectations.

My suggestions for a thread title:

GSR: Laboratory Tango
GSR: "Watch as the entomologist stalks his prey...."
GSR: "You smell like garbage - that's so hot!"
GSR: Waiting seven years for this to hatch.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

I like Lab Tango as a thread title. JF's description of their relationship was so cute. Do we think our geeks will bring up Valentines day tomorrow? That would so make my week if they did.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

i have a suggestion for a thread title: Grissom demonstrating the entomologist mating ritual feel free to morph it into a better title :)

As to when i got interested in GSR, i have no idea none what so ever! But this forum definetely influenced me! I was discovering CSI and i came accross this site, and found the forum, and from then on i was hooked, now i look for geeklove in every episode i watch!
CSI is on tomorrow night peeps, well excited :D That thought has defo lifted my spirits, had to have a filling today, and half my face is numb :(
Perhaps a pic of wp will also give me a lift?
mmm mmm mmm
Man i love the curly hair! :D

Edited because i just found a photo! WP, JF, GD and MH Doesn't Jorja look abso*******stunning! :eek:
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

My interest in CSI started out slow. My mom watched it and I would catch glimpses or a few scenes here and there when I was on the computer in the same room. Than, I moved out of my parents place and into my university dorm and a new friend introduced me to CSI and to GSR. We spent weeks renting every episode that had a trace of GSR in it and watched them endlessly! The very first one she wanted me to see was IE and then Playing with Fire and Butterflied. Afterwards I started getting into fanfic and I found this forum and now I have been happily sailing the ship with all you other lovely people.
My favourite GSR moments would have to be (angsty) the Butterflied speech and Pin me Down and (fluffy) "Grissom, can you come tape me up?" and the very first time we see Sara "I don't even have to turn around..."
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"


1) GSR: Laboratory Tango
2) GSR: "Watch as the entomologist stalks his prey...."
3) GSR: "You smell like garbage - that's so hot!"
4) GSR: Waiting seven years for this to hatch.
5) Grissom demonstrating the entomologist mating ritual

Awesome, eggbe4thechicken - we had the same idea for, like, "Animal Planet" style commentary. Also, I hadn't seen that group shot from that angle before. Very flattering for JF. Mine were:

6) The Horny Entomologist Is on the Prowl.
7) What Are You Wearing Under Those Coveralls?
:cool: I'll Meet You in the Shower.

Yeah, um... the beard? Is gone, apparently. *whistles innocently*
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Happy Valentine's Day Gutterflies :)

As promised, the winners of the 2007 GoScaR Awards are now up. Thanks to everyone who took part.

GoScaR Awards 2007

And, since it's Valentine's Day, Geekfiction over on lj have their annual Smut-A-Thon happening, with lots of steamy GSR fics for those of us old enough to read them ;) Including one from me, involving, ahem, chocolate... :devil:
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

We should get some sort of discussion going.
So, Gutterflies, what do you think the geeks did for Valentines Day? Where did they go? What did they do there? What did they wear? What did Grissom get Sara? And maybe even more mind boggling, what in the world would Sara get Grissom?
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Yay! It's finally time for title picking! I've read some great thread titles and here are my favourites:
GSR: Lab Tango
GSR: Now with Theme Music!
GSR: Waiting seven years for this to hatch.

Alhough I really like it when the titles are short and sort of an inside joke that only GSR shippers can get... :)

Okay, my suggestions:
GSR: It's so obvious, isn't it?
GSR: You step up, I step back...

About the Valentine's Day question... I feel so happy just imagining them going out somewhere! I have no idea how they would celebrate the love they share, I don't know why, but I keep imagining them in an amusement park. But not tht fluffy idea of him trying to get her a teddy bear, but maybe some quiet time on the ferris wheel... As for presents, if he gets her another gift, I think it would be more relationshippy. Or maybe pretty much the same, but a little bit better. Like another bug on a stick, but this time with leaves on it :) And maybe she'll get him a book, 'cause he digs that stuff :))))

Oh, and IloveBilly, where did you find those pictures? Is there a special site for those things? Because it would be fun to look at Hugh Laurie at 10 :)))
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