Grissom & Sara #25: Running up the Phone Bill

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Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Excellent. We have her fooled. Let's move to stage 3.
*first time ever fails to say something witty*
me? nevah. it was an outcome of the conversation of The Poles. very smart Poles to be exact.
Exactly. Having said that, I still don't think that they were doing the horizontal mambo yet. Dating? Yes. Mambo? No.
they so did all at once, yo. i just can't picture them taking the first step (read: kiss), and not do the ... oh dear, how did you describe it? mambo? so yeah, if they made a step, they went all the way. why? b/c i think it would've been awkward not to. IMO after a kiss Grissom still kinda would have had a way out. but i believe he wanted to show her he's in this for real.
If we don't get a return to it (I mean since Leaving Las Vegas) within the next three episodes, it's going to get a little bit ridiculous. Unless they want to suggest that everyone pretty much knows.
i agree. seriously, i think by all those packages sent to the lab and flirting at work TPTB are preparing us for someone to finally figure it out. cuz it's indeed getting ridiculous if they are all gonna be blind any longer.
He's definitely signed now.
*dances hula dance*
On that note - I'd like to sign myself up for team Bi-Facial *hides in shame* Billy's hot. Regardless. I'll take him anyway I can get him.
you know Turtle, i'm Bi-facial too in my heart. but i want to be signed as Clean Shaven cuz there is not enough people there. and b/c i love him dearly.
30 hours to go!! Yay! I love CSI.
This is where we differ. I believe the mambo was definitely ongoing at this point. Sara's sex and romance comment sounded to me like a woman telling her lover to chill out and not freak simply because she wouldn't move in which him just yet.
totally agree with you fogs. of course if we assume that it's the Grave Danger theory that is valid. cuz i've got stil one leg in the since-TOYD wagon.
O god. I just "yo-ed". Kill me now.
you just spend too much time with us.
No, no - the Gutterflies. Our Gutter. The pre-message board chat ending gutter.
and i love it, if you haven't noticed yet, lol.

Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

I still think they ALL KNOW, their smart bright people, and once again..working with someone for 7 years.. you'd have to be really dense and wearing blinders to not have noticed.. but I did pick BRASS, he's been kind of a mentor to Sara, due to the fact his own daughter Ellie is all F.....up, and he's close to Grissom, and he's been with them through so many cases


so who on the team will be surprised?
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

A record will be kept of who chose who (much like we keep tallies on who's in Team Bearded/Beardless/Bi-Facial and so on

wait. so who keeping this list? I will do it if you guys want me to(cause i am keeper of lists TaDa!(woah to much sugar. must stop eating chocolate)) but I dont want to step on anyones toes.

*dances hula dance*


So it's not like he walked up to her and said, "Wanna go on a date?"
"I thought you would never ask! Better yet, take off your pants."

Are you sure about that?I mean why not? :lol:

cuz I have nothing better to do:

Who will find out?



Doc. R:


All righty I am short some people, so please be clear and say who you think is going to find out first it makes my sad pathetic life simpeler


oh and for all of you who don't like GA, there making a spinoff show and that wil DEFINITELY hurt their ratings, i think.

yah I heard about that, but it hasnt been verified or anything. I am a big fan Grays(pokes avie and siggy) but i just might stop watching if they make a spin my opinion spin offs=bad

I just quoted someone who posted under me. that screws with my brain.Or mabey its the chocolate.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

i am completely torn between catherine and brass finding out. I really want catherine to find out first, she would have SUCH an oh my gosh face and that would be awesome, but something tells me that it is going to be brass. yeah as for the lists of babies and beards- i am Bifacial and bi-baby. yeah.

btw, is it totally certain that billy signed on for season 8? just wondering

oh and for all of you who don't like GA, there making a spinoff show and that wil DEFINITELY hurt their ratings, i think.

ETA: what episode # is empty eyes?????
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

*first time ever fails to say something witty*

You can just go "FIE!" or something like that.

they so did all at once, yo. i just can't picture them taking the first step (read: kiss), and not do the ... oh dear, how did you describe it? mambo? so yeah, if they made a step, they went all the way. why? b/c i think it would've been awkward not to. IMO after a kiss Grissom still kinda would have had a way out. but i believe he wanted to show her he's in this for real.

By being in her for real? lol.

Anyway - no, I get what you mean. I think it's more a factor of... if you've waited for 6+ years, you're not going to go on a few dates and see where it takes you. The first 6 years were like one big, awkward first date.

i agree. seriously, i think by all those packages sent to the lab and flirting at work TPTB are preparing us for someone to finally figure it out. cuz it's indeed getting ridiculous if they are all gonna be blind any longer.

I'm glad that they threw in Catherine and Nick's conversation, so they might be hinting that it's something the whole lab is suspicious of, and talking about in a more social setting like that.

*dances hula dance*

Yeah, according to the girls who went to his play, he told them that he had signed, but he wasn't allowed to say anything for a couple more weeks, and then an official statement was sent out that a few entertainment organizations ran with.

Jorja we're all still in the dark about, however Ask Ausiello is saying that she's currently in talks and he assumes she'll be back, too.

Having said that, given the nature that the MCSK is taking, I still think it would be in their best interest to keep hers' a secret so that if she DOES become a final victim, we won't all go, "But she's safe, so no big deal."

you know Turtle, i'm Bi-facial too in my heart. but i want to be signed as Clean Shaven cuz there is not enough people there. and b/c i love him dearly.


I still think they AAL KNOW, their smart bright people, and once again..working with someone for 7 years.. you'd have to be really dense and wearing blinders to not have noticed.. but I did pick BRASS, he's been kind of a mentor to Sara, due to the fact his own daughter Ellie is all F.....up, and he's close to Grissom, and he's been with them through so many cases

They might suspect, but I think that if they flat-out knew, someone would confront him.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

I'm for Cath, second choice Brass (both ensure definite candidates for next years Funniest Moment)

If I may take a detour for a second to "Things you may or may not hear on CSI (because it would probably not happen like this)

Grissom: Catherine, I called you here to tell you somthing
Cath: what is it Grissom, and why is Sara here?
Grissom: Sara and I have been dating since last year
Cath (speechless for a moment then): SQUEE! Good for you! (long pause as realization sets in) How did I not figure this out! It was so obvious wasnt it!

LoL, yes I'm psychotic
in other news,

Call me a trollop (cuz I know you will, Sarah ) but I really don't think there was a huge gap between first kiss and first mambo for the Geeks. They may have slowly built up to the first kiss with casual breakfasts/dinners, and rebuilding their friendship but I think once they decided to go for it, they went for it.

I agree, Grissom was obviously (at least to me) hurt by somebody who just wanted his hottie body, not him, so I think he would defiantly want to take it slow and make sure Sara wasn't like that. Sara also might have been in favor of taking it slow anywho so, it works like all things GSR ;)
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

you just spend too much time with us.

The woman speaks the truth :p

Cath (speechless for a moment then): SQUEE!

*dies at the thought of Cath saying "Squee" :lol:

By being in her for real? lol.


I'm glad that they threw in Catherine and Nick's conversation, so they might be hinting that it's something the whole lab is suspicious of, and talking about in a more social setting like that.

Oh, totally. I was starting to wonder how it was that Grissom is suddenly clean-shaven, thinner, taking time off and not working overtime constantly (and, I mean, he must be, right? there's just not enough hours in the day to be working non-stop AND having oodles of Geek!Sex) and no one noticed that anything had changed. And I mean, Sara's most likely not maxed out on overtime every month either. I mean, come on people. 1+1= ? ...
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

thats why I think somebody has to have figured this out by now and they just figure they'll give G&S their space, ick which totally contradicts my Cath theory. I hate it when I do that
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

i don't think somebody has figured it out yet, and i think TPTB wants to save the "big reveal" for the season finale, or a later episode. I hope that somebody figures it out, as opposed to them telling the lab people openly. It would be A LOT funnier if someone figures it out. *envisions all the csi's squee-ing*
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Which title you go with it? I haven't got a chance to vote for it.

I want Catherine and Nick to find out about Sara and Grissom, because Catherine is close to Grissom and Nick is close to Sara, real close to her. She is the only can calm Nick down. Brass and Warrick will be the one to find out next after Catherine and Nick. Greg will be the last to know because he will have his heart broken because he is in love with Sara, but he is not, he has a crush on her.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

I think the crush was over a while ago and now he just sees her as a sister kinda deal

I think we're going with "It's so obvious isn't it" since it seems to have won the poll by a landslide *pouts* though I liked "Waiting 7 years for this to hatch" best though it is evily fun to twist peoples words *evil laugh*

EDIT oops, just realized the new threads up, bye
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