Grissom & Sara #25: Running up the Phone Bill

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Wait, I changed my mind! I know what the cocoon on the twig means! Grissom is trying to tell the lab via Sara, "Okay, we used to have the Continuity Fairy, see? And then she went away for a while to, y'know, metamorph and stuff... and now she's returned as the Continuity Bad**s M****rf****r!!! And she's gonna go medieval on yo' ass!!"

Seriously, something is going on with this show! A. Martinez from "A Bullet Runs Through It"?!! Bobby and the misfired gun in "Mea Culpa"?!! The butterfly symbolism of GSR?!! Sara talks to Cath in private because she knows yelling at the boss in public = a week's suspension a la "Nesting Dolls"?!! The box with the next MCS in it?!! Doc Robbins is cranky?!! Holy crap! Was someone actually hired to keep track of this stuff?!!

God, we should be writing all this down and send TPTB one red rose for everything they've remembered correctly this season! This sort of behaviour has to be encouraged!!

I had knots in my stomach watching it, so I guess that's a good thing.

Loved the parallelism of Cath/Kepp/Brass/Sheriffette lurking inside muttering about secrets... and the Young Turks in the parking lot doing the same thing.

Loved the bookends of the radio call-in show... for wicked openings and closings, this is by far the best season CSI has ever had. None of this "The perp makes a screwy remark while the CSI makes a WTF face... and credits!" bullshit.

Loved that Las Vegas is becoming a character in itself on this show in a way it's never been before. In fact, I believe I was glad to see the strippers... I've missed 'em! When's the last time we had a really good sex-based crime or sexual perversion or kid killer, anyway? Kudos, guys, for not having to go to that well too often this year.

Loved how no character had to be dumbed down to make this work.

Loved how whenever Keppler tries to tell jokes he comes across so stiff that everyone gives him WTF looks.

Loved that Nick has trust issues and took the scheme personally - he should have trust issues after everything that's gone down with him.

Loved that Warrick needed Nick's convincing before working against Catherine.

Loved that Greg kinda looked a little unsure of himself when he nodded "yes" to the mutiny... like a younger kid going along with the older crowd when he's not so sure he should.

Loved the hints that Sara hates having to deceive the team with regards to what's going on between her and Grissom... and that she knew exactly where to find a key to that cabinet.

Loved that Catherine was ultimately uncomfortable with the whole scheme... and that Brass was not. Brass is a cop; he respects the CSIs, and he respects their science... but he doesn't bow before that altar like they do. I can see Brass thinking that utilizing "reverse forensics" in the name of catching a killer is completely justified. Man, that look Drugpin!Lex Luthor gave Brass at the end... wonder if the guy's going to use the whole rigmarole as a way to get off on a technicality? I'd love to have a knock-down, drag-out argument between Gil and Brass on this one. I wonder if the team will tell him what went down while he was away?

Loved that we got to see Bobby and Henry as well as Hodges.

Loved that once again the guest characters were not only sketched out, they were painted in bright colours. From the skeevy scapegoat to the dreaming-of-Scaryonce-cop to the bureaucratic impound guy to the I'm-so-giving-you-the-finger-right-now-with-nary-a-word DA... bold, vivid strokes.

Loved that Hodges pressed "Reprint." That's the kind of logical thinking that a lot of shows, this one as well as others, would have left out of the script and had us all groaning, "Why didn't X just do Y?!!" Nice attention to detail. In fact, there was great attention to detail all throughout this script.

Loved that Grissom has been gone for two episodes, and my attention is still fixated on this show.

Man, this season is poetry. Pure poetry. I am proud to call myself a CSI fan these days.
Amen Miss Dee, Amen.

Glad I'm not the only one that was strangly touched by the bittersweetness of that moment. I love Grissom, I do - but he can be such a doof sometimes. No note? Not one penned word? Why? Did they perhaps agree not to speak at all during the sabbatical? No letters, no phone calls, no cards, no contact of any kind? Space. So he sent her a bug. Well, an almost bug. At least it wasn't a ring. Or a baby sized T-Shirt. Though, if I were Alyssa, I would be hopping up and down pointing out the obviousness of how it has to be because she's having a baby and the cocoon represents new life and yada yada yada. :p But thats not my boat. *cough* Love you 'Lyssa.

If you think about it, a coccoon would pretty much describe their relationship. You know? It's sitting there secure in it's delicate looking branches - everyone can see it... but no one knows the full extent of it's beauty until it's revealed. The whole team kinda sorta in the back of their minds KNOWS that Grissom and Sara are more then coworkers. But to what extent... that they probably aren't aware of. The coccoon (damn I should go look how to properly spell that word) is a delicate thing that can be easily destroyed. But with enough care and gentleness the most beautiful things can spill forth. *sigh* I'm having such a good night.

*squeeeeeeeee!!* BEARD! I SAW BEARD! *dies* Now don't get me wrong, I am aware of the shaving spoilers... but to think I get it back for even two scenes? Makes me the happiest girl in the whole USA. *sigh*

I loved this episode. The hour just flew right by! I'm loving the continuity and the fact that the rest of the team seems to not like Keppler as much as me. Ah! I just LOVED this episode. GSR or no GSR, this was great. Just fan-fricking-tastic.

I'm in such a high GSR giddiness mode right now, I don't even know what to do with myself. Though, I should to to bed... I have to get up in *glances at clock and swears* four hours. Psh.

That is all.

Edited because I'm so friggin' hyper that I can't type... or spell. And more often then not I sounded like Tarzan. "I happy! Me like this show lots. Me want GSR Kisses now!" 'Cause I'm cool like that.
I shall eat your brains. I am going to go back through the episode, though, but the big one for me for the baby watch was at the beginning. When Hodges told her to use bleach on her dirty laundry, she instinctively pulled her arms around her, again.... Hmmm.... Though, she did have a few scenes this week with no jacket... So, could go either way. :)
Since it has aired everywhere Im going out in the open saying how much I loved this episode. It was so great. As for the gift, even though I was hoping for something like jewlery, I think it was such a Grissom thing to do. Its was beautiful, just like their relationship.

I also loved that she picked up his mail. Did anyone else catch that? I was like, ooooo baby she got his mail. Taking it to "their" house, or she has a key to his if they arent living together.

Just loved it, absolutly loved it.
I'm a lurker here, been a GSR fan forever...but I was over in the spoiler thread and they folks over there CRACK me up! :lol: I love how worked up the got about...
apparently like y'all have said the possible beard shaving scene...which I think would be cute and fitting for a canon couple and they're totally upset over it! It cracked me up! They're canon people, it's to be expected at the very least...and enjoyed by the rest of us for sure!
Any idea when this ^ eppy would air by the way? :D
My fiance and I used to have this little joke about Grissom's Valentines Day card to Sara. Matthew said it would be a folded piece of paper, with a fly stuck to it. The outside would state that a fly's heart is "such and such" in size... The inside would say, "But mine is bigger." I don't know why, but it just CRACKS me up that Gil sent her... a stick.

I totally understand there's a lot of underlying symbolism, and before Sara realized he'd not written an accompanying note, she seemed almost amused at the sight of the twig and the cacoon... It's just... Matthew said that thing about Grissom sending Sara a bug on a stick, and I just can't get it out of my head!

Moriel: The ep you referred to is at the end of February, if I remember correctly.

I wish I knew what the symbolism is, and I REALLY hope that someone explains it to us when he gets back... This is one of those things that I really don't want to remain in ambiguity. I want to understand what Grissom's intentions with this gift were. It's sweet in a Grissom way... but Sara clearly wasn't touched in the way he wanted her to be. I mean, she was touched, but then she seemed a bit sad and confused. Gosh, he sends mixed signals.

Is this bug us? Are we a bug? Is it about the transformation? Are we transforming? Are you transforming and I won't recognize you when you get back because you'll be a GIANT COCKROACH!? (sorry... Metamorphosis)... I mean, there are so many interpretations, it makes my head hurt! I just hope someone tells me, someday.

There was a Grissom head in that promo. Is that old? Is it new? Am I completely confused!?
I think that Grissom is telling her that like a it takes time for a butterfly to come out of a cocoon, their relationship will
take time to evolve but that the end result will be beautiful.
comment that she 'hates decieving people... eventually, you get what you give..."

I think that comment is more signifigant for the GSR... maybe Sara doesn't like being left to decieve everyone alone while Griss is galavanting about.

I loved this episode. Sara's burn to Catherine, she sure learned her lesson

the music that's playing when she open's Grissom's gift is the exact same music from the last scene in the bedroom in Way to Go.

waiting to episode meet market (bites the nails ) :p
I liked the gift, there was speculation about it being a ring, Thank God it wasn't. That would be awful sending a ring via fed ex!!!!!!!!! Keppler is a main charactor for these next few weeks, why does he lack such personnality!!!!!! I get more excited when I see Hodges!!
Sorry, had to side track to Keppler for at least a minute.
Grissom, you are a nerd.

The gift was so unique to Grissom it's unexplainable. You just can't define it. Anyway, so today at school I ran up to my friend, who was standing beside her boyfriend and well, this is how it went:

ME: If you ever went on a long trip, would you send her anything?
BOY: Well, yeah, probably. *giving me a wtf look*
GIRL: *similar wtf look*
ME: Would you send her a cocoon?
Boy: *bigger wtf look*
ME: Grissom sent Sara a cocoon as a gift last night on CSI.
Boy: Should have known...

My day was interesting, besides the fact I had a french exam. Which, I think I failed.

Here's my opinion in what was going through Sara's mind as she was opening the gift:

SARA: *opens box* *takes out paper*
*smiles* *thinks: aww.. how sweet.. *
*takes out the stick.*
*takes out paper*
*thinks: No note?*
*looks at stick* *thinks: you dumba$$.*

You know that was totally what was going through her head. After I saw the episode I went to my Mom and explained what happened, she keeps telling me that it means something. I thought about it and came back with 'IS SHE PREGNEANT?' She just kinda looked at me, then said no. I'm not sure how I thought a cocoon meant pregneancy, maybe the cocoon was Sara's stomach, and there's something growing inside that no one can see? I dunno. I was tired, and I forget.

I find it funny how the locker room is their new Fortress of Solitude, yeah I also watched Smallville last night. The locker room is the new secret fort. No one ever goes in there, but Grissom and Sara. I would have found it funny if someone had come in while Sara was opening the gift. She would have jumped, nearly dropping the cocoon, lol.

I loved the Catherine and Keppler secret agents thing. It was so not-CSI like. But I loved it, cause I like spies. They are so cool!

I believe I wanted to say something else, but I can't remember what it was. Must not have been that important, oh well.
Oh dear. Zigs and I got a PM from Reebs this morning that just said, "A FREAKIN' BUG ON A STICK".

I'd say that sums it up.

Nah - I liked it. It's a butterfly cuccoon, isn't it? Maybe the point is that it'll hatch when he comes back.
Poor Grissom. I can just see him, wandering around in the woods, finding the cocoon in the branch and getting all excited. He breaks the branch off, carries it with him to his room, gets packing supplies and boxes it up. He's probably smiling and humming to himself as he takes it to the post office. Maybe he even tells the clerk that he's sending his girlfriend a gift and it's PERFECT for her. I think if he had been in the locker room with Sara when she opened it, he would have been shocked to see her smile fall away like it did.

The beard clip for next week looked like new footage, but I am not sure. It looked like they were going for a dreamy/flashback effect in that part of the promo.

BTW, Miss Dee, I loved your post. I enjoyed the story, too, and all the little touches that made each character a little more real.
I was daydreaming about more GSR-scenes yesterday. How's this for one?

Sara is taking a bath after a long day. Grissom enters the room in a black t-shirt. They talk for a bit - just small, intimate conversation. Grissom tells her to lie back. She sinks into his arms as he takes the shampoo and begins to wash her hair....

...which becomes a mirror scene for the season finale, after the MCSK kills Sara - we find Grissom in the morgue, tears running down his face, gently cradling Sara's head as he washes her body down....

Yeah, I'm mean.

ETA: Thanks, brass_lives!
Whats up with the MCSK kills Sara comment!!!!!!!!!!!! If CSI ever ended things that way I think to many people would be outraged!!!!!!! I mean to play this game for six years, get them together then kill off a main charactor!! I assume you are just messing with me??
Oh, rewrites. So they've watered down the GSR scenes as always. PM me for more, since it was asked that not a lot of leaking of sources and so on happens, but... I'm both happy and disappointed. On the one hand, if things had played (flashback talk here) the way they sounded, Grissom would've potentially been a big jerk, but at the same time it would've been like, "Uh... Sara, you've known the guy for, like 10 years. Where's the surprise here that he's bad with relationships? So I really don't know how to feel. They may wind up cutting the whole thing.

Sara is taking a bath after a long day. Grissom enters the room in a black t-shirt. They talk for a bit - just small, intimate conversation. Grissom tells her to lie back. She sinks into his arms as he takes the shampoo and begins to wash her hair....

How can I put this? I mean this in seriousness, though - Dee, have you been looking at the spoilers?
The thoughts about Sara being killed by the MCSK are all just speculation. Lots of people have thought the season might end that way if Ms. Fox does not renew her contract.

The promo shows Grissom with a beard, and I can't find a matching shot, anywhere, which makes me wonder if it's new... It's driving me MAD

I think the gift was very Grissom, but it's very Grissom in that it's open to a lot of interpretation, even for Sara. I think she wanted some sort of clarfication, some sort of direction. He didn't have to write a love note, or anything, just give her some idea of what this meant. Even a reference to a quote somewhere... or something they'd talked about in her Entymology Textbook or SOMETHING. I don't think she needed a big, long letter... she just wants to understand. And, right now, I'm right there with her. Gris is pissing me off with the ambiguity, right now, and I find myself frustrated with this gift. I haven't even thought about possible symbolism because there are too many options. This isn't one of those things where there are two major areas of thought... Two major opinions, and lots of others pop up along the way. This is just messy, in a way.

Yes, relationships are like that, and maybe I feel this way because I'm supposed to be frustrated along with Sara... but I want answers, darnit.
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