Grissom & Sara #25: Running up the Phone Bill

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I have to say that even with all of the press confirmation, I'm still hesitant to believe that she's really going to get the gift. Maybe because, as someone spoiled, I know how important the gift is to tipping off the entire arc, but... still. I dunno - does anyone feel as though, while GSR will be nice tonight, they're a little afraid of it actually happening because of the "consequences"?
sarahvma said:
I have to say that even with all of the press confirmation, I'm still hesitant to believe that she's really going to get the gift. Maybe because, as someone spoiled, I know how important the gift is to tipping off the entire arc, but... still. I dunno - does anyone feel as though, while GSR will be nice tonight, they're a little afraid of it actually happening because of the "consequences"?

lol. yeah - i do. I'd rather the gift just be out of no reason. Basically a moment where the world goes 'Awwwww' all at the same time. That would be cool. Uhm. *cough* Anyway. Or something where Sara would give a little laugh to herself because it's cute. Instead of a teddy bear that says 'Sorry' on it. Well, we'd probably say 'Aww' at that too, but I think we'd be happier to see that Sara hasn't been pissed off the whole time he's been gone. And the present means their relationship hasn't completely died since he went on his sabbatical.
Thanks Adz. and I hope you feel better.
thanks choc. i had a one-day stomach-flu on tuesday. i had a problem with even lifting my arm, and spent the whole day in bed. the next day? i felt like nothing happened, now THIS is what i call weird.
Ahhh I am so dang tempted to clink those little blue boxes.
nope, don't do that. you see the spoiled are encouraging us to stay strong which is an enormous anomaly. remember the "NAKED BILLY" spoiler titles?
I think we're all trying to say it's impossible so that when it doesn't happen (see?) we won't be disappointed.
dissapointed, so y'all want this to happen or not? i want to know at least the attitudes towards it ... i'm such a ho.
She's good, guys.
god. don't tell me i was right somewhere.
Are you positive you haven't been reading the spoiler boxes? lol. That definitely made my day. And so did #4. lol.
now i'm seriously scared, lol. thanks Shipwrecked.
Adzix what a wild imgination.. I love them..good ones!!!
lol, thanks des. and you know you're precious with your pics!
Adzix, I feel your pain. I accidentally found a little something about the requisite episode, so I know the general gist, but I'm trying not to find out the details....
yeah, you see MissDee, this is what i hate the most. ACCIDENTALLY finding out about something you don't wanna know. i can bet a 1000 zl (polish currency, lol) that this weird thing will get cut. btw, is it wierd in a way tai chi was?
That said, it seems as though the spoiled are agonizing about whether or not this is a good thing. So maybe I'm saving myself a lot of anguish?
definitely. why worry if there is a chance it won't be even shown?
I'm thinking of going spoiler free because I am hearing way too much stuff about future episodes and it is all getting very confusing. I can't keep any of it straight. Plus we all know how much stuff gets cut out, so the heck with it. I'll just go back to having my head in the clouds and be clueless until the shows premiere for the first time.
katjo, buddy! come with me on my spoiler-free wagon and drift to the beautiful world of obliviousness, where the only concern is when the Geeks are gonna kiss!

oh and YAY, i didn't get modslapped *makes a hula dance*
sarahvma said:
I dunno - does anyone feel as though, while GSR will be nice tonight, they're a little afraid of it actually happening because of the "consequences"?

It's great that we're getting something GSR while G is away (if it airs as spoiled), but there is always a reason behind showing these things, and that worries me. They could go on indefinitely just dropping in a short GSR scene every once in a while. If they are giving us angst mixed with sweetness, we are in for a rough ride. I'm still hoping for a happy ending!

Oh, and about kissing, I agree. I don't think this is a spoiler? I was of two minds after watching Way to Go. I was glad GSR was finally canonized, but I still won't feel like GSR was consummated until we get a GSR kiss...or a full on makeout session, roll in the hay, shared bathtub scene...
Adzix said:
katjo, buddy! come with me on my spoiler-free wagon and drift to the beautiful world of obliviousness, where the only concern is when the Geeks are gonna kiss!

I can do it I can do it! I just keep telling myself that. It's fun to make up my own stories in my head. They always end happily that way. :)
nope, don't do that. you see the spoiled are encouraging us to stay strong which is an enormous anomaly. remember the "NAKED BILLY" spoiler titles?


Dang im pissed. Yesturday i got a digital camera . today i broke it. so now my mom is PISSED so im leting her have her way and so i will be watching Grays tonight mostlikley.

I have nothing realy else to say. ummm. katjo yes please join us on our spoilerfree wagon.
The "spoiler" posts are a bit confusing and erratic.. but I read them just to see how accurate they are when the actual ep. is aired ;) ~~~wating for Grissom to return~~~ ;) 2 down 2 to go :( so I'll do my pic. posting to keep them alive while this Keppler person is on!!!



I find it funny that Sara's hair magically changes between those two pics, desert. It's like one second 'My hair is flowing freely in the wind' then the next 'my hair had a sudden bolt of FRIZZ'. I hate it when my hair does that. Tis very annoying.

I love how Sara's outfits have gotten lighter since we've seen the couple together. In season 5 it was kind of dark and we saw her in a lot of black and darker colours, maybe baggier tees. Now she's wearing pinks and stuff that look cute on her form. I'm a fan of dark clothing since well, the only colours in my wardrobe is white, black, and I have one purple shirt that I only wear because there is a butterfly on it.

I think Sara and Grissom should go to a rock concert. Like - metal. They also must dress the part. And Sara must buy a tour t-shirt and wear it to the lab the next day. And they have to sing along to the songs. Oh - and they have to do the rock on sign. And jump up and down. Right - they also have to buy souvenir stickers for all the CSI's, they can even buy Ecklie one. Wow.. I have too much time on my hands. How do I come up with these weird scenarios?
So... no comments on the you-know-what?
Personally, I really liked it. A cocoon on a twig... I think Grissom is trying to tell her, "I'm changing... be patient with me." Man, that was an intense episode! I had knots in my stomach watching it!
a cacooned butterfly so cute.haaaaaaaaa a butterfly...well, i do biology and i will work with insects.....well, larvae ,anyway, was so beautiful gift
Someone called it a "bug on a stick" :lol: I wasn't surprised that Grissom didn't send a note. Sara looked so sad, though :(

Did anyone else think there had to be something else to it? My first thought was that something was in it or that it would mean something that Sara would either "get" immediately or be able to figure out. When they showed Sara in Grissom's office and then paused on the MCSK reminder, I thought that maybe Sara wouldn't open her gift, either, until he came back and showed it to her. I don't know...maybe I just want something more like Sara did.
I think she was touched at first, but because he didn't send a card or a letter with it that made her a little bit mad. So I'm guessing they haven't spoken on the phone, email or nothing thus far. Can you imagine how excited she was when she saw the package, and that cute smile she had when she opened it. She thought it was sweet, but then when she dug further and found no letter or card you could clearly see she was crushed. So now I'm thinking she will think of it as him wanting to hide in his cocoon and be all alone, even though I don't think that is what he had in mind. My husband said he thinks it represented a new birth for him for his happy new life with her. But she might have read into it a different way, like he wanted to stay hidden in his safe cocoon. AHHHH Im speculating too much. I loved her smile, but then her frown when she didn't find a letter with it broke my heart. Poor Sara. But I'm glad the team made up with each other (except Nick). I actually felt sorry for Cath, bless her heart.

I promise guys, I'm still spoiler free, just didn't want to ruin my thoughts for the people who haven't viewed it yet, but if you have seen Redrum, feel free to read my thoughts. ;)
My fiance was the first I know to say, "It's a bug on a stick." I just died laughing. Could not stop. I like the symbolic reference, though I understand her desire for there to be something more to it... Poor Sara. It's going to be interesting in the upcoming weeks!
The gift was so Grissom, she even smiled a bit.. but was looking for something else in the bottom.. poor girl, he's so NOT romantic, but maybe in his so scientific mind, he is :(..this ep. was confusing, because of all the friction between the team, which this Keppler is causing, love Sara's reaction to him :D like go away..whatever!!did you all see the coming up ep. with a short clip of Grissom .. so is he returning next week? gawd, I hope so.. this is grueling and un-compromising..

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