Grissom & Sara #25: Running up the Phone Bill

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That's definitely a new shot. His beard has never been that shaggy before. That kind of begs the question: are they really going to shoot the flashback with the beard? How do they plan on explaining that? OR - OR is it possible that we actually get a shot of Grissom in his office at the school, because she sent the package back to him or wrote him a letter in response? Either way... I dunno. It's a new shot for sure. They could've also just taken a shot from 7x15
Are we sure its a legit flashback? It could just be some famous Grissom saying popping into someones head. I don't know. I don't remember what i read at ytdaw. BUT aren't we supposed to get a GSR flashback with this episode?

I feel like an idiot. I was convinced convinced that the gift was gonna be a ring. And I am sooo glad it wasn't. That would be an unfeeling Grissom. So if it was a bug on a stick, so be it.

And the symbolism-she must be pregnant. Haha. Just kidding ;).

I think it was just Grissom, you know, he's changing for the better. Or... I think it's the GSR relationship. It may be silent and small at first, but once it comes out, it's going to be a beautiful thing. That could be telling the team something...hmmm. And Sara's reaction? Sure, she wanted more, but I liked how she looked at it at the very last few seconds, as if she were saying,"he's changing, and I just have to wait, even if it is confusing."

the music that's playing when she open's Grissom's gift is the exact same music from the last scene in the bedroom in Way to Go.

:):eek:We ArE tHe OnLY CaNnON sHIp WiTh A tHeMe SoNG!!!

I remember the same music was played during the Happenstance end scene! It shows that the writers aren't just fooling around with our ship anymore. It's official. And we are pretty serious. ;) :cool: I am so happy about the GSR theme song. :)
Sidlreiana_15 said:
I think that Grissom is telling her that like a it takes time for a butterfly to come out of a cocoon, their relationship will
take time to evolve but that the end result will be beautiful.
comment that she 'hates decieving people... eventually, you get what you give..."

I think that comment is more signifigant for the GSR... maybe Sara doesn't like being left to decieve everyone alone while Griss is galavanting about.

I loved this episode. Sara's burn to Catherine, she sure learned her lesson

the music that's playing when she open's Grissom's gift is the exact same music from the last scene in the bedroom in Way to Go.

waiting to episode meet market (bites the nails ) :p

Good analysis.. I agree. and this new guy Keppler is gawd awfull. he mumbles , as a flat, monotone voice is sneaky/snaky is beyond boring and is causing friction and confusion within the team, I love Sara's cold comment to him.. CLAP-CLAP :D, and the rest of the team, is suspicious, and cold towards him, even Brass was off, his quirky comments were absent , he also seemed confused!! ~~~screams for Grissom~~~ ;)


Danie from GRISSARATALK yahoo groups said the gift The shape of the three branches and the cocoon look like the ASL sign and universal symbol for I love you .
I believe I was glad to see the strippers... I've missed 'em! When's the last time we had a really good sex-based crime or sexual perversion or kid killer, anyway? Kudos, guys

Uh. out of context this is hilarious.

I voted 'Bug on feakin stick' at first i thought it was a spider's nest lol. shows how smart i am. but the gift made me go WTF? I think it is ugly and i just think its stupid and i dont get the symbolism either.

LOL can you tell im in a bad mood? :lol:
IloveBilly said:
Danie from GRISSARATALK yahoo groups said the gift The shape of the three branches and the cocoon look like the ASL sign and universal symbol for I love you .

Thank's.. that's so awesome.. wow, so in his own private way.. he told her "I love you"' how totally cool!!!
I was so happy when I saw the gift, then no note, and I was sad with her. I rewatched the show today and now I know why I am going spoiler free...some of the spoilers given were way off mark. I had myself almost sick over the show and it turned out to be a great show. I still miss Gris and GSR, but this isn't as bad as what I thought it was going to be.
It's days like this that I REALLY miss our chat. Is there anything we can do: AIM, ICQ, IRC, etc where we can chat? I just have some major issues with other parts of this board, but I love you guys, and I miss our chats... Let me know if anyone comes up with something.

I talked with Matt about the gift, again, and apparently Matthew expected a note. I guess I should feel comforted that my fiance feels that way. I keep watching her face, and she seems so amused, at first. She seems to really get that it's from her dork of a boyfriend, but then the face falls, and there's almost a frustration. It's that, "I love him but I want to kill him, sometimes" look.

I am starting to like the idea of Grissom coming home with the beard, because then the shaving scene, if it happens as something in the present tense, will establish that they are once again trusting one another. Also, I relooked at the scene heading, and it says "Night." If this was supposed to be a flashback, I would think it would say something about it in the heading...
I picked the second one...I also liked someone's theory about Sara not being sure of the meaning...maybe he means it that he's trying to change and come out of his cocoon and she thinks it means he wants to be alone or something like that.
okaaaaaay, Redrum. i've just watched it and also read all y'all's comments. my initial reaction? WTF? seriously, i need to say i was kinda dissapointed with it. well, no. the very first moment that i saw the stick and Sara's smiley pout i was all "awww". then i thought that she was looking for something else, another, "real" present. but yeah, i guess she could've been looking for a note. so when she found none, i go "what kind of crap is that? a freakin' stick with a dead moth glued to it? HUH? WTF?" and i was already thinking that all you people here will be complaining and WTF-ing. but i was wrong, y'all seem fairly happy with it. of course i knew that it has a meaning and all, but at first it just seemed so ... un-relationshippy.

that was my initial response. but since i was thinking more about it, and reading y'all's posts, i got more positive. i think it definitely has a deep meaning and jugding by Sara's first reaction to that, which was in fact a knowing smile, not a confused look, i'd say that she knows what he meant. let's remember that what he sent to her is symbolizing a piece of their relationship about which we know close to nothing. i'd be surprised if he sent something so obvious that we would figure out what it meant (like a chocolate heart or something equally corny). they spend a lot of time together and talk about many, many things which we have no clue. the cacoon can be something universal, but also personal. or both at the same time. it may be something they read about together, or something he once quoted.

the confusing part is that he send it to work. so i think it has a meaning that only two of them know about. no note? well, the present itself is a note, obviously. Grissom is not good in words; what he likes is actions, puzzles and golden thoughts.

what i found how a cocoon can be interpreted:

- The butterfly, represents the character's outside appearance, and how they appear to others. The cocoon symbolizes their true feelings, secrets, and motives that they hide from the world.
- a cocoon symbolizes birth or rebirth.
- the inner process.
- The cocoon symbolizes a time of transformation. This is a time desigend for you to face yourself 'alone' and grow through all the barriers that prevent you from truly living an inspired lifel - the barriers that prevent you from loving unconditionally
- The cocoon symbolizes security and care,. as well as a transcendental experience of crossing into another state

those fit to the situation of the Geeks right now. Grissom is in Williams - his cocoon, he's growing spiritually to be ready for work, for Sara and for love. he needs to be reborn, refreshed and renewed in order to live again and fly on the wings of love. (lol, i got poetic. It's all b/c of you 'Lyssa). he wants to be better for her and for himself. he sends her the cocoon, the last known piece of his old self. soon, he will transform into a butterfly - a better person and he will give her his love.

okay, that's my interpretation. i would pretty much say that they talked about something connected to it earlier. Sara knows what this is all about and doesn't have to do a research and world-wide brainstorming to figure it out, like we do. so IMO, the gift is both a general symbol and something personal that can be correctly interpreted and easily read only by them.

done with rambling. going to sleep.

P.S. oh and i loved the ep. i think it was freakin AWESOME. Keppler's still a boring bitch though.
Ok, after watching the "stick" scene over and over again, am I the only one that laughs? I seriously get a kick out him sending a stick with a cocoon in the mail. I know its symbolic and everything but I mean come on, a stick? That is just hillarious.

My mom actually called me and asked, "What the hell was that?" I, of course, laughed so hard and tried to explain the whole butterfly thing to her and she just responded with, "Well that is just weird, but so Grissom." This coming from my mom who doesnt even know the storylines going on in the show.

One thing I really liked though was the change in music when it showed that the package was from Grissom. So subtle and cute.

I still would have loved to see a note attached though. Some poetic line would have been great, but no, hes got to keep us hanging on what the hell it means.
Ok, everyone kept saying, "It's the music from WTG" and I was confused, because I didn't notice that musical link. I mean, I totally do, now. But you know the one I noticed? When Sara walks away from Hodges, a theme kicks in... it's the same theme from the locker room conversation in LLV.

So, we went from LLV angst, to WTG sweetness.... Kinda interesting.

Also, creepy that the only themes I've noticed lately were the above two... and the MCSK theme.... Can you hear that? That's me screaming on the inside a little.

Adz, I have NO idea how I made you poetic, but I love your imagery! :) There are just so many different indications of what this could be about. However, is Sara thinking it's about a beautiful butterfly emerging, like the Thoreau reference someone at YTDAW pulled up? Or is she thinking Kafka's "Metamorphosis" and waiting for the cockroach to show up? Hmmm...

Seriously. My first interpretation, gut reaction, was that it was the two of them. It was about them... that this was a transitional phase... but, my second thought? Giant cockroach.

My mom Tivo'd it. No clue if she's watched it, yet... But, I'm waiting for the call, "What's up with the stick?" Teehee.
Ok, after watching the "stick" scene over and over again, am I the only one that laughs? I seriously get a kick out him sending a stick with a cocoon in the mail. I know its symbolic and everything but I mean come on, a stick? That is just hillarious.

My friend who loves CSI and yelled "Finally!" the next morning at school when they'd gotten together, said she "pissed herself" when she saw the gift.

So I think that combined with Sara's expression, it was supposed to be equal parts, "Aww, he got her a gift" "Oh - what the hell is that?" and "No note - lmao. Oh Grissom."

My mom actually called me and asked, "What the hell was that?" I, of course, laughed so hard and tried to explain the whole butterfly thing to her and she just responded with, "Well that is just weird, but so Grissom." This coming from my mom who doesnt even know the storylines going on in the show.

I asked my Mom what she thought and she goes, "He's telling her that that's how she sees her and them - like a butterfly about to emerge." and then rolled her eyes.

It's tempting to say, "Oh, it's just a stick". In real life, that would be it. He picked up a stick, thought "PRETTY" and sent it to her. But the question would be why they felt the need to devote a scene to it on a show that doesn't allow a lot of personal storylines to have their own, separate space.

Especially in an episode with such a tightly-packed case.

the question is what she does with it that upsets Grissom.

Did anyone make the connection with a) Grissom sends it to the lab because we know Sara will have moved by 7x17 and b) the act of moving to a new, brighter and "prettier" home kind of mimicks the cucoon?
sarahvma said:
the question is what she does with it that upsets Grissom.

what? huh? It upsets Grissom? How do we know? I'm so confused.

- The butterfly, represents the character's outside appearance, and how they appear to others. The cocoon symbolizes their true feelings, secrets, and motives that they hide from the world.
- a cocoon symbolizes birth or rebirth.
- the inner process.
- The cocoon symbolizes a time of transformation. This is a time desigend for you to face yourself 'alone' and grow through all the barriers that prevent you from truly living an inspired lifel - the barriers that prevent you from loving unconditionally
- The cocoon symbolizes security and care,. as well as a transcendental experience of crossing into another state

I love how most of them fit Sara right now. Like - it doesn't just have one meaning that fits her, there's about 3 that suit her right now. That we know of. I'm a fan for the NO BABIES, so I hope that she's not pregneant. It would be very un-CSI. Though, Catherine decieving her team wasn't exactly traditional CSI either, but it was cool. But personal wise, I don't think the writers would let it happen, because of the debate everyone kinda had when Sara and Grissom first got together anyway.

But they might write it in, and just not care about what anybody says.

That made sense. :rolleyes:
saraXsullivan said:
what? huh? It upsets Grissom? How do we know? I'm so confused.

On other boards they have made mention that Sara may have done something while he is gone that will upset him when he gets back. A lot of people are speculating that she will do something to the gift, or that she will do something to put herself in danger and he will be upset. No one knows for sure. I just can't see her destroying the gift though. She's not cruel like that. I could see her sending it back though.

Only responded to this spoiler because I knew the answer somewhat. :rolleyes:
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