Grissom & Sara #25: Running up the Phone Bill

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I'm siding with Sara on this poll. Grissom knows he hurt Sara's feelings when he left. I can't believe he didn't send her a note that said "Thinking of you" or "I miss you" or even "See you in a few weeks". It didn't have to be mushy.
But the fact that Sara opened it, looked amused by it, then looked a little put off when there was no note had me worried, but then after her look of disappointment she did study the stick and cocoon a little more. It wasn't like she just tossed it back in the box and threw it aside.
sarahvma said:
the question is what she does with it that upsets Grissom.

Sqaush it?

Wasn't there an article with David Rambo where he said that the gift she recieved would be familiar to us GSR fans? Butterfly, Butterflied. Ah? Ah?

Alyssa said:
It's days like this that I REALLY miss our chat. Is there anything we can do: AIM, ICQ, IRC, etc where we can chat? I just have some major issues with other parts of this board, but I love you guys, and I miss our chats... Let me know if anyone comes up with something.

Well, I still have 2 of our past attempts bookmarked. Click here for the first one. That one seems like the best one so far. I'll be in it for a bit so if anyone wants join me. PM me if you need the password. I really think we have to change it...

Redrum was great, but at first I was a bit bummed out upon seeing the gift. I was expecting so much more. Not a ring or anything, but at least something more than... a bug on a stick. But after thinking about it for a bit, I realized that there wasn't really anything else Grissom could have sent her. Their relationship is still secret to the lab, so if he had sent her anything that would of suggested they were together then if all packages were checked, then tada, they're found out. Even a note would of been dangerous. *shrugs* Still, I was hoping for a little more. Oh well, when Grissom returns it'll be all good. Hopefully.
Ok, after watching the "stick" scene over and over again, am I the only one that laughs? I seriously get a kick out him sending a stick with a cocoon in the mail. I know its symbolic and everything but I mean come on, a stick? That is just hillarious.
i watched this scene again and it cracked me up when i saw Sara's face after she found nothing and looked at the cocoon. she was all "my goofy, socially awkward boyfriend *sigh* what to do with him?". her face was hilarous.

gawd, did y'all notice that we have no clue what they think and we try to guess it all the freakin' time? when pre-canon we usually knew what Sara was thinking, in Snakes, Nesting Dolls, even in Butterflied it was more obvious than now. and Grissom, well we never knew what that guy thinks but we at least had Butterflied. thank God we had "i'll miss you" or i would seriously be even more confused.
Adz, I have NO idea how I made you poetic, but I love your imagery
lol, thanks Alyssa. well, you know it's your in-depth posts that made me look more thorough into it.
It's tempting to say, "Oh, it's just a stick". In real life, that would be it. He picked up a stick, thought "PRETTY" and sent it to her.
ROFLMAO *dies*

on the poll i put both cuz i don't side with any of the geeks. i love them both although it's Grissom who i would eat instantly. but i gotta say that TPTB probably read our views on her appearance, cuz in Redrum she had our beloved Happenstance hair. i think she looks SO much better like this.
The more I think of the cocoon gift, the more I like it. I personnally have never seen a cocoon in nature. So Grissom finds one, realizes how many people don't usually see real cocoons like that, and thinks of Sara as someone he would want to share it with. Lets be honest, how often has anybody seen something like that. Outside of a science text book or some display at the zoo.
I picked the first one.. on Grissom saing goodbye.. and that was so hard for him.. so he sent the strange little gift.."So Grissom" after all, he's a weird duck, on the romantic end of the spectrum, but in his own way, really not, and Sara, did do that half grin, after she looked at the bottom and found nothing else, like "Ok, that's my guy"

Reeble said: But after thinking about it for a bit, I realized that there wasn't really anything else Grissom could have sent her. Their relationship is still secret to the lab, so if he had sent her anything that would of suggested they were together then if all packages were checked, then tada, they're found out. Even a note would of been dangerous. *shrugs* Still, I was hoping for a little more. Oh well, when Grissom returns it'll be all good. Hopefully.
That's a good theory, but then wouldn't the MCS box have been checked out too? But it's sitting innocently on his desk, just waiting for his return. I'm not putting too much more thought into this gift thing. I need to see next weeks episode before I can tell whether or not Sara is upset by something because so far I have found her to be happy go lucky. ;)
HEY FANS, This is so awesome ;) this is Sara's "new" apt./ loft, and this will be shown, I believe in ep. "Fallen Idol", if I'm wrong let me know , but it's so cute.. and Grissom will be here :p


Hmmm...Does anyone else think the pictures of the new apartment or loft look really fake? Almost like close ups of a miniature...?
Heh - I wonder: they haven't made a miniature of Sara's loft because it's from the MCSK, have they?

Yes, I do love torturing y'all with this; thanks for asking.

Sara, you asked me this:

How can I put this? I mean this in seriousness, though - Dee, have you been looking at the spoilers?
I did come across a post that had "bathroom" in it and from the gist of it, I figured it had to be a GSR scene. So I got the hell away from it, and can solemnly swear that that's the only thing I know about it. If he really does wash her hair or something, I honestly had no clue that they were going there. And as for the joke about killing her off... well, it's pretty easy to tell that JF apparently hasn't signed yet and everyone's on tenterhooks about it. Personally, I think they'll keep her signing a secret for as long as possible just to ratchet up suspense by having people think there's a possibility of her dying via the MCSK. Hope that answers your question! And if I got it right... don't tell me. ;)
Must you torture the spoiler free? MCSK? That wouldnt be good.Actuly I am a fan of Sara gertting targeted by MCSK aslong as she lives, or we get a sex sceen before she dies.LOL:lol:
it does so make sense..[/i]]Well, I liked Committed because of Sara getting attacked. And Grissom being worried, and Sara coming away from it alive. And it brought out some of Sara's past. So, if the MCSK does attack Sara, but she is still alive after it, I'll be okay with that. But what I'm afraid of is that the writers will think that Sara being alive after it would be very close to Grave Danger in the sense that the CSI's will always be alive. Then, if they do think that, they'll want this to be different and actually kill her. NO! YOU MAY NOT KILL SARA! *cough* Sorry, had to say it.

And I made a icon.

If she does get attacked by the MCSK I hope she kicks his butt. And when the other CSI's realize what is going on and they show up to rescue her she is waiting on them while she has the guy tied up and beat senseless. She would be sitting their sipping a cold beer and when they all break thru the door she would look at them and say "Hey guys what's up...I was just getting ready to call this in". I know it won't happen but that would be toooooo cool.

Kinda like in NCIS when that guy kidnaps Abby and she keeps zapping him with the stungun until they show up and rescue her, that was priceless. Kill off someone else, leave my Sara alone. :cool:

Didn't put this in a spoiler box because this is all speculation, none of this is fact as far as I know. I just looked at the pictures and it looked like her old apartment to me. But it looked like a model of it too, that is why I even mentioned the MCSK.
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