Grissom & Sara #25: Running up the Phone Bill

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I mean, just a few episodes later he laments the fact that all his touching is done through latex gloves...
I totally noticed that after watching IE like a million times (or at least the Pin me down scene) and I think it's cool (and kinda ironic) that Sara's wearing gloves and Gris isn't. I don't know if TPTB wrote the latex gloves line with this scene in mind, but it's nice anyway.

Oh, and Alyssa in the Season 5 episode "Big Middle" there are two kinda GSR scenes. One of them is Gris testing the dummy on Greg after he (Greg) was talking about dreaming of Sara: (recap from TWoP)

Sara tells Grasshopper, Gil's Adopted Son Number Three to just lie back and enjoy sacrificing his body for science. He's all, "This is like a dream I had once, except we weren't in a garage and Grissom wasn't watching." Gil's got the kind of look on his face now that makes me hope young Grasshopper, Gil's Adopted Son Number Three is wearing a cup, otherwise this is a Greek tragedy in the making. Sara's all, "How it's feel, dreamer?"
The other scene was one-sided with Gris and Greg:

Anyway, Gil is busy pointing out how attraction can't be analyzed, which will certainly be news to all those online dating sites that think otherwise, and Grasshopper, his Adopted Son Number Three says, "I consider myself to be very open-minded. I find other people's predilections very intriguing." These two are minutes away from screaming at each other, "I AM THE MOST TOLERANT AND YOU ARE NOT!" and then Grasshopper, Gil's Adopted Son Number Three asks a question I plan on never, ever asking my boss, "What are your predilections? What gets your juices flowing?" Gil says flatly, "Someone who doesn't judge me," and takes off. Grasshopper, Gil's Adopted Son Number Three watches him go with a look like, "So, what you're saying is, you don't see yourself hooking up with anyone at work?" Gil keeps on walking, presumably to find other, more open-minded pastures.
This scene may not be specific to GSR, but it's pretty obvious (at least now) that Sara's the one who "gets his juices flowing."
Seriously - if you haven't been to YTDAW... I swear it sounds like a Kristen Elizabeth. I can't imagine that this will ever, ever be filmed, but it still makes me laugh so damned hard. I mean, I do think that JF and BP can make it sexy, but I have to wonder what the rest of the scene's context is. Like, is this their make-up moment? Shaving him?
I just recieved my new TV Guide.. and this is a letter from a fan, on the "You Tell Us" to the magazine.. a bit stinging about Cath, but cool about GSR :p

"If showing Caterine's breasts was suppossed to win back the audience, I think CSI just cut itself off at the knees. Give us Grissom and Sara kissing, give us Warrick with more screen time, but please, please, stop giving us Catherine the middle-aged sex goddess" ..Victoria, Westlake Village, Calif. OUCH on Cath :(.. but see, other fans want the "Kiss" too!!!

Desertwind, have I ever mentioned how much I love the fact that your posts always include GSR pictures? 'Cause I do. Makes it easier to remember why I love this ship. You're awesome!

I was thinking Cincoflex... lol. Shaving him. Really. That's honestly what the spoiler godesses are giving us? This sounds like a set-up for that HBO special. I can't be the only one that pictures him like all kind of vunerable (hey, if anyone was taking a razor to MY face, I'd be vulnerable too) and her all like half dressed and sexy looking. Straddling his knees and.. WHOA. Shaving cream kisses anyone? Right. Though if this does make the "Final Cut" I will be shocked. Then after I finish drooling, I will cry because the beard is leaving again. Then I will laugh at the ridiculousness of it all.

Kisses Kisses, I like Kisses. I like GSR kisses. I would really like it if they would occur somewhere besides in my imagination. But whatever.
Turtlebaby said:
Desertwind, have I ever mentioned how much I love the fact that your posts always include GSR pictures? 'Cause I do. Makes it easier to remember why I love this ship. You're awesome!

I was thinking Cincoflex... lol. Shaving him. Really. That's honestly what the spoiler godesses are giving us? This sounds like a set-up for that HBO special. I can't be the only one that pictures him like all kind of vunerable (hey, if anyone was taking a razor to MY face, I'd be vulnerable too) and her all like half dressed and sexy looking. Straddling his knees and.. WHOA. Shaving cream kisses anyone? Right. Though if this does make the "Final Cut" I will be shocked. Then after I finish drooling, I will cry because the beard is leaving again. Then I will laugh at the ridiculousness of it all.

Kisses Kisses, I like Kisses. I like GSR kisses. I would really like it if they would occur somewhere besides in my imagination. But whatever.

Turtlebaby your awesome as well, and I LUV you!! thank's for noticing!! my aim is to please, and make you all happy :p
oh man. i am so tempted to read this spoiler, it's not funny anymore. i feel that something really good is coming up, i'm happy about it, even if i don't know what it is. of course i now know WHEN to expect something huge, but i don't mind this kind of spoilerishness.
He He. soon we will conquer the world *maniacal laughter* Mwahahahahaha.
we will! oh and btw, happy b-day choc. i would make you something but i'm sick and i barely move. if i have time i'll make you something tommorow though.
the first time i read i thought you ment gil n' keppler.LOL. yah that would be real hot!
uhh sorry for that, lol. yeah i definitely need a beta.
I feel bad for only posting with a spoiler box, but I don't really have anything else to say, lol. Sorry, Adz and all you other unspoiled people!
what do you say choc? is she forgiven? lol. yeah, you are Reebs ;) i'm actually happy for the spoiled, that y'all can be all excited again.
It's becoming an all consuming thing with me. When I sleep I dream GSR, when I drive I daydream about GSR (go ahead, ask me how many traffic accidents I've almost been in) When I'm at work, I write about GSR... I think I need to see a shrink about this problem. I am addicted to a relationship that exists between two fictional characters. Think they have meetings for this kind of thing? No? Damn.
you know Turtle, i think i have similar symptoms lately. if i had more time to spare, i'd be definitely day-dreaming all the time. it means that on one hand it's good that i have so many things to do every day. it's really strange how such a subtle and rarely mentioned on the show itself TV-relationship can be addictive.
oh man. i am so tempted to read this spoiler, it's not funny anymore. i feel that something really good is coming up, i'm happy about it, even if i don't know what it is. of course i now know WHEN to expect something huge, but i don't mind this kind of spoilerishness.

Dont read it! Stay strong. It will just be confusing. lol.

Can you really imagine this being filmed? I swear I thought we were being messed with at first, It sounds too much like a fan fic to me. I would much rather like cuddling in bed, but shaving come on? As much as i would love to see this for pure enjoyment, can you imagine the amount of letters TPTB would get after this? HOLY MOLY. Hopefully this signifies that they have kissed and made up by now. But I still dont like this impending doom. It does not ease my heart what so ever.

Edited to remove part of a spoiler. You cannot reveal the source.
o_O Now the main csifile page is telling us to keep a watch out for the final scene. What are the odds this'll get cut now? *cough* Hottness. Where do they get their information from? Obviously not CBS... Anywho.. Yay! I love GSR spoilers.

Adzix, you have the willpower of an... well, something very stubborn. As do the rest of you spoiler free people. Good for you!

As for me, I'm leaving a quarter for the spoiler fairy tonight.

And to make this a tad more GSR related -

Wishing you all the peace, love, and GSR your stomach can handle. Goodnight, I LOVE YOU!

Wow, that got weird.

That is all.
hide my opinions...
i have seen this spoiler in two other GSR sites...will it actually make it, who knows? but just knowing it is out there is enough to make you dizzy. And this is only episode 17 ...there will be about 6 more after this one!!
Yeah... I really can't wrap my head around this. Now having said that, according to the spoilers here, a GSR scene will be at the end. While I think it's very, very easy to cut scenes slapped in the middle, end scenes tend to be there because they're important. While I just can't see this on CSI, the fact that it may very well be the end of an episode could suggest that even if we don't have this exact scene, something to that effect will probably have to be shown. I really can't tell right now. I can't tell if it's really ridiculous or actually plausible.

oh man. i am so tempted to read this spoiler, it's not funny anymore. i feel that something really good is coming up, i'm happy about it, even if i don't know what it is. of course i now know WHEN to expect something huge, but i don't mind this kind of spoilerishness.

Just so you don't have to break your vow, Adz - lemme just say that we can't decide if this is really good or bad or WTFCRAZY, and it will very, very likely be cut. So I wouldn't bother.
sarahvma said:
Just so you don't have to break your vow, Adz - lemme just say that we can't decide if this is really good or bad or WTFCRAZY, and it will very, very likely be cut.

I vote for the latter. :lol:

Kisses Kisses, I like Kisses. I like GSR kisses. I would really like it if they would occur somewhere besides in my imagination. But whatever.

Me, too! Please, for the love of all that is good and holy.

This spoiler is so off the wall, that it makes me believe that the Sara DOOMsdayers are not as loopy as I originally thought (and hoped) they were. Why would they do a scene like this unless it was a setup for something down the line. Like someone said, we still have 7 or so episodes after this for things to go wrong. Eeek. Maybe they are just being nice to us, and none of this has anything to do with doom whatsoever. Yeah.
Ok, I now wish I was also spoiler free. I read spoilers to find out what is going to happen, because I am impatient, And alls it does and cause more questions. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I am one of those people who read the end of mystery novels so I can relax and enjoy the ride. That is what I need from GSR, when all is said and done, how will it all end???? Happily ever after I hope. That is why I enjoy fiction.
My feeling is this: they would not be getting them back together this soon if killing off Sara was not an option. The fact that they have been reunited (and it feels so good - lol) suggests that they are leading to a scenario where Grissom will be far more hurt by her death than if, say, they were still broken up. If their getting back together was more important, they'd leave it to the finale, because it would imply happy GSR next season. Now I'm not totally raising the white flag and letting Sara rage against the dying of the light here, but I don't want to see GSR blamed for the withering of CSI, nor do I want Jorja (and preferably Billy, but he's already signed so oh well) associated with it. I don't think CSI should go on for an eighth season. I think they should end this one well, but they aren't going to do that. So instead, I'd rather enjoy this as if it were a last season, and a really dramatic, sad ending would be a nice conclusion, for me. And it's sort of like how a horror movie has to have humor - if, and they'll know this better when they start to film this episode - if they are going to kill her, every tragic love story needs its light and silly moments as well. And this may very well be what that represents, if it's filmed and aired.
sarahvma said:
I don't think CSI should go on for an eighth season. I think they should end this one well, but they aren't going to do that. So instead, I'd rather enjoy this as if it were a last season, and a really dramatic, sad ending would be a nice conclusion, for me.

I snipped it a bit, but that's the part I really wanted to reply to: I would really love for this to be the last season, though I figure TPTB want to milk the show for all it has left in it... Which I don't think is a whole lot beyond this season. I'd love for Grissom and Sara to ride off into the sunset at the end of this season...

BTW: To everyone giving me more moments to add to the list, would you mind PMing them to me? I'm getting lost in all the posts! :) Also, one sided moments are AWESOME, as I know we've had a lot of those...

I thought I was reading a fanfiction the first time I saw that scene. I keep telling people that it feels too Riker/Troi for CSI... I mean, it's hot and sexy... but I don't know what I think of it until it airs... Also, no one will answer me on whether or not it is a flashback... so I could totally see it as a flashback, and if so, it's really powerful. I mean, him shaving his beard to everyone signified he had a girlfriend, but for him and Sara, it was a sign of TRUST. He trusted her with a razor against his skin. He let her gently apply the shaving cream to help smooth out the process, then let her take the blade gently against his skin, cutting off the rough parts, the prickly bits against his skin until he was smooth and new. That's beautiful. I love the imagery of the scene, regardless of if it stays in or not.

So, people, please PM me moments! And don't forget to click on FOGI's banner to nominate for the GOSCARS!
Why does everyon keep talking about Riker and Troi? Did she shave his beard? Or is this just something it seems they would do?
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