Grissom & Sara #25: Running up the Phone Bill

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Haylee said:
someone may have said and I missed it, but when was the csi cooking class??? I noticed WP has his beard. I hope he keeps it. Will this be featured on tv. That I would love to see!!!!!!!!

I was last March.. when he still had the beard!!! here's another one from there.. and Alyssa wow, thank's for all the work you did on the "SCENES" and what happened.. amazing.. and so interesting.. so we don't forget :D..good job

Alyssa said:

Help! What episode do they cross the street arm in arm?

That would be "Anatomy of a Lye," when Grissom holds Sara's arm as they approach an intersection and pulls her back when a car speeds by in front of them. It's one of my favorite GSR scenes, actually. Also, later in that episode, when they've reassembled the parts of the perpetrator's car in the garage, Sara sprays the seats with luminol, and they start glowing from all the blood. Grissom tells her, "You do know how to light up a room." Awww. :)

Also, I'm not sure if it's considered an "official" GSR moment, but I really like the brief scene in Grissom's office during "Unbearable," where Sara comes in and gently teases him about having to do paperwork. Then he asks her if she's doing OK, and she pauses for a moment before answering that she is. It's nothing dramatic, but I love the look they exchange in that moment. You can clearly see how much he cares about and wants to protect her, as well as how grateful she is for his kindness and willingness to be her shoulder to lean on during her time of immense vulnerability.

OK, I'm done going on tangents to watch my DVDs and catch more GSR scenes. Later.

-- geekprincess
From that ep. "Anatomy Of A Lye" and it is a great scene ;)

"well, you sure do know how to light up a room" :p

takes her arm.. ahhh, so caring!!
geekprincess said:
Alyssa said:

Help! What episode do they cross the street arm in arm?

That would be "Anatomy of a Lye," when Grissom holds Sara's arm as they approach an intersection and pulls her back when a car speeds by in front of them. It's one of my favorite GSR scenes, actually. Also, later in that episode, when they've reassembled the parts of the perpetrator's car in the garage, Sara sprays the seats with luminol, and they start glowing from all the blood. Grissom tells her, "You do know how to light up a room." Awww. :)

Also, I'm not sure if it's considered an "official" GSR moment, but I really like the brief scene in Grissom's office during "Unbearable," where Sara comes in and gently teases him about having to do paperwork. Then he asks her if she's doing OK, and she pauses for a moment before answering that she is. It's nothing dramatic, but I love the look they exchange in that moment. You can clearly see how much he cares about and wants to protect her, as well as how grateful she is for his kindness and willingness to be her shoulder to lean on during her time of immense vulnerability.

Squee! You rock! I shall add those moments to my list! I can't believe I forgot the continuity in "Unbearable" where Grissom actually followed up with his statements from the episode before by going out of his way just to ask Sara if she was ok! And, thank you for giving that episode name. I am just so outta it, right now. I know there are other moments. I'm looking at my list, and it doesn't feel full enough!
Alyssa said:

What'd I miss!? I used the Geek Love timeline to try to help fill in my gaps... but what else is there? Help! What episode do they cross the street arm in arm? What aboutPSVs... Any other references and moments?!

In "Committed" he gave Greg and Sara both a very jealous look when Greg was flirting with Sara when he was holding the pillow. Also in "Anatomy of a Lye" when they went to that lawyers house with a search warrant Grissom took Sara by the arm and made sure she didn't walk into the water that his sprinkler was spraying. He is always so gentle with her, it's so sweet. If I think of anything else I'll let you know. I was thinking of compiling a list like this myself. It was a good idea, thanks for doing it. :cool:
Alyssa, are you also including "one-sided" GSR moments on your fiance's list? One of my favorite scenes of that type comes at the end of "Caged," when Grissom and Aaron are talking about Veronica's death.

GRISSOM: I like order.
AARON: Me too. That's why I was scared.
GRISSOM: Scared?
AARON: Of Veronica. Being in love. ..."Then must you speak of one that loved not wisely..."
GRISSOM: "...but too well." [quoting "Othello"]

I remember that the first time I watched it, I almost cried. I know, I know, I'm pathetic and super-GSR-nerdy and all that, but GSR was the first thing I thought of when I watched that episode (although I should note that I never saw it until after the Season 6 finale). All I could think of were the parallels between Grissom's and Aaron's situations. Both were highly-educated, orderly experts in their respective fields who were perfectly content with the methodical routines in their lives until they met women who turned their neatly ordered little worlds upside-down. Both found out the hard way that love can wreak the utmost havoc with one's most careful plans. Of course, Veronica betrayed and used Aaron, whereas Sara would never do that to Grissom -- but Grissom didn't figure that out till well after "Butterflied." In fact, I see this scene as almost a pre-"Butterflied" of sorts, although besides the obvious plot differences (i.e., no major age difference, Aaron didn't kill Veronica whereas Lurie did kill Debbie, and so forth), there's the fact that at this point Grissom almost certainly didn't recognize his feelings for Sara. Still...I thought it had some great parallels.

OK, second analytical rant of the day finished. :rolleyes: What can I say? I just love taking advantage of excuses to discuss weird random GSR moments. Back for more later. Out.

-- geekprincess
Good job on your analytical post, GeekPrincess! That's one episode I've never seen, but I really like your explanation of that particular scene.

Alyssa, I've been doing very little GSR-analyzing of late, so I think the Crown of Analysis officially passes to you for... oh, at least a month. ;)

And your fiance is doing an essay on GSR? That is totally freaking awesome! Good on him! (Pssst... any chance he'll share what he wrote with us?)
Wow, I am very impressed by the GSR moments broken down by season. I have to say you deserve the #1 GSR fan award or at least the most observant.
I was happy to hear that WP signed for season 8, but I am worried that they have not said that JF has. After that one year when they almost did not sign George Eads or her, I never know what they are up to. If she is not on what will happen to the ship. After building this relatiionship since the beginning it can't end badly, that would be senceless. Has anyone heard if she has signed yet???
I don't think they want to release any info on her signing because it might ruin the season finale if they do indeed have her in a life-ending situation, or if her and Grissom are at the crossroads in their relationship. It would give away too much info on what might happen if they devulge that info to us. This is just a theory not at all fact.

And no my spoiler did not give a yes or no answer as to whether she signed or not, I just gave a theory. I have no clue if she has signed yet or not.

I read over at the GSR site, that she's the only one who hasn't signed on yet for S/8.. supposedly according to this same site Billy has!!! but, until CBS or their PR people give out an official statement, it's still hearsay.. rumors.. gossip and inuendos!! I just wished they'd give all the fans a break.. and say something..soon

STILL RUNNING UP THAT PHONE BILL Sara, baby I miss you!! :p
So does that mean that Billy signed already? OMG CSI with no Jorja is like NO CSI for me!!! Hopefully katjo's theory is true. It does kind of make sense though if they still going for the Mini crime scene with Sara in it Hopefully thats why she hasnt signed so no one will make up rumors and stuff.
hey y'all.

oh my gawd, i just found a polish CSI board. but they don't have spoiler boxes. yeah, that's why i'm still here.


'Lyssa, seriously, awesome GSR timeline. i don't have anything in particular to add to it.

oh, did you list the "This is not a negotiation"?

okay, i've been in a VERY strange mood lately. i feel a tremendous urge to ... party. everytime i put my headphones on i start to dance and go crazy. i almost slipped on mud on my way to church yesterday. if that tree wasn't there ... i don't even want to think what would happen.

anyway, i need to say something GSR related.

umm, people on polish board are GSR in majority. and they love my icons.


okay back on topic. i wonder if they will make Grissom interact with Keppler (now that was SO GSR-related). anyway, i would like to see that. are they gonna make Grissom treat Keppler in the same way he treated Culpepper? or maybe he'll just stay indifferent. i would also like to hear a conversation between Sara and Keppler about Grissom. you know, maybe someone with "fresh eyes" will pick up on GSR.

if they won't make them meet, i hope to see a comeback scene. accompanied with a make-out session.

thank you for your attention, peace.
I hate doing the whole "only posting spoiler boxes" thing, but it's life.

Well, okay, here's something the unspoiled can read. I'm signing up for Team CleanShaven and Team Geek Babies, though I don't think Sara's pregnant at the moment. I believe we'd be getting a more emotional rather than physical sign of pregnancy. Actually I had a dream about that (and it wasn't dirty, okay)

Okay, people keep on saying that the MCSK is somehow going to threaten Sara. Is this confirmed somewhere or am I missing something? :confused: (I do that alot.) If Jorja's not signing up for season 8, the pregnancy theory could be correct (hmmm). Easy way to write someone off without killing them... :rolleyes: I dont know, it's just a thought. She probaby isnt, because I couldnt imagine the angst going on while baby is on the way. Too much trauma for one ship to hold. Atleast in this season.

Edited because you get 10 bucks if you can name the artist who sings the spoiler box song.
Shipwrecked said:

Edited because you get 10 bucks if you can name the artist who sings the spoiler box song.

Yay for John Mayer! I actually wasn't even a John Mayer fan before, but after seeing him in 'Built to Kill' I totally crossed over. (Oh and I accept cash, checks, and all major credit cards :lol: )

I kind of have to agree with everyone who thinks that they're just holding off announcing anything to preserve the suspense. Because if I let myself think about the possibility that they may actually kill her off, I lose the ability to function in the real world (How sad is that? Though at least I know I'm not alone...)
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