Grissom & Sara #25: Running up the Phone Bill

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what mystery's been giving us, I think that there's actually a pretty strong chance that Grissom was Grissom enough to send Sara a ring. I also think that what she did with it? She sent it back. It makes sense, because it's the only way Grissom would know for a fact that she opened it, and I think he would be pretty hurt if he received it in the mail with no response or note or anything.
I am actually really excited about redrum this week, Hopefully we will get some one sided GSR at least. And of course we will be yet another episode closer to the return of Grissom, and the answer to the big question, Will the beard be back!!!!!!!! Has anyone seen a recent picture of him lately?????
Hmm... will the beard be back? I know WP grew a beard for his play, but I bet he'll shave it off for CSI. Who's ever heard of going from bearded to clean-shaven within one season? Okay, it could happen ;).

butterflied814 said:

Yay for John Mayer! I actually wasn't even a John Mayer fan before, but after seeing him in 'Built to Kill' I totally crossed over. (Oh and I accept cash, checks, and all major credit cards :lol: )
Cha-ching. *Hands you bubble money.* (I hope you've seen that episode of Anyway...

So, I'm guessing the whole MCSK targeting Sara is just a theory. I sure hope so. In other news...A RING?!? As in a "Will you marry me?" ring? Or is it just a ring. I guess it could be an apology ring, but if it's an engagement ring, I'm not sure who to be angry with. She could at least call the man instead of stamping a return to sender on the box. But maybe that flashback will give us a little more background. Does anyone know what the flashback's gonna be saying other than "hey, check this angsty ship out"? Or is that top secret TPTB stuff?
Sorry if that spoiler box makes me sound drunk. I'm really not. I just cleaned out my fridge though, so there's no telling what kind of fumes I just inhaled. :confused:

if they won't make them meet, i hope to see a comeback scene. accompanied with a make-out session.
I dont want Keppler and Grissom to meet, but a comeback with a make-out session would be nice.
Sarah thought that Mystery (at ytdaw) was hinting towards a ring as the gift Grissom sends Sara. I was just wonderin what type of ring that might be, but I'm assuming it's an engagement ring. We think it's the real gift.
Shipwrecked said:
I dont want Keppler and Grissom to meet, but a comeback with a make-out session would be nice.

I need to read slower. I thought you meant Keppler and Grissom were making out. :eek: That would be different. I'd prefer it was Sara, but at this point...

Does anyone know if Sara has more than five minutes of screentime in this episode or any in the future. We need more Sara than we've been getting so far this year.
Its growing:

Team CleanShaven:

He He. soon we will conquer the world *maniacal laughter* Mwahahahahaha.

erm yah so. egarly awaiting next epie.

if they won't make them meet, i hope to see a comeback scene. accompanied with a make-out session

the first time i read i thought you ment gil n' keppler.LOL. yah that would be real hot!

Ha me and brass_lives both need to read slower
A ring.. nice.. I highly doubt tis.. but it would be awesome, and a dream come true for all of us, not to mention Sara, maybe he'll put it in a little butterfly box
and I think he'll come back as before no beard

his "play" look :(

his "no beard" look
rszski67 said:

Holy freaking shit. Dear God...I... dude, FINALLY! Le sigh x1000. That made me super stoked for when Grissom comes back. As for the whole MCSK/Sara thing...I know it's still unknown whether or not Jorja will continue CSI in season 8, but I kind of like not knowing. That way, if Sara is one of the MCSK victims, then we won't know whether or not she dies or not. I'm not saying I want Sara to die or anything, I love her. But I find it more fun to watch shows when I don't know what the ending will be, you know? I really like the idea of her being one of the killer's victims/hostages/whatever. That probably sounded like I want her to die again, didn't it? Well I don't. I just like action. Yyyyyyyeah! *jazz hands* Hooray for hot shaving scenes!

I feel bad for only posting with a spoiler box, but I don't really have anything else to say, lol. Sorry, Adz and all you other unspoiled people!

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rszski67 said:
THIS might blow up the board fallen idols 7X17 Last scene?

WOAH. Like - WOAH. Where did you hear this from? I.. I.. ughh. Hold on, I must breathe. *Hyperventilating is heard* Okay. I'm good. I think that showing Sara shaving off Grissom's beard on screen would be ... too different to be seen on CSI. For some reason I don't think it would happen. I just won't believe it. I REFUSE. rszski67 no offence to you or anything, it's just I don't see it happening on the show.

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rszski67 said:
THIS might blow up the board fallen idols 7X17 Last scene?

HOLY CRAP!!! :eek: DEFINITELY SOMETHING TO BE EXCITED ABOUT!!! I just hope it doesn't get the Dr. Parker cut. That is freakin awesome. :D :D I even double checked it at YTDAW. I think it's a "where'd the beard go" flashback, but I could be wrong. It would make sense tho. HOLY POO I'm still really excited. :) :)

:lol:And sorry about the whole Grissom and Keppler misunderstanding. Like I said, fridge fumes can get to you.
I want Sara and Grissom to make out, not Grissom and Keppler :lol:

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I am in a horribly ewey Gooey GSR inflated bubble today. Seriously? This is getting baaad. I think I need a life. I'm sitting here, bored out of my mind, with enough of my own personal drama collapsing the walls around me, and I don't even care because I'm just giddy about CSI.


It's becoming an all consuming thing with me. When I sleep I dream GSR, when I drive I daydream about GSR (go ahead, ask me how many traffic accidents I've almost been in) When I'm at work, I write about GSR... I think I need to see a shrink about this problem. I am addicted to a relationship that exists between two fictional characters. Think they have meetings for this kind of thing? No? Damn.

Did mystery/Gibby say this? Because this doesn't seem very CSI like. Then again, neither did the WtG scene. Damn my refusal to log into YTDAW!! GAH! ... well, we all know that even if it makes it into the script - it tends to wind up on the cutting room floor. But DAMN how hot would that be? *fans self* I think I'm overheating just imagining that... hey wait, didn't we talk about this just a little bit ago? I think we did. Wow. We're being stalked by TPTB.

Well, I have to agree with Reeble on this one - I DON'T want her to die, but I also don't want to know if she's NOT going to die... you know? I like the drama that comes with not knowing things (one of the major deciding factors in my decision to stop running for YTDAW) I'm an angst whore - a drama whore - so I would probably enjoy it a little to much if they put Sara's life on the line before announcing whether or not Jorja was coming back for season 8. Speaking of which, has everyone else signed on? Or no? Do we know? And by 'we' I mean 'anyone'. And is WP signed on for all 24 (ish) episodes? Or only like halfish? Why am I still in the spoiler box?

That is all.
rszski67 said:
THIS might blow up the board fallen idols 7X17 Last scene?

It all came from Gibby. And it's been written in the script. Now we just need to wait for it to get hacked. :(

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this is coming from YTDAW.. hmm, is it in the ep description? or is this just speculation? I'd so love to see this.. and I hope with all my heart it's true.. but.. am suspicious, when it comes from another "site" and hasn't been confirmed, anywhere else
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