Grissom & Sara #24: Since Norman Fell

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Hey guys..just thought I'd pop in and let you know that I'm checking to see if the title "She loved his package" is appropriate to use as a thread title (IMO, it's not appropriate). According to the thread title rules (which I hope everybody has read), suggestive titles can't be used.

I believe there are other words you can use besides "package".

But I'll let you know.

Does that mean He Filled Her Box is out, too?

Okay, okay. lol.

We'll take it off.

God I'm lazy. Does anyone want to compile the current nomination list? Minus the package one?

Anyway - I'm very optimistic now with the scene we were given. Sara knew, she was visibly upset, Grissom clearly loves her, and she him...

I didn't see a "problem" in the relationship. I saw worry, I saw concern, but I didn't see a big rift forming between them.
katjo said:
It's a nice thought. I wonder if we will get any physical contact (besides a handhold) from these two? If we don't get something when he gets back, then I give up. I wonder if maybe they haven't gotten to the stage in their relationship yet to say "I Love You". And even though you may feel it, you always DO NOT want to be the first to say it. His mouth said "I'll miss you" but his eyes meant "I Love You"!

I thought the same, his eyes told it all.. showing his (WP's} incredble acting ..again... and I'm sure he tells her that when their alone.. remember their in the workplace, and being discreet!!! got to show this one again!! this was the night before he said "I'll miss you" at their "Place" :p

I don't know how much I am going to like seeing CSI without Grissom. I am going to miss he and Sara's scenes. I know we all are thinking this.
SARA: Hey.
GRISSOM: Well, my cab is here.
SARA: So, you're going?
GRISSOM: Yeah...
SARA: (nods) (turns back to locker)
GRISSOM: (fiddles) (takes a step into the locker room after looking to see if anyone is watching)
SARA: (is being watched by GRISSOM while she puts her badge on) (then, turns to him)
GRISSOM: I love you.
SARA: I love you too, honey.
GRISSOM: (pokes his head out of the locker room) (goes back in)
SARA: Is anyone watching?
GRISSOM: No... (devilish smile)
SARA: Can your cab wait?
GRISSOM: Probably.
SARA: Storage closet?
GRISSOM: Let's go!
wow Great!!! Storege closet LOL!!Gosh, this scene is now in my head!
you know..maybe some day in the future Billy and Jorja will make a show Mad about you, same stile, when we can see them talk about relationship all the time LOL
or CSI never will finish and we can see them together forever
am i dreaming too much? LOL
LMAO..that one is funny. I do like those titles but...they're suggestive.

No, no - I get it.

So... phonsex is out as well?

*puppy eyes*

You're doing your job. Sorry.

And even though you may feel it, you always DO NOT want to be the first to say it. His mouth said "I'll miss you" but his eyes meant "I Love You"!

Oh, for sure. I think when he looked around, he was stopping himself from saying the latter, remembering where he was.

Or perhaps he was making absolutely sure it would be impossible to pin her down.
*sniff* Too bad the good ones are too suggestive :( I still love the phonesex one best.

LOLOL Love that one, Saraxsullivan :)

I think I have a "you're GSR obsessed" and I were playing the Senses game and when the "what does GSR mean?" question came up, I wanted to say "Grissom/Sara!" lol
Oh my god, I can't believe you actually added the package idea to the list in the first place, lol. I was completely kidding, guys. Last time I do that :p Thanks for stepping in and scratching it off before it went too far, CSM. I would have done so myself had I noticed earlier. And cheers for cooperating, Sarah.

Anyway, here is the compiled title list so far:

1] I'll Miss You... but NO BABIES!
2] Grissom Prefers the SF Bay Girls
4] He misses her
5] They miss each other
6] The distance never separates two souls
7] You look in their eyes and see their hearts
8] Since I met you

I added that last one, because it's the new Scorcese ;) And I've omitted all those involving phone sex, too. But they can be re-added if CSM gives them the green light.

We're still taking suggestions, so please, if anyone has something they want, post it!
You guys have some pretty awesome thread title ideas, and you lot have come up with fitting titles before. As 1CSIMfan said, the suggestive ones are out. For future reference be sure to re-read, or read it if you haven't, the thread on Thread Titles.
1] I'll Miss You... but NO BABIES!
2] Grissom Prefers the SF Bay Girls
4] He misses her
5] They miss each other
6] The distance never separates two souls
7] You look in their eyes and see their hearts
8] Since I met you
9) He'll Miss Her
10) I'll Miss You
11) It Gets Cold In Rhode Island
Because I am never around, I thought I'd just pop in and imput some horrible ideas that I had for thread titles...>.<

1.) Maybe Theres A Chance Our Walls Might Fall
2.) At least something stayed in Vegas.
3.) Play the way you feel
4.) GSR - Running out the phone bill this month
5.) GSR - In need of a calling card
6.) Something to miss
7.) Misanthropist Galore
8.) Working up to a full minute onscrene

...I like number four, but whatever. Feel free to ignore me...^^

- Alexx
how about sitting together on their pumpkin?
or phonecompany's sweethearts

and I really think the scene in LLV was perfect like it was. Yes I would have loved to see more but they were at work. There was no way he would have hugged her or kissed her while everyone would have been able to see them, it would have been OOC for them both.

Plus they were both struggling not to cry and if they had touched one of them would have started to cry and then he wouldn't have been able to leave for sure... or if he would have left while she was standing there crying her eyes out... now that would have been rude

so I'm glad that we got the "I'll miss you" and I'll simply hope for some nice scenes when he comes back ;)
sarahvma said:
1] I'll Miss You... but NO BABIES!
2] Grissom Prefers the SF Bay Girls
4] He misses her
5] They miss each other
6] The distance never separates two souls
7] You look in their eyes and see their hearts
8] Since I met you
9) He'll Miss Her
10) I'll Miss You
11) It Gets Cold In Rhode Island

*cough* TS is gonna smack you for numbers 9 and 10

And while I'm all for the NO BABIES!

Hey, it's MY campaign here.

I'd have to say I like GSR - Running up the Phone Bill

Or how about just a simple - Miss You.

That's all I have time to say right now - I gotta go to work. Again. Sometimes I hate being the responsible adult.

That is all.
Hello everyone! *smiles and waves*

I've been lurking in the shadows and reading again as I've not seen the GSR site yet - having to do work and stuff. But it seems to me, from what you are saying, there are regrets. Regrets that he didn't say I love you; that she didn't say anything and we, as shippers didn't get more, So I'd like to propose two thread titles -

1) Coulda Woulda Shoulda.
2) You Say it Best, When You Say Nothing At All.
- because they said little but it meant more.
I like "GSR-running up the phone bill" as a title, if we have to be polite about it. In the back of our minds we will all know that is code for "Phonesex".

Well today is WP's last day doing the play. Has anyone heard any updates on how he is doing and if he's anxious to get back to the CSI set? I hope he has missed it enough that he will stay on for next season too. ;)
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