That's what my Chemistry teacher says every time I go somewhere. It's downright weird. Like me. Meh.However, my boss did tell me he was going to miss me and my twisted Grissom addiction.
<Grissom, Sara, Greg, and Catherine are going over their case. Grissom is staring at Sara while she's talking.>
Sara: So I found this trilobal fiber, and... what?
Grissom: Nothing. <blink blink>
Greg and Catherine: ???
Sara: ...and it belongs to a... what?
Grissom: Nothing. Come- um, go on.
Greg and Catherine: ??? ???
Sara: Ooook. It belongs to a Chevy- stop staring at me!
Grissom: Sorry. I... um... you look...
Greg: Hot?
Grissom: That's the word.
Catherine: <whaps Grissom on the back of the head>
Grissom: Owch! <pout>
Sara: Thank you, Gil. Don't you lay a finger on him, Cath-er-ine. <whack!, glares at Catherine>
Greg: ??? ??? ???
Catherine: DEATH IS IN HER EYES!!!!
Sara: And stay down. Come on, Gil, let's go.
Grissom: Yes, master. <sticks tongue out at Catherine> ^.^