Grissom & Sara #24: Since Norman Fell

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That was you. I should have know that you're the only one that live in Vegas on this board. I don't know anybody on this board live in Vegas. That was good letter, I'm tired of people bashing in the tv guide.
^^ omg, congrats desertwind!! that's so amazing, wow. yeah, this is awesome that they are printing those letters, ya know. they don't favorize anybody, but show both sides of the coin, i think it's fair.
That would be very interesting. We could have his old college roommate or someone stop by. His old college roommate would naturally be hot.
lol, yeah. but it would be so great if people just saw him different, saw him more open to someone. we know he is a different person to Sara, but he cannot show it at work (and thus - to us). so an old friend would show us some of the private Grissom we all thirst to see so much.

lol, am i feeling that ya guys got some pessimistic spoilers? well, i'm actually getting through the state where i care about the gsr happy-ending that much. i mean, i really want it and all, but if there is angst or something really bad happening in the end, i'm gonna live with that. also, there is no point in being upset by anything, like NOW when it's still a few weeks before the next ep.

i'll be thrilled with whatever they give me anyway, that's for sure.

oh and sarah, your box is FULL!
I hate bashers. They're stupid. I'm fine if a person is happy, but really, if you have it so bad that you write in to a magazine to complain, you have issues. Happy is cool, though, because humanity doesn't hear about enough good news. But writing in to complain about something that isn't even supposed to be the main point of a show is like... that's like if I were to join a forum that had CSI, House, and a teensy bit of GA and bash the whole thing just because it had GA stuff. (Speaking of which, House is on today. I think it's a rerun, but I haven't seen it. BTW, I may or may not have ADD.) Was that a good metaphor?
Bah. I don't even know why I bother with these childish people anymore. They don't deserve my rants. Although, that would mean I can't complain about George w. Bush anymore...
Screw it. My rant stands.
Congrats, by the way, Desertwind.
Edited. Because I just have to ask, when exactly did I pull a Greg and graduate from the lab to the field? I'm a CSI now! GASP! WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?!
THANK'S to all of you girls..your the best fans ever :D I'm now in a really jolly holiday mood :D I've always tried to stay positive..on GSR... I posted the :"Leaving Las Vegas" rehtoric in the S/7 Spolier thread..about his leaving and Sara..and wait till you read who he's passing the torch too :eek: blah..blah..blah, go read it!!!or I'll post it here if you want me too..

I didn't realize that I was posting a spoiler earlier. Sorry. I guess because I read it in a magazine I thought it was common knowledge. Anyhow sorry! :( I know Gris bought Sara a plant in season 1, but did he buy her a Christmas gift later on? If so what season was that and what did he give her? I only started watching CSI during season 5, so I have a lot of catching up to do. I just bought seasons 1-5 and I am slowly watching them. I'm beginning to lose contact with the outside world. I love CSI but at the same time I wish I would have never started watching it, especially if GSR gets axed. It's so nice to see Gil and Sara happy. This is the reason I quit watching soap operas when I was a teenager. :rolleyes:
No worries at all, katjo - when it's shown in something like TV Guide, it's a really really fine line as to what a spoiler is or isn't. But basically I think the general rule we've established here is that if it's information about future episodes pertaining to Grissom and Sara, it's a spoiler.

Yeah, he did buy her a Christmas gift later on. Though I think

specifically mentioned the plant because that was another instance where Grissom made Sara angry and made up for it by sending her a gift.
I hate to be a nuissance *cough*
But can someone please just do a brief summary reguarding GSR stuff for season 7 so far? As a UK watcher, we don't have S7 yet (as you know) And I just really can't be bothered reading through all these posts lol!!
I just want to know like significant parts (if any) etc :p

I have seen the first 2 episodes though.

Please :) :p

Episode 1 - Grissom brings Sara a veggie burger for lunch, and kind of winks at her, they exchange cute smiles behind Warrick's back. Grissom says goodbye sweetly to her in a later scene.

Episode 2 - they work together for most of it, and Ecklie comes in and basically says, "Of course you always agree with Grissom" to Sara, and they look at each other like "Does he know?". Cute, but a little much.

Episode 3 - Sara reminds Grissom of the first time they met. Grissom has memorized the title of the lecture. Sara says she expected him to be boring, but was wrong.

Episode 4 - Grissom and Sara flirt and Grissom checks out her ass while she's beating up a dummy.

Episode 5 - Grissom calls Sara "dear" and they exchange religious views. When Grissom recalls exactly what Sara needs to know about the scene, Sara asks if Grissom is trying to impress her.

Episode 6 - Grissom chides Greg for turning the music up in the lab, because he has a migraine. When Sara tells him that it was her, he backs down, and later she asks him to be a bit nicer to Greg.

Episode 7 - Sara and Grissom work the Miniature Case again, and when Grissom is nice to Greg, Sara gives him a smile.

Episode 8 - Sara tells Grissom she "won't wait up" that night (implying that they probably live together and are regularly 'doin' it') because he's being a bit of a grump. Grissom receives a letter asking him to come teach at Williams University.

Episode 9 - Nothing

Episode 10 - Sara starts to take off without explaining her case 'aha moment' to Grissom, like he usually did to her in the early years. When he looks offended that she's not sharing her idea, she says "See how it feels?" and smiles flirtatiously. Grissom gives a bit of a guilty grin.
Speaking of torches, what about the one Grissom carries for Sara? According to CM, his leaving will cause tension in that relationship, the source of which will come clear in a future episode.. when Grissom will try to make things right by "sending Sara something, fans may remember the last time he did that, it was a plant, so for long time fans, this will have RESONANCE"
i think what he will send is important!!! needs to be something original...something says "you are special"....more than "i need you"..says.."i love you". i just don't know what....haa , do u guys have ideas?
I finally got my TVguide with Gil and Sara in it... which makes me feel a little happy. Just a little. :)

It's sorta bittersweet now that I'm worried about LLV and wondering just how badly TPTB could wreck this... Ack.

The pic is absolutely adorable... and it's so nice to have it in real life. Sad thing is... I don't remmeber where I put my other GSR tvguide... somewhere "safe" but I don't remember where that is... lol.
katjo said:
I just got the new TV guide. :eek: It is a double issue.
It made me depressed. :confused: :( It said that Grissoms departure is going to put a strain on their relationship, but that in a later episode he is going to send her a gift to try to smooth things over. It also gave me the feeling that WP won't be back after season 7. :( It says Grissom is feels that his team are now his equals and that he is no longer needed and he is passing the torch to Warrick. He is handing the team over to Warrick while he is away on sabatical, but it gave me the impression that after this season it will be permanent. :( Did not like what I read and don't have a good feeling about January 4th's upcoming episode. :mad: Ticks me off that one week TV Guide poses them as a cute happy couple and then next week it's all DOOM and GLOOM! :mad:

Edited to add spoiler box.

Please make sure that any information regarding future episodes be put in spoiler boxes. As was stated earlier, if you're unsure as to whether it's a spoiler or not, please use the spoiler box. ;)
So last night I finished Season 6 on DVD (it only took me 4 days, sad I know) and when I watched the Special Features I was suprised they didnt talk about the season finale at all. It kinda pissed me off actually that there was not even one mention about GSR, but then I realized something. They talked about episodes that were in the early part of the season and it seems as if they had not even filmed any of the last probably 6 episodes.

I guess I can forgive them for talking too much about LH and Gris because I figured that was one the last episode they had filmed before all the cast interviews. Just my take.

As for LLV, I can tell you I am going to be royally pissed if we do not get something significant for GSR. I mean how can they not address it, they are together and if my boyfriend was going away for awhile I would have some emotion about it.

I hope TPTB just do it right.
So last night I finished Season 6 on DVD

I'm ashamed to admit I haven't gotten these yet. I have the other five seasons though - so bite me. :p

And just so you know I've TRIED to buy them. Really I have. But it seems like every single time I go into the store (take your pick, this is ND - we don't have THAT many) they are sold out. I don't know if I should consider that a good thing or not. Psh. I did see one in a pawn shop a few days ago, but alas; I had to pay my rent.

Besides, some silly person had written Grissom/Sara FOREVER! on the back of the slipcase. I laughed my behind off all the way out of the store.

M'kay. I know I came here to say something productive but honestly? My brain is so bored that maybe I didn't.

I've been on 'vacation' now for a full... 24 hours. Keep in mind that my 'vacation' consists of me sitting around my apartment for a week because Heaven Forbid we should be able to stock pile a years worth of Vacation time so we can actually go somewhere on a REAL vacation.

We get one week a year. If you don't use it, you lose it. So I'm using it. Psh. However, my boss did tell me he was going to miss me and my twisted Grissom addiction.

Apparently I'm more transparent then I thought.

I was watching the TV guide channel last night (Yes, I get distracted by the shows on top and wind up watching it for hours sometimes, instead of seeing what's on.)

And it was that Watercooler show. Best TV showdown. CSI vs. Grey's Anatomy.

And of course they had to make fun of my Grissom. *sigh* At least they didn't say anything harsh about GSR. Right?

And congrats to Desertwind for getting into the TV guide! Score one for the good guys!

How horrible would it be if he just like... was gone? I know that sounds weird and I understand that they are going to have to explain it away somehow... but what if his "No cake in the breakroom" speech comes true and we really don't see an exit. We see him talking to Ecklie. We see Nick mentioning it to Sara. And then? Just *poof* no more Grissom. And yes, that is the nightmare I had last night. No more chocolate Santas before bed.

I hope TPTB just do it right

That could be the Gutterfly mantra from now on.

Oooh! And uh, *twiddles thumbs* I could really use a new GSR icon. Adzix? *bats eyelashes*

That is all.
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