Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding Love

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Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Yeah what does "Dooooooom" exactly mean over there at YTDAW? :confused: ...Anyways, I think that Sara being involve in the MCSK would be so coool. That will mean Grissom to the rescue. Although if it does happen it will probably happened in the mid season not in the finale.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

As for GSR (ie. why we're here, heh) - I don't know that I saw "the look", but then again, my connection was messing up, so if someone could screencap it, I'd give that a major thumbs up!
the look of L O V E. seriously, just look at her. she loves'im guys.
I'm really really hoping that it IS intentional and some character makes a crack about it so we just KNOW that it's intentional already.
agreed, i really want a some sort of a Grissom/Sara - teammate interaction. although, if they are foreshadowing the episodes to make a storyline later, this is going to be a huge continuity. BUT if they wanted this particular factor to use against them in court or wherever, it would be extremely hard to prove anything, b/c like theatre said, those were more group cases than Grissom/Sara "partnershipping". besides, formally on paper Catherine worked with them a lot too if we exclude BTK2.

i love my geeks working together, and if i was to choose whether they work together or not, i definitely wouldn't change anything.

P.S. theatre, i think Ducky just kicked us out from the bribe thread, lol.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

mystery seems to be taking great pains to let us know that this is PURE speculation, but you never really know. She hinted at a GSR finale like it was speculation as well. But for right now, I'd assume she's just guessing.

the look of L O V E. seriously, just look at her. she loves'im guys.
I like that it was very much a look of pride and appreciation, rather than an "I told you so" or "Thank you".

agreed, i really want a some sort of a Grissom/Sara - teammate interaction. although, if they are foreshadowing the episodes to make a storyline later, this is going to be a huge continuity. BUT if they wanted this particular factor to use against them in court or wherever, it would be extremely hard to prove anything, b/c like theatre said, those were more group cases than Grissom/Sara "partnershipping". besides, formally on paper Catherine worked with them a lot too if we exclude BTK2.

Right now it's a little like how we had such a dryspell after Gum Drops - I think that without knowing if WP and JF will sign on for next year (it's looking right now, for what it's worth, like they will NOT) they don't necessarily want to develop the team finding out too early.

You have GSR around the team too much, especially with them working SO many cases together, and I think the team catching on is rather inevitable. Greg certainly had a "Hmmm" look when Grissom didn't say anything back to Sara.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Maybe the whole team knows, but Grissom and Sara don't know that they know. So when Grissom treats Sara slightly different from anyone else from the team (ex. music) Greg pretended to overlook it, and go back to working.

The whole team knows that Grissom doesn't like awkward situations, so they all choose to look the other way when they would otherwise interrogate him like a suspect.

I think that we're taking into consideration that they haven't signed yet too early. Sure everyone else has signed already, but how many months do Jorja and Billy have to think about if they are going to sign. Maybe they just haven't gotten around to it yet. I think we're assuming things before we should. When did everyone sign for season 6 last year? I thought someone said something like February?
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

sarahvma, I love your avatar more than I can possibly say. <3.
I think Greg likes Sara, but that he wants her to be happy above all else. That's why I think he knows, but isn't telling anyone. I totally knew Greg would figure it out first.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

You can thank Adzix for the hotness of that avatar. It was a hard choice - she made 3 of them. Two had Grissom having more of a "My God my girlfriend is hot" look, but I thought that was a better shot of Sara.

And it's more obvious that he's checkin' her ass.

The whole team knows that Grissom doesn't like awkward situations, so they all choose to look the other way when they would otherwise interrogate him like a suspect.

It's an interesting theory that the team already knows, but considering we didn't see the relationship start, I don't know that they'd want to rob the actors of the opportunity to play the exposure part of the relationship as well.

If this is indeed their last season, the writers would probably want to give JF and WP a lot of material to go out with.

hence why mystery is speculating some dooom. Doooom is usually something that plays well on the Emmy nominee screens. If you're not crying, dying or lying, they typically don't give you the nod.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Why is everyone picking on me with the gangsta talk???

I want Sara in doom. I want some freakin' drama and some major consequences. I want to see Grissom torn up. I mean, they stole our scene in Way to Go where we were supposed to see him torn up over Brass. We lost our big Committed chair against the window thing... Therefore, I want a scene with him tore up over Sara. DOOOOM!
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Why is everyone picking on me with the gangsta talk???
Alyssa, dear, it's because you are THE most unlikely to ever talk like that IRL, hehe. Whereas Sarah and Reebs and Zig and I always (well, often) talk like that - albeit to a lesser degree - to each other, bitches.

I do find it sad noone has really commented on it, though :( Maybe people just ignored Reebs' post :p Sure, it's a little off topic but hey, it's funny. Cough. Just work it in to an actual post and you'll be sweet.

It's an interesting theory that the team already knows, but considering we didn't see the relationship start, I don't know that they'd want to rob the actors of the opportunity to play the exposure part of the relationship as well.

If this is indeed their last season, the writers would probably want to give JF and WP a lot of material to go out with.
Agreed, and even ignoring the fun of it for the actors, it'd be a MAJOR on-screen letdown (IMO) to have the team already know.

*Grissom and Sara are making out, Catherine walks in*
CATHERINE: Hey Gil, I...Oh, I can come back
*Grissom and Sara look at each other, realising they've been snapped*
GRISSOM: Uh, Catherine, this isn't, um..
CATHERINE: It's okay, we all already know.
SARA: What?
CATHERINE: Really, it's no big deal.
SARA: Well. Right then.
*Awkward silence*
CATHERINE: So, should I come back, or are you two done?
SARA: I think we're, um, good.
*She looks to Grissom*
SARA: Yeah.
CATHERINE: Okay then.


So I think they'd want to give the audience something more to sink their teeth into, too. It's just not very good television otherwise.

I think Sara dooooooom would work well as a situation for the revelation. Sort of like in my fic *cough* But bigger - that is, more fleshed out than that etc. If you don't know what I'm talking about? Go read my fic, damn it. Heh.
I'm not saying EVERYONE ought not to know - I'd like it if, say, Brass and the Doc knew, (or came to know before the others anyway) but we ought to at least see Cath/Greg/Nick/Warrick/Ecklie/Sofia/Hodges' reactions.

the look of L O V E. seriously, just look at her. she loves'im guys.
Thanks for those, Adz! She looks older in those pics than normal. Not in a omguglywrinklesgogetbotox kinda way or anything, just definitely more 'mature' I guess. It's odd, I don't know how to pinpoint a way to phrase it. She's still gorgeous as ever, though.

P.S. theatre, i think Ducky just kicked us out from the bribe thread, lol.
:( She's just jealous.

Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

^ Lol that is great! Poor Sar and Griss.

But we should definately see the Graveyard shift's reactions.

Umm, I recently got access to the first five seasons and could someone post the biggie eps? I remember really big ones like Primum Non Nocere but I'm not so good with CSI ep names as i am with Buffy or Angel. Thank You!

Gillian S. Grissom
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Why is everyone picking on me with the gangsta talk???

You started it.

Agreed. I think it would be a great opportunity to see a scene the way that Committed was originally written. While I thought it was wrong for that episode - which seemed to be about Grissom and Sara coming to terms with and dealing with their problems rather than starting new ones - now that they're together, I really think a scene like that would work.

So I think they'd want to give the audience something more to sink their teeth into, too. It's just not very good television otherwise.

I think that limiting Grissom's time with Brass, Doc and Catherine also speaks to this theory. Just like limiting Sara's time with Nick.

They just always seem to "know" - so maybe we're watching them both actively avoiding the people who read them like books.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Alyssa I so agree with you on your summary of HUSBAND was a work-alcoholic.. the grocery business, from dawn to dusk.. and the thing I've ALWAYS admired about Sara, is she hangs in there.. stands beside him.. and just so admires everything about him... (me too}and he with her ;)finally :eek: .what ep. was it where she commented about "you always say.". and he goes" what do you do, tape everything I say"? with that great expression he has... :lol: .. men are a strange breed..but LOVE prevails :p

"Post Mortem" and that "creepy" little house :eek:
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

I like that it was very much a look of pride and appreciation, rather than an "I told you so" or "Thank you".
it was indeed a look of appreciation, but pretty modified from what we saw in "Unfriendly Skies". so for me it was another mirror moment to S1. in UnSk, like you said, she was looking at him like we was flawless and ideal. this time SHE pointed out that he is doing something wrong (aka he is not so flawless), and after he corrected his previous behavior she gives him the same look. it says a lot about the development of her attitude towards him, and very pointely shows that they are now very equal, but the feelings Sara has for him, the appreciation inspite of his disadvantages, and respect for him didn't change that much.
I think that we're taking into consideration that they haven't signed yet too early. Sure everyone else has signed already, but how many months do Jorja and Billy have to think about if they are going to sign. Maybe they just haven't gotten around to it yet. I think we're assuming things before we should. When did everyone sign for season 6 last year? I thought someone said something like February?
i agree saraXsullivan. i think we should patiently wait and not think about it just yet. i'll worry or get happy when the decision will be announced by CBS. by now, i don't think about it.
I'm not saying EVERYONE ought not to know - I'd like it if, say, Brass and the Doc knew, (or came to know before the others anyway) but we ought to at least see Cath/Greg/Nick/Warrick/Ecklie/Sofia/Hodges' reactions.
i feel that b/c the contracts are still so uncertain right now, TPTB hold up with any major GSR turnpoints. yeah, they can talk about the past, flirt etc, but the rest is either a mild preparation for a probable future GSR plots, or, well, not. i think it depends a lot on the signing.
Thanks for those, Adz! She looks older in those pics than normal. Not in a omguglywrinklesgogetbotox kinda way or anything, just definitely more 'mature' I guess. It's odd, I don't know how to pinpoint a way to phrase it. She's still gorgeous as ever, though.
you're welcome :) and yeah, i noticed that too! i was looking at the pics and thinking that she actually looks kinda older than normally. but hey what do we expect? i think she still is the character that changed the least out of all since S1. look at Grissom, what a transformation he went through, he kinda came back to S1 a bit though. Catherine, not the same person. Nick, geeez, he was a complete squirt in S1, lol. and sara? she practically looks the same, or better.
She's just jealous.
let her be, we rule anyway :D
You started it.
LOL. just please no remarks about Ken Fuller anyone, please.
They just always seem to "know" - so maybe we're watching them both actively avoiding the people who read them like books.
oooh, good point. i really wish there were more scenes with them though. Greg is one who could NEVER read Gris, so they made a scene with him. but, omg, i soooo want to see Catherine getting suspicious after seeing them interacting *dies*
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

it was indeed a look of appreciation, but pretty modified from what we saw in "Unfriendly Skies". so for me it was another mirror moment to S1. in UnSk, like you said, she was looking at him like we was flawless and ideal. this time SHE pointed out that he is doing something wrong (aka he is not so flawless), and after he corrected his previous behavior she gives him the same look. it says a lot about the development of her attitude towards him, and very pointely shows that they are now very equal, but the feelings Sara has for him, the appreciation inspite of his disadvantages, and respect for him didn't change that much.

Right - but it in no way suggested that she had told him to do it. It almost seemed like she was surprised that he had chosen to thank Greg of his own accord. I thought it was really sweet - just showing that he does listen to her, but he's still going to do something in his own time on his own terms.

i agree saraXsullivan. i think we should patiently wait and not think about it just yet. i'll worry or get happy when the decision will be announced by CBS. by now, i don't think about it.

I understand. I'm just saying that it's a possibility. The fact that TPTB do NOT seem to be fast-tracking the reveal of GSR does suggest that they seem to think they might have another season of it, even if WP only does half the usual amount of episodes.

you're welcome and yeah, i noticed that too! i was looking at the pics and thinking that she actually looks kinda older than normally. but hey what do we expect? i think she still is the character that changed the least out of all since S1. look at Grissom, what a transformation he went through, he kinda came back to S1 a bit though. Catherine, not the same person. Nick, geeez, he was a complete squirt in S1, lol. and sara? she practically looks the same, or better.

Jorja and George look pretty much the same to me, but Billy looks... better now than Season 1, even. I think Season 1 had him a little too tanned and a little too dyed. He looks a lot more natural now.

oooh, good point. i really wish there were more scenes with them though. Greg is one who could NEVER read Gris, so they made a scene with him. but, omg, i soooo want to see Catherine getting suspicious after seeing them interacting *dies*

Greg can't read either of them because I think he admires both so much. For different reasons of course, but it's a little like when Sara had her revelation in Snakes, it came because she was finally deciding to put things to rest on her side.

Nick just knows Sara, and wants to protect her like a brother. Doc is just intuitive, Brass is a brother to Grissom, and Catherine is definitely his protector and very much like a platonic wife.

So it may very well be an active thing on the part of the writers, if they don't want to decide how soon to expose things, to keep the characters at bay from these specific people who would certainly notice something. And then you can assume the characters themselves are doing the same.


The jury is still out on the ratings from last week. Two different sources say that each show won in terms of total number of viewers, but both agree that Grey's won the key demo. No numbers are solid until Nielsen reveals them on, like, Wednesday.

But I did do a little bit of calculation, and Grey's has dropped 20% in 7 episodes. CSI dropped 20% from the Season 6 premiere to the Season 7. In other words, it took an entire season for CSI to lose the same number of viewers tht Grey's lost in a handful of episodes.

In case you're curious - since most premiere numbers tend to be higher than the rest of the season (except for CSI's which rose in its second week) CSI has only dropped 9% in 7 episodes. Less than half.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Wow. This thread is fairly dead right now. I guess we're all waiting for this week's new episode, though I think...

I think this is the episode that is either Sara-light or Sara-less. EEP. So, we'll have to wait for "Living Legend." Wait a sec, that's Cath heavy... so we probably won't see much else. Well, there's always "Loco Motives" when Gris is having his breakdown... Maybe they'll have something shippy in the midst of all that.... OH, who am I kidding?

I have a question we haven't brought up in a while? Do you think they're shacked up at one of their houses? I really think Gris spends most of his days at Sara's place. Based on the nightstands alone in that shot from "Way To Go," I think he's over there a lot. See, in my dreams, or in fanfic, I'd like...

Some sorta thing at the end of 7x13 with Grissom being at Sara's. At first, she notices the door is unlocked and freaks out since she wasn't expecting Gris home for another day or so. As she enters, we all have that foreboding sense of "DOOOOOM!" Then, she realizes Gris is there, and we all relax. He's making her dinner! But, just as it's cozy (And this can all be done in a two minute scene), we switch views to a tiny pincamera that's been hidden in a vent on the wall. We then see through the pincam's view, and pull out to realize we're watching a television. As the camera pulls out, we notice hands in the frame, working on something. It's a mini-Grissom doll (to throw everyone off because we all HOPE it'll be Sara DOOOOOOM if it happens), and the episode ends. I think that'd be a GREAT way to reintroduce the MCSK and up the anticipation factor. :)

Yes, I'm evil.

On a sidenote: I might not be around as much. I love this board in so many ways, but there are just some sections that I want to be a part of, but struggle to. So, I'm going to confine most of my time to this thread, and the forensics section of the board when I'm here. So, if you don't see me around much, don't worry. :) IM me at GeekLoveGiddy. :) I love chatting!
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

I thought it was really sweet - just showing that he does listen to her, but he's still going to do something in his own time on his own terms.
i agree. it also shows that the dominance of one person in their relationship didn't shift on Sara's side either. he certainly won't be a submissive dufus who will listen to everything she says. he will seriously consider it, it may influence his behavior more than any other person's comments, but he will still do all in his own way. again, equality.
I understand. I'm just saying that it's a possibility. The fact that TPTB do NOT seem to be fast-tracking the reveal of GSR does suggest that they seem to think they might have another season of it, even if WP only does half the usual amount of episodes.
and i very much hope he won't quit from everything. i'd rather him to be in half of the eps than not at all.
Jorja and George look pretty much the same to me, but Billy looks... better now than Season 1, even. I think Season 1 had him a little too tanned and a little too dyed. He looks a lot more natural now.
lol. yeah he was a bit too tanned in S3 too. and usually people say that a tan makes you look older, so i think it's better for him when he looks like now.
So it may very well be an active thing on the part of the writers, if they don't want to decide how soon to expose things, to keep the characters at bay from these specific people who would certainly notice something. And then you can assume the characters themselves are doing the same.
i wonder if they will make it public or only known to some chosen people. i'd like the latter more, cuz it seems to have more potential for interesting interactions. for example:

Catherine, Grissom and Sara are in the room. Cath knows about GSR.

Ecklie comes in.

Ecklie: So, what do you think about the case Sara?
Sara: I umm.. I *sigh* I agree with Grissom.
Ecklie: of COURSE you do *glare*
*Catherine stares at Ecklie with her mouth half open*
*Grissom and Sara exchange a confused look*
Catherine: *slowly* Conrad, what do you mean? *squeents eyes*
Ecklie: I mean that the two of them always share the same opinion.
Catherine: Oh.
*awkward silence*
Ecklie: *suspiciously* Is there something I should know about?
All of them: No!

there are so many possibilities.
Wow. This thread is fairly dead right now. I guess we're all waiting for this week's new episode, though I think...
i'm worried, where'd the people go?
I have a question we haven't brought up in a while? Do you think they're shacked up at one of their houses? I really think Gris spends most of his days at Sara's place. Based on the nightstands alone in that shot from "Way To Go," I think he's over there a lot. See, in my dreams, or in fanfic, I'd like...
i always thought that they would be at his place, ya know. i guess it's b/c the choice of the place has a somewhat dominative-submissive character, and since i love Grissom, i don't want him to be submissive. geez, what am i with this LH talk? *sigh* whatever, i don't know if i made sense with that, but it's what i personally feel.

but it's a pretty interesting area of their relationship which is both very relevant and we have basically no clue about. so other than knowing when and how they got together, which is something that already happened in the past, i'm also interested in their "living deal", which is presence. Sara's place may seem more homey but his is bigger, so they may live a bit here and a bit there. or, they may not live together, but after WTG i doubt it. so it's yet another pending question for us.

and y'all don't know how i would LOVE to see Cath performing a Strip Strangler deja vu and seeing them both asleep on his couch with TV turned on, snuggled. i'd simply die. again.
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