Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding Love

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Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

really? i didn't know about that..a thief?...gosh, how can i live without GSR spoilers...i just read spoilers cos we don't know about 7x11 have or not a goodbye scene?

about 7x12 i read There is a murder.. woman, The scene is worked by Greg and Sara. Heroin addict.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

I don't think there are any real "shippy" scenes tonight.. but that's OK.. want to see the show, and what the H... is up with all these minature houses/kitchens :eek:.... and Greg.. and WP, is back in Rhode Islsnd rehearsing for his play.. so he won't be back till Jan :(



Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Yeah - someone broke the rules of conduct at YTDaW, and a few rules of common sense, and told David Rambo spoilers we had received and possibly their source. As a result, the girls at YTDaW decided it would be best to stop giving them more information. Essentially it has been HINTED that we will receive a goodbye scene, but no such scene has been officially spoiled.

I love those pics, desert
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Well, I'm not... but slowly I can make all of you believe my lies...

*shifty eyes*

Okay, pure speculation here, but so far they haven't NOT given us at least a tiny GSR scene. While I am worried about overload, once Grissom leaves, obviously we're going to have a big GSR draught from the pure number of episodes he's gone from, and also because it'll be around the winter hiatus. So perhaps chocking episodes full of GSR now is like collecting the stores for the coming winter. Then we'll all be sorry for asking them to tone it down *pointed snob look*. lol. But yeah - I definitely think we'll get a scene tonight, and if not it will be fun to see the two of them just interacting. With Ecklie guessing that they're already together, I assume sometime between now and the hiatus we're likely to have a scene with Ecklie coming in again and "inferring". aka. I doubt that it's just going to come from nowhere, especially with the great continuity so far this season.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Well im not really expecting any GSR shippery scenes but i wasnt expecting one from the last episode "Burn out" and we did (okay it wasnt shippy but still...) so maybe we get one. I know for sure they are working together cause in the preview they look together on the scene. Well we just gotta wait one or two more hours to find out!! Oh and about no more spoilers on GSR that kinda sucks! But we didnt really get spoilers on "Fannysmacking" (or at least i didnt) and i really liked that scene and thought it was shippery and i liked it a lot especially cause it was so unexpected!
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Thank you very much for the information Sarah!!!

i saw today, finallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy -- Built to Kill, Part 1!!!
wow that the Grissom's look when he say bye for Sara wow... and the Veggie B scene the Sara's look!!!! I love Billy and Jorja!!
was nice Grissom saying for Greg he did a good job haaaaa Sara's look to Grissom ...
well, I decide just read and not see scenes before the episode play here...i need spoilers but i want keep few more the emotion for when i see in i'm using my imagination for Post Mortem, :lol:LOL
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

^^AAAAAAWWWWWWwww i love your avatar IloveBilly

Anyways tonights episode wasnt all that good as i thought it was going to be. And tonight was the first time i didnt notice any shippery scenes with our geeks. It was like the old times just them working the case together. Sara looked Gorgeous like always and so did Griss. Overall i liked it.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

So, the ep wasn't really shippery, and I really didn't want it to be. There was way too much else going on! However, that LOOK Sara gave Gris after Gris told Greg, "Good job?" Oh, heaven. That look of adoration and pride in her man. I love it.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

I think I had higher hopes for tonight's episode. The storyline just didnt seem to go anywhere or keep me really interested. I felt bad for Greg during his inquest, but it didnt affect me as much as I thought it would.

As for GSR, nothing really at all. Its just nice knowing that they can still work together professionally and not be crazy in love the whole time.

Another thought..
I remember reading about Archie trying to set Sara up on a date in an upcoming episode. Seeing as this is the only scene so far this season where we have seen them 2 together, do you think that his line was cut? Just an assummption. Also the kiss? what episode do you think it is?
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

*burning rays of hatred shoot from eyes*
*grabs Dean and swings his head in ziggy's direction creating an uncontrollable shooting of deadly red rays*
rubbing chocolate on his glistening naked body
you know, when there will be a real naked-spoiler, i'm not going to believe it.
Write my test?
PSYCH 101? i got an A on it last year.
Oh no. The world mourns.
i know, i know. i made a whole bunch of GSR icons though. i'll post them later, they're not all ready yet.
Actually it's more cuz she called Billy a fatty.
*silently sneaks behind Jenjac and shifts Dean's ray-bouncing head in her direction*
I think the reason is this: if Grissom went to Sara, said that he wanted to be with her, and they made tender, tender love amongst rose petals, then cool.
i basically believe this one. Grissom seems to be a guy who once decided doesn't withdraw, but pursues to deepen the relationship.
And that was my point - you are far more a Grissom fan than a Sara fan. For Sara fans, if Grissom isn't with her, he shouldn't be with anyone else. And I think you probably don't feel the same way about Sara, but if, let's say, Lady Heather had walked out of that bathroom, if Sara started dating Ecklie, you probably wouldn't care *that* much.
Lady Heather... sorry. sarah, you're an anthropologist. lol. no, but seriously, that's more or less true. to be honest ..okay i'm gonna get slapped, after WTG i was confused and ... damn i'm gonna get slapped, i kinda didn't like it. i mean, i was keeping my fingers crossed for the woman there to be LH, totally. i was like oh, c'mon, it's LH dammit! i saw the dark hair and in one milisecond i thought it is her, cuz you know it wasn't THAT impossible. she was back in POTTR he held her etc. okay i'm going too far with it. but you get what i'm trying to say. so, i had a whole break to adjust, and in fact it didn't take me more than ... an hour, lol. i got on the internet one hour later and downloaded the bedroom scene from i watched it like a zillion times that night. it was a night of my transition from Kessom to GSR people.

so yeah, there was even a spoiler that i saw before WTG that Grissom's new girlfriend will be played by this 20 something year old actress from Lost. Rodriguez or something. and to be honest, i was okay with that. i would be okay with whichever woman on CSI i guess. even Sofia *gulp* cuz i don't dislike her. i think she's ok. *runs away not to get fannysmacked*
I think 5 threads is rather impressive when it's a ship surrounding a character that's been in 3 episodes.
oh yeah, i agree. they were canon after all.
Absolutely no argument from me on that front. Sara had already put herself on the line, so if anything was going to happen between them, it was Grissom turn to make the first move. And, for what its worth, I suspect it was - and I'll continue to believe it was unless canon proves me otherwise...
i completely agree on that. i cannot see any other option for them. i just cannot see sara approaching him AGAIN. i mean, okay a funny guy can ask you for a date like 5 times or more and you finally say okay (it just happened to me this week, lol), but a girl asking a guy is a complete different story. by doing this she shows some vulnerability. besides jorja said in one of the earlier interviews that "the ball was on Grissom's court".
This is all pure speculation, but it's how I read the scene. Sara's willing to have sex, she just doesn't want to rush it.
as improbable as it sounds for the first time i read it, you seem to hit a jackpot on this one.

okay this is stupid. first time i watched this scene i couldn't interpret it at all, and as you said the subtext is just screaming its presence. so i thought that maybe it could've meant litteraly what he said. let's say she unconsciously hit the pillow on his face when they were sleeping, lol (i'd like to see it). in BM she would've laughed at his comment though unless he didn't tell her about it. maybe it was a gentle reminder for her to not to dream about pillow fights. lol

oh, so now the episode. am i after the spoiler-period or not yet? i'll put it into the box for safety.

I agree with Alyssa that this episode contained too much to stuff it with GSR. but, what mattered to me the most in terms of our geeks is that Grissom LISTENED to sara. he remembered what she said, b/c he realizes he lacks some social skills and it's not visible to him everytime he should've been nicer. sara, pointed it out for him, and he listened. it's so great to see him listetning to a woman's advice (other than Catherine's). it never happened before i think. and yeah, the look she gave him was priceless. GeekSex is happening tight NOW people, lol. one more thing which i find amusing is that Grissom tells Greg to take off his suit all the time. again, a little hint that he may perceive Greg as a rival? i don't think so, but it just kinda seemed like it. one more step and Jealous!Grissom will enter the scene!(FYI, i wanna see a J!G)
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

I thought this ep. was outstanding.. riveting. kept your interest throughout ;) those spooky little houses.. and Greg was superb.. and there were some cute GRS moments. they work so well together ;) I liked it alot ;)

Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

I liked the little look from Sara. It wasn't "Ha, told you so" it was more just "Thank you for considering my advice" which was nice.

And I like how he echoed the harsher moment just before Fannysmackin' by telling Greg to get out of the suit. Does he just have the one?

Anyway - solid episode, though I do think that if they're not going to do anything shippy, they really ought to start pairing them with other people. Unless it's supposed to seem suspicious how much time he's spending with her - aka. the team will catch on.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

I liked the beginning when Sara says that there isn't anything valuable in the house, and Grissom says not anymore. I thought that was sweet and telling. It's just a little thing saything that even though he didn't know the woman, he felt her life was valuable
I loved the loving look on Sara's face after Grissom told Greg he did a good job. It made me all melty inside.
I must say it's nice to see Grissom and Sara interacting...even if it isn't as romantic as I would like.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

okay, i saw a few clips over at, and i loooved the episode already! i mean, those miniature-things were soo great! i can't believe the directors can write such a mysterious story.. loved it..! :) and the way gris and sara worked together, it was beautiful symmetry. they just fill up eachother sentences, i think that if he would say: 'she is', sara would answer 'murdered'. ;) when gris said to greg: you did a good job, they zoomed in on sara again, and she looked satisfied. that means she's proud of grissom, that he listened to her advice from last time, when she told him to be nicer to greg. i think it made her very happy. :)
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