Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding Love

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Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Adzix said:
It's funny, because it also sort of shows that they clearly aren't *that* mad at each other if they're still glued to one-anothers' side in their only moment on the case.
well, why would they be mad? i'm still in the camp "the pumpkin scene was positive", ya know. but if you are referring to a possible williams conversation that might've already occured, i think, yeah, they're good.

I agree, Adzix. While the pumpkin scene (lol, I typed 'pumpkin seeds' originally and had to go back and edit :p ) wasn't all hearts and puppies, it wasn't really negative either. It was clouded slightly by the fact that Grissom had this thing to tell Sara (the William's offer) but the smile he gave her when reading the pumpkin quote was adorable, and she was SO teasing him (both with the misanthrope line and the "I won't wait up") - so I really don't think they were mad at each other at any point.

My theory? He followed her home, they spent some time together (yes, by that I mean sex ;) ) and then went to sleep. Next morning, she says something like "You were in a funny mood last night. Is anything wrong?" and he fesses up, tells her about the offer from Williams, and says he doesn't know if he wants to take it or not.

She, being the wonderful supportive gf she is, basically tells him that it's his decision, she'll support him either way, and if he goes, she'll be here when he comes home :)

Yes, I'm a sap. But only when it comes to fiction :p
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

I agree, Adzix. While the pumpkin scene (lol, I typed 'pumpkin seeds' originally and had to go back and edit ) wasn't all hearts and puppies, it wasn't really negative either. It was clouded slightly by the fact that Grissom had this thing to tell Sara (the William's offer) but the smile he gave her when reading the pumpkin quote was adorable, and she was SO teasing him (both with the misanthrope line and the "I won't wait up") - so I really don't think they were mad at each other at any point.
agreed. when he was quoting pumpkin, i didn't sense ANY kind of a second meaning like "leave me alone" or anything similar. he smiled adorably, and all he meant was to point out the beauty of literature. she, on the other hand, caught exactly what the quote was about, laughted at it in her head and teased him with the misanthrope. and her "i won't wait up" was just SO flirty, it's beyond me, lol.
My theory? He followed her home, they spent some time together (yes, by that I mean sex ) and then went to sleep. Next morning, she says something like "You were in a funny mood last night. Is anything wrong?" and he fesses up, tells her about the offer from Williams, and says he doesn't know if he wants to take it or not.
She, being the wonderful supportive gf she is, basically tells him that it's his decision, she'll support him either way, and if he goes, she'll be here when he comes home
this is seriously a dream scenario, if you ask me. if this is what happened, maybe Grissom is not that socially awkward after all.

but i think there may be something more to this. however, i believe, after yesterday's "zero personal stuff" episode that our chances to get the Williams conversation are shrinking. Living Legend, in terms of GSR felt a bit like L&O, ya know.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

There are two possible pronunciations:

See, I've always said it Jew-ler-ee.

Well, yeah - but part of the fun of posting about a ship is pretending like you'd have any actual say whatever in what happens next. lol. I mean, even if the kiss was "accidental" or really angst-ridden, we'd still be thrilled.
What are you talking about, 'pretending'?

You know TPTB actually stands for 'Technological Poster Tally Base'. It's software - quite a basic computer program - that CBS hooks up to the boards via the internet. What it does is basically computes all of our posts from all the threads (shipper, forensic etc. etc.) takes in all of our theories and desires, eliminates the improbable, discards the off-topic (or turns it into character banter - most prominently seen in an episode like Rashomama) and through some technical mumbo jumbo I don't quite understand, it creates an episode by combining all those elements.

They forked out for a continuity upgrade this season, thankfully, which basically means they're able to run all their info through their archives for a final scan before producing the ep. It's a small addition, really, but it makes all the difference.


Okay, here's something - I've heard people mention that Sara seems to use a British way of talking occasionally - has anyone else noticed this? Like, not an accent, but the way she phrases her sentences.
That would be because they bought the dialogue software for the Pilot from an American based company, but by the time the show was picked up and they went to produce Cool Change they had sold out, so they had to buy from an offshore company in the UK. Fortunately their programmers were able to overwrite the diction file, but Sara's general sentence structure remained in UK default.

It's funny, because it also sort of shows that they clearly aren't *that* mad at each other if they're still glued to one-anothers' side in their only moment on the case.
I'm with Adz on this one. I REALLY don't feel the pumpkin scene was negative, and there's no way I think either of them were mad at each other. Plus, even if they had been at the time? Hello, a week later. It's too minor for them to have held a grudge about it for that long. Unless you really don't think our geeks are stable in the least.

yeah, you know i wonder if some TPTB people ever read anything on this board. i mean, a fantastic thing about this is that they have a direct, instant feedback from the biggest fans. i know that the actors rarely go in here, b/c i heard them saying that if they would, they would worry too much about what people think and go crazy. i REALLY wonder if what we write in here has some influence on the real show.
See above ;)

My theory? He followed her home, they spent some time together (yes, by that I mean sex ) and then went to sleep. Next morning, she says something like "You were in a funny mood last night. Is anything wrong?" and he fesses up, tells her about the offer from Williams, and says he doesn't know if he wants to take it or not.

She, being the wonderful supportive gf she is, basically tells him that it's his decision, she'll support him either way, and if he goes, she'll be here when he comes home
Do we know if he's told her yet? I missed the ep, but I'm not sure. I was under the impression that it still hadn't been shared yet. I don't know how much Grissom has changed on a personal level (to be certain, anyway) but maybe this is the kind of thing he would like to mull over on his own until he's absolutely certain what he wants to do, rather than prematurely bother Sara about it. I don't think he's quite reaching that burnout stage yet, so at the moment I can imagine he'd be still in two minds about whether to stay or go (even if he's seriously considering it) - weighing up the pros and cons, good things and worries; rather than thinking "Yes, I am definitely going, how do I tell her?"

Yes, I'm a sap. But only when it comes to fiction
Real life sappiness ain't so bad :p

agreed. when he was quoting pumpkin, i didn't sense ANY kind of a second meaning like "leave me alone" or anything similar. he smiled adorably, and all he meant was to point out the beauty of literature. she, on the other hand, caught exactly what the quote was about, laughted at it in her head and teased him with the misanthrope. and her "i won't wait up" was just SO flirty, it's beyond me, lol.
I totally agree. I actually think it was a really cute scene (even without the fact Sara looked totally cute with her hair like that) and not angsty in the least, with the slight exception of his concerned look at the end when she left the room. I guess it's almost the flipside of 'every cloud had a silver lining', if that makes any sense? Like, the cloudy lining around, er..some silver?

Shut up :p You know what I mean.

I wish I'd seen the episode yesterday, but, with there having not been much GSR, I don't really mind.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

theatresporter said:
Do we know if he's told her yet? I missed the ep, but I'm not sure. I was under the impression that it still hadn't been shared yet. I don't know how much Grissom has changed on a personal level (to be certain, anyway) but maybe this is the kind of thing he would like to mull over on his own until he's absolutely certain what he wants to do, rather than prematurely bother Sara about it. I don't think he's quite reaching that burnout stage yet, so at the moment I can imagine he'd be still in two minds about whether to stay or go (even if he's seriously considering it) - weighing up the pros and cons, good things and worries; rather than thinking "Yes, I am definitely going, how do I tell her?"

This is, indeed, a good point. He may not want to worry her with the possibility of his departure unless he definitely decides to go. And he is still Grissom, despite all the nookie he's been getting this past year and a bit - ie: he still lives in his head. So mulling things over for a while and then telling Sara is a definite possibility.

Again, this leads me to conclude that he went home and they had lots of nookie that night. Nothing helps two people avoid a conversation like sex. :devil:

Real life sappiness ain't so bad :p

You're sappy enough for the both of us, hon :p

I totally agree. I actually think it was a really cute scene (even without the fact Sara looked totally cute with her hair like that) and not angsty in the least, with the slight exception of his concerned look at the end when she left the room. I guess it's almost the flipside of 'every cloud had a silver lining', if that makes any sense? Like, the cloudy lining around, er..some silver?

Shut up :p You know what I mean.

Your analogies just... blow me away... :p

But I'll agree with you on the Sara cuteness factor. The woman is hot on a normal day, but she was smokin' with the curly locks. Yum... :)
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Alright, that's it - no more sappiness or analogies for Fogs. :p

And he is still Grissom, despite all the nookie he's been getting this past year and a bit - ie: he still lives in his head. So mulling things over for a while and then telling Sara is a definite possibility.
Did anyone else just have an image of a mini Grissom walking around in his head, drinking a glass of mulled wine?

Seriously though, I think Sara appreciates and understand's Grissom', "Emotional Introspection" or whatever you'd call it. Because of that, I don't think she'd find it to be a breach of trust or any sort of "lying by omission" deal if he was to hold off telling her about Williams before he was certain.

Just so long as he's not moody around her all the time ;) A girl needs reassurance, what can I say?
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

theatresporter said:
Did anyone else just have an image of a mini Grissom walking around in his head, drinking a glass of mulled wine?

No - but NOW I do!!! (mmm, mulled wine, I want some now...)

I have this lovely image of Grissom and Sara spending any spare time they have this Christmas sitting in front of an open fire and a tree, sipping mulled wine and watching old movies. Grissom's favorite would be "Its a wonderful life" - he'd chalk it up to Capra being a great director and his enjoyment of Jimmy Stewart movies, but it would really be because he's got a small sentimental streak in him, and he used to watch it with his mother.

Sara on the other hand would have a yearly tradition of watching Scrooged. Why? Because. Everyone should watch Scrooged at Christmas. Its a frickin' classic.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Sara on the other hand would have a yearly tradition of watching Scrooged. Why? Because. Everyone should watch Scrooged at Christmas. Its a frickin' classic.
You know, I've never seen that (or It's a Wonderful Life, but that's another story). Yes, I suck as far as what movies I haven't seen but should have.

Anyway, it's funny you mention Sara watching 'Scrooged', because I never really imagined her as the Christmassy type. It could be part of her going all "Pah!" at weddings as well (yes, I know she's not anti-marriage, just anti-stupid, but: "How can the love be real if the flowers aren't?" [possibly paraphrased]) and her applying a similar way of thinking to the traditionalism of Christmas and what the holiday means.

Her obviously not being a Christian could be a sliver of that, but it could also come down to the fact she probably respects Christians and disapproves of materialism bastardising their celebration. Plus, with Christmas being generally about family time, and Sara not really having family, I can imagine her staving off it a bit (despite the continued Christmas spirit of no-family-Annie in While You Were Sleeping [love!!]).

I can see Grissom's traditionalism and Sara's realism (sort of bordering on cynicism, possibly) complementing each other, though. As alike as those two are on the whole, it's these kind of differences that add to the beauty of them as a couple all the more, because it means they're able to open up each other's worlds all the more with their own thoughts and ways :)

Also comes back to the aforementioned belief in ghosts and their canon differences there, too ;)
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

I was told to come post by TS and Fogi so here I am.

Not a sliver of GSR last night, but I enjoyed it anyway. Roger Daltrey is so frigging awesome it makes me hurt. He was once on Lois and Clark and he was even awesomer on that than he was last night.

I'm okay with no GSR cause we already have so much to live off of for the moment that we'll be okay.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

TS: We know Grissom and Sara do Christmas because of the episode "XX." Sara comments on how Grissom gave her an Entymology Text Book as a Christmas present the year before, to which the boys make fun of her, commenting that they don't remember getting gifts from Grissom. :) So, yay for Gris and Sara being called out.

Speaking of calling out, I watched the "Hunger Artist" today, which is a really tough episode for me to stomach. Despite all the graphic things I've seen on this show, one of the images that haunts me most is the girl picking her own face apart, desperate to be beautiful when she was already gorgeous.

Anyway, besides the obvious (moth to the flame, gal named Sara), there are some really interesting things in there, and some nice continuity.

In light of our recent crossword puzzle madness involving the word, "misanthrope," Sara notes in "Hunger Artist" that Grissom likes crossword puzzles. Yay for continuity! I know, for ages we've seen Grissom with crossword puzzles (he had one at the end of "Roshamama"), but it was just a nice ltitle thing.

Also nice was Grissom's comments on symmetry in looking for a mate. I know a lot of us pay attention to the symmetry between Grissom and Sara, so I found his comments on that to be very engaging, and thought I'd refresh everyone:

All animals prefer symmetry in their mates. The male Japanese scorpion flies with the most symmetrical wings gets the most mates.

WARRICK: So, really we're not talking about being beautiful at all.

GRISSOM: In terms of entomology being beautiful is about being even. It signals the fitness to procreate.

It's just so strange to sit here and think about this comment now, on symmetry, and how we often look at the symmetry between our own duo. Maybe Grissom finally picked up on it and it motivated him.

Another quote I found interesting was Grissom's final encounter with Cassie James. Looking back, they mean a lot. Sure, no one probably planned for them to. But, it's nice when a show gels. Here's what Cassie James had to say:

CASSIE JAMES: You never know what you need until you find it. And the next thing I find it might be the thing that changes everything.

GRISSOM: What will you do when you find it?

CASSIE JAMES: Sleep ... the most perfect sleep.

What did Grissom find? He found Sara. He found that thing he wasn't even really looking for. At his age, he was content to remain a bachelor, but a part of him kept tugging because of his proximity to a woman that just could be the one if he was able to let go of his fears and control issues enough.

And, I bet that first night together, they both slept a perfect sleep.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Alyssa said:
Another quote I found interesting was Grissom's final encounter with Cassie James. Looking back, they mean a lot. Sure, no one probably planned for them to. But, it's nice when a show gels. Here's what Cassie James had to say:

CASSIE JAMES: You never know what you need until you find it. And the next thing I find it might be the thing that changes everything.

GRISSOM: What will you do when you find it?

CASSIE JAMES: Sleep ... the most perfect sleep.

What did Grissom find? He found Sara. He found that thing he wasn't even really looking for. At his age, he was content to remain a bachelor, but a part of him kept tugging because of his proximity to a woman that just could be the one if he was able to let go of his fears and control issues enough.

And, I bet that first night together, they both slept a perfect sleep.

Oh, I so love their interaction, AL. It was complete and utter foreshadowing (intentional or not) to everything Grissom would go through before he and Sara would finally get together. I also love the previous couple of lines in their dialogue:

CASSIE JAMES: I mean, you know, y-y-you-you can pick through a million lives and never have one of your own.

GRISSOM: Looking for things, analyzing them ... trying to figure out the world -- that's a life.

He basically convinced himself that he could have a life that consisted of just his work. He thought he didn't need anything else. He was still clinging to this belief in Butterflied. But he was wrong, so very wrong. And he must have realised it, otherwise he and Sara would never have gotten together as they have. Yay for personal growth, no matter how late in life it comes along... :)
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

TS: We know Grissom and Sara do Christmas because of the episode "XX." Sara comments on how Grissom gave her an Entymology Text Book as a Christmas present the year before, to which the boys make fun of her, commenting that they don't remember getting gifts from Grissom. So, yay for Gris and Sara being called out.
Aah yes, aware of this - But that indicates Grissom does Christmas - that he gave her something - not necessarily an indication of her views on the holiday ;)

1000 posts! Moving to new thread ;)

If you could close this one up for us, CSM, that'd be awesome.
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