Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding Love

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Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Well, first things first...

Poll: If there had been an option between #1 and #2, I would have picked that one, but I went with #1. I don't have any doubts about Grissom and Sara's relationship lasting, especially now that both of them have changed so much and dealt with so many personal issues since the earlier seasons -- and hey, canon is canon. And of course I've enjoyed the heck out of all the shippy scenes we've gotten so far this season -- YAY! :D However, I do feel strongly about hoping that if the writers ever do decide to enlighten us about when & how the relationship started, they will show Grissom taking the first step. I also hope that first step included some sort of apology. Mind you, I'm not saying I think Grissom should have gone groveling to Sara on his hands and knees serenading her with every Shakespeare sonnet in the book (although Adzix might like that ;)), but I do think he needed to say he was sorry for the pain he'd caused her, because IMO it was a considerable amount. Yes, she picked some inopportune times to express her feelings for him, and yes, she could be confrontational and accusatory at times, but I think his callousness and outright disregard for her feelings in many instances outweighed that -- i.e., "Playing with Fire," "Butterflied" (when he shut her down after she offered to help her at the crime scene), "Ellie," "No More Bets," "Burden of Proof," "Let the Seller Beware," and so on. Even at the beginning of "Bloodlines," when he offered her the chance to take a vacation, he phrased it in terms of what he thought she should do, rather than talking to her and trying to figure out what was wrong, a la "Nesting Dolls" (not necessarily right there in the lab, even -- just offering to take her to breakfast or somewhere else where they could talk away from work). I don't blame his attitude for all of Sara's problems -- drinking, blowing up at Catherine, etc. -- but it definitely didn't help matters, and I think that if you want to start a relationship at a new level with someone, or even renew a friendship, you should make a point of clearing the air, so to speak, and dealing with the major problems you've had with them in the past. Did Sara need an apology for every little thing? No. Did Grissom need to have a personality transplant for her? No, and it goes without saying that she knows he'll always be awkward, enigmatic, and workaholic to a degree. Is she marking all of his sins in her little black book and crossing them off one by one as he atones for them? As some here have already said, no. But did she deserve explanations and apologies before their relationship could really be healed? IMO, absolutely.

*deep breath* On to next subject...

Episode: Not totally what I expected, but definitely intriguing and very heart-wrenching to watch. Aside from wanting to bust into that courtroom and deck everybody who was making poor Greg's life so miserable, I found myself keenly interested and absorbed in the MCSK case -- even though I knew pretty much from the get-go after last week's preview that the nephew and the drug dealer weren't viable suspects. And, of course, I love watching Grissom and Sara work together -- not even in a shippy sense, but just putting their geekily brilliant heads together to figure out a case. It reminded me in that sense of the episode "Compulsion," which is one of my all-time favorites. I must say I was mildly surprised that Grissom's migraines didn't continue, especially after seeing him peering at that tiny crime-scene replica for what had to be hours on end -- but maybe that's because I kept on hoping we'd get a super-shippy "Sara-comforting-Grissom" scene. ;) Ah, well, a girl can dream. :) In any case, I was really glad to see Grissom finally pay Greg a compliment and show such caring and concern for him.
And I like how he echoed the harsher moment just before Fannysmackin' by telling Greg to get out of the suit. Does he just have the one?
My personal opinion on that one is that he wants Greg to be able to get out of "work mode" and not to be so hard on himself; I think he's trying to get Greg to avoid not only burnout, but also becoming a distant workaholic like he is (well, used to be anyway...being with Sara has changed some of that). Anyway, it was really wonderful to watch him take his girl's advice and show Greg he actually cared. Awwww. :)

~ geekprincess
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

IloveBilly said:
Thank you very much for the information Sarah!!!

i saw today, finallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy -- Built to Kill, Part 1!!!
Me too.. I like that epi.. even though I found it a little bit confusing..all that cases..the end and cath wth happen with her? dont tell me! Anyway..Did you see sara's look she gave to grissom when he brought her lunch..?? so cute!
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

i voted for the second option, like i already said: he took her advice, and she was just happy about that! :)

you know, here in holland, they just aired the episode with Teri Miller, and i was on the couch screaming: noooooo, not TERI, were the f... is sara in this whole situation???? sara????? nonono, NOT grissom and TERI, grissom and SARA!!' my mother told me to calm down, but ofcourse, i was going crazy because he looked soo freakin' happily around Teri! i mean, i loooved Teri, she is a sensitive women and she's good when it comes to bones, but noooo, she's not meant to be with grissom!! anyway, luckily the whole Teri thing is just for once, i don't have to see her in future episodes.. ;)
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

I think Grissom is definitely growing as a man. I know that sounds dumb, but let me talk a little, here. :)

Men are stubborn. I have a brother, a stepbrother, a father, a stepfather, an exstepfather, and a fiance. I grew up without many female friends. I just didn't get along as well with girly girls. I was always an outcast, a bit of a tomboy. Anyways, men can be really stubborn. Sometimes you have to tell them something a thousand times before they understand. Sometimes, when they're workaholics, it takes years of talking with them to get them to realize just how much more important relationships are than careers. I think Grissom is getting to that point where if he had to make the decision, he would make the right one.

If we do have "Sara Doom" as mystery at YTDAW seems to think we will, I'd love a scene with Grissom and Catherine, where Catherine asks why they (Sara and Grissom) never told anyone. And Grissom replies that they knew that once people found out, one of them would have to leave. To which Catherine replies, "You really did put it all on the line." I just want someone to acknowledge it, because, they are in limbo, right now. By that, I mean that no one else knows and they haven't had to make the ultimate choice. It's one of those, "I'd die for you" clauses, where you hear it, but you've yet to see if it's real... and, I think, if they take the finale that direction, we'll get to see that it is real. And, I'd just love that acknowledgement that he did it. He grew up to the point where something mattered more to him than his career, and that something is Sara.

I've said a thousand times that Sara has grown a lot, but I think Grissom has had to grow as well. That final scene with the two of them was telling. I loved the positioning, with Sara standing, and Grissom sitting. Usually, if one of them is sitting, so is the other. If one of them is standing, so is the other. She was standing in front of him, and I think it could be interpretted as a demonstration of her being the one more in control for a moment.

Bear with me, she told Grissome he could stand to be a little nicer to the stressed out Greg. When Grissom was really sweet to Greg, you could see the look on her face. It was a, "That's my man" look. It was a look of pride. It was, really, the look of a woman who stood up to her man about something (stood up, get it?) and he realized she was right, and gave in (So, they're not fighting over he. He sat down because he realized she was right. She was on the higher ground in the situation), and she was darn proud to be his woman. :)

Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

I voted good .. as co-workers still in tune as they work together.. after all it's not the Grissom and Sara was more about Greg this week..and the B story.. they did have the same awesome camraderie.. as always. they compliment one another and are an outstanding twosome while trying to solve the crime ;)

Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Agreed - one of the things I do miss from this season is the "Catherine goes/gives council" scenes with him. And Nick for Sara as well. But if we DO have Sara Dooooom, I think that that might be the reason for exposing the relationship. Which would be good only becuase it would mean his dedication to her means more than keeping up the pretense, but wouldn't we rather see them just say it because they wanted to and not because they had to?
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

sarahvma said:
Agreed - one of the things I do miss from this season is the "Catherine goes/gives council" scenes with him. And Nick for Sara as well. But if we DO have Sara Dooooom, I think that that might be the reason for exposing the relationship. Which would be good only becuase it would mean his dedication to her means more than keeping up the pretense, but wouldn't we rather see them just say it because they wanted to and not because they had to?

I want Sara half Doom, with Grissom-Superman, because I think it would make for some interesting TV. Say Sara got in trouble or something, and Grissom saves her somehow. Simple as that. BUT NO ONE DIES. Got it? Good. I don't know what I'd do if Sara or Grissom died..

I voted the second one, but it was only part of what I thought.

I noticed that Grissom and Sara spent a lot of time together, but you couldn't pin point any shippy scenes. They just talked about the case, and the only really shippy thing was when Sara gave Gil that look after he said 'good job' to Greg. I found that extremely cute.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

on the poll i voted the second one. this is continuity everybody! this episode was all that way: Greggo's case, the mini-houses murders, take off the suit, Grissom being nicer to Greg. i don't think we've ever had an episode that was 100% continues with the previous ones. moreso, the houses case is not finished yet, and will be continued in the future eps.

so like i said, i voted the second one. and i pretty much agree with Alyssa on the whole stand-sit thing. he was sitting, she was standing, he listened to sara's advice and he doesn't show his superiority over her anymore. yet, i believe this may be leading to some GSR job-angst. not in a i'm-still-your-boss kinda way but like sarah said, a situation may happen that showing his superiority will be required, he won't do that properly and this will lead to some trouble with Ecklie or whoever.

the thing is, GSR is in a shade now. it is canon but there are no important uses of this situation. they flirt from time to time, enough to let us remember they are together, but that's basically it. my point is that GSR storyline has a huge potential to be a basis of an outsanding episode and i don't believe they will waste it.

but of course i want everything to end good. lol
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

^^AAAAAAWWWWWWwww i love your avatar IloveBilly
Jasmine ,Thanks!!! Dogs are the best!!

Me too.. I like that epi.. even though I found it a little bit confusing..all that cases..the end and cath wth happen with her? dont tell me! Anyway..Did you see sara's look she gave to grissom when he brought her lunch..?? so cute!
Andreina , i like episode too but i found a few fast for take all details...i will watch again tomorrow
Sara's look was so cute and Grissom's look in Veggie B too!!ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
i didn't read spoiler about part 2.. just few things .. so i don't know what happened with scene .... i'm dying for see next episode!!Finally we are seeing CSI UHUUUUUUU:D!!!

About the poll, voted number 2.. Grissom took her advice about Greg because he wanted to, and she was happy that he had. haaaaaa was shippy for me

i liked your idea for finale saraXsullivan :) i wait something like that but
Sara is in jeopardy .... Grissom saves her but for this he stay in danger too :) action i want some geek action..LOL

desertwind, sooooo nice pics!! Hmmm GS Look..say everything just great actors can do that say a lot just with a simple look
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

ILB, your avatar is adorable. I just thought you should know that.

So...what's this about Sara's doom in the finale? What exactly do TPTB have in mind cause...I do not want character doom.

For the poll I picked "I was enjoying the episode, but either it's very intentional that Grissom pairs himself only with Sara (setting up a suspicion that Ecklie can trace?) or the writers really need to let Grissom talk to some other people" (I swear these choices seem to be getting longer and longer.

I liked the look Sara gave to Grissom after he commended Greg, and I love all the scenes we're getting between them but I kind of miss the other character interactions. For example, I'm a Catherine/Grissom friendshipper and they have hardly had any scenes together this season. I watch CSI for the GSR primarily, but I also watch it for the overall character dynamics. They all have great chemistry together.

Alyssa said:
Anyways, men can be really stubborn. Sometimes you have to tell them something a thousand times before they understand. Sometimes, when they're workaholics, it takes years of talking with them to get them to realize just how much more important relationships are than careers. I think Grissom is getting to that point where if he had to make the decision, he would make the right one.

Rock on, AL. I completely agree with you. I think before he took the chance and begun his relationship with Sara he knew that it would slowly start to become a larger factor in his life than his work, and he didn't want that. In my opinion, he was scared in a way. His job was the one thing in his life that he could keep accounted for. If all of a sudden something became more important to him, then that thing in his life would become less important. His life would be less in his hands, and more in the hands of fate. Grissom, to me, seems like a man who likes to be sure of what he's doing. By asking out Sara and beginning a relationship, life was more random than routine. I think that's what he needed.

I really hope that made sense.

Anyways, my friend told me about this website that changed everything into gangsta talk (izzle). Me and Sporter put in the GSR thread and it's freaking hilarious.

Grissom&Sara #23 - H-to-tha-izzot, Butt-Kick'n, Chainsaw Wield'n Love.

Alyssizzle said:
I showed Matt (my fiance) tha scene friznom last week cuz its a G thang. When Sara said, "Are you ballin' it was SOOO funny. e was, like, "Thiznat was hot." And I asked him, "Hot as in GSR is hot or as in I'm a homey that's hizzot?" He replied, "GSR. You can tell how T-H-to-tha-izzat was meant ta be taken!"

I love mah man.

Lmao :lol:
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

NizzlenGDog said:
Congratulizzle on yo baller 23. I love ta vizzy tha pizzle fo' sheezy. Whizzay I see sum-m sum-m, I'll vote fo' sheezy.
sarizzleV-to-tha-M-A said:
SARA: And you've pinned me ta tha wizzay.
SARA: And you jizzay mizzle out wit me.
GRISSOM . Yippie yo, you can't see my flow: Right from tha streets of tha L-B-C. I... thought it was biznest unda these difficult circumstizzles ta gizzle you tha news delicately now motherfuckers lemme here ya say hoe.
Alyssizzle said:
Mizzatt is def a GSR nigga. I'm jizzust gang bangin' fo` tha day Grissom doesn't hesitate at wizzle n just throws her against a wizzall. Yes, I know it won't happen, but it's fun ta imagine so you betta run and grab yo glock. And, it'd be hot keep'n it real yo.
Oh Al. You're so gangsta.


I really liked Post Mortem. I know some people think it felt more like Law & Order than CSI and that wasn't cool. But on the flipside of that, so many people mention how we NEVER get to see the consequences of people's actions. And now that we actually GET that continuity, people are complaining that it doesn't feel right? Well, make up your mind :p

I, personally, enjoyed watching it all play out.

As for GSR (ie. why we're here, heh) - I don't know that I saw "the look", but then again, my connection was messing up, so if someone could screencap it, I'd give that a major thumbs up! But, as for Sarah's bi-weekly-poll (re: Grissom taking Sara's advice and being nice to Greg) I picked option #2. It was a nice balance of work and couple-respect <3 But Reebs is right, those poll responses are getting waaaaaaaaay too long, heh.

I love that Grissom and Sara are working together so much these days. I don't know that it's painfully obvious, though (and I don't mean that from just a shipper perspective). Just off the top of my head, haven't most of the cases so far this year been group cases anyway? And sure, we're seeing Grissom with Sara (and vice versa) more than the other CSIs, but it just comes down to what the camera lets us see. And now we're canon, of course they'd want to utilise that, showing it more.

I mean, as a completely hypothetical ( ;) ) example: if the Jets are right, and they've been together more than a year now, we can hardly claim they never had private times just because we never saw it on camera. Just like it could be considered silly to claim Grissom and Sara have ONLY been hanging out with each other just because that's most of what we're seeing on screen.

But if TPTB are in fact setting that up for it to be used as ammo later, then sure, whatever. Lol. I guess we'll just have to wait and see!
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

It's just speculation on mystery's part that eventually sara's going to be in the evil clutches of the MCSK

For the poll I picked "I was enjoying the episode, but either it's very intentional that Grissom pairs himself only with Sara (setting up a suspicion that Ecklie can trace?) or the writers really need to let Grissom talk to some other people" (I swear these choices seem to be getting longer and longer.

It's to confuse and frighten you.

I'm really really hoping that it IS intentional and some character makes a crack about it so we just KNOW that it's intentional already.

Because really - it's EVERY friggin' case. And I'm happy that Grissom wants Sara around him constantly - because he always sent her on other cases when he was being pouty with her, but still.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

sarahvma said:
It's just speculation on mystery's part that eventually sara's going to be in the evil clutches of the MCSK

so.. should we take mystery seriously? somewhat seriously? or forget she said anything at all? She has been right in the past, but you said it was just speculation..?

And about the -izzle... Did I miss something? Why are we talking all gangster-likish?

And I so love that Grissom is putting Sara with him all the time. It's so cute and.. they sneak kisses in the broom closet whenever they can.

We just don't see it.

But they don't know that we know about it.

mwa haha.
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